Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 72 – A Physician’s Heart

Chapter 72 – A Physician’s Heart

Translator: Mr Voltaire

Editor: Phoobiee

This elder who had walked out was evidently the True Essence realm elder. When they saw this person walk out, everyone’s spirits were raised. They seemed to both fear and respect this elder, not daring to look slack at all.

“Second Patriarch, this boy wants to join us to leave the Illusory Fog Forest,” the man at the complete stage of the Innate realm said.

“Oh?” The elder looked at Xiao Yun, his eyes seeming incredibly bright, as if they could see through him. Xiao Yun felt as if he was being stared at by a venomous snake as the elder stared at him.

“You can stay here, but we might meet powerful enemies at any time. When the time comes, we won’t be able to protect you, so you’ll have to properly think about whether or not you want to join us,” the elder said after looking at Xiao Yun.

“Haha, thank you, senior.” Xiao Yun said as he cupped his fists towards the elder.

“Tie Feng, take this young man to have a rest,” the elder said to a youth by his side.

“Yes!” The youth immediately walked towards Xiao Yun.

“Friend, this way please,” Tie Meng said as he gave a bright smile.

Xiao Yun cupped his hands in greeting and followed the youth to an empty area. The youth then set up a simple tent for Xiao Yun.

“Brother Xiao, you can rest here.” After talking for a while, the youth learned Xiao Yun’s name. He felt quite respectful towards this youth who dared to enter the North Mist Mountain Range by himself.

“Thank you, brother Tie,” Xiao Yun said as he smiled at the youth. After talking with him, Xiao Yun had learned that this was a group of cultivators belonging to the North Mist City’s Tie family. They had been ambushed by an enemy, and had suffered many casualties and injuries. Now, they were planning to rest and regain their strength.

Apart from this, Tie Feng didn’t say much else. Evidently, he was still on his guard against this outsider.

In actuality, Xiao Yun had already learned much about the situation from his spirit energy. However, because the Tie family’s people were too sensitive, he couldn’t say much. Otherwise, if he raised their suspicion, it would only bring upon him trouble.

As night fell, the Tie family’s people started to light bonfires in the valley. The flames shot to the sky and were extremely eye-catching. They had lit these fires to keep the illusion beasts away. After all, illusion beasts feared fire, and any large flames were enough to shatter their courage.

At night, all of the Tie family’s people silently cultivated, trying to restore their Essence Qi. As the moon descended and sun began to rise, a voice cried out, “Second Patriarch, Second Patriarch, the Third Miss has fallen unconscious and won’t wake up!”

The girl’s voice seemed to fill the entire valley, bringing everyone to their senses.

“What? Rong’Er’s fallen unconscious?” The Tie family’s Second Patriarch’s expression darkened as he hurriedly strode towards the central tent. “I only just helped her suppress the poison yesterday; who would have thought it’d act again so quickly? The poison that the Qi family used isn’t ordinary at all!”

After entering the tent, the sickly-dark face of a young woman appeared in his gaze. The young woman was lying on a narrow bed, and her face was so dark and bloated that it was almost impossible to see her true appearance.

The girl asked worriedly, “Second Patriarch, are you able to wake up the Third Miss?”

 “Rong’Er’s poison has already spread throughout her entire body, and even this old man isn’t able to stop it anymore. The situation looks quite bad!” The Tie family’s Second Patriarch shook his head as he sighed, “Ai, how can I face big brother like this when we return?”

“What should we do then?” The young girl’s face was fully of worry as she said, “Big sister Rong’s such a good person; how could such a thing happen to her?”

“What? The Third Miss fell unconscious?”

“That despicable Qi family. After going back to the North Mist City, we’ll take our revenge on them!!” The Tie family’s cultivators were completely enraged; because of the ambush, the had lost 10 or so brothers. They never thought that the Third Miss - who they viewed as a G.o.ddess – would be on the verge of death; they were all furious.

As everyone was yelling out in anger, Xiao Yun walked over and asked, “Your family’s young miss has been poisoned?”

Tie Feng nodded and frowned as she said, “Mm. When we were ambushed, the Third Miss was poisoned by the Qi family. Ai, without an Antidote Pill, I’m afraid that she won’t last. It’s a pity that it’ll take a few more days before we can leave the North Mist Mountain Range!”

“She’s poisoned?” Xiao Yun said, “Perhaps I can help.”

In actuality, Xiao Yun had long since known about all of this because of his spirit energy. However, this would have shocked them and caused them to be wary of him, so Xiao Yun acted as if he hadn’t known about this.

“You?” Tie Feng frowned as he looked at Xiao Yun in surprise.

“Even ordinary Antidote Powders are unable to cure the Third Miss’ poison; the only thing that can save her is an Antidote Pill. What could you possibly do?” Some of the other youths of the Tie family glanced at Xiao Yun in disbelief. There was no one who believed him.

“I’m a physician and I know how to cure poison,” Xiao Yun said as he smiled. “Even if I can’t cure her of her poison, I can at least slow it down so that she can last until you make it to the North Mist City. That way, you’ll be able to find other methods.”

“A physician?” Tie Meng stared as he cried out in shock, “Are you really a physician?”

