Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 38 – You Saw It All?

Chapter 38 – You Saw It All?

Translator: Mr Voltaire

Editor: Master Shadow

Thinking back to the events from the past 2 days, the anger within the young woman died down. The youth indeed wasn’t one of those beastlike evildoers. He had had countless opportunities over the past 2 days to take advantage of her – why wait until now?

“That’s right, those people said it was called ‘Pleasure Powder’, a type of evil poison.” Suddenly, the woman in white remembered something.

The rage within her subsided and the hatred she felt towards the youth also disappeared.

“But my body was still taken by him.” Thinking to there, the young woman still felt quite complicated and her eyebrows furrowed in a deep frown, a conflicted expression on her beautiful face.

The sword did not completely pierce through Xiao Yun as he had expected, making him feel quite surprised. When he opened his eyes, he saw the young woman standing opposite him silently, the sword lying on the ground. From the young woman’s expression, it seemed that she couldn’t bear to go through with it.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun inwardly let out a breath of relief. It seemed that she didn’t completely take him to be an evildoer!

“Hmph, if it wasn’t because you saved me twice, I would have killed you today,” the woman in white spoke coldly. She picked up her sword as she walked towards another hole in the cave, still in shock after what had happened.

“The heavens truly enjoy toying with people!” Looking at her slender figure walking away, a bitter smile appeared on Xiao Yun’s face.

Xiao Yun shook his head and looked at the wound that the sword had left on his chest. Blood was still flowing out of it, dying his clothes red. Luckily, the wound was not very deep and had only cut open his skin. From this, he could tell that the young woman wasn’t planning to kill him.

“Perhaps she was overwhelmed by her anger at the time.” Xiao Yun didn’t blame her – anyone in her situation would lose their reason. Luckily, in the last moments, the young woman had stayed her hand, showing that she didn’t completely hate him. That was sufficient.

“I need to stop this bleeding.” Xiao Yun shook his head and stopped thinking about that. He controlled his breathing, sealing the arties and veins near the wound to prevent the loss of blood as much as possible. He then thought for a moment before walking to another hole in the cave.

There were many pa.s.sageways and holes in the cave. After finding a clean place, Xiao Yun sat down and examined his body. His mind sank into his sea of consciousness and found that his Martial Spirit had completely recovered. The poison was gone.

“Big brother, why did that big sister try to hurt you?” the Violet Vine asked as Xiao Yun’s mind entered his sea of consciousness.

She had long since discovered this and wanted to act, but because it felt that Xiao Yun cared very much about the young woman, it refrained. Hearing the little fellow ask about this, Xiao Yun felt a headache coming on.

“Big brother, why did you do it the entire night last night?” the little fellow continued to ask, feeling quite curious.

“You saw it all?!” Xiao Yun exclaimed in shock.

“Mm.” The little fellow was innocent and pure, and after nodding with its violet eyes, it continuously blinked as it said in confusion, “I saw that you and the big sister were so happy while you were having your ‘battle’! Why did she suddenly want to kill you?”

“Little kids shouldn’t ask so much.” Xiao Yun felt quite speechless.

 “Eh.” Lil Violet blinked, feeling quite displeased. “I’m not a little kid.”

“Luckily this little fellow doesn’t seem to understand much,” Xiao Yun inwardly sighed in relief. “I’ll need to deliver this little fellow to big sister Shi Fei as soon as possible. Otherwise, won’t it know everything that I do?” He felt that he couldn’t delay this anymore.

After finding that his Martial Spirit was fine, Xiao Yun’s mind delved into the Violet Flame Cauldron which contained the Violet Flame Pill Principles, as well as the map for locating the Nine Revolving G.o.d Pill. With a slight thought, Xiao Yun brought out the ancient text. At the moment, he had some time to study the way of pill refining.

In order to refine pills, one had to first understand the properties of medicinal ingredients, then learn to control flames. Following that, they had to be able to refine the essence of those ingredients while removing the impurities and unnecessary parts. This seemed quite simple, but the further one progressed, the more profound they realised the way of pill refining was.

Even a slight change in the control of flames could affect the effectiveness of the pills, and even the difference in age of the ingredients could reduce the quality of the pills. On the other hand, using rare and valuable ingredients would be able to raise the quality of the pills and produce unexpected results.

Reading the Violet Flame Pill Principles, Xiao Yun’s entire mind trembled as he became even more interested in pill refining. With his incredibly powerful spirit energy, he would be able to memorise the entire text.

“It’s a pity that I don’t have enough ingredients. Otherwise, I would be able to start learning pill refining immediately.” Xiao Yun put the ancient text back within the Violet Flame Cauldron. His eyes slightly narrowed and couldn’t help but think of the woman in white. It seemed that she desperately needed medicinal pills right now!

“Didn’t I find a medicinal pill?” Xiao Yun’s eyes flashed as he suddenly remembered. He took the medicinal pill out from the Violet Flame Cauldron and walked towards the hole in the cave the young woman was staying in.

“What are you doing here?” When Xiao Yun walked over, the woman in white suddenly opened her eyes as she looked at the youth warily. Seeing the youth suddenly come over, she felt quite uneasy.

Xiao Yun slightly frowned, seeing that the young woman was in psychological shock. He didn’t say anything unnecessary, instead simply handing the medicinal pill over and saying, “This is the medicinal pill I found for you.”

“Medicinal pill?” A strange look appeared in the eyes of the woman in white. As she looked at the medicinal pill in the youth’s palm, which gave off dense waves of Essence Qi, an excited smile appeared on her face.

