Eternal Life

Chapter 11

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 11


The feeling of power is so great! No wonder first lady acts so arrogantly, life and death in the palm of her hands.

Hearing Fang Da Fu’s bones break going “ka’cha ka’cha” under his foot, Fang Han’s heartbeat rose. However, it wasn’t refreshing because he had become a holder of high status, but because he held power. It was refreshing because he felt like he had become the controller of the fate of other people.

After all these years, at this moment, Fang Han finally felt he had become a person.

I still need to use power… an even greater power, the power of the Divine Realm! Only then can I become reach the top status. My current power is still puny, and rather insignificant. The good feeling brought by this power cannot be considered anything. I must become stronger, stronger, and even stronger!

After tasting the feeling brought by power, Fang Han realized that wealth and fame were only clouds around the body, and that only strength was eternal.

“Fang Han! What are you doing! You dare to kill people here!”

Fang Man and Fang Rui’s faces underwent drastic changes, fiercely taking a step forward, using their bodies like horns, and completely covering Fang Han. These two men were also pract.i.tioners. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been able to climb so high in the Fang Clan.

[TL: So I misread a character last chapter, Fang Shuo is actually Fang Rui. Sorry]

One must know that higher servants, when going out to collect taxes, had more prestige than the city head. Their status was no small matter.

“What? You guys also want to have your hands and feet broken?” Fang Han turned around, coldly laughing, “Just to let you know, I have already trained to the fifth level of the Mortal Realm. Before trying to fight, you should measure up yourself first.”

“What! The fifth level, G.o.dly strength? No wonder Fang Lie fell under your hands.”

Upon hearing these words, Fang Man and Fang Rui’s faces became embarra.s.sed.

To train one’s flesh to the fifth level, only a couple Fang Clan core disciples had managed to do it. Although they were also pract.i.tioners and had trained to the borders of the third and fourth realm, trying to fight Fang Han would only result in disgracing themselves.

Although in their hearts they didn’t believe that Fang Han had managed to train to the fifth level, because of the scene in front of their eyes, they couldn’t help but believe him.

“Heng, now you know why you are serving under the handsome me.” Licking his lips, “Seeing as we are all servants working for first lady, I will not break any more hands and feet today. But remember, this is not the Fang Clan. Since first lady is undergoing closed door training for a half year, it would be very simple for me to kill all of you and just walk down the mountain.”

“Just wait and see!” Fang Man stubbornly let out a sentence.

“Just now, were you the ones who caused the disturbance about not listening to me?” Not comprehending the meaning of Fang Man’s sentence, Fang Han turned around to face the servants who had started the jeering earlier.


Under Fang Han’s fierce gaze, a couple of the servants fell on their knees and kneeled, “Master Han have mercy, Master Han have mercy! In the future, we will do whatever Master Han says, we will go out under wind and rain, over mountains and seas, always without dissatisfaction.”

“Master Han.”

Hearing other people call him master, Fang Han laughed in his heart, “Get up! From today on, you will follow me and tame spirit beasts for first lady. And you, and you…”

He consecutively picked over two hundred people to be his underlings. Because of his recent display of power, those picked were afraid to show any dissatisfaction or not follow orders. If it was the past, these two hundred plus servants were all higher up than Fang Han, and wouldn’t have listened to him.

But now, Fang Han had shown his power, his skills, making everyone afraid of angering him.

“Okay, not bad.”

Upon arranging the two hundred and fifty people, Fang Han turned towards Fang Lie, who was still lying on the ground, and walked over.

“Okay, Fang Han, today’s matter has come to an end. Fang Lie has received his punishment for not listening to first lady’s orders. Let’s start working.”

At this time, Fang Qiang, who had been watching the scene, finally spoke.

This maidservant, who was responsible for making food, seemed like a very mysterious person. Earlier, as Fang Han was showing off his might, she hadn’t said a word, but now she finally spoke.