“He’s a physician?” The other members of the Tie family also looked on in incredulity – how could a 16 or 17-year-old youth be a physician? Everyone looked incredibly doubtful and they did not believe Xiao Yun at all.

“Whether or not I’m a physician – won’t you know soon?” Xiao Yun said as he smiled.

“Alright, I’ll trust you this once then.” Tie Feng nodded and brought Xiao Yun into the tent.

“Second Patriarch, this young master Xiao says he can slow down Miss Rong’s poison,” Tie Feng loudly announced after entering the tent.

The Second Patriarch turned around in a flash and stared at Xiao Yun as he asked, “Can you truly slow down Rong’Er’s poison?”

His tone was full of disbelief.

“Miss Rong’s poison is reaching a critical state. Since you have no other choice, why not let me try?” Xiao Yun calmly gazed at the ashen-faced young woman on the bed as he replied.

The Second Patriarch asked, “What would you like as a reward if you can succeed?”

“Reward?” Xiao Yun stared in surprise before smiling, “I don’t like owing other people, so let’s say this is me paying you back for taking me out of the Illusory Fog Forest. That way, we won’t owe each other anymore.”

“Very well.” When he heard Xiao Yun say this, the Second Patriarch’s eyes lit up. “Since it’s like that, you can go ahead and try.” Now, he felt a strange sense of favourability towards the youth.

“Are we really going to let him try?” The girl in green beside him still seemed quite reluctant.

“There’s no harm in letting him try,” the Second Patriarch said as he waved his hand.

Xiao Yun walked over and looked at the young woman. He asked, “How was your family’s young miss poisoned?”

“The young miss was poisoned by an arrow,” the girl in green replied.

Xiao Yun frowned, “A poisoned arrow? Did the arrowhead pierce into her bones?”

“Not only did it pierce through a bone, it even pierced from her back through her chest,” the woman in green replied.

“Oh,” Xiao Yun replied as he frowned.

The Second Patriarch asked, “Young man, do you have any way to stabilise Rong’Er’s poison?”

“I have some methods,” Xiao Yun said as he raised an eyebrow. “Please go outside and wait.”

The girl in green asked, “You want us to go outside? Why?”

“It wouldn’t be good for you to stay here,” Xiao Yun replied.

The young woman’s body had been pierced by the arrow, so the process for extracting the poison would be quite embarra.s.sing. How could he allow someone else to watch?

“Alright, we’ll wait outside,” the Second Patriarch said after thinking for a moment.

“But!” The girl in green was unable to leave, as if she did not trust Xiao Yun being alone with the young miss.

“I’m sure brother Xiao will act with decency.” The Second Patriarch gave Xiao Yun a meaningful look, then motioned for everyone to go outside. The girl in green pouted, but also followed.

After the tent’s entrance was closed, Xiao Yun came over to the bed.

“You’re quite lucky. If you hadn’t met me, you would’ve been dead without a doubt.” Xiao Yun looked at the ashen-faced young woman as he gave a faint smile. The poison had spread quite deep, but luckily, it hadn’t been too long, and had not completely taken root within her bones.

Because of this, there was still hope for the young woman.

After all, Xiao Yun’s Martial Spirit was much more powerful than it had been in the past!

Xiao Yun lifted the Third Miss’ blankets, and was completely stunned by her fiery figure. Even though she was lying down, her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s looked like 2 gigantic mountains. It was a pity that there was a wound on the left side of her chest, right next to her heart.

“This place is quite awkward!” Xiao Yun thought as he frowned. When extracting poison, his Martial Spirit needed to come into contact with where the poison was, but this situation made him feel quite hesitant.

It was alright with Yan Shi Fei – her poison was concentrated at her back, while this poison was gathered on the young woman’s chest.

“Saving lives comes first; I don’t have time to be thinking so much.” Xiao Yun took on a physician’s heart, and cast away all stray thoughts. If he didn’t act quickly and the poison attacked her heart, he would be unable to save her even with his Martial Spirit.

Xiao Yun opened up the clothes around the wound, revealing her chest. However, he didn’t dare to directly look at it – the flesh was completely dark and rotten, which would make anyone feel disgusted.

Xiao Yun carefully examined the wound with the sole intent to heal and save. Very soon, he saw the area where the arrow had pierced through. That region was completely rotten, and was right next to the heart.

Xiao Yun marvelled at the young woman’s luck. If the arrow had been even slightly closer to her heart, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Because of the poison, the young woman had fallen unconscious. Xiao Yun helped her up, propped her up against the wall, and sat down facing her.

A jade-green light flashed as a branch stretched out from Xiao Yun’s palm. There were various runes on this branch, and as it touched the wound, a jade-green light blossomed out from it, sending vital essence of life into the wound.

If one looked closely, they would be able to see the decayed flesh dying and falling, replaced by new flesh that was quickly growing.

After this, the Martial Spirit started to absorb the poison.

This was a slow process, and could not be rushed. Otherwise, Xiao Yun would not be able to resist the poison that entered his body.

After feeling out the strength of the poison, Xiao Yun started to control the Martial Spirit to absorb even more of the poison because he found that the Martial Spirit was more than capable to deal with the poison.

As the Martial Spirit continuously extracted the poison, the colour of the young woman’s face began to return to normal.

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