Eternal Life

Chapter 30

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 30

A Successful Decapitation

At this moment, Fang Han had leapt up, infusing his entire spirit into his flying sword for the lethal strike.

His entire spirit was infused into the ‘Spirit Wind Sword’. With a single slash, the air was torn open, like lighting tearing through the skies, like flowing stars chasing the moon – like a meteorite crashing into the ground.

It had even reached the state where his entire body felt as if it had become a part of the ‘Spirit Wind Sword’, thirsting to behead. There was a feeling of unity between him and the sword.

In the blink of an eye, the ‘Spirit Wind Sword’ pierced into the ‘Pink Prince’s neck, seemingly just sliding across, and decapitating the ‘Pink Prince’. At this moment, Fang Han seemed to be able to feel the ‘Spirit Wind Sword’ being soaked in the blood of a Devil School expert.

However, the situation suddenly changed!

From on the ‘Pink Prince’s body, another wave of red light exploded out. The ‘Spirit Wind Sword’s sword light ran into the light, and as if it was slashing into a sponge, suddenly slowed, seemingly in trouble, and unable to pull out.

“To think there were people who would be infected by the ‘Six Wishes Yin Mine’s poisons and not die! There must be an unfathomable magic treasure on your body! An ordinary Yu’hua disciple, how could one possess an anti-poison defensive magic treasure?”

The Pink Prince abruptly turned around.

Eyeing Fang Han, his eyes flickered with a faint, Devilish light. Immediately, Fang Han felt his mind become dizzy, his whole body becoming numb. It was as if his soul was being a.s.similated away by those two eyes.

‘Soul Absorbing Devil Eyes’!

At this critical moment, Fang Han fiercely bit into his tongue.

Immediately, he felt his consciousness being restored.

This was an eye technique of the ‘Hong’chen Devil Sect’. When trained to the G.o.dly Transformation level where one’s spirit became powerful, one could use it to affect others’ spirits, causing all kinds of illusions, which, although not substantiated, would cause them to fall into the abyss of despair.

Luckily, Fang Han had read about this Devil Method in “The World”.

If the user hadn’t entered the Divine Realm, the technique could only create illusions which affected the spirit, and not the body.

Upon reaching the Divine Realm, one’s spirit would become much more powerful, allowing the illusion to become substantiated, and increasing its power by hundreds upon thousands of times.

Clearly, the ‘Pink Prince’ had yet to enter the Divine Realm. Otherwise, the group of disciples would have died long ago.

‘Pink Wishes Sword’!


Seeing his ‘Soul Absorbing Devil Eyes’ didn’t work, the ‘Pink Prince’ kept going. Raising his hand, his pink flying sword flew out, aiming to behead Fang Han.

The ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ isn’t protecting my head. If I am beheaded, there will be no saving me!

Although Fang Han knew that the ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ was able to seal flying swords, last time, it was because the ‘Spirit Wind Sword’ had aimed for his body, directly entering the picture. The sealing of the poison just then was also because of the same reason.

Fang Han wasn’t sure if the picture would absorb the flying sword when it hit his head, and it was something he wasn’t willing to risk.

The Yellow Spring Picture was a pa.s.sive defensive magic treasure, and was something he couldn’t control. He could only take out magic treasures which had been stored within.

Thus, with a thought, he immediately willed the ‘Spirit Wind Sword’ back, intercepting the ‘Pink Wishes Sword’. The two ling’qi level flying swords danced in midair, striking back and forth, sparks flying in four directions, sword qi filling the atmosphere.

The power of the Pink Prince’s clothes is too strong. Even at this time, it is still able to withstand my flying sword – is it possible that I will still fall short of my goal?

Fang Han desperately blocked the ‘Pink Wishes Sword’, concentrating as hard as he could. He couldn’t diverge any attention to anything else.

