Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 111 – Going To A Meeting

Chapter 111 – Going To A Meeting

Translator: Mr Voltaire

Editor: Master Shadow

Seeing Yuan Wan Ting transform from an incredibly sickly girl into this elegant beauty, Xiao Yun also felt quite shocked, even though he knew that his dewdrops possessed an aura of life that was incredibly beneficial to living creatures. Otherwise, the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow and Yiyi would not be so desperate for those dewdrops. However, he never expected that adding a dewdrop to this medicinal pill would be able to completely rejuvenate Yuan Wan Ting’s looks.

“Young sir Xiao, it’s all because of you that Wan Ting has a new lease on life. Please accept my respects.”  Yuan Wan Ting blinked with her beautiful eyes as she walked over to Xiao Yun, curtsying to him. It was evident how grateful she felt towards this youth.

“Miss Yuan does not need to be so courteous,” Xiao Yun said, hurriedly helping the girl up. “It’s not a big deal.”

Yuan Wan Ting rose up, secretly glancing at the youth as her face slightly blushed. Her heart was filled with grat.i.tude towards this youth, but she was unable to repay him.

Over the years, she had used countless Antidote Pills, but she had never been able to rid herself of this poison. Her skin had been continuously corroded, making her look incredibly old. This was a ma.s.sive blow to an 18-year-old girl, so it could be said that Xiao Yun had granted her a new life.

“Haha, Ting’Er’s poison being cured is an incredibly joyous occasion. Let’s have a banquet tonight and celebrate!” After the Eldest Patriarch looked at his embarra.s.sed niece, he laughed, saying, “Young sir Xiao is our Yuan family’s benefactor, so you must come!”

“That’s right – young sir Xiao has saved Ting’Er, so we should properly thank him,” the other elders all agreed.

This youth’s talent was simply too shocking, and his potential was unlimited. It was best that they became as close to him as possible, and this was an excellent opportunity. As such, all of these elders wanted their family’s youths to become closer with him.

Seeing how enthusiastic the Yuan family seemed, Xiao Yun did not refuse. He knew that after this, they would truly see his value, and things in the future would be much smoother for him.

When the Heaven Origin Sect’s examination began, he would be able to enter the host easily.

Many people were invited to the banquet – there were many of the family’s main house’s descendants, as well as some geniuses who were going to partic.i.p.ate in the Heaven Origin Sect’s examination.

Because these people all had an opportunity to join the Heaven Origin Sect, it was in their best interests to become close with Xiao Yun now. It was not difficult to imagine that if Xiao Yun entered the Heaven Origin Sect and became a Pill Master, his position would be quite extraordinary. Furthermore, medicinal pills were essential for cultivators, so there was no harm in fostering a good relationship with him.

After the banquet, Xiao Yun and a few elders chatted together.

“I’ve already reported this matter to our ancestor in the Heaven Origin Sect, and will soon receive a reply,” the Eldest Patriarch said. “And don’t worry about the Qiu family – we’ll take care of them.”

After the Yuan family’s people found out that Xiao Yun had cured Yuan Wan Ting’s poison, none of the elders who had supported handing Xiao Yun over to the Qiu family’s elders dared to say anything. This sort of genius was someone they had to pull to their side – even their ancestor in the Heaven Origin Sect would be interested in this boy.

“I’ll have to trouble everyone then,” Xiao Yun said. He had long since expected this.

“Haha, young sir Xiao, please let us know if you need anything,” the Third Patriarch offered.

“Since that’s the case, I actually need some medicinal ingredients,” Xiao Yun said without hesitating.

“Oh?” Yuan Tian Ju’s eyes lit up. “What do you need? Let us know.”

Following this, Xiao Yun rattled off on a list of medicinal ingredients. All of these medicinal ingredients could improve a person’s spirit energy, and could be used to refine the Soul Heaven Pill. What was key was the Violet Orchid Marrow, as he had gathered all of the other ingredients. As long as he received this medicinal ingredient, he would be able to refine a Soul Heaven Pill, which would allow the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow to reach the Essence Core realm. With an Essence Core realm cultivator by his side, Xiao Yun would not have to rely on outsiders as much.

After all, relying on others was not sustainable. Increasing one’s own strength was the way of the strong. Who could guarantee that this Yuan family would keep supporting him like this?

Apart from these medicinal ingredients Xiao Yun also requested for some medicinal ingredients that could restore Essence Qi, such as the Scarlet Sun Fruit.

“No problem.” After hearing Xiao Yun’s requests, Yuan Tian Ju looked at the youth next to him and said, “Xiao’Er, immediately send the order to quickly gather these medicinal ingredients. Tell them not to dally or neglect this order.”

“Yes.” Yuan Xiao spoke respectfully and gave a slight smile.

After chatting for a while, the group dispersed.

“Haha, if young sir Xiao has time, I hope he can give me some pointers in pill refining sometime!” After most people had left, Yuan Tian Ju politely smiled at Xiao Yun. After seeing him cure Yuan Wan Ting, he started treating this youth as a Pill Master.

“Fourth Patriarch is too courteous,” Xiao Yun replied. “I’m only able to refine pills like this because I have a Fire Martial Spirit.”

“Young sir Xiao is too humble. Even with a Martial Spirit, the Sun Antidote Pill that you refined was incredibly exquisite,” Yuan Tian Ju praised. As a Pill Refiner, he naturally knew what sort of advantage a Fire Martial Spirit brought.

In the way of pill refining, what was most important was one’s control of fire. Normal cultivators could only control Ley Fire, so it was difficult for such people to make much accomplishments, unless they had powerful cultivation and could easily subdue the Ley Fire. However, why would such people not subdue a variant flame to use?

