Eternal Life

Chapter 72

"Ten flying swords, can they meld into the body of that Flying Yaksha? You haven"t reached the fifth level of the G.o.dly Expert Realm, so you can"t arrange formations nor can you refine Linqi yet." Fang Han had lost the Seven Evil Gourd, he now urgently required treasures else he"d be reduced to fighting his enemies unarmed.

"The ten flying sword you currently own are all Linqi, although I can"t use the core array in it yet, I can still cobble together the flying swords and patch them into the spine of the Shura. The Shura in this form will be more powerful and capable of fighting barehanded. Furthermore, it can release sword qi.The Shura and sword become one. Back in the day, our Acheron Sect frequently used this refining method, it is called the Devil Sword Puppet. One does not even have to enter the G.o.dly Expert Realm to refine one, as long as the performer has a strong mind powerful enough to influence the consciousness of others then one can refine their own powerful Devil Sword Puppet, use it to kill stealthily, to murder directly, and to restore the glory of the Great Emperor Acheron!"

"Yan" explained calmly, it seemed that he wanted to educate Fang Han on the art of refining.

"I have to enter G.o.dly Expert Realm quickly! I"ll only be qualified to compete with Hua Tian Du after I become a Core Disciple." Fang Han quietly listened to everything Yan had to say before asking a question, "Jia Lan Shijie, you told me that Hua Tian Du also experienced fortuitous encounters that lead him to inherit the doctrine of the "Pan Wu Immortal Sage" who was active in ancient times, leading him to master the Pan Wu Strong Force Divine Style! Now he possesses an immense amount of mana and is considered to be the best. Do you know anything about this Pan Wu Immortal Sage?"

"What? The Pan Wu Immortal Sage?"

"Yan" sounded concerned, "If Hua Tian Du really received the doctrine of the Pan Wu Immortal Sage then it will be almost impossible for you to defeat him.The Pan Wu Immortal Sage was one of the nine Immortal Sages in ancient times, they"ve been cultivators for longer than even the Devil Emperors, they became immortal very early, and have long since transcended time and s.p.a.ce! Before they became immortal they left their doctrines as an inheritance. One who masters the Pan Wu Strong Force Divine Style one will possess enormous magic power, to the point where hardly anyone in the current age could be considered their equal. The iconic feature of the style is that it compels the pract.i.tioner to seek out and fight powerful opponents, the urge is powerful and can"t be ignored. Forget it, I don"t want to say too much, it will crush your confidence."

"There"s nothing to crush, my confidence is just like the sun and the moon up high, like the streams and the rivers on earth. The key to cultivation is the person, not what he trains in, one step at a time, even if Hua Tian Du obtained the thing,  what is was it again? The Eternal Life Gate of legend, it will not destroy my confidence!"

Fang Han spoke with pride, "Come, let"s go back, there"ll be many rewards to receive after becoming Inner Disciple, after we collect "em we"ll get back to cultivating. We gained a lot in the Māra Battlefield, people will be shocked to see me enter the G.o.dly Expert Realm."

After becoming an Inner Sect Disciple I won"t be treated the same, this time I"ve really ascended to the next level.

"Shame, the Māra Yamāntaka had been taken care of, otherwise the result of refining Medicinal Pills would be extraordinary," said Yan.

There were three thousand Māra and one Māra King in the Māra Battlefield, but they were all swept away by Hua Tian Du"s World of Snow. However, as soon as Hua Tian Du left, these Māra including Māra Yamāntaka had vanished for no reason, as if they were taken away.

Clearly, it was Hua Tian Du"s doing.

Fang Han had returned to the "Inner Immortal Yard" of the Yuhua Sect by pa.s.sing through the old stone gate. At that time, many Disciples had already returned from the a.s.sessment and were talking with one after another. After seeing Fang Han they all set their sights on him, some even pointing at him with disdain.

   The news about him challenging Hua Tian Du was sensational. It spread to every part of the sect.

Even those "Half Elders" looked at him strangely, as if he were some kind of G.o.d of Misfortune, doing their best to avoid speaking with him.

