Eternal Life

Chapter 32

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 32

Human Conscience

The ten ‘Flying Yasha’, originally extremely fierce and blazing with arrogance, were currently still bound by the rope and had fallen to the desert floor in a comatose state after being pierced by many so flying swords, their black blood covering the ground.

However, they were still exuding a very powerful qi, showing their vigorous life force.

“This bao’qi, we might not be able to take it,” stated Fang Han.

Bao’qi, even to the Ten Immortal Path Schools, were very hard to obtain. Thus, the loss of a bao’qi would definitely be investigated by school elders to the end. Having seen the power of the Yu’hua School, there was nothing that under the skies that could be hidden.

“The ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’ was refined by the school’s great elder using pure Yang and was bestowed upon the first true disciple of ‘Heavenly Capital Peak’, Hua Tian Dou. Hua Tian Dou is the disciple with the most promise and chance to enter the Longevity Realm, and is considered the number one true disciple. He is the leader of the true disciples. Senior sister disciple Mo has certainly borrowed this bao’qi from him. Also, amongst the many peaks of the Yu’hua School, the ‘Heavenly Capital Peak’ holds a very high status. Comparatively, senior sister Fang’s ‘Purple Lightning Peak’ is towards the lower end. However,” explained Hong Yi, nodding her head, seemingly approving Fang Han’s decision. However, at the end, her thoughts suddenly changed.

“However what?” asked Fang Han as he heard the change in her tone.

“However, senior sister Fang must also be very powerful, as she is able to exchange cultivation techniques with the son of the Devil Path’s First Sky Emperor, Devil General Ying Tian Qing. When Immortal and Devil techniques are fused, one’s cultivation speed is extremely increased, resulting in one’s future becoming unlimited. In just one day, one’s progress through the Divine Realm increases tenfold. If we take this ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’ and hand it to senior sister Fang, she will definitely have a way to deal with it.”
Hong Yi looked up towards the sky, as if she was pondering the relationships between powerful people and things.

The relationships within the Yu’hua School were very complex, even more so than the imperial court. After all, the Great Immortal Path Schools possessed very immense power.

“Also, even if we don’t end up taking the bao’qi, we can’t just leave it here! Do you want to just leave it where it is? Wouldn’t it be better to give it to senior sister Fang for detoxification? If we don’t give it to her, won’t she ask where we got our flying swords from? Where the poison came from? How we defeated the ‘Pink Prince’? What then?”

Facing this series of questions, Fang Han felt that the situation had become tricky once again.

“Then what about Liu Kang, do we save him or not? If we save him, it will become even trickier,” said Fang Han, his brows creased. He wanted to hear Hong Yi’s decision.
“Forget it, Liu Kang is too much of a schemer. He only drew us in because he wanted to use us as bargaining chips. We cannot easily believe him. He is different from us, who have saved each other’s life. If we let him know that we have collected so many flying swords, and are going to collect the ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’, he will definitely spread the information out. Even more importantly, since Yuan Jian Kong escaped, he will definitely have sent out a distress talisman, informing true disciples!”

Hong Yi looked at Liu Kang who was laying on the ground, hesitated for a moment, and then shook her head.

“That is not good. After all, we three are currently in an alliance. We might as well save him since we can,” said Fang Han after thinking a while. He walked over to Liu Kang, and let a drop of his blood fall into Liu Kang’s mouth. Afterwards, using the ‘Pure Water Talisman’, he flushed it down into Liu Kang’s stomach.”

Before long, Liu Kang’s stomach began emitting a ‘Gu’dong gu’dong’ sound, his whole body letting off a toxic qi. The qi was dispersed by the wind, and finally, he climbed up.

“Fang Han, Hong Yi, you two were hit by the ‘Six Wishes Yin Mine’ and yet were able to awaken? Fang Han, your blood can actually cleanse its poison, just what spiritual pellet have you absorbed? Could it be a ‘Yin Yang Longevity Pellet’?”

In the time it took for him to climb up, Liu Kang had already observed this fact.

