Eternal Life

Chapter 38

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 38

The Underground World

The world of the ‘Underground Abyss’ wasn’t completely dark and gloomy.

Fang Han, upon setting foot upon the land of the Underground Abyss, realized that there was no difference between this earth and the one above. Everywhere, one could see the fertile soil, the many flowing streams, and towering plants.

These towering plants were, for the most part, mushrooms.

Some mushrooms were like giant umbrellas. Scattered here and there, they emanated a soft light, providing the world of the ‘Underground Abyss’ with rays of light.

“These mushrooms are called Evening Light Mushrooms. They grow everywhere in the ‘Underground Abyss’. As you have cultivated to the ‘G.o.dly Bravery’ level, borrowing the slightest ray of light given off by these mushrooms, you should be able to see clearly in this darkness. The ‘Underground Abyss’ is a good place to cultivate. Amid the darkness, countless dangers are hidden, and endless Demon Beasts could kill you at any time. As you will always be in danger, this is the best place for you to cultivate your ‘Magic Gate’, and will allow you to quickly hone your spirit and develop your latent powers. As far as I know, half of the Yu’hua School’s true disciples, before arriving at the Divine Realm, came to the ‘Underground Abyss’ to cultivate.”

Fang Qing Xue walked above the ground, her feet not standing upon the earth.

“The abyss is rich in minerals, ten thousand year cold iron, black quartz, purple silver, essence gold, shining white steel, ground crystal stones, blue sky stones, sea tide jade, etc. These rare, heavenly material treasures are used to refine flying swords, and a necessity for crafting magic treasures. They can even a.s.sist with cultivation and strengthen the spirit. Furthermore, the underground’s Demon Beasts are extremely strange. The blood of some of these Demon Beasts are the best materials for refining medicinal pellets, even better than the horned viper gallbladder that you consumed. You have read ‘The World’. Inside it talks about the conditions of the ‘Underground Abyss’. Anyway, needless to say, you should be walking in front of me and creating the trail.”

“Okay, senior sister.”

Fang Han’s body flashed, turning into a blurry shadow. He arrived in front of Fang Qing Xue, silently continuing onwards.

As Fang Qing Xue observed Fang Han’s movements, his agility, she, in her heart that was as profound and steady as a mountain, couldn’t help but nod. Her eyes were fixed on him, but she seemingly couldn’t find any clues.

Truthfully, Fang Qing Xue had brought Fang Han to the ‘Underground Abyss’ so that she could see for herself how this servant cultivated so fast.

She thought that by letting Fang Han open the road for her, she would definitely be able to gain some clues.

No matter what, do not use the techniques of the Qun’xing School. Otherwise, she will definitely know that I received the things that were on Bai Hai Chen’s body. It is better to just put on a ruse.

As Fang Han walked, he thought in his mind of how to conceal his ability lest he had to expose some during a situation of life and death. After all, his most familiar techniques were still the two from the Qun’xing School, the ‘Seven Star Step’ and ‘Big Dipper Kick’.

Walking along, they gradually entered the depths of the darkness. The mushrooms on the ground gradually grew more and more, and occasionally, there would be poisonous bugs similar to centipedes and scorpions. However, since Fang Han’s magic clothes had bug deterring abilities, the bugs stayed far away.

“Ao ao ao!”

Just at this time, a feeling of great danger appeared in Fang Han’s heart and spirit. From amidst the mushroom forest in front of him, a b.l.o.o.d.y shadow suddenly flashed out, a fierce qi suffocating him. Amid the b.l.o.o.d.y shadow, dense rows of white teeth appeared, biting for his throat.


Before Fang Han even had time to think, he directed a strike of sword force, like the flick of a fishing rod, at the b.l.o.o.d.y shadow.

Wah! The b.l.o.o.d.y shadow let a miserable scream, getting slammed on the ground by the sword force. Rolling once and then twice, its body appeared, completely covered in a bright blood red fur. It looked like some kind of flame wolf, especially its exposed teeth which were as long as a finger. They seemed as if they were sharp enough to break rocks.

“It was actually an abyss blood wolf.”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Fang Han realized how ferocious demon beasts were.

This kind of abyss blood wolf had extremely strong bodies, their teeth able to easily crush granite. When eating humans, even the bones would be eaten after being ground to powder by these teeth. Furthermore, they were as fast as lightning and extremely cunning. They were very good at ambushing people. Above ground, they could easily bite to death an entire village of people. If a ‘G.o.dly Strength’ level pract.i.tioner wasn’t prepared, they would also be bitten to death.

Often, there would be a village in some empire that would be extinguished by an abyss blood wolf.

Amidst the ‘Underground Abyss’, these kinds of blood wolves were very common, to the point where ‘Underground Devils’ were brave enough to eat.

