Eternal Life

Chapter 21

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 21

Revenge Shouldn’t Take Long

Putting on his magic clothes and wearing the ‘Devil Beheading Sword’ as well as the five talismans, Fang Han proudly walked out.

After going through twenty days of harsh training without consideration for his life, Fang Han, against all odds, finally managed to completely refine and absorb the medicinal powers of the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ and form a dense layer of membrane under his skin! His strength rose, his valiance matchless, he had reached the eight level of the Mortal Realm, G.o.dly Courage.

Training to the eighth level could be described as breaking through the limit of the body. The most obvious example would be the changes under the skin, where a thick, fleshy membrane would grow out, tough as leather, and very resistant.

Otherwise, how could it be called the G.o.dly Courage level?
Interestingly, compared to other strong pract.i.tioners of the eighth level, Fang Han’s inner membrane was a full two times thicker.

That is to say, Fang Han’s resistance and his stamina were much greater than those in the same level.

This was the great benefit he had gained from the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’.

The ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ was a golden pellet refined by the Great Devil Emperor, the Yellow Spring Emperor. Strengthening one’s foundation, it could directly raise someone into the Divine Realm. However, because Fang Han foundation was too undeveloped, the pellet couldn’t raise him to the Divine Realm. It did, however, leave him with a foundation that no one had ever seen before.

The more stable one’s foundation, the more solid it was, the more chance one had of entering the Divine Realm.

Also, upon reaching the Divine Realm, his physical strength, as well as his magic, would be more powerful than others, and he would live longer than usual Divine Realm pract.i.tioners.

Today, he was definitely going to have his revenge. He was going to beat Prince Bao until they vomited blood.

A n.o.ble’s revenge, it took no more than ten years.

A peasant’s revenge, it took no more than one night.

Fang Han wasn’t a n.o.ble, his status was petty and low. He clearly was a peasant, thus he had to immediately settle any grudges, and couldn’t even wait a night. Since he had now waited a full twenty days, an overwhelming resentment had built up in his heart, flooding all corners to the point where it was hard to get rid of.

Moving at a quick pace, like a swimming dragon and rushing tiger, Fang Han arrived at the ‘Qun Xian Yuan’.

The ‘Qun Xian Yuan’ was the meeting place for all of the various disciples. The courtyard was vast and wide, a truly majestic courtyard with a radius of ten li. Overlooking the courtyard was a coiled dragon table. Atop the table, clouds swirled, the sky pale, it was the meeting spot for Immortals. Compared to the Bai Guan square of worship in front of the Da’li Empire’s Emperor’s palace, it was larger by ten times.

Normally, the square would be devoid of people, completely silent, but right now, the sound of people filled the square. Everywhere, disciples of the Yu’hua School filled the square.

Fang Han weaved back and forth through the ma.s.s of people looking for Hong Yi and Liu Kang.

Amid the hundred thousand Yu’hua disciples, he was only friendly with those two. Thus, he wanted to form a group with them. Otherwise, he would be alone, making it difficult for him to survive the following a.s.signment.

“Fang Han, over here.”

A faint sound floated over, and Fang Han hurriedly turned to look. He saw Hong Yi waving at him from under a pillar. Quickly squeezing through the crowd, he asked, “Where are Prince Bao and the other princes and princesses of the Da’de Empire?”

“Liu Kang went to contact them. Right now, atop the Qun Xian Yuan, there are too many people, it is not easy to find others. Let’s wait for the elders to speak before figuring out our actions.” Hong Yi looked at Fang Han, her two eyes sizing him up, “You suddenly entered the next level. This kind of progress, it is too fast isn’t it? It isn’t possible, even if one is a genius, for one to break through to the next level within twenty days. That medicinal pellet you ate, perhaps it isn’t a horned viper’s gallbladder. From my point of view, perhaps it was a spiritual medicine on the level of the ‘Yin Yang Longevity Pellet’.

Hong Yi’s eyes seemed very sinister, but one must remember that she had spent time as a gold-card of the Nian’hong Pavilion.

“Hai,” Fang Han remembered that he had told Hong Yi about how he had once swallowed a horned viper’s gallbladder, resulting in his talent and powerful physique. He had managed to trick Fang Qing Xue with this excuse, but clearly, Hong Yi wasn’t as easy to trick as Fang Qing Xue.

