Eternal Life

Chapter 62

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 62


Seeing the encircled Yu’hua School disciples, Fang Han didn’t immediately rush over and try to save them.

Several hundred ‘Heavenly Devils’ swarmed above them, making it so even Fang Han didn’t dare act rashly and try something immediately. Furthermore, he was curious as to why these disciples were able to defend against the ‘Heavenly Devils’.

That flute and zither were clearly ling’qi. Just which outer court disciple was using such powerful magic treasures? Even the several princes of the Da’de Empire didn’t have any ling’qi.

[TL: It is a zither, not a piano, it was clarified this chapter by the characters used]

Amongst ling’qi, flying swords and magic clothes were ranked at the top. This was because they were the most practical, with one having extremely strong offensive power and the other one having extremely strong defensive power. While the zither and flute were lower ranked ling’qi as they weren’t flying swords or magic clothes, they seemed to have the benefit of being perfect for dealing with ‘Heavenly Devils’.

It was clear that these outer court disciples had meticulously planned everything out beforehand, and were completely prepared to fight within the testing ground of the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’.

“It seems that within this group of outer court disciples, there are some stronger ones. Otherwise, how could they possibly have ‘Heavenly Devil’ restraining ling’qi?” Fang Han’s body quickly rushed up towards the sky, going high high up into the sky and making sure no one noticed him. He was going to sit and watch.

The power for his spirit was currently very great. Relying on the ‘Sky Wolf Battle Armor’ that he was now able to condense, his speed of flight was much greater. The armor was many times better than the ‘Blood Cotten Devil Clothes’.

Furthermore, the ‘Sky Wolf Battle Armor’ emanated Devil Qi, covering the scent of Fang Han’s flesh. Thus, the group of ‘Heavenly Devils’ in the distance a.s.sumed that he was just the illusionary body of another ‘Heavenly Devil’ and didn’t bother chasing him. Meanwhile, the sonic waves created by the zither and flute caused the skies to shake, like the raging tides of the ocean. These waves caused the ‘Heavenly Devils’ to become dazed and their flight to become unsteady. A few turned into humans forms and fell to the ground.

However, the majority of them just rushed towards the waves, viciously welcoming them.

Fang Han’s cold eyes observed everything from above, and he finally burned the image of the entire grounds into his eyes.

“This group of disciples, they are actually all females!”

“Yue Er senior sister, why are there this many ‘Heavenly Devils’? Compared with last year’s exam, it is so different. I wonder if the ‘Billowing Pines Zither’ and ‘Cloud Water Flute’ can continue restraining them. If they cannot, then I don’t even want to think about the consequences.”

Xu Yue Er sat cross legged on the ground. In front of her was an extremely old zither. The zither’s wood seemed to be slightly scorched, but it was as solid as iron. IT was actually made of ‘Lightning Struck Wood’. Her two hands constantly strummed the zither, her fingers flying across the strings, which in turn produced from within one ring of yang mana sonic waves after another, sending all of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ which were rushing down at them flying.

Hearing the question asked by the junior sister, Xu Yue Er hurriedly replied, “Do not be distracted. This time, in order for all of you junior sisters to pa.s.s the inner court disciple exam, I specially borrowed these two ling’qi from Long senior sister. However, it seems as if the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’ has seen some changes, resulting in the large influx of ‘Heavenly Devils’. The situation seems to have already become extremely dangerous. We can only do our best to support each other and wait for the school to save us.”

At this time, the girl playing the flute suddenly stopped playing, giving it to another girl to play, “Yue Er! This time, I’m afraid it’s become very difficult! It is still unknown whether or not the school is sending people to rescue us, and we cannot hold up much longer.”

“Yu Er, you shouldn’t say any discouraging words. When dealing with ‘Heavenly Devils’, if you lose confidence, then everything is over.” Xu Yue Er suddenly spoke in a very loud voice, “Junior sisters, you all should take turns playing the flute. Each one should continuously play for two hours and produce sonic waves to block the Devils. This ‘Cloud Water Flute’ can temper your qi circulation, and if you completely concentrate your spirit into the flute and fight the Devils, it can also further your cultivation. There might be a lot of ‘Heavenly Devils’, but this might also be a great opportunity for you guys to temper yourselves. Surpa.s.s the limit with this danger.”

“I truly haven’t lost confidence as these ‘Heavenly Devils’ are temporarily unable to break through our sonic wave barrier. I’m just afraid that a more powerful ‘Heavenly Devil’ will come, or perhaps even a ‘Devil King’,” said the girl called Yu Er with some difficulty.

“That’s right, since the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’ has undergone changes, perhaps a ‘Devil King’ will appear. However, these ‘Heavenly Devils’ aren’t anything. Even if one or two of them enter and try to seize our body, we can use the spirit in our minds to fight them. It might just temper ourselves. But if a ‘Devil King’ does appear, even if the eight of us combine our yuan yin we might not be able to deal with it and might just end up dead and humiliated.”

