Eternal Life

Chapter 39

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 39

The ‘Connected with Spirit’ Level

[TL: So I will still call pract.i.tioners of this level ‘Spiritual Expert’ pract.i.tioners, but the more correct translation of the level is ‘connected with spirit’]

The group of torch bearing ‘Yasha’ had clearly noticed Fang Han and Fang Qing Xue, each of them emitting a sharp scream and throwing away their torches. Wielding their steel forks, they jumped like giant gra.s.shoppers, rapidly closing in on the two, as if they had found a delicious meal.

These ‘Yasha’ had a surprisingly powerful jumping ability, one jump reaching a height of three to four people and traveling a distance of thirty to forty steps. They were able to jump over ordinary houses with ease.

Although they couldn’t glide through the air like ‘Flying Yasha’, they still showed the ferocious power of Devils.

Even ordinary ‘Spiritual Expert’ level pract.i.tioners couldn’t jump that high, or that far.

“Ten, eleven, twelve, there are a total of twelve, twelve ‘Yasha’. Twelve ‘G.o.dly Bravery’ level ‘Yasha’. Fortunately their skills aren’t as refined, and are filled with flaws.”

[TL: Turns out I made a translating mistake. Looking back, the author actually didn’t specify the number in the previous chapter.]

Fang Han’s body became upright as he held his magic sword vertically. His feet surging forward, he surprisingly charged and didn’t flee. He was going to try and kill those ‘Yasha’!

Underground Devils had a unique characteristic, and that was their incomparable strength. However, their skills were too poor, and lacked the refinement of humans. This resulted in pract.i.tioners being able to kill them by taking advantage of these flaws.

“Ha ha ha ha, we actually encountered two humans. There is even a woman! They definitely came to the ‘Underground Abyss’ to kill Demon Beasts and get rich. Let us eat the man and bring the woman back home and dedicate her to the great leader!”

The ‘Yasha’ uttered some vaguely understandable words as they jumped over at high speed.

Underground Devils had rather high intelligence, especially those of the ‘Yasha’ lineage. Ordinary ones were only slightly less intelligent than humans, with ‘Flying Yasha’ being no different from humans.

These ‘Yasha’ were capable of communication, able to create torches, and able to use weapons, distinguishing themselves from beasts and giving themselves the right to be considered humanoid.

Their language and text were artifacts of the past, things which humans had pa.s.sed down long ago.

The presence of language was what made them so difficult to defeat, for it was not their strength that made them so frightening, but their wisdom.

One ‘Yasha’ leapt ahead of the pack, and reached them first. Like a pouncing tiger, it arrived and swung its fork, fiercely stabbing at Fang Han, coldness flashing through its eyes. Such power was enough to pierce through a cow and turn it into a kebab for barbecue.


[TL: Not dang as in dang it, but dang as a kind of ringing sound]

Fang Han firmly kicked out using the ‘Big Dipper Kick’ and hit the fork, immediately kicking it aside. At the same time, he borrowed its power and, sword like the wind, body like autumn rain, turned into a series of flashing, incomplete shadows, disappearing from within the eyesight of this ‘Yasha’.

Dazzling sword!

The sword pierced through the head.

The ‘Yasha’ let out a deafening roar, one which felt as if it could rip the heart and split the lungs, and, falling backwards, fell down towards the gloomy underground river beneath. “Plop.” Blood leaking from its body, it was swept away by the raging water, disappearing without a trace.

One strike, one kill. Fang Han didn’t dare stop and continued, body flashing again, dodging outwards a couple steps.

“Sou sou sou!”

Multiple steel forks stabbed towards the area where he had just been. If he had moved half a step slower, then he would have been turned into barbecue shish-kebab. The enormous power of those forks was more than enough to pierce through his magic clothes.

“Kill him!”

“Yes! Where did that girl go?”

“Just now she was still behind him, but she has disappeared.”

“Forget about the girl, let’s kill the guy first!”

The ‘Yasha’ were roaring at each other as their forks pierced through nothingness; their underhand, yet powerful underhand method for killing Fang Han had failed. Furthermore, Fang Qing Xue who had been behind Fang Han had disappeared without a trace. No one had any clue where she had gone.