“Never mind, each person has their own secrets,” seeing Fang Han get choked up by her question, she waved her hand.

Indeed, all the outer disciples came from powerful families, which one didn’t have secrets to keep? For example, that Prince Bao of the Da’de Empire, he knew the martial arts of Wan’gui Immortal Island which clearly weren’t simply given to him by his empire as he had said.

Did Hong Yi herself not keep secrets?

Fang Han now knew that amidst the Yu’hua School, no matter if you were an outer court disciple or an inner court disciple, as long as you trained to the Divine Realm, the school wouldn’t probe much into your personal secrets.

After all, their core interests laid with cultivating the true disciples.


At this time, in the distance, from amid a white cloud in the sky, a very powerful sound of a sword being drawn emanated out, cutting the cloud into bits and pieces, and allowing a piece of the sky to show through.

Afterwards, through that now empty patch of sky, five pract.i.tioners slowly flew over.

These five pract.i.tioners weren’t riding on cranes, but had rays of light under their feet, emitting a radiance from their bodies, moving forward with great momentum. Compared with riding a crane, it gave off an aura of overwhelming power, and a feeling that they were truly ‘immortals’.

“These are the elders of the Yu’hua Sky Palace.”

Hong Yi watched the five elders fly over while controlling the rays of light under their feet, her eyes turning envious.

These five elders slowly descended and landed on Qun Xian Yuan’s Immortal Table. Immediately, all the disciples became completely silent.

The Immortal Table was 18 zhang above them, similar to a mountain peak, and was the place where elders stood when lecturing and commanding inner and outer court disciples.

“Amid the Han’hai Desert, the Blue Moon Country has suffered from raids by desert bandits, of which there are remnant Underground Devils and Demons. Presumably, among you guys, there are already many who know of this. This time, the schools is ordering you guys to go out, first to saves the Blue Moon Country from its crisis, and second to train yourselves. Outer court disciples, if you accomplish your tasks, you will gain a spot to enter the inner court promotion exam. Inner court disciples, if you manage to break through to the Divine Realm, you will gain a spot to enter the true disciple promotion exam. Even if you aren’t able to break through, if you manage to behead the Demon G.o.d Sect’s disciple, the ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’, w.a.n.g Mo Lin, the one of the Sky Demon Sect’s ‘Small Pure Fox Demon Ladies’, or one of the six Yu Devil Clan’s ‘Pink Princes’, then we will bestow upon you a ‘Yin Yang Longevity Pellet’!” suddenly said an elder wearing purple colored clothing, strips of lightning sparking around their body, and holding a sword in their hand. Their words, like thunder, rolled over, and was conveyed to the ears of every single disciple.

“Amongst you guys, if you believe that you will train slower than at school, or do not have sufficient strength to slay Devils and Demons, then you can choose to remain at the school and continue your training.”
“Training on the Immortal Path is like walking through a th.o.r.n.y jungle, upon setting your foot on the path, life and death become separated by a fine line. However, only by going through life and death situations can one become honed, and become able to see between the horrors of life and death, stimulating the mind, and allowing one to train in Divine magic. However you decide to walk along the road is your own decision.”

Finishing their speeches, the five elders flew off from the Immortal Table into the distance, and disappeared.

After the five elders flew away, the disciples immediately all exploded.

“A ‘Yin Yang Longevity Pellet’!”

“Rumors say that this medicinal pellet is made of 3681 immortal medicines which have undergone the powers of the dao’qi ‘Cloud Thunder Sky Wind Furnace’ for thirty years and are then refined by the head master himself. One pellet can extend one’s life by sixty years, and can a.s.sist one in breaking through to the Divine Realm. The head master can make a total of six at one, each one is a priceless treasure! Each is so priceless, yet they are going to give them as rewards!”
“It seems as if the ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’, ‘Small Pure Fox Demon Ladies’, and ‘Pink Princes’ who incited this disturbance are dead for sure. I’m afraid that even the ‘Shan He Bang’ inner court disciples will move out as well for this reward.”

Hong Yi’s eyes suddenly became very sharp, afterwards turning into a self-depreciating smile, “Beheading these people, isn’t it easier said than done? These people are disciples of the Demon and Devil schools, and are sly and crafty to no end. Also, rumors say that they each wield bao’qi. I’m afraid that it will not be the Devils and Demons who are ma.s.sacred, but us.”

