Eternal Life

Chapter 9

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 9

Yu’hua Immortal School

“I would have never thought that I would have pa.s.sed this way.” Fang Han truly never thought that first lady Fang Qing Xue would just ask a couple questions before accepting him. “However, this is also to be expected, as with my current state and strength, there was no reason for her to ask all sorts of questions.”

Indeed, currently Fang Han, regardless of whether it was body or strength, was nothing in front of the true disciples of the Yu’hua School.

Even n.o.bility and imperial decrees were worthless in Fang Qing Xue’s eyes.

Thus there was absolutely no reason for Fang Qing Xue to thoroughly question every aspect.

Of course, Fang Qing Xue didn’t believe that Fang Han had the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ and “Map of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring,” otherwise she would have questioned thoroughly, leaving no holes to escape through.

In a relaxed mood, Fang Han returned and went to sleep.

He slept smoothly, and with hope for the future.

He hoped in his heart that he would be able to experience the Yu’hua School of the famed Ten Immortal Schools.

In the days that followed, other than hurrying, was more hurrying. A large procession of Fang Clan people and horses unceasingly moving east, pa.s.sing through the Long’yuan, Wu’ling, Hua’yang, Tai’gu, and Jiu’hu provinces, traveling thousands of li. After a month, they finally reached the bottom of an unbroken group of mountains.

“In front of us is the Yu’hua Immortal Mountain, the foundation of my Yu’hua School,” stated Fang Qing Xue.

Fang Han was squished in the middle of the numerous servants, and looking out in the distance, only saw the unbroken chain of mountains, each one straight as an arrow and piercing the sky. Some of the peaks were covered with flowers and palaces.

Numerous thousand zhang waterfalls flowed down from the peaks like jade dragons.

[TL: 1 Zhang = 10 Chi, approximately 11 feet]

The sky was an azure blue, like a sapphire, devoid of clouds, sun shining high in the sky, giving off a gentle but bright light. The place was not a bit contaminated.

Atop those towering peaks were dense cl.u.s.ters of pine trees, branches and leaves growing like dragons, giving off an immemorial flavor.

At the very tip of the peak, hidden amongst the misty clouds, was a huge city, seemingly floating in the sky, and causing people to believe they had entered the immortal world.

Glancing out over the distance, Fang Han was shocked into a trance by the grandness of the sky palace.

The shock in his heart gradually welled up and went through his body.

“Immortal! Immortal! This is the place of Immortals! Sure enough, the Ten Immortal Schools accommodations were even better than the Emperor’s. My dream when I was young was to just become an aristocrat of the Da’li Empire, and hold a position of power. But looking at it now, what a laughable dream it was.”

Fang Han laughed at his own ignorance.

Like this, the procession of people and horses arrived in front of the Yu’hua Immortal Mountain.

Their shouts towards the peaks going into the sky, one after another.

In the eyes of the surprised people, the seven to eight white dots in the distance seemed to come over like arrows, at the beginning about the size of one’s fist, but once reaching the sky above them, these dots had become cranes larger than cows.

These cranes were unusual, their heads slightly red. Upon opening their wings, the winds started gusting. Especially their talons which seemed as sharp as metal, and easily able to pierce through gold and iron.

Even more surprising was the fact that on each of these cranes’ backs was a young person wearing uniforms.

As these cranes landed, the fierce winds became fiercer, each flap of their wings causing another gust, blowing people off their feet and horses over.

“Not good!”

Fang Han was originally leading Thousand Li Snow, but due to the landing of these huge cranes, it was frightened! Thus, it began neighing and tried to recklessly run for its life.


Fang Han quickly jumped in front, and snapping his arm, held Thousand Li Snow firmly in place.

At this time, those landing cranes realized that they were about to crash into Fang Han and the horse.

“Dai! You puny mortal have come to the Immortal mountain and dare to stand your ground, do you not fear for your life!”

Upon seeing this situation, a young pract.i.tioner crossed his eyes and hit the top of the crane’s head causing the crane to suddenly grab out with its talons, and grab Thousand Li Snow!

At the same time, another young pract.i.tioner pulled out a long dark golden whip and sent it towards Fang Han, trying to roll Fang Han up with it.

