Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 9 – A Powerful Counterattack

Chapter 9 – A Powerful Counterattack

Translator: Mr Voltaire

Editor: Master Shadow

Fang Kun coldly smiled as he circulated the Essence Qi within his body. It became a wave of internal energy which rushed towards the wrist that had been grabbed by Xiao Yun. Such a large wave of internal energy would cause a cultivator at the Sixth Layer of Body Tempering to receive fractures or even breakages of bones.

However, just when Fang Kun expected Xiao Yun’s fingers to be broken, he frowned as a look of shock and fear appeared in his eyes.

“When did you obtain such powerful internal energy? Could it be that you’ve stepped into the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering?”

Xiao Yun tightly gripped Fang Kun’s wrist and did not answer. As he put more strength into his fingers, the sound of bones slowly breaking sounded out. Fang Kun’s face twisted in pain as the meridians in his wrist were broken.

“Arghhh!!” Fang Kun screamed as sweat fell from his forehead, and his arms hung limp.

Without high-grade Tendon Repairing Powder, Fang Kun’s wrist would be crippled, making it impossible for him to bully others again.

This scream, that sounded like a pig dying, attracted everyone’s attraction in the vicinity.

“Big brother Wei, has he really stepped into the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering?” One of the youths from the Fang family revealed an expression of shock as he looked at the youth in the lead.

 “Possibly.” Fang Wei’s gaze became serious as a cold light flashed within his eyes. “Without having stepped into the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering, how could he defend against Fang Kun? You two, go and test him,” Fang Wei commanded the two youths next to him.

“Yes!” These two youths were both at the peak of the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering, and were about to step into the Eighth Layer of Body Tempering.

“Xiao Yun, take my punch!” The two youths from the Fang family ran over to Xiao Yun with vigorous strides. One punched from the right at his chest, while the other sent a palm from his left at his abdomen. These attacks were incredibly vicious, and aimed to paralyse him.

Although two people from the Fang family had attacked together, Xiao Yun did not become fl.u.s.tered. He opened his hand, dropping the parcel to the ground as his gaze became serious. He glanced at the two youths from the Fang family as a hint of chilling intent appeared on his face, and he suddenly attacked.

Xiao Yun’s left and right hands shot out incredibly quickly. Before the two youths had even come close to hitting him, he had already counterattacked. As the fists and palms savagely clashed, the Fang family’s people coldly smiled.

“This trash wants to use his own strength to forcefully defend against two cultivators in the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering? What wishful thinking,” one of the other youths coldly harrumphed with his arms crossed and disdainful look on his face.

The people who were standing nearby also frowned, feeling that Xiao Yun’s actions were too reckless.

Everyone knew that he was only at the Sixth Layer of Body Tempering. Even if he could break through by chance, so what?

As everyone watched on, their fists and palms had already collided.

Bang! Bang!

There were two m.u.f.fled explosions, accompanied by a gust of wind. The powerful force from cultivators of the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering caused the surrounding dust and dirt to blow into the air. Just as everyone thought that Xiao Yun was doomed, a wave of heat suddenly rushed outwards.

“So hot!”

The people nearby looked at each other, confused as to why it had suddenly become so hot. The blistering heat made it feel as if their skin was burning.


Just as the crowd became incredibly confused, they heard two pitiful cries.

“What’s going on?!” The Fang family’s youths stared with wide eyes, trying to see what had happened. Those two voices were incredibly familiar to them.

After hearing these two screams, the two youths from the Fang family were blasted almost seven meters backwards.

“Two cultivators at the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering couldn’t even take a single hit?”

“Wasn’t this Xiao Yun a piece of trash?”

“What’s going on? Could he have recovered his talent?” As they looked at the two youths stumbling back, the people nearby all revealed expressions of completely surprise and incredulity. After all, everyone knew that Xiao Yun hadn’t made any advancements within the past 8 years!

How could he suddenly defeat 2 people?

“What sort of Martial Skill did you use?”

After steadying themselves, the two youths from the Fang family cried out in shock.  If one looked carefully, they would find that their palms and fists were charred black. There was also a burnt smell in the air, as if something had been cooked in an intense fire.

The other youths from the Fang family were completely dumbfounded.

“This Xiao Yun has definitely stepped into the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering!”

“Could he have learned some sort of powerful Martial Skill?” This was the thought that ran through everyone’s minds.

Otherwise, how could Xiao Yun have beaten two cultivators who were at the peak of the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering in a single blow?

“Impossible. How could anyone within the Body Tempering realm learn such a monstrous Martial Skill?”

Fang Wei’s expression became heavy. “Could Xiao Yun’s talent really have returned?” His heart began to wildly thump and he felt extremely uneasy.

If this youth’s talent really had returned, who would be able to stand up to him within this entire Violet Cloud County?

“No, we definitely can’t allow him to become stronger!” Fang Wei’s expression became darker, his eyes looking extremely malicious.

Xiao Yun wasn’t too surprised that he could beat two cultivators at the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering.

First of all, he had trained diligently for the past eight years and had put in ten times more effort than anyone else. He was extremely proficient in these low-grade Martial Skills and with the extremely hot Fire Essence Qi, who could defend against him?