“What kind of people are the ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’, ‘Small Pure Fox Demon Ladies’, and ‘Pink Princes’?” asked Fang Han.

“The data on these people will definitely be in the possession of the princes from the Da’de Empire,” said Hong Yi, “Since the school is willing to reward ‘Yin Yang Longevity Pellets’, I’m afraid that the thousand inner court disciples have become enticed, especially those most terrifying experts atop the ‘Shan He Bang’.

“What is the Shan He Bang?” Fang Han once again realized that he knew too little.
“The Shan He Bang are the top ten experts of the inner court. In their hands are powerful ling’qi, some even wielding bao’qi. Although they haven’t entered the Divine Realm, their strengths are comparable to true disciples. Once they break through, they will immediately be promoted to true disciples,” said Hong Yi very patiently.

At this time, atop the Qun Xian Yuan square, all the disciples began to disperse in groups of three and five, discussing between themselves the task aforementioned.

The Han’hai Desert’s Blue Moon Country was over ten thousand li from the Yu’hua School. Even if one rode the fastest Thousand Li Horse without stopping, it would take ten full days and nights.

However, the Yu’hua school’s disciples each had their own unique means of traveling. To ride a Thousand Li Horse was already the most basic method, a method which many would rather die than experience.

A distance of ten thousand li, for disciples with the right method, could be traversed in seven to eight days. If one rode a crane and flew, it would only take two to three days. But that was only if they didn’t stop for rests.

“So you guys where here! Those people from the Da’de Empire are already ready, they really picked quite a couple high level pract.i.tioners,” said Liu Kang, walking over from the distance.


Seeing Liu Kang had arrived, Fang Han turned around, and began walking together with him outside the Qun Xian Yuan. In a moment, they arrived at an exquisite courtyard, and saw the couple Da’de disciples, as well as three/four other young males and females.

Among them, Prince Bao stood out impressively.

“Liu Kang, you brought them over. Perfect.” Seeing that Liu Kang had brought Hong Yi and Fang Han over, he glanced over at them. “I have some right here, I need you guys to go do them.”

“Do” Fang Han laughed, “Prince Bao, let us first resolve the matter between us.”

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 21

Revenge Shouldn’t Take Long

Putting on his magic clothes and wearing the ‘Devil Beheading Sword’ as well as the five talismans, Fang Han proudly walked out.

After going through twenty days of harsh training without consideration for his life, Fang Han, against all odds, finally managed to completely refine and absorb the medicinal powers of the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ and form a dense layer of membrane under his skin! His strength rose, his valiance matchless, he had reached the eight level of the Mortal Realm, G.o.dly Courage.

Training to the eighth level could be described as breaking through the limit of the body. The most obvious example would be the changes under the skin, where a thick, fleshy membrane would grow out, tough as leather, and very resistant.

Otherwise, how could it be called the G.o.dly Courage level?
Interestingly, compared to other strong pract.i.tioners of the eighth level, Fang Han’s inner membrane was a full two times thicker.

That is to say, Fang Han’s resistance and his stamina were much greater than those in the same level.

This was the great benefit he had gained from the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’.

The ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ was a golden pellet refined by the Great Devil Emperor, the Yellow Spring Emperor. Strengthening one’s foundation, it could directly raise someone into the Divine Realm. However, because Fang Han foundation was too undeveloped, the pellet couldn’t raise him to the Divine Realm. It did, however, leave him with a foundation that no one had ever seen before.

The more stable one’s foundation, the more solid it was, the more chance one had of entering the Divine Realm.

Also, upon reaching the Divine Realm, his physical strength, as well as his magic, would be more powerful than others, and he would live longer than usual Divine Realm pract.i.tioners.

Today, he was definitely going to have his revenge. He was going to beat Prince Bao until they vomited blood.

A n.o.ble’s revenge, it took no more than ten years.

A peasant’s revenge, it took no more than one night.

Fang Han wasn’t a n.o.ble, his status was petty and low. He clearly was a peasant, thus he had to immediately settle any grudges, and couldn’t even wait a night. Since he had now waited a full twenty days, an overwhelming resentment had built up in his heart, flooding all corners to the point where it was hard to get rid of.

Moving at a quick pace, like a swimming dragon and rushing tiger, Fang Han arrived at the ‘Qun Xian Yuan’.

