Eternal Life

Chapter 66

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 66

The Five Great True Disciples

Splash, splash.

One ‘Heavenly Devil’ after another was thrown into the ‘Yellow Springs River’ and cleansed and refined into pellets, causing Fang Han felt exuberant in his heart. Afterwards he dispersed the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ around his body and walked step by step towards the female disciples, arriving in front of them. He sat down, crossing his legs, and took out a ‘Primal Essence Pellet’, which he swallowed. Drinking a few mouthfuls of water, he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, resting his exhausted body.

The danger had already pa.s.sed, but the female disciples didn’t dare let their guard down. Seeing Fang Han in this state, they knew he had used excessive amounts of energy.

After swallowing the ‘Primal Essence Pellet’, from within Fang Han’s lower abdomen came a surging heat. Fang Han circulated his blood and qi, allowing this heat to circulate throughout his entire body, slowly restoring his spiritual power and reducing his feeling of exhaustion. He stood back up.

“Fang Han senior brother, you were actually able to kill hundreds of ‘Heavenly Devils’! I’m afraid even the top three senior brothers and sisters on the ‘Shan’he Rankings’ don’t have this ability.”

One of the female disciples, upon seeing Fang Han sober up, complimented him. After having weathered the storm, they were naturally all cheerful.

“This was only because I was able to rely on the power of the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’ bao’qi. If I didn’t have this bao’qi, if it was just an ordinary ling’qi, then right now, we would have already been cut to pieces by the ‘Heavenly Devils’,” Fang Han patted the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’. He didn’t want to expose his own strength, and thus pushed all of the credit of victory onto the fact that he had the gourd.

But it was also indeed that way, as if he didn’t have the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’, don’t even think about several hundred ‘Heavenly Devils’, even tens of ‘Heavenly Devils’ would be difficult.

Furthermore, the reason the ‘Eight Sounds of the Heavenly Dragon’ turned out to be so effective was because the ‘Heavenly Devils’ had expended so much energy to disperse the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’. Otherwise, while it would have seriously injured them, it wouldn’t have been to the extent that they couldn’t fly away.

These faces of these female disciples, upon seeing the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’, all showed obvious feelings of envy. After all, it was a bao’qi; it was something that even true disciples rarely had. Its was just so useful.

“That’s right, just now, senior brother used a mantra technique. Which school’s technique is it? It was so overbearing. I have heard Long senior sister’s demonstration of our Yu’hua School’s ‘n.o.ble Spirit Long Song’, but this seems to be different. Is it not our Yu’hua School’s?” asked Xu Yue Er.

“This was something taught to me by a foreign person before I entered the Yu’hua School. However, they didn’t tell me what it was called. This is one of my small secrets, I hope senior and junior sisters will not leak it out.” Fang Han casually made up a harmless lie.

“Of course. Fang senior brother has saved our lives, showing us great kindness. How could we possibly leak one of Fang brother’s secrets?” The several female disciples nodded their heads, “Wouldn’t that be too narrow minded? If the ‘Jia’lan Elder Sister’ learned that we did something like that, they wouldn’t forgive us.”

“The ‘Jia’lan Elder Sister’?” asked Fang Han.

“Could it be that Fang senior brother hasn’t heard of Ling Xiao of the East, Jia Lan of the West, Yao Guang of the North, Wan Luo of the South, and Tian Dou of the Middle?” Seeing Fang Han’s unknowing face, Xu Yue Er chuckled, explaining, “This is a way of describing our Yu’hua School. Amongst all of the powerful true disciples, there are five who stand out from the rest. One of them is our elder sister of the ‘Jia’lan Group’. Since the ‘Jia’lan Peak’ that she lives on is in the west, she is known as Jia Lan of the West. Their powers are even greater than the great elders of the Yu’hua School. Amongst them, Jia Lan and Yao Guang are senior sisters, while the rest, Ling Xiao, Wan Luo, and Tian Dou, are senior brothers. They are the ones who have hope of gaining longevity.”

“So it was like this,” upon hearing their explantion, Fang Han’s face couldn’t help but show a look of reverence. Within his heart, he knew that these true disciples were without a doubt extraordinary. They were more powerful than Shi Long Zi and Jin Shi Tai, and perhaps even Fang Qing Xue.

However, Fang Qing Xue’s improvement speed is extremely fast. That day I heard teacher Bai Hai Chen say she was at the third stage of the ‘Divine Realm’, the ‘Basic Universe’ stage, but now she is already at the fourth stage, the ‘Yin Yang’ stage. Furthermore, during her battle against the ‘Demon G.o.d’, she comprehended many mysteries. With her G.o.dlike improvement speed, I’m afraid that she will quickly be able to rival these five people. I wonder how that Devil General, Ying Tian Qing, compares to these five? He’s probably around the same level.

The five great experts of the east, west, north, south, and middle didn’t include Fang Qing Xue. Within Fang Han’s heart, this led to a sliver of discomfort. After all, the more powerful Fang Qing Xue was, the better she would be able to cover for him. Currently, his wings were not quite full, and thus he needed stronger people to protect him.