Her smile was like a ray of sunlight in winter that made even the heavens and earths seem dim in comparison. Xiao Yun also felt quite happy.

However, after the happiness came a bit of hesitation.

“Don’t worry, I won’t try to harm you.” Xiao Yun knew that the young woman was now extremely sensitive and didn’t feel annoyed at her hesitation. Instead, he spoke to her in a warm tone, for he knew that the young woman would need some time for the wounds in her heart to be healed.

Seeing how sincere and earnest Xiao Yun looked, the woman in white stopped worrying and received the medicinal pill.

“I’ll stand guard for you outside.” Xiao Yun let out a breath as he turned and left.

Watching the youth walk away, the woman in white slightly frowned and thought, “Could it be that he isn’t worried about me killing him after I recover my strength?”

Evidently, the young woman didn’t think that Xiao Yun would actually give her a medicinal pill. However, she quickly shook her head. Since that youth was willing to die to take responsibility, she didn’t need to worry about all that.

Unknowingly, her feelings towards the youth became more favourable. However, very soon, she shook her head as she muttered, “How can I forgive him just like that?”

Following that, she took the medicinal pill.

This medicinal pill was made by her senior and could allow one to quickly regain their Essence Qi. As the it entered her body, the pure medicinal energy spread out, nourishing her. A dense wave of Essence Qi also swept out like floodwaters from the medicinal pill. In that moment, changes started to occur within the young woman’s dantian.

Many hours later, the woman in white suddenly opened her eyes, the aura around her becoming sharp. In that moment, she had once again become a heavenly, inviolable G.o.ddess.

“I’ve recovered most of my strength, but it’s a pity that my Essence Core was damaged, and my foundations along with it. Currently, my strength is only at the complete stage of the Innate realm. If I want to regain True Essence realm-level strength, I’ll need to recover the vital essence that my Essence Core lost. However, I don’t have any more medicinal pills. What do I do?”

“Essence stones can only restore Essence Qi, but can’t help me recover the vital essence that my Essence Core lost. It’ll be hard for me to return to my peak condition. It’ll be hard for me to survive in this place, much less the Heavenly Capital Domain,” the woman in white said with a look of worry on her face.

If she couldn’t recover her strength, how would she leave this place? As she thought to herself, Xiao Yun walked over.

“Why are you here?” The woman in white’s face turned icy as an oppressive aura swept out, making it seem like she wished to repel everything a thousand miles away. Now that she had recovered her strength, she was completely different to that weak and pitiful young woman from before. She had completely regained her demeanour.

“I have a drop of spirit dew which might be able to help you regain your Essence Qi.” Xiao Yun stretched out his palm, on which a drop of jade-green dew glimmered. The dewdrop was only as big as a fingernail, but had an incredibly dense aura of life.

“What incredibly dense life energy!” Just a single breath of the aura the dewdrop gave off caused her entire mind to tremble. This was even more effective than the medicinal pill!

“How do you have this spirit dew?” A look of shock appeared in the young woman’s eyes. It was the first time she had looked at the youth with such shock in her eyes.

In her eyes, this was a barren land. Even supreme experts were incredibly rare here, let alone priceless things like this spirit dew.

“Just take it.” Xiao Yun did not say anymore as he pa.s.sed the dew to the young woman.

The woman in white slightly hesitated before accepting it.

Following this, Xiao Yun once again turned and left, and did not disturb the young woman. After consuming the spirit dew, the woman in white felt the vital essence within her Essence Core begin to replenish as her cultivation also rose until it reached the True Essence realm. If she had more spirit dew, she would be able to recover even more.

“His spirit dew is even more effective than those spirit pills.” The woman in white was quite shocked as she blinked, thinking to herself, “Just who is he?”

She couldn’t believe that a youth in the Innate realm had such a thing. Even someone of her cultivation didn’t possess such treasures!

A few days later, Xiao Yun gave the woman in white another drop of spirit dew, helping her foundation improve. Every 5 days, Xiao Yun would give her a drop of spirit dew, until the woman in white’s injuries finally healed.

The woman in white took out translucent Essence Stones from her spatial ring and held them in her hands as she absorbed the Essence Qi within them. As time pa.s.sed, her cultivation gradually rose. During this period of time, she spent very little time conversing with Xiao Yun, though they had a form of mutual understanding.

Finally, a month pa.s.sed. When Xiao Yun went to give the woman in white a sixth drop of the spirit dew, she refused it.

“Are your injuries completely healed now?” Seeing that the woman in white refused, Xiao Yun felt a strange sense of disappointment.

“Mm.” The young woman’s white clothes seemed whiter than snow, and her skin seemed icy and jade-like. Even without any wind, her clothes and long, dark hair fluttered around her. Her skin seemed to glisten, as if there was a divine light about her, making her seem like a G.o.ddess from the Nine Heavens who had descended to the mortal realm.

The young woman’s red lips were slightly parted and her tone seemed calm and cold, as if she wanted to push him a thousand miles away. The coldness in her tone made Xiao Yun feel a bit hurt.

Before, he had wanted the young woman to recover as quickly as possible, which was why he was willing to give her the dew formed by his Martial Spirit.

However, when she was fully healed, he actually felt somewhat saddened. This was because he knew that when her injuries were fully healed, it would be time to say goodbye.

Thinking to there, he couldn’t help but give a bitter smile.

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