The ‘Qun Xian Yuan’ was the meeting place for all of the various disciples. The courtyard was vast and wide, a truly majestic courtyard with a radius of ten li. Overlooking the courtyard was a coiled dragon table. Atop the table, clouds swirled, the sky pale, it was the meeting spot for Immortals. Compared to the Bai Guan square of worship in front of the Da’li Empire’s Emperor’s palace, it was larger by ten times.

Normally, the square would be devoid of people, completely silent, but right now, the sound of people filled the square. Everywhere, disciples of the Yu’hua School filled the square.

Fang Han weaved back and forth through the ma.s.s of people looking for Hong Yi and Liu Kang.

Amid the hundred thousand Yu’hua disciples, he was only friendly with those two. Thus, he wanted to form a group with them. Otherwise, he would be alone, making it difficult for him to survive the following a.s.signment.

“Fang Han, over here.”

A faint sound floated over, and Fang Han hurriedly turned to look. He saw Hong Yi waving at him from under a pillar. Quickly squeezing through the crowd, he asked, “Where are Prince Bao and the other princes and princesses of the Da’de Empire?”

“Liu Kang went to contact them. Right now, atop the Qun Xian Yuan, there are too many people, it is not easy to find others. Let’s wait for the elders to speak before figuring out our actions.” Hong Yi looked at Fang Han, her two eyes sizing him up, “You suddenly entered the next level. This kind of progress, it is too fast isn’t it? It isn’t possible, even if one is a genius, for one to break through to the next level within twenty days. That medicinal pellet you ate, perhaps it isn’t a horned viper’s gallbladder. From my point of view, perhaps it was a spiritual medicine on the level of the ‘Yin Yang Longevity Pellet’.

Hong Yi’s eyes seemed very sinister, but one must remember that she had spent time as a gold-card of the Nian’hong Pavilion.

“Hai,” Fang Han remembered that he had told Hong Yi about how he had once swallowed a horned viper’s gallbladder, resulting in his talent and powerful physique. He had managed to trick Fang Qing Xue with this excuse, but clearly, Hong Yi wasn’t as easy to trick as Fang Qing Xue.

“Never mind, each person has their own secrets,” seeing Fang Han get choked up by her question, she waved her hand.

Indeed, all the outer disciples came from powerful families, which one didn’t have secrets to keep? For example, that Prince Bao of the Da’de Empire, he knew the martial arts of Wan’gui Immortal Island which clearly weren’t simply given to him by his empire as he had said.

Did Hong Yi herself not keep secrets?

Fang Han now knew that amidst the Yu’hua School, no matter if you were an outer court disciple or an inner court disciple, as long as you trained to the Divine Realm, the school wouldn’t probe much into your personal secrets.

After all, their core interests laid with cultivating the true disciples.


At this time, in the distance, from amid a white cloud in the sky, a very powerful sound of a sword being drawn emanated out, cutting the cloud into bits and pieces, and allowing a piece of the sky to show through.

Afterwards, through that now empty patch of sky, five pract.i.tioners slowly flew over.

These five pract.i.tioners weren’t riding on cranes, but had rays of light under their feet, emitting a radiance from their bodies, moving forward with great momentum. Compared with riding a crane, it gave off an aura of overwhelming power, and a feeling that they were truly ‘immortals’.

“These are the elders of the Yu’hua Sky Palace.”

Hong Yi watched the five elders fly over while controlling the rays of light under their feet, her eyes turning envious.

These five elders slowly descended and landed on Qun Xian Yuan’s Immortal Table. Immediately, all the disciples became completely silent.

The Immortal Table was 18 zhang above them, similar to a mountain peak, and was the place where elders stood when lecturing and commanding inner and outer court disciples.

“Amid the Han’hai Desert, the Blue Moon Country has suffered from raids by desert bandits, of which there are remnant Underground Devils and Demons. Presumably, among you guys, there are already many who know of this. This time, the schools is ordering you guys to go out, first to saves the Blue Moon Country from its crisis, and second to train yourselves. Outer court disciples, if you accomplish your tasks, you will gain a spot to enter the inner court promotion exam. Inner court disciples, if you manage to break through to the Divine Realm, you will gain a spot to enter the true disciple promotion exam. Even if you aren’t able to break through, if you manage to behead the Demon G.o.d Sect’s disciple, the ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’, w.a.n.g Mo Lin, the one of the Sky Demon Sect’s ‘Small Pure Fox Demon Ladies’, or one of the six Yu Devil Clan’s ‘Pink Princes’, then we will bestow upon you a ‘Yin Yang Longevity Pellet’!” suddenly said an elder wearing purple colored clothing, strips of lightning sparking around their body, and holding a sword in their hand. Their words, like thunder, rolled over, and was conveyed to the ears of every single disciple.