Xiao Yun bent down, preparing to pick up his parcel and leave.

After circulating his Qi, he almost couldn’t control the poison within his body anymore, and needed to neutralise it as soon as possible.

“A chance!”

At this moment, Fang Wei, who had a malicious look on his face, marched out as his eyes flashed. He sent a palm towards Xiao Yun, wanting to cripple him, so that the Fang family wouldn’t have to worry about this genius re-establishing himself.

He would be getting rid of a future problem.

Xiao Yun, who had just bent down, felt his eyes twitch as a large wave of energy swept towards him.

“You’re still not giving up!” Xiao Yun’s eyes flashed with an icy look as he suddenly turned around. When he saw Fang Wei, who was already quite close to him, his eyes emanated a killing intent.

“Fang Wei, you’re looking to die!”

As he spoke, he lifted his palm and rushed towards the other youth.

“Looking to die?” Fang Wei coldly laughed. “A trash like you dares to say something so arrogant?”

Xiao Yun didn’t say anything as he secretly activated his Martial Spirit and sent his palm towards Fang Wei.


As their palms collided together, there was an explosion that caused the wind to wildly rush about. A ma.s.sive wave of energy made Xiao Yun’s body tremble, and he flew out as if he been hit by a ma.s.sive wave, landing haphazardly on the ground.

A trail of blood flowed out of Xiao Yun’s mouth.

“The Eighth Layer of Body Tempering is quite formidable!” Xiao Yun thought to himself as he felt his Inner Qi and blood roll about.

“So you’re only at the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering. I thought you were quite powerful.” Despite clashing with Xiao Yun, Fang Wei seemed like an immovable mountain. “You injured people from my family. Today, this young master’s going to cripple you so that you can’t continue to commit these evils.”

Although he knew Xiao Yun was only at the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering, killing intent arose within Fang Wei when he thought to the monstrous talent he once had.

A sinister look appeared on Fang Wei’s face as he walked over, step by step, preparing to cripple Xiao Yun.

“Haha, Xiao Yun’s doomed.” The Fang family’s youths all smiled mockingly.

“Young master Wei, make him wish to die!” one of the injured youths yelled out.

“Ha, it’s a pity. The once-great genius has become like this.”

“If Xiao Yun maintained his talent from back then, who would be able to contend with him in the entire Violet Cloud County?” some of the bystanders called, feeling quite sympathetic towards this youth.

“Me? Commit evils?” Xiao Yun stood up as he faced the sky and laughed, “Fang Wei, you’re too shameless. However, it’s a pity – you’re not qualified to cripple me.” Xiao Yun completely ignored Fang Wei, and picked up the parcel. He slung it over his shoulders, seeming as if he wasn’t going to defend against the youth who was murderously walking towards him.

“Could it be that Xiao Yun has people protecting him?” The bystanders were all shocked, and looked around them.

“There isn’t anyone from the Xiao family here!” The crowd shook their heads, feeling even more confused.

They didn’t believe that Xiao Yun could deal with Fang Wei himself.


At this moment, Fang Wei, who looked incredibly savage and overbearing, suddenly fell backwards and landed on the ground, spasming uncontrollably.

“Young master Wei, what happened?” The Fang family’s youths stared in shock before hurriedly running over.

The bystanders were also completely shocked, not understanding what had just happened.

Fang Wei lay spasming on the ground; his face had become incredibly ashen.

“It’s poison! Big brother Wei’s been poisoned!” one of the Fang family’s youths exclaimed.

“What? Big brother Wei’s been poisoned?!” Hearing this, the other youths all breathed in a mouthful of cold air.

“How’s that possible? Who poisoned him?”

Just then, Fang Wei only momentarily clashed with Xiao Yun. How could he have been poisoned?

“Save… Save me!” Fang Wei continued to spasm as his vision became hazy and he gurgled.

“What do we do?” The Fang family’s youths all looked at each other, feeling at a loss.

“Xiao Yun, you poisoned our young master Wei?” an older youth roared as he stared down Xiao Yun.

“If you don’t want to die, get out of my way!” Xiao Yun’s expression became serious, his eyes as piercing as a sword. The incredibly sharp aura he gave off caused the Fang family’s youths to tremble, and they couldn’t help but involuntarily take a few steps back. He had taken down an Eighth Layer Body Tempering expert, so what chance did they have against him?

Xiao Yun walked steadily, step by step. He ignored the other youths and when he pa.s.sed by Fang Wei, he looked down and said, “I told you before, you’re not qualified to cripple me.”

Fang Wei’s gaze became hazier and hazier, but it was still possible to see the fear in his eyes.

The other youths from the Fang family hurriedly retreated, not daring to get close to him.

This ma.s.sive shift in the battle caused the onlookers to feel dumbfounded.

After looking at Fang Wei on the ground, Xiao Yun looked around him as he slowly declared, “I, Xiao Yun, am longer that mediocre youth. In the future, if anyone dares to humiliate me, bully me or slander me, this will be their outcome!”

The youth spoke coldly, and although he was quite young, he gave off an aura that made him seem like an imposing mountain. The people nearby all shivered from his words and felt as if a new star had arisen. A strange sense of respect welled up within them.

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