Eternal Life

Chapter 60

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 60

Shura Bodyguard

For the universe to allow these things to live, there will always be its reasons. Perhaps it is to urge the growth of other creatures, ah. Without pressure for survival, there wouldn’t have been the creation of the ‘Immortal Path’. Legend has it that in the most ancient times, during the age of primitiveness, the conflicts between the humans and vicious beasts created martial arts, the one with ‘Heavenly Devils’ created ‘Divine Will’.

Yan laughed, Hei hei. Let’s not talk too much. Since your spirit has recovered, let us continue moving forward and execute a few more ‘Heavenly Devils’ to further sharpen your spirit.

Yes! Go!

Fang Han’s confidence had risen a hundred times.

At a breakneck pace, he moved through the desolate shattered rocks and potholes. Fang Han didn’t waste much energy. Encountering stone peaks the height of several people, he jumped over them in one go. Encountering fissures that were tens of steps across, he just rushed over them. This was his ‘Extreme Speed’ technique.

Currently, his jumping ability, running ability, explosive ability, and endurance had all surpa.s.sed that of ordinary people by vast amounts. What ordinary people regarded as a difficult to travel region, he traveled smoothly over. With just a leap, he could travel forty to fifty steps. With just a jump, he could jump a height of several people. Moreover, he did it continuously, without a rest. His physicalness was extremely profound. Traversing across this desolate, deserted star, he felt a kind of comfort from being able to release his wild nature.

Eh? Why is there wind in front of us? I felt an enormous roiling of the air current, could it be a tornado?

On one hand he ran and leaped at breakneck speeds to exercise his body. On the other hand, Fang Han was using his eyes to observe all directions, even occasionally looking at the ground to see if there were any ‘Heavenly Materials’. At this moment, somewhere far in front of him, it suddenly seemed to turn dusky.

The storms atop the ‘Outer s.p.a.ce Star’ are extremely intense. Even rocks weighing as much as several thousand jin can be blown up into the sky and fly wildly. If you encounter this kind of winds, it would be best if you hid within some stone peak, said Yan casually. However, he continued afterwards saying, Not good, that isn’t a storm, that is a group of ‘Heavenly Devils’! Oh no! Why would there be this many ‘Heavenly Devils’! Hurry! Hurry and hide. Against this many ‘Heavenly Devils’, no matter your skill, you will be shredded to pieces!

Those are ‘Heavenly Devils’ within that wind?

Fang Han was shocked. In the time that they conversed, the wind in the distance that was heading over became larger and larger. It gusted to the point that his magic clothes began making the sounds of a flag flapping. A sandstorm filled the sky. Every breath resulted in his mouth and nose being filled with grit. Especially from amongst the center of the sandstorm, a dark, yin taste and a bone piercing cold qi emanated out. There was also a fishy smell. It was indeed ‘Devil Qi’, demonstrating that this was indeed not a normal storm!

“Dust Avoidance Talisman!”

A stream of crystalline water appeared, surround Fang Han’s entire body. Immediately, within a half chi radius of his body, the dust and grit completely fell to the ground. This was one of the talismans which the school had given him. Fang Han now understood the benefits of the ‘Dust Avoidance Talisman’. If not for it, he would have been buried by the sand.

You need to hurry and bring in your aura of vitality and find a fissure to hide in. You must dodge this large army of ‘Heavenly Devils’. My dear, there are full tens of thousands of ‘Heavenly Devils’ here. This many ‘Heavenly Devils’ are enough to attack some smaller ‘Immortal Path’ schools. Some small schools only have one or two ‘Divine Realm’ cultivators, they would be directly devoured by the ‘Heavenly Devils’.

Tens of thousands of ‘Heavenly Devils’ were enough to even swallow Yan.

Under the skies, other than the ‘Ten Great Immortal Path Schools’, there were other smaller schools. They were also erected by ‘Divine Realm’ cultivators. The young master of the Bu’ye Island which Fang Han had hit, his father, that is the master of Bu’ye Island, was a ‘Divine Realm’ cultivator. However, there wasn’t much difference between him and Jin Shi Tai. Thus, his school was extremely small. Basically, after two or three hundred years, whenever this island master’s life expectancy dried up and he died, the school would cease to exist.

These kinds of small school were called ‘Loose Cultivation Schools’. ‘Loose Cultivation Schools’ didn’t have a single ‘Longevity Realm’ cultivator, otherwise they would become a ‘Greater School’.