“Amongst you guys, if you believe that you will train slower than at school, or do not have sufficient strength to slay Devils and Demons, then you can choose to remain at the school and continue your training.”
“Training on the Immortal Path is like walking through a th.o.r.n.y jungle, upon setting your foot on the path, life and death become separated by a fine line. However, only by going through life and death situations can one become honed, and become able to see between the horrors of life and death, stimulating the mind, and allowing one to train in Divine magic. However you decide to walk along the road is your own decision.”

Finishing their speeches, the five elders flew off from the Immortal Table into the distance, and disappeared.

After the five elders flew away, the disciples immediately all exploded.

“A ‘Yin Yang Longevity Pellet’!”

“Rumors say that this medicinal pellet is made of 3681 immortal medicines which have undergone the powers of the dao’qi ‘Cloud Thunder Sky Wind Furnace’ for thirty years and are then refined by the head master himself. One pellet can extend one’s life by sixty years, and can a.s.sist one in breaking through to the Divine Realm. The head master can make a total of six at one, each one is a priceless treasure! Each is so priceless, yet they are going to give them as rewards!”
“It seems as if the ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’, ‘Small Pure Fox Demon Ladies’, and ‘Pink Princes’ who incited this disturbance are dead for sure. I’m afraid that even the ‘Shan He Bang’ inner court disciples will move out as well for this reward.”

Hong Yi’s eyes suddenly became very sharp, afterwards turning into a self-depreciating smile, “Beheading these people, isn’t it easier said than done? These people are disciples of the Demon and Devil schools, and are sly and crafty to no end. Also, rumors say that they each wield bao’qi. I’m afraid that it will not be the Devils and Demons who are ma.s.sacred, but us.”

“What kind of people are the ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’, ‘Small Pure Fox Demon Ladies’, and ‘Pink Princes’?” asked Fang Han.

“The data on these people will definitely be in the possession of the princes from the Da’de Empire,” said Hong Yi, “Since the school is willing to reward ‘Yin Yang Longevity Pellets’, I’m afraid that the thousand inner court disciples have become enticed, especially those most terrifying experts atop the ‘Shan He Bang’.

“What is the Shan He Bang?” Fang Han once again realized that he knew too little.
“The Shan He Bang are the top ten experts of the inner court. In their hands are powerful ling’qi, some even wielding bao’qi. Although they haven’t entered the Divine Realm, their strengths are comparable to true disciples. Once they break through, they will immediately be promoted to true disciples,” said Hong Yi very patiently.

At this time, atop the Qun Xian Yuan square, all the disciples began to disperse in groups of three and five, discussing between themselves the task aforementioned.

The Han’hai Desert’s Blue Moon Country was over ten thousand li from the Yu’hua School. Even if one rode the fastest Thousand Li Horse without stopping, it would take ten full days and nights.

However, the Yu’hua school’s disciples each had their own unique means of traveling. To ride a Thousand Li Horse was already the most basic method, a method which many would rather die than experience.

A distance of ten thousand li, for disciples with the right method, could be traversed in seven to eight days. If one rode a crane and flew, it would only take two to three days. But that was only if they didn’t stop for rests.

“So you guys where here! Those people from the Da’de Empire are already ready, they really picked quite a couple high level pract.i.tioners,” said Liu Kang, walking over from the distance.


Seeing Liu Kang had arrived, Fang Han turned around, and began walking together with him outside the Qun Xian Yuan. In a moment, they arrived at an exquisite courtyard, and saw the couple Da’de disciples, as well as three/four other young males and females.

Among them, Prince Bao stood out impressively.

“Liu Kang, you brought them over. Perfect.” Seeing that Liu Kang had brought Hong Yi and Fang Han over, he glanced over at them. “I have some right here, I need you guys to go do them.”

“Do” Fang Han laughed, “Prince Bao, let us first resolve the matter between us.”

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