Eternal Life

Chapter 6

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 6


Stronger by Leaps and Bounds

“Teacher, Teacher?” Seeing Bai Hai Chen fall upon the ground, Fang Han repeatedly called him, but not the slightest sound could be heard. Even he didn’t expect his sudden master to die so suddenly; leaving as quickly as he came.


Although the two had been together for less than a morning, not only had Bai Hai Chen taught Fang Han many new things, but he had also opened up Fang Han’s eyes to the broadness of the world, he had helped allow Fang Han to see the world more clearly.


Inside his heart, his respect was great. One empire one emperor, one court one generation, but in the end, they were all only the playthings of the immortals.


Because he had helped Fang Han clearly understand the conditions of the heavens and earths, Fang Han’s att.i.tude towards this teacher he had known for only a morning still contained a lot of feeling.


However, Bai Hai Chen’s request was very hard. To steal the Yu’hua School’s “Yu’hua Fei’sheng’jing” and donate it to the Qun’xing School head in exchange for the favor of having the school head revive him, it would indeed be very, very hard.


The heads of the Ten Immortal Schools, powerful enough to shock the world, to turn the universe upside down, each with the power to destroy empires and generations with the flick of a finger, never aging, and having immeasurable power. To steal their things, how could it be considered easy? Even a true disciple would also be unable to.


“It doesn’t matter how, first I must bury teacher, to prevent the Fang Clan from finding out and tying me with the situation. If that happens, I will die as well. However, once I can prove that I have trained to the tenth level of the Mortal Realm, with a body like steel, even if I am buried I will not rot. At that point, I will not have to worry about bodily damage.”


Fang Han hid Bai Hai Chen’s body, then found a hoe, and began digging a large hole by the river to bury Bai Hai Chen.


The dark golden clothes on Bai Hai Chen was a treasure made of golden silk, and could block all swords and arrows, water and fire,  perfectly wrapped around his body.


After finishing this task, Fang Han felt relieved.


In the Fang Clan he was a horse breeder, although he was far down, and had to work hard to take care of the horses at night, during the day he had some free time to rest as long as second lady Fang Qing Wei didn’t call for her horse, he could tarry along for a while without consequences.


The job was finished, the sun had reached its peak, and it was already noon.


In such a short morning, Fang Han’s view of the world, as well as his body had all undergone heaven-shaking earth-shattering changes. If not for the obvious continuous hot stream flowing out from his heart and the ‘Map of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ in his hand, he would have believed it all to be a dream.



The ‘Map of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ was a left over object by the Mo’dao emperor of the lower world, and is a very extraordinary treasure. However, right now, Fang Han didn’t know how to use it. Even Bai Hai Chen couldn’t understand its secrets. Thus, Fang Han could only hide it for now.


The middle of the night, all is quiet, no one to be seen.




Fang Han used both hands to raise a gray, thirty jin stone, and then began unceasingly doing squats. Upon reaching the bottom, he would then fiercely jump, kind of like a frog.


This was the Fang Clan’s training method “Golden Toad Jumping Water,” which could greatly train the body’s strength, but also consumed a lot of physical strength. It was also very easy to sprain one’s bones, possibly resulting in permanent damage. If one’s health wasn’t good enough, they couldn’t even think of training through this method.


Fang Han originally also didn’t dare rashly train his strength, but after gaining bones as strong as steel, and the effects of the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ running through his blood, he was no longer afraid of any high-intensity training.


The ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ that was hidden in his heart, whenever he trained, he would smell the combination of the body’s heat and medical properties, making his pain go away as if he were soaking in warm water, his nose and mouth full of the fragrance.


One, Two, Three, Four.


Fang Han unceasingly jumped, as for when he felt exhaustion, the golden pellet in his heart would send out a warm wave, stimulating every muscle in his body.


After jumping a hundred times, Fang Han, biting his teeth together, used his fists to strike at solid rock!


“Peng Peng Peng!”


Fang Han’s fists never endingly landed on the top of the rock, one after another, fiercely and violently, like a crazed cow, as his flesh flew off, his joints going ‘Ka’cha Ka’cha’ as if they were about to be crushed! The severe pain almost caused him to faint, but he clenched his teeth and resolutely held on!


After the flesh on his hands became indistinct, he began fiercely kicking the rock with his legs.


“Beng Beng Beng! Beng Beng Beng!


His legs, upon hitting the rock, began swelling and numbing, with the flesh becoming teared!


Then he used his body to hit it, the various parts of the body, back, arm, waist, belly, chest, neck, all colliding harshly with the rock, and causing his entire body to become bruised black and blue!




Once this training finished, Fang Han attended to the injuries of his body, fiercely jumping into the pitch black river water, continuously swimming, and struggling against the whirlpool in the middle.


Training harshly through high-intensity training, and ravaging his body, his methods of Mo’dao training, even the Fang Clan’s disciples, eating ginseng and bird’s nests every day wouldn’t be able to endure it.


Even more importantly, they would lose their will.


Going through extreme pain every day, who would do that? But Fang Han truly persevered through it all.


The ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ in his heart supplied a steady stream of blood, no matter how much harm he suffered through training, even if he sprained his bones, upon sleeping and waking up, his strength would be restored.


He knew that the more extensive his injury, the more stimulation from the golden pellet.


Due to the ever increasing intensity of his training, one day, the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ in his heart would completely dissolve, and at that time, his body would have toughened to an unbelievable extent.