At this time, Fang Han couldn’t care about where Fang Qing Xue had gone as he still had eleven ‘Yasha’ surrounding him. These eleven ‘Yasha’ were even fiercer than a group of eleven blood wolves. Not only that, but there skin were covered with thick layers of scales as well. A magic sword would encounter a great hindrance, and perhaps even become stuck. Thus, in order to kill them, one had to strike through their eye.

If at this time, Fang Han was able to use flying swords and wear the ‘Blood Cotton Devil Clothes’, then it wasn’t even worth mentioning these ‘Yasha’ in front of him. However, Fang Qing Xue was observing him nearby, how could he reveal his secrets? If he did that, even if he didn’t die at the hands of the ‘Yasha’, he would die at the hands of Fang Qing Xue.

‘Flying Soul Nine Turns’!

Fang Han dodged again, letting the steel forks pierce the skies again, afterwards using a trick of the ‘Flying Spirit Soft Body Enhancement’. His sword suddenly extended out, stabbing another ‘Yasha’ through the eye.

“Human, you are looking for death!”

A ‘Yasha’ opened its mouth, its scarlet tongue flickering out. Throwing away its fork, it surprisingly reached towards Fang Han’s sword with its palm. It wanted to use its body’s scales to entrap the magic sword.

If the magic sword was entrapped, then Fang Han would immediately be in great danger, as he would no longer have a weapon to use. It would become impossible for him to kill these ‘Yasha’ which were impervious to blades and arrows.

‘Carp Penetrating Waves’!

Fang Han’s mind clicked, and in between his hurriedness, his body’s bones became lax and supple, sinking downwards and dashing past this ‘Yasha’. “Pu’chi.” Blood spouted from a cut on the ‘Yasha’s ear.


Sparks scattered as half of the ‘Yasha’s ear was cut off. A portion of the scales on its head had fallen off, drenching its head in blood. It screamed, sounding as anguished as an owl, “Ga ga ga ga.”

Such hard scales! My ‘Devil Beheading Sword’ which can slice gold and break jade can only cut off some scales. If it was an ordinary iron sword, would it even be able to withstand the impact? Fang Han’s body landed on the ground, flipping over and rolling out.

Immediately, the eleven ‘Yasha’ once again surrounded Fang Han, their steel forks once again striking outward. Relying on his agility, Fang Han jumped up and down, breaking free of the encirclement and suddenly rushing away, only to wait for the ‘Yasha’ to catch up before striking at them again.

“Pu’chi, pu’chi, pu’chi!”

One steel fork after another was broken in half by him. After more than ten rounds, the eleven ‘Yasha’ no longer had steel forks.

The ‘Yashas’ scales were very hard, but their forks were only regular iron. How could they stand up to the Yu’hua School’s ‘Devil Beheading Sword’?


After destroying all of the ‘Yashas’ weapons, Fang Han suddenly felt as if the pressure surrounding him had lessened greatly. Bringing out all of his power, he repeatedly struck out with his sword. In but a moment, each ‘Yasha’ felt the sharp sword tip flying towards their eyes, like the propagation of stars in the sky.

The ‘Yasha’ roared and fell backwards.

Fang Han once again exerted his strength, concentrating his entire spirit, seemingly in a trance. He felt as if his whole body’s flesh and blood had condensed into a ball of flame, a very powerful, burning flame. It rushed up towards his mind, and immediately his mind’s ‘Heavenly Gate’ was suddenly illuminated. It was a sight he had never been able to see before.

At this moment, Fang Han could see clearly through his skull as if he was looking through crystals.

Suddenly, within Fang Han’s thoughts, he had a revelation. This ‘Yasha’ has an explosive strength of one thousand three hundred and fifty or so jin, and is very fast. In the time it takes to blink it can travel forty three steps! It weighs about three hundred fifty jin!

The weight, speed, and power of each ‘Yasha’ suddenly became known to him, clear as day. Just by looking at each ‘Yasha’, he was able to accurately discern the various characteristics of them in his mind!

It was to the point that he could even predict which direction the ‘Yasha’ was going to jump before it even moved!

His whole spirit had suddenly risen a level.

He had entered the ninth level of the Mortal Realm, ‘Connected with Spirit’!

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