The group of encircled female disciples numbered eight. Each one was as beautiful as a flower, their temperaments elegant, their bodies soft – they were fine beauties. Hearing these words, the rest of the female disciples sharply shivered.

“Die die, die die, they are actually female disciples, their yuan yin seems to be so abundant. Full to the point that it is extremely pure yuan yin without impurities. Just right for us to absorb and increase our strength.”

“We should forcefully capture them without killing them. Let them beg for death. I love hearing the screams of women. The more painful their screams, the more negative their emotions. The more negative their emotions, the more consuming them will increase our strength, eh.”

Suddenly, right when the outer layer of sonic waves weakened, several of the more powerful ‘Heavenly Devils’ forcefully broke in. The extremely strong Devil Qi along with their seemingly real but not real bodies demonstrated their great power, which was second only to ‘Devil Kings’. In other words, they were the ‘G.o.dly Transformation’ stage ‘Heavenly Devils’.

These ‘Heavenly Devils’ let out great laughs. The sound of their laughs were filled with malicious intent and immoral ideas. Afterwards, they morphed, turning into several completely naked, muscular, powerful, tall men! Especially the ‘little guy’ on their lower halves, which were larger than a donkey’s. They were erect, red, and steaming, hideous to the point of shocking people.


These female disciples, upon seeing this scene, all gave out shrill shrieks.

“Why are you all screaming! You all don’t even have the slightest bits of control?” shouted both Xu Yue Er and Yu Er. Closing their eyes, the zither’s sound suddenly changed, becoming like an armored horse, like a tiger swallowing qi in ten thousand li!

The sonic wave murderously ripped through the skies, extremely strong.

“Younger brothers, let us connect together!” Several of ‘Heavenly Devils’ which had turned into males let out cold laughs, and immediately they were all under the control of the speaker. Stream after stream of chilly winds entwined together, intensely spinning in the sky. They turned into a giant drill. It violently spun into the sonic wave.

‘Bo bo bo bo bo bo’.

When the drill encountered the sonic wave, Xu Yue Er who was strumming the zither suddenly convulsed. The ‘Billowing Pines Zither’ was stimulated by the ‘Heavenly Devils’ chilly wind, and had actually jumped up and become unable to be restrained. Meanwhile, the junior sister playing the flute let out a scream. She was concussed and fell to the ground.

[TL: Chilly wind contains the character yin]

As soon as the barrier broke, the ‘Heavenly Devils’ all took advantage and flooded in!

“Everyone go all out against these Devils!”

Shua! Shua! Shua! Magic swords were unsheathed, one talisman after another being burnt. The reactions of these female disciples were very prompt. The talismans that they had burnt were called ‘Spirit Protecting Talismans’. They were considered fa’qi, and after being burnt, turned into a stream of fiery red light. The lights covered their bodies, and were the true fire of their dao hearts, which was specifically used for killing yin Devils. However, they couldn’t last for long, only around an hour. They weren’t like ling’qi which were imbued with large arrays and could last forever.

[TL: So I’ve realized something here, and I might change it depending on your opinions. So I have been translating dao literally as path, so immortal path, devil path, etc. After this mention of dao heart, I’ve realized that perhaps it would be better to leave it as dao like other translators do. Would you guys like me to make this change (I will edit previous chapters as well)?]

Fang Han had none of these fa’qi as he had spent too little time here at the school.

“There is no use!”

The several ‘Heavenly Devils’ which took on the form of naked humans had already gotten very close to these female disciples. They aimed directly towards Xu Yue Er and Yu Er. The rest of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ swarmed in like locusts.

One of the female disciple’s swords was swept away, the true fire of her dao heart that was surrounding her about to extinguish itself at any time.

“Although it is dangerous, I cannot not do anything!”

At this time in the sky, Fang Han saw the situation take a turn for the worse. If he didn’t rescue them now, these female disciples would all die, ravaged by the ‘Heavenly Devils’ until only their bones were left.

“Yue Er, what do we do!”

“Fight to the death!”

At this time, Xu Yue Er and Yu Er, the two leaders, saw the nearby disciple’s magic talisman shield be broken, but they were unable to help as the several extremely strong ‘Heavenly Devils’ had already closed in on them. The chilly wind and Devil Qi completely enwrapped them, the ‘Billowing Pines Zither’ and ‘Cloud Water Flute’ also being rolled up by the wind.

The situation had become desperate.

At this time, suddenly from the sky above, came the violent howl of a wolf. A stream of heaven shocking black qi swept down like a rainbow. Several of the weaker ‘Heavenly Devils’ were entangled by the black qi and disappeared on the spot after letting out a few shrieks.

Fang Han had finally made a move. He was going to face a hundred ‘Heavenly Devils’ to make an brazen rescue.

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