Eternal Life

Chapter 41

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 41

Opportunities Amidst Danger

Fang Han had known that following Fang Qing Xue into the Underground Abyss to train would be very dangerous. However, he hadn’t expected the abyss to be so ferocious.

The army of demons beneath the towering ‘Demon G.o.d’s Altar’ in the distance was able to raze cities and ruin countries. Made of thousands upon ten thousands of ‘Yasha’, as well as the ‘Flying Yasha’ in the sky, even pract.i.tioners who had broken into the ‘Divine Realm’ would choke with terror, unable to prevent losing their deaths on the spot.

Killing a group of twelve ‘Yasha’ had almost caused Fang Han to become exhausted to the point where his breathing was out of rhythm. If not for his sudden breakthrough to the ‘Connected with Spirit’ level, the incomparable sharpness of his ‘Devil Beheading Sword’, his impervious magic clothes, he would have also sustained injuries.

However, in front of him were thousands of ‘Yasha’.

More importantly, there were ‘Flying Yasha’. Even a single ‘Flying Yasha’ was very hard to kill, unless he decided to use his flying sword. However, even if he used his flying sword, against so many Demons, he would still be ripped to pieces, unable to kill them as fast as they came.

Calculating in his mind, he concluded that if more than two hundred ‘Yasha’ surrounded him, there would be nothing left of him, his body would be sliced apart and his bones would be broken.

Should I hide, or should I just observe the ‘Demon G.o.d’s Altar’ from afar muttered Fang Han in his heart. The ‘Demon G.o.d’s Altar’ towered over, even taller than the largest building of the Long’yuan Province, the ‘Fu Long Tower’. Atop the altar, numerous numbers of large blood-red stones were displayed. Amidst the rocks was a seven to eight person tall sculpture of a Demon. The statue’s eyes seemed to sweep across the entire plain, emanating a powerful pressure and an eerily mysterious qi. It caused even the depths of one’s soul to feel terrified.

Underneath this ‘Demon G.o.d Statue’ stood a few humans cloaked in shadows. Amongst them, there was one wrapped within wolf smoke. It was ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’, w.a.n.g Mo’lin. There also seemed to be a woman amongst the others.

However, the most striking one was a human, yet not human, Demon. This Demon had a peerlessly beautiful face, seemingly a very young person. However, in his lower half, he had the body of a ‘Flying Yasha’, two wings growing out of his back. Other than his head, the rest of his body was immensely huge, making him seem as if he was wearing a helmet that didn’t fit.

The head of a human, but the body of a ‘Flying Yasha’.

Whether ‘Yasha’ or ‘Flying Yasha’, they were all very fierce, and clearly not human.

[TL: Weird sentence, couldn’t figure out the author’s meaning here]

With just a glance, Fang Han could tell that this was a ‘Shura’, a ‘Shura’ which commanded a very high status in amongst the ‘Underground Demons’. Above the ‘Shura’ was a ‘Great Shura’, and above a ‘Great Shura’ was only ‘Devil Emperors’!

The ‘Shura’s status in the ‘Underground Abyss’ was equivalent to that of true disciples.

‘Great Shuras’ were the equivalent of elders.

‘Devil Emperors’ were the equivalent of the school master.

Because ‘Shura’s had human heads, they were highly intelligent. Their training speed was very fast.

Advancing another step and reaching ‘Great Shura’, then the scales which covered their bodies would deteriorate and they would truly become humanoid, gaining the same skills as ‘Divine Realm’ pract.i.tioners.

This was all described in detail within “The World” so that Yu’hua School disciples would have the necessary knowledge in case they had to face these atrocious Demons.

“Perhaps these people are the few that the Yu’hua School wanted to kill? I have killed the ‘Pink Prince’ already, as for the others, ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’ is here, and there is a ‘Pure Fox She-Devil’, a Devil General, and a ‘Shura’. I am clearly not their opponents. Perhaps I should hide after all.

Fang Han figured out a plan in his heart.

There is no need to hide, the Demon and Devil army has already detected us.

An icy cold voice was conveyed to the depths of his heart. Yan. Fang Han realized Fang Qing Xue’s whole body had suddenly began letting off powerful purple light, streaks of electric current beginning to flow around her. Lightning crashed, the ‘Yin Yang Purple Lightning’ letting out sharp crackling sounds.

[TL: Yan is the dragon, in case you don’t remember cause I update so slowly]

The strong sound, light, current, lightning, and matchless qi shocked the entire Demon and Devil army. It was powerful enough that even those on the ‘Demon G.o.d’s Altar’ over ten li away could see it very clearly.