When he saw senior sister Mo’s unconscious body, he immediately had realized what had happened.

Especially upon seeing the corpse of the ‘Pink Prince’, he was even more surprised, but that feeling was fleeting, and immediately buried deep in his heart.

“Let’s forget about that for now. Right now, the situation is like this, senior sister Mo and the ‘Pink Prince’ severely injured each other, and I, relying on my fa’bao, managed to kill the ‘Pink Prince’, taking his two treasures, as well as Yuan Jian Kong’s ‘Silver Snake Sword’, senior sister Mo’s ‘True Blue Sword’, and the other couple flying swords. They are all in my hands because they have all lost their abilities.

Fang Han explained to Liu Kang the things that had happened just now. As for Liu Kang’s question of what pellet he had absorbed, he pa.s.sed over it. Liu Kang was a very profound person, and telling him secrets was unwise.

“Is it like that? All seven flying swords? Truly amazing. Especially those ‘Blood Cotton Devil Clothes’, they are very rare,” stated a shocked Liu Kang.

“Fang Han, can you give the ‘Silver Snake Sword’ and ‘Blood Cotton Devil Clothes’ to me? You already have the ‘Spirit Wind Sword’ and that protective treasure given to you by senior sister Fang that can absorb flying swords. You are not lacking flying swords. Flying sword type magic treasures are things you shouldn’t have to too many of. Too many, and they become distracting and hard to manage,” stated Liu Kang after thinking a while.

“En?” reacted Fang Han.

Liu Kang actually wanted the ‘Blood Cotton Devil Clothes’ and the best quality ‘Silver Snake Sword’! Unconsciously, his heart began to feel uncomfortable.

“Liu Kang, you are being too hasty. We are planning on returning these to the school in case they decide to check us when we return,” said Hong Yi.

“Princess, do you truly want to return these flying swords to the school?” laughed Liu Kang, “Handing these to the school will not result in them landing in our hands. There are so many inner court disciples and true disciples that these swords will be part.i.tioned to them.”

Fang Han was able to cheaply gain these seven flying swords and these magic clothes. Not asking for part of the profit at this point is too late. This is a golden opportunity, and I’m afraid I cannot be polite. Fortunately, Fang Han already has a sword, so my request for my share is efficient, and for everyone’s greatest benefit. Otherwise, even if I entered the inner court, I wouldn’t be able to receive a flying sword from the school. If I receive this flying sword and magic clothes right now, then in the future when I enter the inner court, I will stand out, and consequently bring Fang Han up.

As he spoke, Liu Kang was constantly thinking in his heart.

Seven flying swords and one set of magic clothes were truly beyond priceless. Liu Kang knew that his proposal right now was abrupt, but he could definitely not miss this golden opportunity. As it was said, to each his own, each had to fight for their best interests.

This opportunity, perhaps was only once in a lifetime. If he didn’t fight for it now and talked civilly, then once the opportunity pa.s.sed, it would be too late to regret.

Although he was the son of Marquis Zhen Yuan, that only gave him worldly authority. With only that, he would never be able to receive a ling’qi, don’t even bother mentioning the high quality ‘Silver Snake Sword’ and ‘Blood Cotton Devil Clothes’.

“Brother Liu, it doesn’t seem as if you helped,” suddenly said Fang Han, very quietly.

All this time, Liu Kang had only been roping himself in, but had indeed not provided any a.s.sistance, unlike Hong Yi who had accompanied Fang Han in crossing swords and had saved his life.

“The fact that I will remain silent, is already the greatest help,” stated Liu Kang, smiling.


Amid his reply, a magic sword flashed, directly cutting his neck. In but a flash, Liu Kang fell to the ground like a chicken, convulsing, his two hands fiercely grabbing the yellow sand.


Liu Kang spat out a few short words and then stopped breathing.

“Ai, Fang Han, what do you say? I told you to not save him. He just tried to threaten us.” Hong Yi let out a long sigh, and re-sheathed her magic sword.

She truly deserved her status as a gold-plated Without a sound, she took a life and reaped the soul.

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