“As of right now, all of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ have been exterminated by us. However, we cannot act rashly! Let us remain here and recover our spiritual energy and rest. There is no way that the hundreds of ‘Heavenly Devils’ we met just now are the entirety of the population within the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’. If we meet another large group, it will be extremely dangerous.”

Xu Yue Er and Ye Yu gave their instructions, and then requested for Fang Han’s further advice.

“Yes, we should first rest here for a moment. However, we must still be moving. The number of ‘Heavenly Devils’ within the arena has increased sharply, and if we are in such danger, I’m afraid other disciples are in even more danger. We are all Yu’hua School disciples, and thus we should rescue the ones that we can. As I have the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’, I cannot just sit here and do nothing.”

Fang Han suggested that they rescued others. Currently, he had added several people to his forces. Furthermore, with the restraining effects of the ‘Billowing Pines Zither’ and ‘Cloud Water Flute’ ling’qi on the ‘Heavenly Devils’ a.s.sisting him, as long as they were careful, they would be able to kill many ‘Heavenly Devils’.

Fang Han also needed more ‘Heavenly Devils’ to refine pellets.

Yan, just now, how many ‘Heavenly Devils’ did we capture? Do we have enough pellets to consume now?

Just now, we captured a total of four hundred thirteen ‘Heavenly Devils’. Adding the five ‘Heavenly Devil’ leaders, we currently have enough to refine five hundred twenty pellets. The ten ‘Yasha’ need to consume over thirty pellets each in order to turn into ‘Shura’. Subtracting these, you will have less than two hundred pellets. You must kill more ‘Heavenly Devils’, the more the better.


Knowing that he had over five hundred pellets, Fang Han felt very complacent in his heart. Within the Yu’hua School, inner court disciples would begin refining pellets. However, each furnace could only refine several pellets, and even then they weren’t ‘Primal Essence Pellets’ nor ‘Royal Grain Pellets’, but just simple, low level pellets for transporting qi.

Even true disciples, although they could refine good quality pellets, they could only refine a few with each furnace. Five hundred pellets was enough to cause any true disciple to become crazy.

This was only something that a dao’qi level pellet furnace could do.

“So what Fang Han senior brother is saying, is that now that we have experience in dealing with ‘Heavenly Devils’, it is much easier for us to rescue people. Moreover, killing ‘Heavenly Devils’ is a good way for us to temper our spirits. It is something which will kill two birds with one stone.”

After thinking over it for a while, these female disciples all agreed with Fang Han’s advice.

They all sat on the ground and rested for an hour, until each person’s spiritual power returned to maximum and their strength returned. Only then did they stand up. Fang Han quickly directed the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’, using it to form a large ball of smoke to encapsulate them. They flew low in the sky, only about three to five zhang above the ground and flying around any peaks they encountered around them.

With this many people, Fang Han didn’t dare fly too high. Otherwise, if they encountered any scenario where the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ dispersed, everyone would perish. If they didn’t perish at the hands of the ‘Heavenly Devils’, and instead fell to their deaths, then it would be horribly wrong.

However, they didn’t expect that in their killing of four to five hundred ‘Heavenly Devils’, they would have attracted the attention of those in the area. Atop a tall mountain peak over a thousand li away, the ‘Vajrabhairava Devil King’s eyes fiercely gazed at their area. Afterwards, his eyes’ pupils suddenly dilated. From within, the image of the low flying ‘Wolf Smoke Magic Sphere’ appeared.


The ‘Vajrabhairava Devil King’ spat out a single word, its body moving and leaving the mountain peak. Like a phantom, it flashed over the horizon, a series of blurs before disappearing into the distant sky.

Within the Yu’hua School’s ‘Sky Palace’ in front of the giant mirror, an elder suddenly shouted, “Who is this group of nine disciples? They were actually able to kill hundreds of ‘Heavenly Devils’! When did our Yu’hua School outer court have such powerful disciples? Is it some powerful magic treasure?”

Atop the giant mirror, hundreds of the black dots which represented ‘Heavenly Devils’ were completely extinguished by nine of the red dots which represented disciples. It was Fang Han and the eight female disciples of the ‘Jia’lan Group’.

“This year’s ‘Heavenly Devils’ have undergone some sort of change, as have our disciples. Don’t be surprised, these outer court disciples are very resourceful, perhaps they were able to borrow a true disciple’s magic treasure!”

“Not good! There are several thousand ‘Heavenly Devils’ there, and! And! Oh my G.o.d, there is a ‘Devil King’!”

At this time, atop the mirror, appeared a fist sized ball which emanated black light! Moreover, thousands of ‘Heavenly Devils’ were currently encircling group after group of disciples.

As for Fang Han’s group of nine red dots, they were currently approaching the ‘Devil King’, and the large groups of encircled disciples.

“Relax, Hua Tian Dou and them have already gone over! The ‘Devil King’ will also die!”

While they spoke, atop the large mirror appeared a long line of red dots. The extremely grand Immortal qi emanating from these dots greatly shocked even the elders!

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