“I had that intention.”

Turning around, Fang Han observed Fang Qiang for a while. This maidservant wore a long, deep green dress, and was rather tall, her legs very long like a crane’s, very slim, and her eyes hazy. She took long breaths, her heartbeat unable to be detected. It was as if she were a high-level pract.i.tioner.

Facing Fang Qiang, Fang Han remembered that back in the Fang Clan, he had heard that this head maidservant had a very high position. Rumor had it that the master of the Fang Clan, the governor of Long’yuan Province, Fang Ze Tao wanted to make her his concubine, but stopped because many opposed the idea.

Fang Han intuitively felt that this lady had the airs of someone divine, and was not to be taken lightly. Thus, he lowered his hand.

“Disperse, everyone go about your tasks, let us make ‘Purple Lightning Palace’ clean from the bottom up so that first lady can calmly train,” said Fang Qiang as she clapped her hands together.

Fang Man and Fang Rui left first, bringing a wave of people with them. As for Fang Han, he brought another wave of people up into the mountains, settling in a large palace by a cliff.

This Purple Lightning Peak had seven/eight palaces. Other than the “Purple Lightning Palace” at the summit which had been occupied by Fang Qing Xue, the other palaces were to be used as housing for servants. However, all of these palaces were also grand, even grander than the Fang Clan’s mansion in Long’yuan Province.

Fang Han had settled in the “Spirit Beast Palace,” a palace which contained a lot of stables and fields.

This is a crane. It really is huge.

Inside the “Spirit Beast Palace,” Fang Han found the place where they raised cranes. There were thirty six cranes here, each one two to three people high, their wingspan wider than the gate, gigantic creatures. Their cries stopped the heavens and shook the earth, and could send people flying with but a flap of their wings.

Cranes that were this large, no one knew how the Yu’hua School had bred them.

However, these cranes were currently all stuck in the palace, trapped by an enormous, pure purple net on all sides. It seemed like the net was made of purple silk, and made it so that these cranes couldn’t fly out.

“Spirit Tamer Tablet, Spirit Tamer Tablet. If I drip a drop of blood on it, will it actually allow me to control these cranes?” Fang Han took out the tablet.

On top of the jade tablet, there were thirty six cranes engraved on it.

Biting his finger, Fang Han dripped a drop of blood onto the tablet. At this time, he felt as if the tablet had entered his heart, seemingly becoming part of him.

As if by divine powers, the tablet flew up into the air, and suspended itself.

“Why would this happen, how could I be able to make the tablet fly? Have I somehow managed to train into the Divine Realm?” Fang Han asked himself in disbelief.

At this time, a voice came from behind Fang Han, “It’s not that you have trained to the Divine Realm, but the magic that is imbued within the tablet. This Spirit Tamer Tablet has been engraved with a large array by a Yu’hua School elder. Through your drop of blood, it has been activated. This is known as blood-binding. You can now communicate through your soul with these thirty six cranes.”

“Ah, so it’s Ms. Qiang.”

Turning around, Fang Han confirmed that it was indeed Fang Qiang, the mysterious leader of the maidservants. “Ms. Fang Qiang, you seem to know a lot?”

“I have worked for the Fang Clan for so many years, and have picked up some information, especially since there was that one ancestor who as a disciple of the Yu’hua School. For example, the Da’li Empire has to pay tribute to the Yu’hua School every year,” Fang Qiang spoke softly, and didn’t reveal much. However, by the end, she leaked out a little rather important information.

“Blood-binding?” Fang Han had heard a new term.