Close the apertures, hold the breath, bring in the spirit, retract the aura!

Fang Han, reaching a suitable area, didn’t dare to be slow. Upon seeing a ma.s.sive fissure, he immediately flew into it, moving ten times more agilely than apes and monkeys. His body contracted, a flip, a crawl, ‘xi xi suo suo, chi liu’ and his body, like a smoke mouse, burrowed into the depths of the fissure. If this scene was seen by an ordinary person, they would all be astonished and said, “This giant mouse has gained enlightenment.”

He hid in the fissure, using the underground rocks to hide his body. Fang Han closed off all of his body’s apertures, making sure not to leak the slightest bit of Qi. He also began taking extremely long, drawn out, subtle breaths. His spirit retracted further inward. Within his mind, it condensed into a bright ball of light.

This was the results of his most recent cultivation training. If he closed his apertures, not the slightest bit of aura would leak out. Thus, as he hid, he seemed just like a rock. Not even a dog would be able to sniff him out.

To be undetectable by a dog, this was an important milestone in regard to controlling the physique granted by the ‘G.o.dly Transformation’ stage.

Such a kind of qi lock, ‘Heavenly Devils’ naturally wouldn’t be able to sense it. This way, he could avoid the catastrophe.

Fang Han could only hear the sound of rumbling above him, as if it was violently thundering, or as if a giant army was marching. Giant stones unceasingly fell from above. Luckily, the place he hid was a cavern which recessed inwards, making it so that the stones couldn’t smash onto his body. Otherwise, if he had to dodge those stones, he would definitely leak his aura, and the consequences would be disastrous. He and Yan would definitely be eaten.

According to reason, there is no way the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’ should have this many ‘Heavenly Devils’! Otherwise, all of the testing inner court disciples would all die. Even true disciples, when facing so many ‘Heavenly Devils’, would lose at least a few. Unless there has been a change?

While he laid still, Fang Han pondered within his mind.

After a long while, Fang Han felt the chilliness aboveground slowly disappear. Only then did he release his aura. Like a centipede fleeing upstream, he rushed to the surface. The desolate ground had become a giant mess. Many of the extremely tall stone peaks had been broken.

Suddenly, a yin qi once again emanated over.

Many noises which contained some thinking were conveyed into his mind.

“This time, Nine Yang Devil G.o.d majesty opened the Yu’hua School’s Immortal Style Seal and sent the Vajrabhairava Devil King great person inside. Even we can eat till we are full. It’s been so long since I last ate human flesh.”

“Last time at the ‘Great Northern Void’, several ‘Devil Kings’ joined together and completely sucked dry a female priest’s yuan yin. I, just by standing on the side and watching, still felt so refreshed.”

“I heard that the ‘Water Poison Devil King’ great person was killed by a Yu’hua School disciple surnamed Fang who then refined his body. Because of this, Nine Yang Devil G.o.d majesty was suppressed by the ‘Demon G.o.d’. This time, ‘Nine Yang Devil G.o.d’ majesty is taking revenge.”

“Ah! There’s a person! There’s flesh!”

“Die die, die die, such strong flesh. Unfortunately we were a step late earlier and weren’t able to catch up with the large group. But we have still managed to encounter a Yu’hua School disciple, and one with such strong flesh. Let us join together and suck him dry!”

“Yes, let us suck him dry. Let him only leave behind a layer of skin, and then let us use his skin to fool the others.”

There are still remaining ‘Heavenly Devils’! as Fang Han sensed around him, there were actually still over ten streams of chilly wind rotating. They all began fiercely rushing towards him. He was about to make a move when suddenly, these tens of chilly winds suddenly stopped in their tracks several hundred feet away. They turned into ten thin, fine, beautiful, young women, distinguished to the bone. They danced a dance which was extremely moving, and let out extravagant noises.. These seemingly single women sang a short, melodious, and moving song, causing Fang Han to become dazed.

“Little brother, we are so lonely, come comfort us.”

“He, he he he.”

The billowing words emitted by their voices were able to a.s.sault the spirits of the onlookers and cause even the most steeled men become wrapped around their fingers.

You want to use this to shake my spirit! You’re all dreaming! Fang Han paid no attention to these young women, suddenly making his move. Towards the sky above him, he threw out a few strikes with his palm, at the same time yelling, “Heavens and Earth Spirit Qi, Sun and Moon Spirit!”

