Eternal Life

Chapter 64

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 64

Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon

The hundreds of ‘Heavenly Devils’, under the direction of the several nearly ‘Devil King’ stage ‘Heavenly Devils’, combined together, becoming extremely powerful. The giant magic sphere of ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ immediately began to seem pressured and about to crack.

“The ‘Billowing Pines Zither, the ‘Cloud Water Flute’!”

Seeing what was happening, Xu Yue Er and Ye Yu, as well as the other girls of the ‘Jia’lan Group’ didn’t dare stand still and just observe. Picking up the zither and flute, they began to play, the sound waves strengthening Fang Han’s barrier.

“Don’t play for now! Otherwise, the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke Magic Sphere’ will just crack faster. It will only harm ourselves.” Since the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ was a Devil artifact, the sound waves inside attacked it first instead of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ outside. After all, ling’qi level magic treasures didn’t have their own will, and weren’t able to differentiate between enemies and allies.

“Then what should we do?” anxiously asked Xu Yue Er and Ye Yu.

“After I count to three, I will retract the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ and allow the ‘Heavenly Devils’ to come in and slaughter. You all just protect yourselves with the magic powers of the zither and flute.” There was no time to waste, not even time to speak. Fang Han’s words were like continuous crossbow bolts, firing off one after the other, “One! Two! Three! ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’, retract!”

The immense wolf smoke magic sphere suddenly collapsed inwards, contracting at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. At this moment, the air formed a giant vortex, entangling many of the attacking ‘Heavenly Devils’. The ‘Heavenly Devils’ let out shrieks as the violent air current tore them apart.

“‘Sky Wolf Battle Armor’!”
Fang Han contracted all of the wolf smoke, once again condensing it into armor. He went forward and welcomed the wind drill condensed from the hundreds of ‘Heavenly Devils’ with his own strike, fighting strength with strength.  


The strength of several hundred ‘Heavenly Devils’ met with his strike. Fang Han immediately felt as if all of the muscles in his body were about to rip apart, the ‘Sky Wolf Battle Armor’ simultaneously exploding into a burst of black smoke and retracting into the ‘Seven Evils Spirits Gourd’. It had actually been broken by the ‘Heavenly Devils’.

Losing the flying ability of the ‘Sky Wolf Battle Armor’, Fang Han plummeted down from the sky and landed on his feet on the ground with a plop. He rolled forwards and was immediately back on his feet. Luckily, he had been standing on the ground and only leapt into the air as he struck towards the ‘Heavenly Devils’.

Thus, when he fell, he was only at a height about two or three people high above the ground. If he had truly been high up in the sky when his armor was dispersed and then fallen to the ground, no matter how powerful his flesh, he would still have still been turned into a meat patty.

This was the drawback of having not cultivated to the ‘Divine Realm’. He had to rely on outside forces which could be extremely dangerous. After all, these outside forces weren’t his own, and thus they weren’t easily controlled.

In fact, many disciples died after having received their ling’qi magic treasures as they fought others to flaunt their strength. The slightest bit of dispersion would result in them directly plummeting to the ground to their deaths.

Some disciples, after receiving a set of ling’qi magic clothes, would try to fly high into the sky, only to suddenly encounter a hurricane and have the light on their magic clothes be dispersed, resulting in them also falling to the ground and dying.

After the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ was dispersed, it retracted into the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’. Suddenly, the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’ began to shake. Fang Han could feel a demonic power emanating from inside this bao’qi gourd, and the smoke that had been dispersed was completely restored. With a thought, the newly restored ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ reappeared, enwrapping his body again and once again condensing into the battle armor!

“Mmh, befitting of a bao’qi! It is marvelous!”

Fang Han felt extremely excited in his heart.

Indeed, the power of several hundred ‘Heavenly Devils’ was immeasurable. It was enough to directly destroy a ling’qi. If Fang Han had been wearing the ‘Blood Cotton Devil Clothes’ just now, they would have been destroyed. In that case, only ‘Divine Realm’ cultivators, by refilling the object with mana, could repair it.

The ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ was also a ling’qi, and had also been destroyed, it had been crippled to a point which required great amounts of qi to be rerefined. However, the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’ bao’qi which contained it indeed had the ability to repair it. Otherwise, how would it even be qualified to be a bao’qi?

Wa wa, wa wa, wa wa!

After observing Fang Han’s ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ being broken apart, dozens of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ saw an opportunity. They roared and rushed over to kill, encircling Fang Han and circulating around him. Right when they were about to enter his body, when they were about to enter his mind and try to take over his thoughts, something they never thought would happen happened. Indeed, the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ once again reappeared, immediately wrapping them up, twisting and coiling, and transferring them into the river water within the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’.

As soon as they were soaked by the ‘Yellow Springs Holy Water’, these ‘Heavenly Devils’ immediately lost their devilishness, turning into the most pure spiritual power. Afterwards, this was refined into ‘Sky Blue Great Pellets’.

Recondensing the ‘Sky Wolf Battle Armor’, Fang Han, with great vigor and morale, leapt back into the fight, flying close to the ground, his giants hands seizing. He rampaged through the ‘Heavenly Devils’. In the time its takes to roll one’s eyes, another several ‘Heavenly Devils’ were directly killed by him!