However, blood wolf’s fur was extremely expensive. Many dignitaries would wear clothes made of blood wolf fur for honor. Furthermore, upon their foreheads was a bone which was called the ‘Blood Crystal’. It was very bright and colorful and contained a very vigorous qi. If ordinary people wore it, it could cure debilitating diseases or compensate for a lack of qi and blood. Moreover, they were one of the best materials to be refined into various medicinal pellets, fa’qi, and ling’qi.

Without thinking, Fang Han used the magic sword he was holding to take the crystal from this blood wolf. About the size of his thumb, the ‘Blood Crystal’ fell into his hand. It felt lukewarm, like warm jade.

“‘Immortal Shark Fishing’?” Isn’t that the technique of the Wan’gui Immortal Island?”

Fang Qing Xue was slightly surprised for a moment. Fang Han had killed this blood wolf so quickly and effortlessly using a technique of the Wan’gui Immortal Island.

“After I entered the outer court, I had many fights with other outer court disciples to hone my techniques. This technique was demonstrated during my fight with Prince Bao of the Da’de Empire. Afterwards, I went home and tried to carefully figure it out. I only learned the basics, I hope senior sister can teach me further,” said Fang Han hurriedly.

“Ok. This rendition had some resemblance to the actual technique, but was still lacking in some places. This technique, ‘Immortal Shark Fishing’ has some profound mysteries, and is not as simple to learn as it seems it is,” replied Fang Qing Xue.

Fang Han listened. Fang Qing Xue’s knowledge of techniques, it was so profound to the point where it made Bai Hai Chen’s knowledge look simple. With every sentence he heard, he felt even more enlightened than before.

No wonder it is said that training hard for two to three years is not as fast as having a famous teacher.

Continuing forwards, a rustling sound could be heard, “si si si si si si.”

Suddenly, several colorfully green, poisonous snakes sprung out from the gra.s.s, biting towards Fang Han. These snakes were actually not deterred by the qi emitted by Fang Han’s magic clothes, showing just how poisonous they must be.

“Hateful Rain!”

Fang Han’s sword swung once again, concealed sword force beheading the several poisonous snakes. One by one they landed on the ground, letting off numerous dings.
“‘Hateful Finger Technique’? Which outer court disciple did you learn this from?” asked Fang Qing Xue.

“Still Prince Bao. The first day we fought, I lost. Afterwards, I trained harshly with Hong Yi and then challenged him again. He displayed this technique at that time,” explained Fang Han, “I wonder what percentage of the skill was shown through my usage?”

“Zhang’hen Devil School’s techniques require one to have enormous hate to successfully display it. The deeper the hatred, the more profound the technique. You do not need to train this technique any longer. It is very easy to be pushed by one’s negative emotions. It is better to walk a path of fire than one of the Devil,” stated Fang Qing Xue, explaining the technique.

Amid the vast, vast world of the ‘Underground Abyss’, two people could be seen, walking and stopping, stopping and walking, occasionally stopping to eat. Fang Han walked in front, clearing the path. They walked like this day and night, encountering who knows how many dangerous situations with blood wolves, blood bears, three headed snakes, and even small teams of foragers hunting for Devils. All of these were killed by Fang Han’s magic swords.

Along the road, Fang Han’s spirit was clamped tightly together, carefully observing the movements in his surroundings. The two slowly walked deeper into the depths of the underground world.

His cultivation and spirit, under the guidance of Fang Qing Xue, had undergone obvious change, becoming ever more skillful.

During this time, he also occasionally risked using the techniques of the Qun’xing School. Whenever Fang Qing Xue asked, he would respond that he learned it from combatting outer court disciples. Because of the cover provided by the first two stories, Fang Qing Xue didn’t suspect anything.

Suddenly, Fang Han heard a ferocious roar. From the darkness in front of him appeared a team of five long, long torches. One of the flames acted like a long dragon, walking towards his face.

Under the distant light of the fire, Fang Han saw clearly an Underground Devil about the height of a head. These Devils held the torch in one hand and a steel fork in the other, their behinds slightly plump, kind of like two large meat buns.

“That’s a contingent of Yasha! It seems we are not very far away from ‘The Altar of the Demon G.o.d’. You should go and kill that group,” said Fang Qing Xue.

In the ‘Underground Abyss’, the lowest status was held by the Devil people, and then these Yasha. Even higher was the ‘Flying Yasha’, and then the great generals called ‘Shura’! Devil people’s regular strength was comparable to that of ‘G.o.dly Strength’ level pract.i.tioners. As for Yasha, they were comparable to ‘G.o.dly Bravery’ level pract.i.tioners.

‘Flying Yasha’ were comparable to pract.i.tioners of the tenth level, ‘G.o.dly Transformation’.

As for ‘Shura’, they were comparable to pract.i.tioners of the Divine Realm.

Currently, Fang Qing Xue wanted Fang Han to go and kill a group of ‘G.o.dly Bravery’ level Yasha!

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