Eternal Life

Chapter 48

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 48

Instant Kill Great Way

The sound conveyed down from the skies, divulging the owner’s extreme bloodthirstiness and demeanor. When Fang Han heard it, he felt as if he had met the ‘Demon G.o.d’ again.

The ‘Demon G.o.d’ was a first generation Sect leader, a sacred legend of the Demon schools, immeasurably powerful. Even a mere manifestation of it was able to harm Fang Qing Xue. That kind of oppressive force had sunken deep into Fang Han’s bones – it was something that was unforgettable.

The sound conveyed down actually had slivers of the ‘Demon G.o.d’s demeanor. It was obvious that not too long in the future, a younger generation ‘Devil Emperor’ level master was about to be born.

“Devil General, could you also be a part of the generation which only shows its tail but not its head?” Shi Long Zi stopped in his tracks, no longer walking forward, and coldly yelled toward the sky.

“Okay, just for that comment about hiding my head and showing my tail, you will be paying the price of one arm.” The ‘Devil General’s voice once again conveyed down. Suddenly, up in the sky, twenty streams of white colored rainbows flew across, auspicious qi flowers falling down one by one, like a messy, colorful rain. A male stood upon one of the white rainbows, walking down step by step on the falling, auspicious qi.

[TL: Here, he actually replies “for those four words” instead of “for that comment”, but the translation of the saying is much more than four words, so I changed it slightly]

This male seemed to be between twenty and thirty years old, his body extremely straight and tall, his spine straight as a pen, his hair tied in a bun and interlaced with jade hairpins. He had an oval face, and his facial lines were very mild. Both of his hands were empty, devoid of any swords, treasures, etc. In particular, his two eyes seemed very arrogant, yet tolerant. He slowly walked down amongst the white rainbows and randomly falling heavenly flowers of auspicious qi, like an Immortal descending upon an ordinary world, devoid of any Demonic and Devil qi. Completely immersed in Immortal qi.

Is this the rumored Devil General? No matter how you look at it, he is an Immortal cultivator, thought Fang Han in his heart. However, he didn’t relax in the slightest, and released the remaining wolf smoke out to protect Fang Qing Xue and himself.

Fang Qing Xue was still wrapped within her Purple Electricity Coc.o.o.n, which still hadn’t made any movements. It had no idea of what was going on outside.

“Ying Tian Qing, this is a matter between the inner parts of the Yu’hua School. You are taking matters too far into your own hands.” Seeing the power of the Devil General, Jin Shi Tai stood behind Shi Long Zi, his voice sounding rather negative.

“If anyone touches Qing Xue, then I will move. Even if it was the ‘Nine Heavens Supreme Immortal’, I would be sure to kill.” The Devil General’s voice was very faint, “Shi Long Zi, you move first. I shall wait until I defeat you before I bother that little fellow behind you. Or you two can kneel down right now and beg for mercy and break your arms, and I shall let you two go.”

“Such arrogance. To tell you the truth, I wanted to fight with you today. Rumor has it that you are the ‘Devil Path’s once in a thousand years genius. My favorite hobby is to stifle geniuses that are still young, oh just how pleasurable it feels,” Shi Long Zi laughed, his finger suddenly pointing forward.

‘Hua’la’, a sharp golden sword qi was directed at Devil General Ying Tian Qing’s body.

This stream of golden sword qi was several zhang long and as wide as a door. It contained a very profound sharpness, and was able to slash and pierce through anything. Compared with the ‘Purple Yin Lightning Knife’, it had a more sword immortal like sharpness.

This was the ‘Great Unrestrained Mysterious Gold Sword Qi’, the most powerful of the Yu’hua School’s eight great Divine Wills. Cultivating sword qi to protect oneself resulting in great freedom to travel between the heavens and earth. Free and unrestrained sword immortals generally didn’t use magical devices, as they could shoot sword qi with a casual point of their finger. It was stronger than any flying swords, even bao’qi level ones.

Devil General Ying Tian Qing observed Shi Long Zi make the first move, sword qi piercing through the air, crashing over. He raised one hand, ‘Universal Qi’ gathering between his five fingers, and grabbed the ‘Mysterious Golden Sword Qi’.

His hand was very fast, the ‘Universal Qi’ between his five fingers pure white, as if it was melted white bones. While the qi rotated, it emitted a creaking sound, kind of like creaking bone joints.

‘Innate White Bones’ Divine Will! said Yan, shocked.

Before Yan’s voice even stopped, the ‘White Bone Universal Qi’ had already grabbed ahold of the ‘Mysterious Golden Sword Qi’.

The ‘Mysterious Golden Sword Qi’ constantly shrunk, as it was being taken and stored.

Seeing that Devil General Ying Tian Qing had grabbed ahold of his sword qi, not only was Shi Long Zi not surprised, but he began to laugh, his face showing the happiness of a successful plot. At this time, his mouth spit out eight words, “Free! Unrestrained! Instant! Kill! Great! Way!”

[TL: Eight Chinese characters, two groups of two make one English word so we are left with six]

Buzz, buzz, the ‘Mysterious Golden Sword Qi’ which was grasped by the ‘White Bone Universal Qi’ suddenly let off a violent tremor, gathering speed. During this tremor, it suddenly disappeared, as if it had teleported.