During this time, the sound of the zither and flute combined and emanated outwards. One sphere of sound after another dispersed outwards, once again shocking the ‘Heavenly Devils’ into a daze, their shrieks filling the air. This gave Fang Han more great opportunities. Although the sound produced by the ‘Billowing Pines Zither’ and ‘Cloud Water Flute’ also affected Fang Han, the extremely condensed ‘Sky Wolf Battle Armor’ was much stronger than the ‘Sky Wolf Magic Sphere’, and thus the effects weren’t that great. Thus, he could just kill ‘Heavenly Devils’ to his heart’s content.

The shrieks of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ filled the entire sky as Fang Han continuously killed around seventy to eighty of them.

Within the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’, there was now a full two hundred ‘Sky Blue Great Pellets’! However, this amount of ‘Sky Blue Pellets’ wasn’t even enough to feed the ten ‘Flying Yasha’, much less Fang Han himself to raise his spirit’s power.

“Little ones, focus your entire powers towards killing this kid!”

The several leader ‘Heavenly Devils’, the several naked angry men, once again commanded the ‘Heavenly Devils’ to attack. As for themselves, they flew back and forth within the sky, revolving in a giant circle around Fang Han. Suddenly, they simultaneously threw out punches. The chilly wind whistled, the force from each of the fists forming a Devil face about the size of a water tank which rushed over ready to bite Fang Han in half.

“These ‘Heavenly Devils’ have actually learned ‘Devil Techniques’! I must kill them! Refining these five extremely powerful ‘Heavenly Devils’ into ‘Sky Blue Great Pellets’ will definitely produce ones that are better than the normal ones!”

Now that Fang Han knew about these ‘Heavenly Devils’, why would he be willing to let them escape? His entire body moved, his path in the sky changing. Like a wolf rushing in on its prey, he dodged the several Devil faces and viciously struck out towards one of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ which had taken the form of a naked man.

The speed of the ‘Heavenly Devil’ was quite a bit slower than the speed granted by the ‘Sky Wolf Battle Armor’, and thus the ‘Heavenly Devil’ was. .h.i.t. A giant hole appeared through its chest, but no blood flowed out, only its face showing its pain. It tried its best to run away, but Fang Han’s strike had been accompanied by a great roar which immediately dispersed the ‘Heavenly Devil’!

A ‘wolf’s paw’ grabbed out, immediately capturing all of the dispersed chilly wind and transferring it into the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’.

Such a strong spirit and qi, conferred Yan’s shocked voice to Fang Han’s heart. Afterwards, a ‘Blue Sky Great Pellet’ the size of a broad bean was condensed. A normal ‘Blue Sky Great Pellet’ was only the size of a mung bean, but this was the size of a broad bean! Its color was also much denser than usual, a greenish light circulating within it. It was so perfect it looked like an emerald.

[TL: So 碧落 on baidu has the definition of “the sky” while 碧 has the definition of a bluish green. I had taken it to thus mean blue sky since the sky is blue and the characteristics of the pellet hadn’t been explained, but here it compares it to an emerald so I a.s.sume it must be greener rather than blue. Sorry for the confusion]

The quality of this pellet is so high. It isn’t something that any of the other pellets can compare to. It seems as if killing the ‘Heavenly Devil’ leaders who have learned ‘Devil Techniques’ was indeed the right choice.

Fang Han felt extremely overjoyed in his heart.

Now that he had such a temptation, he was willing to do whatever it took to accomplish it, using all of his qi, exerting his utmost strength to roar. He rushed towards these ‘Heavenly Devil’ leaders to kill another, but this time, they were ready. Their bodies shook and changed, turning into a chilly wind which connected with all of the other ‘Heavenly Devils’ to form a giant chilly wind top. It revolved within the sky, rolling back and forth and then began grinding towards Fang Han.

[TL: This kind of top ~prod/M01226450/_sE_2176343238.jpg?pimg=static&P=1447640429]

Fang Han dodged and let out another roar, but it was only enough to slightly shake a few of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ which formed the sides of this amalgamation of chilly wind, and unable to reach the core.

You have never learned any mantras. If you just roar like this, it wastes too much energy as none of your energy is concentrated. If it is so dispersed, how can it possibly harm these ‘Heavenly Devils’? I shall teach you the ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’! After you learn it, you can regulate your syllables so that your spiritual will is concentrated within your voice. If it is concentrated and not dispersed, then against ‘Heavenly Devils’ and other ghostlike creatures who don’t have a physical body, you can ma.s.sacre them! The Yu’hua School also has its own mantra for killing ‘Devils’ called the ‘n.o.ble Spirit’s Long Song’, which contains the secrets of the world’s grand qi, but I don’t know it.

Towards beings which have a physical body, the killing power of these sound techniques is not great, and not as powerful as that of flying swords and fists. However, towards ‘Heavenly Devils’ and these kinds of qi currents and thoughts, it is much more effective.

Seeing Fang Han crudely using his roars to shake ‘Heavenly Devils’ and waste his energy, Yan couldn’t hold back and couldn’t help but speak.

Afterwards, a mysterious mantra and picture was transferred into Fang Han’s mind.

The ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’!

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