From his throat, a great roar erupted, one which would be able to shock a tiger to the point of having blood come out of its mouth and nose and faint. The winds generated by his palm strikes coordinated with the sound, causing it to be as if Lei Gong was brandishing his giant hammer, as if Ju Lin was. .h.i.tting the heavenly drums. The sound waves shook the area within ten li.

Overhead, amidst the palm generated wind and sound waves appeared ten shadows. These ten shadows were actually skeleton after skeleton of white bones. They each emitted sharp shrieks, as if they had taken a severe blow. Furthermore, the apparitions of the young women disappeared.

Originally, those women were the illusions of the ‘Heavenly Devils’, who had hidden themselves away and had planned to use the distraction to rush down from the sky and try to burrow themselves into Fang Han’s mind!

Their plot was extremely tricky and multifaceted. First was to hide in the heavens to cross the sea, second was to make noise in the east to attack the west.

If one was enticed by the women, then naturally it was a success. If one wasn’t enticed and proceeded to kill them, then they would be striking thin air. After being turned in a circle, the would be struck from above and suffer the killing blow.

Fortunately, Fang Han’s spirit had once again advanced in power and received cleansing. Seeing through the deception, he didn’t fall for the ‘Heavenly Devils’s plot and instead used their plans against them to harm them. Otherwise, if he let them burrow into his mind, he wasn’t confident about dispersing all of them. It was easy to deal with one ‘Heavenly Devil’, but if all of the tens of ‘Heavenly Devils’ entered, then there would be no way for him to suppress them.

“Ji ji, ji ji.”

These ‘Heavenly Devils’ turned into savage, hideous white skeletons. They violently charged towards the sky trying to dodge Fang Han’s palm generated winds and sound waves in case they suffered another injury and fell to the ground. However, why would Fang Han let them dodge? Curving his hand, he retrieved the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’ which hung on his body, wolf smoke billowing out and rushing towards the sky and turning into one devil face after another. These faces moved towards the ‘Heavenly Devils’ trying to swallow them.

The ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ was an extremely good magic treasure. It could be said to be the bane of ‘Heavenly Devils’. These ‘Heavenly Devils’, if attacked by flying swords, weren’t affected much. It could only wear away a little bit of their essence qi. Because ‘Heavenly Devils’ were a stream of qi current in the first place, it was pretty much just like a knife cutting into flowing water, unless the sword happened to be a pure yang magic treasure, in which case it would be able to kill ‘Heavenly Devils’. As for the wolf smoke, it just directly engulfed the ‘Heavenly Devils’.

The ‘Heavenly Devils’ were all swallowed by the devil faces formed from the smoke. However, they didn’t die, and continued to fiercely struggle, but in the end, they were all reeled in by Fang Han.

The ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’ unceasingly twitched. It was due to the strength of the ‘Heavenly Devils’s attempts to struggle. As Fang Han put it away, he truly felt as if he had just caught a few giant sharks. Just now, there were quite a few times where he had felt as if they were about to break free, but fortunately, his strength was great enough, and after using great amounts of power, he had finally been able to seal all of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ in the gourd.

I only sealed fourteen ‘Heavenly Devils’ and it was this painstaking. If instead there had been a hundred at once, wouldn’t I have died? Fang Han poured the gourd within the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’ causing some ripples in the qi.

“Ga ga, ga ga!” Yan cried joyfully. He refined each one of the recently captured ‘Heavenly Devils’ into a ‘Sky Blue Great Pellet’. Within the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’, there was no more room for the ‘Heavenly Devils’ to struggle.

I’m going to give these pellets to the ‘Flying Yasha’ for them to consume! This way, they will acc.u.mulate even more strength for their transformation! Fang Han, this time, let us refine more ‘Heavenly Devils’. If we can kill another three hundred and sixty ‘Heavenly Devils’ and refine them into ‘Sky Blue Great Pellets’ for the ‘Flying Yasha’ to eat, they will turn into ‘Shura’! At that time, we will have ten ‘Shura’ bodyguards!

Within the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’, the ten sealed ‘Flying Yasha’ were each fed a pellet. As a result, the scales on these ‘Flying Yashas’s bodies became even denser, as if they were forming giant coc.o.o.ns to wrap themselves up. They constantly squirmed in their bonds.

Ten ‘Shura’ bodyguards! That’s so powerful!

Fang Han’s heart and mind were ignited by the thought.

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