In the next moment, the ‘Mysterious Golden Sword Qi’ suddenly appeared out of thin air behind Ying Tian Qing’s head, sharply cutting down at a very fast speed. The severity of the tremor caused even the heavens and earth to vibrate. Fang Han only felt that sword qi tremor and the soundwaves cause the heavens and earth to shake, the sand dune under his body jolting. It was as if he were amid an earthquake.

The qi flow between the heavens and earth began wildly fluctuating, outside of the sword qi’s tremor, one tornado column after another began appearing, roiling tens of thousands of tons of yellow sand.

‘Instant Kill Great Way’! They actually cultivated the ‘Great Unrestrained Mysterious Gold Sword Qi’s ‘Instant Kill Great Way’. This strike of sword qi requires a high degree of harmony between one’s spirit and the qi flow of the heavens and earth. The sword qi can teleport, and can kill G.o.ds and decapitate ghouls, an extremely tyrannous skill. It is several times, perhaps even tens or hundreds of times, the speed of sound, and able to cut everything. Those years of the Immortal Devil Great War, who knows how many of the Devil School elites the Yu’hua School headmaster killed using this instant kill technique.

Yan continued, Just now, if he used his ‘Instant Kill Great Way’, then your wolf smoke sphere would have broken.

‘Instant Kill Great Way’! This strike is too powerful, I must learn it in the future as well, I must! Fang Han’s heart was pounding because this ‘Instant Kill Great Way’ was just too powerful. If even the gentlest stream of water could cut through steel at high speeds, then wouldn’t that be even more dangerous if one used sharp sword/universal qi?

Devil General Ying Tian Qing about to be beheaded under the sword of the ‘Instant Kill Great Way’, after all, his head was still flesh, and there was no way for him to block the instant kill sword qi. However, at this most critical moment, bang! Through who knows what hole on the back side of his head, there suddenly gradually rose out a bone ball about the size for a fist. The ‘Instant Kill Great Way’s ‘Sword Qi’ had viciously cut into it and had actually gotten stuck in it. Like a clay cow in the ocean, it disappeared without a trace.

[TL: Clay cow in the ocean is a saying. Basically, if you put a clay cow in the ocean it will disappear because the water will dissolve it]

“‘White Bone Relic’!

[TL: Specifically this thing, although I don’t know what it is called #aid=0&pic=a1ec08fa513d26974ba8237557fbb2fb4316d89a]

Shi Long Zi was shocked.

“You actually cultivated the ‘Instant Kill Great Way’, no wonder you had the guts to call me out. However, you haven’t finished your training of this technique, and its speed is only eight times the speed of sound. If your mana was more forceful and you raised it to eighteen times the speed of sound, then today, I would actually show some fear. Rumor has it that the Yu’hua School headmaster’s ‘Instant Kill Great Way’ ‘Sword Qi’ can reach up to thirty thousand times the speed of sound. You are very, very far from that level of skill.” Ying Tian Qing held out the ‘White Bone Relic’. After sealing the ‘Sword Qi’, he calmly sighed, seeming extremely displeased, “What a pity, what a pity. Today, I want one of your arms. It shall be hard for you to advance in the future.”


Listening to the Devil General’s sigh and the hidden, profound murderous intent in his words, Shi Long Zi no longer hesitated, turning into a golden stream of light, and like someone on top of a geyser, he instantly flew into the sky, taking Jin Shi Tai with him. This decision to escape was made truly decisively, without a half second of hesitation, it showed true determination to escape.

“Think you can escape?”

While the Devil General spoke, the ‘White Bone Relic’ behind his head flew into the sky, turning into a dense white bone shadow which left one blur after another. In just a few flashes, it had caught up to the escaping golden sword light, resulting in a ruthless, tearing sound. Shi Long Zi and Jin Shi Tai horrible screams penetrated through the skies.

The ‘White Bone Devil Shadow’ returned, its hands holding two b.l.o.o.d.y arms, which it ate and quickly swallowed.


Seeing the situation, the Devil General slightly shook his head, and said one word. The ‘White Bone Devil Shadow’ once again turned into a ‘White Bone Relic’, and returned to the back of his head.

“Okay, you can release the wolf smoke. Since I am here, Qing Xue will not have any problems. Furthermore, you haven’t cultivated to the ‘Divine Realm’, and still cannot use many of the secrets of the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’. You also lack flying swords, and cannot use the ‘Seven Killing Swords Array’.” The Devil General Ying Tian Qing happily spoke towards Fang Han, “However, since you have protected Qing Xue, I shall bestow seven flying swords upon you.”
While he spoke, the Devil General’s finger moved, and seven flying swords appeared. Whether the sword was black, white, blue, purple, or gold, it was clear that they were all very high quality.

“Wait! I am of the ‘Immortal Path’ while you are a person of the ‘Devil Path’, incompatible! I want your flying swords, but in the future, once I cultivate successfully, I will naturally have no shortage of ling’qi!” Fang Han quickly waved his hands, toughly saying, “I, Fang Han, never require payments from those who aren’t willing to kill others, and thus do not need your reward.”


The Devil General didn’t expect that powerless Fang Han would actually say such words. His finger moved again, and the seven flying swords disappeared, his face frustrated.

“Spoken well, Fang Han, I truly didn’t judge you incorrectly.”

At this time, the purple electricity coc.o.o.n suddenly split open, and Fang Qing Xue stood up.

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