Fang Han hurriedly sucked in his body and rolled on the ground, dodging the whip.

However, as for the horse that had been grabbed, it was on now the ground struggling painfully, on its back were b.l.o.o.d.y holes.

Afterwards, those seven/eight young pract.i.tioners riding the cranes flew down, landed on the ground, and arrogantly swept their eyes over the servants like a G.o.d looking down at mortals. Their cranes, which towered over the servants like giants, further increased their powerful and prestigious image.

“You group of mortals, why have you come to Yu’hua Immortal Mountain? You, come over here!”

He pointed at Fang Han with his whip, coldly glaring at the person who had managed to dodge his strike.

At this time, Fang Qing Xue’s voice was transmitted out from one of the carriages, “Are you the welcoming disciples of Senior Brother Jin? Did Senior Brother Jin teach you to welcome guests this way?”

Hearing Fang Qing Xue’s voice and seeing her walk out of the carriage, the colors of those seven/eight young pract.i.tioners’ faces changed, as well as their tone, “Oh, so originally it was the newly promoted true disciple Senior Sister Fang, Senior Sister, we truly came to welcome you. However, that servant you brought is too reckless, and broke the rules of the Immortal Mountain.”

“That is the truth Senior Sister, Senior Brother Jin specifically taught us and had us come welcome you. However, the servants that Senior Sister has brought along must follow the rules of the mountain, and be careful as to not break any taboos,” stated another young pract.i.tioner.

They are still mortal, and are in fact just people of the Yu’hua School Court thought Fang Han.

These seven/eight pract.i.tioners’ status were not equal to Fang Qing Xue’s, and in fact hadn’t even reached the Divine Realm. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be riding cranes but would be using their magic to fly over.

But even if it was this way, in his heart, he was still shocked.

To ride a crane in the sky, how unrestrained and free does one feel?

However Fang Han would never get used to being high above and looking down at people like ants.

Yes, these seven/eight pract.i.tioners, their manners are very close to that of Ju’ling Hand Fang Tong’s, perhaps they were also pract.i.tioners of the seventh/eighth level of the Mortal Realm, trying their best to enter the Divine Realm and become above everyone else.

Secretly eyeing these pract.i.tioners and observing their mannerisms, Fang Han guessed their levels.

“My people, when has it become your turn to teach them?” Fang Qing Xue crumpled her eyebrows. No one could tell if she was angry, or just simply annoyed. “It seems as if Senior Brother Jin dislikes the fact that I have been promoted to a true disciple!”

“Since Senior Sister Fang doesn’t accept our welcome, then we shall leave, and Senior Sister can bring her party up the mountain. We have already fulfilled our obligations.” Upon seeing the look on Fang Qing Xue’s face, the pract.i.tioner holding the whip immediately glanced at the others, and got on the crane, ready to fly away.

Fang Qing Xue laughed coldly, spitting out these two words, “Wait!”

[TL: Wait in this case was 慢着, which is two words]

“You guys suddenly rode your cranes over, stopping my people and hurting my horse, and now you want to just leave?”

“What, Senior Sister Fang, do you want us to give compensation? They are only mortals.” Their faces slightly changed color.

“I don’t care if they are mortals or not, they are all things of Fang Qing Xue, and by injuring them, you have challenged me. Thus, there is nothing left for me to say except for you to pay me with your lives!”

Fang Qing Xue stood up, her body went “shua,” and she stood suspended in air, the air around her body rotating, her white clothes fluttering, within three zhang of her body a purple electric light “pi’li’pa’la” letting off sparks.

An arrogant, yet not profane, aura was being emitted from her body.

At this time, Fang Han felt that Fang Qing Xue was like a super sharp treasured sword, erect, and tearing a hole in the s.p.a.ce around it.

Raising her thumb, a purple yin lightning knife swept horizontally across the sky, swallowing all in its path, surging like the sun and the moon, a huge current pa.s.sing through the air, beheading all in its path.


Then and there, the pract.i.tioner holding the whip was. .h.i.t by the “Purple Yin Lightning Knife” and, letting out a blood-curdling scream, was burnt up on the spot.