Currently, his mind was completely fused with his sword, with every will, the sword would immediately move, the Spirit Wind array within churning as the sword danced around him. If he became distracted for any reason, he would lose control over the array, causing the sword to become confused, and allowing the ‘Pink Wishes Sword’ to strike the killing blow. The situation was infinitely dangerous.

The ‘Pink Prince’ also seemed to have realized that Fang Han’s body had some kind of powerful defensive magic treasure, and was thus concentrating all of his attacks towards Fang Han’s head.

“It seems like you cannot use the mysterious magic treasure on your body. Is it perhaps a bao’qi like the ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’? My luck is quite good, for me to be able to gain two bao’qi!”

The ‘Pink Prince’s footsteps became closer and closer, his flying sword striking even more aggressively. With each step, the sound from his feet hitting the ground became livelier and livelier. Ten steps, and he had arrived within three zhang of Fang Han as his flying sword consecutively knocked away the ‘Spirit Wind Sword’!

The situation had become even more dangerous!


Suddenly, a red shadow sprung up from the ground, a magic sword overbearingly striking towards the ‘

‘Pink Prince’s throat.

It was Hong Yi!

She didn’t know when she had regained consciousness, but this sudden deadly strike at just the right time truly showed her prowess as a gold-card

The magic sword slashing towards his throat, the ‘Pink Prince’ was taken aback, but once again, a wave of pink light emanated out, fluctuating into s.p.a.ce. When Hong Yi’s sword entered the rippling light, it immediately became stuck, unable to go further no matter how she tried.

“What a good opportunity!”

At this time, Fang Han’s heart burst with joy.

He knew his opportunity had finally come.

The ‘Pink Wishes Sword’s flight, because of the ‘Pink Prince’s was distracted, had slowed down. Willing it in his heart, Fang Han’s ‘Spirit Wind Sword’ viciously hacked at the ‘Pink Wishes Sword’, causing it to fall out of the sky.

Afterwards, Fang Han concentrated all of his remaining spirit, striking with his sword once more! His sword once again struck the pink light protecting the ‘Pink Prince’.


The pink light had been split open!

“You guys are truly looking for death! Do you guys truly believe this is enough to kill me!” howled the ‘Pink Prince’, concentrating all of his spirit into his ling’qi magic clothes. Immediately, the pink light once again reformed.


At this time, Fang Han seemed to have come back to life. His spirit suddenly moving, a black smoke arose from his body, forming into a hideous, Devil face. When this Devil face appeared, it seemed as if the Devil had risen out of his cage. However, at this time, Fang Han spewed a mouthful of blood on the face.

“O o o, o o o.”

This Devil face formed by the ma.s.s of black smoke immediately seemed to have gained a spirit. Opening its blood colored mouth, it viciously bit into the pink light surrounding the ‘Pink Prince’. “Ka’cha!” It actually managed to bite a chunk out.

“Sky Wolf Seven Evil Spirits Smoke! How can it be! How can it be – is it not in the hands of w.a.n.g Mo Lin? How do you have it!”

The pink light had been completely broken through!

The Devil face of smoke, with one more bite, bit the ‘Pink Prince’s head, after which the ‘Pink Prince’s complexion became pitch black. His body fell to the ground, unendingly twitching, after which his qi disappeared.


Fang Han once again willed, and the face flew and reentered the Huang’quan River in the ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’.

Originally, upon entering the Yellow Spring Picture, magic treasures, would be cleansed of their original contracts. However, after Fang Han had blood-bound some magic treasures, he realized that the power of the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ had a relationship of some sort with the picture which kept these magic treasures from being re-cleansed.

This ‘Sky Wolf Seven Evil Spirits Smoke’ was something which he had sealed last time when he had encountered the enemy with Crane Fairy. This time, during a moment of crisis, he had bound it, immediately resulting in an incredible result.

He had decapitated the ‘Pink Prince’.

“The ‘Pink Prince’ died!” Watching the scene in front of her, Hong Yi couldn’t believe her eyes.

“Quickly sweep the battlefield! We have made it big!” Fang Han immediately shouted.

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