Fang Han didn"t care, he went straight to the rewards place, got a high-level Faqi, with all kinds of Spell Seals on it such as a Fast Travel Spell Seal. It was a yellow fabric vest with many pictures of wind drawn on it. Magic Power had already been infused into the seals, so all one need do is tie the seal to their legs and a gust of fresh wind will surround them allowing them to run like the wind, with it, one could easily travel thousands of li without and still not be tired.

He also received a paper crane charm to be used when sending messages, a stack of Gold and Steel Spells Charms that when burned emit a golden fog that quickly surrounds the user and can hold on against attacks from crossbows, knives, sabers, and even flying swords for the time it takes for a single Joss-stick to burn.

A Diving Spell, which when put in one"s mouth allows the user to breathe underwater.

Not to mention various other practical Spell Seals to make life easier in far greater number than he received as an Outer Sect Disciple.

Moreover, the most valuable rewards were a bottle of Medicinal Pills and a ShuiHuo robe which could both resist both and knives but could also resist Fire and Water. When touched by fire it wouldn"t harm the body, and when submerged in with water it would become a flotation device.

Fang Han didn"t care about the sword Faqi he’d received too much since the sword he currently owned was personally refined by Fang Qing Xue and contained a strong purple electrical current. The only deficiency was that it couldn"t fly out and kill, otherwise, the damage it caused was close to that of a flying sword.

"Your house has been moved, now it"s in the Inner Immortal Yard, this is your doorplate, with it others won"t be able to enter your house unless you grant them express permission to come inside, otherwise they will be punished in accordance with the sect"s regulations. Also, there are three days every month you will be allowed to go to the Teaching Courtyard, during that time the Teaching Elder will instruct you in cultivating our Yuhua Sect"s techniques and will explain the secrets behind them while illuminating the path for your future cultivation."

The elder released all kinds of spells as he stared at Fang Han"s reaction for a while before continuing to talk without revealing any expression.

Fang Han also didn"t nod, every once in awhile he"d say, "En," to show he understood before walking away alone.

"Haha, isn"t that that arrogant kid Fang Han?" Just as Fang Han exited the building, he heard a voice, when he followed the sound to its origin he saw a man and standing beside the man was Fang Qing Wei.

Fang Qing Wei also wore a ShuiHuo Robe, clearly, she also managed to become an Inner Sect Disciple. Fang Qing Wei took the opportunity to gloat when she saw Fang Han.

The man beside her also smiled creepily at Fang Han.

"Who are you?" asked Fang Han coldly.

"Fang Han! Didn"t you say you were Qing Wei"s fiancé? Didn"t you say that if you ever saw her with some other man you would beat that guy to death? Well, I"m with Qing Wei now, are you going to beat me up? Oh right, I heard you even dared to talk back to Hua Shixiong, how does it feel to be so ignorant… ? To have the Seven Evil Gourd taken from you."

Yei Nan Tian stood beside Fang Qing Wei and asked.

Fang Han took a good look at the Disciple called Yei Nan Tian, and could immediately feel how strong the man was, it"s possible that he was even stronger than Fang Han, his spirit was also highly concentrated, as if it were constantly on the verge of transforming, like a coc.o.o.n becoming a b.u.t.terfly. Compared to Fang Han, he"d cultivated to a higher level, he must be one of the best among Inner Sect Disciples!

"You can come try and find out if I"m ignorant or not." Fang Han closed his eyes and sighed.

"Try? In just a few months, the ShanHe list will be revised, I"ll wait for you at that time. Oh, I forgot to tell you I"m ranked third on the current ShanHe List, you can call me Yei Shixiong. However, since you"ve lost the Seven Evil Gourd, I"m afraid you won"t even be able to get on the list."

Yei Nan Tian laughed, "Qing Wei, let"s go."

"Fang Han, from the beginning to the end you"ve always been nothing more than a servant, you can"t change that." Fang Qing Wei walked away, leaving those words for Fang Han.

   "Number 3 on ShanHe List, Yei Nan Tian! In a few months, you"ll no longer hold that place." Fang Han held himself back from starting a fight at that moment, instead, he started towards his new house.

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