The crane beneath him, feeling danger, narrowly dodged the attack, and opened its wings and began flying away. However, Fang Qing Xue released yet another lightning knife, and killed it, causing its corpse to fall from the sky.

One person and one crane had been killed in but a moment!

“Not good!”

The other disciples hadn’t expected Fang Qing Xue to actually kill someone in front of the Yu’hua Immortal Mountain, especially someone from the same school. They all felt danger, and hurriedly jumped on their cranes and flew off.

“Fang Qing Xue, you dare kill us! Are you not afraid of the laws! How will you explain to Senior Brother Jin what happened here. How will you explain to the Tian’xing elder what happened here!” howled a disciple.

“A true disciple is considered an instructor, and has the right to kill. You guys offended my dignity, if I didn’t kill you, wouldn’t I have lost my pride as a true disciple? If you want to blame someone blame your Senior Brother Jin for sending you out. Younger disciple will reincarnate, perhaps his eyes will be brighter now!”

Amid her talking, she remained faint, and raised another seven fingers, letting off seven lines of lightning, which like dragons, swept across the sky aimed towards the other seven disciples and cranes.


At this time, suddenly, from the mountain in the distance, a shout followed by a jade shadow rushing over. This jade shadow was a young male wearing jade colored clothing, extremely handsome, his eyebrows like swords. He flew over in the blink of an eye, a distance of tens of li covered in an instant. Standing in midair, he shot out seven dense jade green flames. Upon meeting Fang Qing Xue’s lightning, the two clashed, and then disappeared.

“Senior Sister Fang, if it can be talked about, why did you try to kill!”

In a moment, this man had saved the seven others, and was suspended in midair.

“Jin Shi Tai! If I, Fang Qing Xue, want to kill people, why send out your jade flame to protect them?”

Fang Qing Xue didn’t stop, the knives in her hand changing as purple lightning gathered, becoming more powerful by a thousand levels, and once again shooting them out. At the same time, she rose into the air, and with lightning speed, once again tried to kill.

“Pu’chi Pu’chi Pu’chi”

This male called Jin Shi Tai truly had never experienced Fang Qing Xue’s power, and his jade flames were unable to defend in time, allowing the purple lightning to pa.s.s through.

“Bo!” “Bo!” “Bo!” “Bo!” “Bo!” “Bo!” “Bo!”

These seven sounds were followed by seven people their cranes being burnt and falling to the ground.

They had all died!

Jin Shi Tai became enraged.

“What, Jin Shi Tai, although you are also a true disciple of the Yu’hua School, but based on your comprehension, while you are able to use invisible mana, you have only just trained to the second level of the Divine Realm and are still far from using magic,” said Fang Qing Xue indifferently in a leisurely demeanor. “If you are dissatisfied with me, come to Yu’hua palace, the Tian’xing Stage. I’ll always be waiting for you.”

At the first level of the Divine Realm, Mana level, one’s mana is invisible. At the second level, Comprehension level, one takes their invisible mana, and refines it into visible magic. Thus it is called the comprehension level as one takes their invisible mana and refines it into real magic.

“Tian’xing Stage!” Upon hearing these three words, the color of Jin Shi Tai’s face changed. For a true disciple, matters of hate could be fought over on this stage, a stage of life and death.

On Tian’xing Stage, any true disciples could go up, but only one could come back down.

He never thought that Fang Qing Xue would be so arrogant!

“Heng! I will report this matter to the elder in charge of the gate rules!” Jin Shi Tai left in anger.


Those corpses of the eight disciples and eight cranes left on the ground, Fang Qing Xue boarded the carriage.

The definition of overbearing, the definition of tyrannical! That was it! The arrogance of heaven and earth, everything else considered worthless! The true disciples of Yu’hua School, they are truly unusual. This time, I have finally experienced Fang Qing Xue’s true powers! Teacher Bai Hai Chen, I fear that she is not as easy to kill as you thought.

Upon witnessing the scene, Fang Han was thoroughly shocked by Fang Qing Xue’s temperament, pondering in his heart how he would kill her as per Bai Hai Chen’s order, and afraid of the foreseeable future.

There will always be a day where I will also have this great power, and be able to be as arrogant as the heavens and earth!

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