“Blood-binding is a means of allowing those who haven’t reached the Divine Realm to use its powers. The Yu’hua School has three categories of disciples, right – outer court disciples who purely focus on training their body, inner court disciples who haven’t reached the Divine Realm but have inherited magic treasures, flying swords, armor, shields, etc. Those flying swords are the same as your tablet. Inside, they each have a large array, and after blood-binding, they allow those who aren’t in the Divine Realm to move the sword with their minds, greatly improving their abilities and powers. Although the Yu’hua School is part of the Ten Immortal Schools, they still have enemies, such as the Tian’mo School and Yao’shen School. These schools have great enmity with the Yu’hua School. If only fighting with the body, how would they fight the enemy?”

[TL: So these paragraphs where they explain stuff is confusing as h.e.l.l… if there is anything you don’t understand, comment and I’ll try to answer based on what I understand]

Fang Qiang faintly laughed, and continued, “Although we are not considered disciples of the Yu’hua School, if by chance we are taken fancy to and able to enter the school, these things are things that one must know.”

“Although the Spirit Tamer Tablet is the at the lowest level of fa’qi, if you manage to get a ling’qi flying sword refined by one of the school elders and blood-bind it, with a single thought you can kill anyone within ten li of you. That is the power of a ling’qi object.

“Ling’qi?” asked a stunned Fang Han.

“Pract.i.tioners categorize magic treasures into five categories, fa’qi, ling’qi, bao’qi, dao’qi, and xian’qi,” lectured Fang Qiang, “Fa’qi objects are imbued with the slightest amount of magic power, have various uses, such as fire resistance seals, purifying water seals, speed seals, as well as simply allowing people to control spirit beasts, like your tablet. These fa’qi objects can be created by any pract.i.tioner of the Divine Realm who are able to concentrate their magic. As for ling’qi objects, only those who have trained to at least the fifth level of the Divine Realm can make them, as it requires one to have enough skill to form all kinds of arrays to imbue upon the object, as well as immense spiritual power. As for bao’qi objects, they are rare because the power needed is even greater. Otherwise they wouldn’t be called treasures. Dao’qi treasures are only heard of in legends. If a treasure reaches the dao’qi level, they are able to cultivate themselves. This level of object is already lost in history. As for xian’qi, no one has ever seen one, and can only be read about. You have already trained to the fifth level, but those who have ling’qi flying swords can immediately kill you.”

“Many thanks to you Ms. Qiang for telling me so much, and opening my eyes.” Fang Han quickly expressed this thanks, and at the same time, felt that this lady was more mysterious than he had thought.

“Today you have offended Fang Man and Fang Rui. Sooner or later, they will try to harm you. First lady is in closed door training, and will not care about the fights between servants. Perhaps they will plot against you, and by the time first lady comes out months later, she will have already forgotten about you,” said Fang Qiang as she nodded towards Fang Han.

“Them?” Fang Han laughed.

“Their skills don’t even make them your opponents, but they have sent people to find Master Yu’shao to complain about you. You should be cautious. Also, on Yu’hua Mountain, there is a total of 108 true disciples, 3500 inner disciples, and 10000 outer disciples. Thus, there are a lot of intertwining relationships. The people that first lady beheaded were of Jade Fire Peak. They might send people over looking for revenge. Our lives are cheap, if we die, we die, so please, be careful. I will only say this much, please raise the spirit beasts well, but be cautious.”

Fang Qiang finished speaking and walked away, leaving Fang Han thinking there by himself.

Master Yu’shao was called Fang Yu, and was Fang Qing Xue’s little brother. He had been brought here this time by Fang Qing Xue, and had gone together with the others into Yu’hua Mountain as an outer court disciple. That was what Fang Han knew.

“Blood-binding, blood-binding? Right, I still have that ‘Map of the Hidden Dragon Yellow Spring’ on my body, I wonder if I can blood-bind it.” Suddenly, Fang Han’s heart jumped a beat. “That ‘Map of the Hidden Dragon Yellow Spring’ was a treasure of the Mo’men Great Empire, an object belong to the Yellow Spring Emperor. Is it a linq’qi, bao’qi, or xian’qi treasure? In any case, it definitely isn’t a low grade fa’qi object.

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