From atop the ‘Demon G.o.d’s Altar’, a fine light suddenly shot out, revealing a few li around the ground on which Fang Han was standing on, surrounding him with shining fibers of light. Standing dead center amid these lights was Fang Han, causing the army to notice him.

It also exposed his location.

“c.r.a.p, you, Fang Qing Xue are immeasurably powerful in the ‘Divine Realm’, but I, Fang Han, am weak. Are you trying to have me killed? You are helping me train, but this is not the way to train. Begging for life in death?”

Although Fang Han was shocked in his heart and felt the danger which had befallen him, he didn’t move, the magic sword stuck in the ground so that it separated the two sides of his face. He sat like Buddha and meditated, entering a zen-like state.

Faced with a flooding army, Fang Han had become as peaceful as a child which had fallen asleep.

This caused Fang Qing Xue’s heart to slightly waver. Suspended in midair, her eyes flashed a strange light, her face showing an unnoticeable trace of admiration.

Staying controlled in face of danger, when a great calamity was within one’s eyes, to the point of being calm and composed; one needed to know that this kind of spirit was something that couldn’t be gained from training and eating pills. This relied on one’s own potential, their own roots.

“Not bad, he has some signs of an expert. Exposing one to more danger will cause them to draw out and further enhance their inner potential. No matter which expert, they have all gone through countless life and death experiences. Only then are they able to temper their spirit to be like a sharp knife. If today, you are able to survive amid death, this will greatly help your cultivation, an immeasurable jump.”

Fang Qing Xue’s voice once again appeared in Fang Han’s ears, but Fang Han remained motionless, waiting for the arrival of the army.

“Fang Qing Xue! You dare to come to the bottom of the ‘Demon G.o.d’s Altar’ by yourself, who gave you such courage? Could it be that you believe that depending on yourself, you will be able to destroy the altar?”

“Sou, sou, sou!”

From the altar in the distance, ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’ w.a.n.g Mo’lin stood up. Giving his ‘Seven Evil Spirit’s Gourd’ a shake, numerous sounds of the air being pierced could be heard. Streak after streak of wolf smoke poured out and dispersed and, like galloping horses on a plain, rushed towards Fang Qing Xue.

At this moment, w.a.n.g Mo’lin was without injuries, completely different from the person who had been driven into the depths of the river two days ago, raw and burned.

He had apparently been healed.

“Don’t even mention a trivial altar, sooner or later, there will be a day where I personally meet the ‘Ancestor Demon G.o.d’ and fight them. I shall see for myself what level of a G.o.d they are.”

Fang Qing Xue stood proudly in the air, her face a cold smile. Casually raising her hand, ‘Purple Yin Lightning Knifes’ crisscrossed, shockingly forming 108 qi knives in accordance to ‘Tian Gang Di Sha’. The knives sliced apart the wolf smoke that was rushing over, and directly tried to behead those on the ‘Demon G.o.d’s Altar’ twenty to thirty li away. The violent thundering and flashing lightning, Yin thunder shock, was going to directly explode the immense altar and kill the ‘Shura’, w.a.n.g Mo’lin, the ‘Pure Fox She-Devil’, and all of the others.

[TL: Tian Gang Di Sha is a Daoist legend… I didn’t really understand any further than that… From the way the author is using it I a.s.sume it’s some formation but don’t hold me to it :P]

“Pu’chi, Pu’chi!”
A few ‘Flying Yasha’ flying in the air, vicious and fierce as they were, upon encountering Fang Qing Xue’s qi knives, were immediately cut in half, their bodies incinerated by flames. Letting out miserable howls, they fell to the ground, exploding into a mess of blood. Unexpected death.

The ‘Flying Yasha’ which caused Yu’hua School inner disciples to be greatly afraid, the ‘Flying Yasha’ who were unable to be pierced by ling’qi, were not able to withstand an attack that was casually thrown at them by Fang Qing Xue.

While Fang Qing Xue had waved her hand, Fang Han below had become completely surrounded by the Demon and Devil army.

The hundreds upon thousands of ‘Yasha’ were unable to attack the airborne Fang Qing Xue, and thus attacked Fang Han, thinking of him as a plump piece of flesh. They impatiently tried to bite a piece of b.l.o.o.d.y flesh.

Fang Han, although it is very dangerous this time, danger is a type of opportunity. Every ‘Yasha’ that you kill, I can absorb their spiritual blood and store it in the ‘Yellow Spring River’ to nourish the ten ‘Flying Yasha’, letting them break the coc.o.o.n and turn them into ‘Shura’.

Yan’s voice sounded in Fang Han’s mind again.

These are the opportunities found amidst danger.

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