One day, two days, three days.


Every night at midnight, Fang Han would train through his Mo’dao style high intensity training, completely ravaging his body, and increasing his vitality through the medicine from the golden pellet.


Ever so slightly, his body became stronger and stronger, what were originally skinny muscles were now firm, closely packed together muscle, his four limbs both flexible and powerful.


However, from the front, it just seemed as if he had become a little st.u.r.dier than before, but he knew that his muscles and bone had become a lot stronger, his weight increasing twenty to thirty jin.


After ten days, Fang Han still trained through ‘Golden Toad Jumping Water,’ but he had increased the weight on his back to fifty jin, even eighty jin stones!


The second level of the Mortal Realm, practicing force, is the most basic of the levels, but also the most important, directly affecting the achievements of one’s martial arts.


The more polished on trained their force, the greater their achievements in the future.


“One hundred jin!”


After a month, Fang Han could carry a one hundred jin rock and jump fully relaxed like a frog, each jump traveling four to five steps. Upon repeatedly jumping thirty six times, his face became flushed, and he was out of breath.


Left on the beach was a circle of deep footprints.




Afterwards, he took the hundred jin rock and threw it, throwing it to a height of about two to three people high. As it fell back down, he used both hands and threw a punch, his entire body emitting a ‘Ge’zhi Ge’zhi’ sound, and actually managed to catch the rock.



With a low roar, Fang Han one handedly dragged the hundred jin stone, his other hand fiercely punching a small but thick tree, which suddenly fractured and cracked.




Throwing the hundred jin rock, Fang Han stood on the spot, his body proud and emanating a manly scent, he no longer had the appearance of a servant.


Upon arriving at this point, he finally pa.s.sed the stage of practicing force. His four limbs, waist, every part of his body had been trained.


“I have already reached the pinnacle of the practicing force level. That is to say, I have entered the third level of the Mortal Realm, and can begin learning the ‘Calm Crane Longevity Fist’ that I secretly memorized, as well as the many parts of the ‘Seven Star First.’ Also, comparing the quality of my body with that of the Fang Clan’s core disciples, mine is tougher by a lot! My power as well. The styles I train in are also definitely stronger.”


Fang Han curled a fist, his bones cracking “Pi’li’pa’la,” and he himself filled with self-confidence.


Those Fang Clan core disciples who had also finished power training couldn’t be compared to Fang Han because the things they ate were different, they ate ginseng and bird’s nests, while Fang Han ‘ate’ his ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet!’


The same went for comparing body structure, Fang Han could single-handedly lift a hundred jin stone, and do all sorts of actions, as for those Fang Clan core disciples, they couldn’t.


Continuing his training, he began training styles, connecting the power of his entire body to who knows what extent.


Each muscle on Fang Han’s body was like a group of non-united tigers, through training in styles, these tigers would become one, fierce and sharp, resulting in even more matchless power.


Fang Han sat down cross-legged, gazing far away looking at the stars in the sky, observing their movements in the sky, and trying to understand what Bai Hai Chen had said about the various methods of the ‘Seven Star Fist.’


His training in the Mortal Realm had increased his power by leaps and bounds, the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ in his heart slowly being dissolved, resulting in even stronger stimulation.


At the same time…


Many acres away, in the Fang Clan’s luxurious mansion, seemingly a dragon princess or fairy, Fang Qing Xue, the first lady who had used “Purple Yin Lightning Knife” to kill Bai Hai Chen, was calming sitting, beside her a powerful, thick-shouldered middle aged man with a pair of blue eyes.


This middle aged man was indeed the head of the Fang Clan, the current governor of Long’yuan Province, Fang Ze Tao, who was also Fang Qing Xue’s father. He had trained to the tenth level, G.o.dly transformation, of the Mortal Realm.


But due to his age, he was no longer in his prime, and his body had begun slowly declining. In the future, he would only become weaker unless he received a miraculous medicine, otherwise, he would only decline, and not go forward.


Truthfully, in front of Fang Qing Xue, he didn’t have much fatherly dignity, after all, his daughter had reached the Divine Realm.


“Father, I have already become a true disciple of the Yu’hua school, and the school head has gifted me a mountain palace on Yu’hua Immortal Mountain. I need to bring some loyal servants there to clean it up, to light fires, to take care of flowers, and to feed the animals,” Fang Qing Xue stated.


“Qing Xue, have you really become a true disciple of the Yu’hua School? Such good news, at this rate, our Fang Clan’s position has become entrenched, even if it’s the emperor, he will try to draw you in. Bring all the loyal servants you want, you can pick whoever you want.”


Fang Ze Tao was surprised with the news, as true disciples were very rare.


Even the Fang Clan’s ancestor wasn’t a true disciple of the Yu’hua School, and was but an outer disciple.


“Also, the School Faction’s Tian Xing Elder, because I became a true disciple, gave me the rights to a couple outer disciples. This is a rare opportunity, we can choose some of the clan’s core disciples to bring over,” stated Fang Qing Xue.


“Outer disciple spots!” Fang Ze Tong sucked in a huge breath.


At this time, a sound suddenly came over from the distance, “Her excellency, first lady, the day the first lady is decreed as the princess is near! Just around the corner!”


“I understand, but let the decree wait, I have some business first.”


Fang Qing Xue waved her hand.

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