The next level up were cultivators who possessed affinity with Fire Essence Qi, and could use special methods to refine True Fire to use in pill refining.

Even more superior were those who possessed a variant flame, and the highest tier were those who could fuse with their variant flame, turning it into a Martial Spirit. However, creating a Martial Spirit was simply too difficult.

Of course, some people were born with a Fire Martial Spirit. These people had incredible advantages in the way of pill refining. As long as their talent was not too lacking, and they had decent circ.u.mstances, they would definitely do well in pill refining.

Having comprehension and a good teacher was incredibly important.

“How about we exchange pointers sometime then?” Xiao Yun offered as he smiled. Even though he possessed talent in pill refining, he still lacked experience, and this would bring him quite a few benefits.

“That would be great,” Yuan Tian Ju agreed. Discussing with each other was much more beneficial than painstakingly mulling over it by themselves.

A few days later, Xiao Yun and Yuan Tian Ju met up to exchange pointers. Even though Xiao Yun did not have much experience, he had the Violet Flame Pill Principles, and had much knowledge. As he spoke, Yuan Tian Ju would attentively listen, constantly nodding his head. Even though he was a Pill Refiner, he had never been taught by a Pill Master. He had only occasionally heard his family’s ancestor give lectures. After hearing what Xiao Yun had to say, he felt as if he had seen another world, and attained much greater comprehension.

Of course, Xiao Yun also benefited from this. After all, Yuan Tian Ju had been refining pills for decades and had gathered much experience. Yuan Tian Ju was able to complete some of Xiao Yun’s lack of understanding. Only after discussing for a full day did the two of them leave. Xiao Yun went back to train and wait for his medicinal ingredients.

For the next two days, Xiao Yun remained in his courtyard, diligently training.

After this, Xiao Yun, who had been cultivating with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, his aura changing.

“Innate realm cultivators use Heaven and Earth Essence Qi to temper their bodies to step into the Innate realm. Following this is the True Essence realm,” Xiao Yun muttered to himself as he circulated Essence Qi within his body. The Essence Qi was now like a boundless lake, becoming incredibly dense – this was a sign that he was at the complete stage of the Innate realm.

“If I continue to refine my Essence Qi, I’ll be able to continue advancing,” Xiao Yun muttered to himself. “After the Innate realm is the True Essence realm. After True Essence is condensed, it becomes an Essence Core, leaving a seed of heaven and earth’s mysteries inside my body.”

“I wonder how profound the realm after the Essence Core realm is.” Xiao Yun was filled with antic.i.p.ation towards his future cultivation. Until now, the most powerful experts he had met were at the Essence Core realm. There was also an incredibly profound cultivation that he could not see through at all. That was the woman from the Snow Heaven Sect who had brought Xiao Ling’Er away.

“You’re only at the complete stage of the Innate realm, and it’s much too early to think about all of that,” the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow said. “Lil Yun, hurry and find a Violet Orchid Marrow to refine a Soul Heaven Pill. When this Lord steps into the Essence Core realm, I promise that everything will go smoothly and safely for you.”

“Don’t be so impatient,” Xiao Yun said as he shrugged. “This Yuan family’s quite powerful, and can even obtain Scarlet Sun Fruits. I’m sure there’s hope in them obtaining a Violet Orchid Marrow.” Of course, Xiao Yun did not pay much mind to the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow’s incredibly arrogant words.

The martial way was vast, and even if the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow stepped into the Essence Core realm, it wouldn’t be enough. However, there was no harm in raising their strength.

“Now that a few days have pa.s.sed, I wonder if the Yuan family has been able to obtain any Violet Orchid Marrow,” Xiao Yun wondered.


Yiyi yelled out and jumped onto Xiao Yun’s shoulder, playing with his hair.

Xiao Yun shook his head and smiled. Even though this little beast was extremely strong, it was like a pure little child.

When Xiao Yun walked out of the courtyard, he heard someone calling out to him from the distance.

“Young sir Xiao, our young master invites you to a meeting with him,” a youth said respectfully to Xiao Yun as he walked over.

“Who’s your young master?” Xiao Yun asked.

“Yuan Xiao,” the youth replied and smiled.

“Yuan Xiao?” Xiao Yun raised an eyebrow, remembering that youth. He was the main house descendant who was always following Yuan Tian Ju, and was one of the Yuan family’s valued members of the younger generation.

“Young master Yuan Xiao said that he’s gathered some medicinal ingredients, and wants to pa.s.s them to you,” the youth said.

Xiao Yun slightly frowned. Why didn’t he just bring them here instead of asking him to go to his place?

“Haha, young master Yuan Xiao met an important guest, and is meeting with him at an outer courtyard, so he’s unable to come here.” The youth seemed to guess what Xiao Yun was thinking and smiled as he explained, “As such, young master Yuan Xiao sent this lowly one to invite young sir Xiao over.”

“An outer courtyard?” Xiao Yun slightly frowned before saying, “Alright, take me there.”

Since Yuan Xiao had gathered the medicinal ingredients, it would not be appropriate if he refused this invitation.

“If you’d please, young sir Xiao.” The youth smiled and hurriedly led the way for Xiao Yun.

The two them took a carriage, and after travelling for an hour, they came to a fairly remote outer courtyard. However, they were still within the Imperial City.

“Haha, sorry for troubling you, brother Xiao.” As Xiao Yun walked into the courtyard towards the pavilion next to a pool, Yuan Xiao’s voice travelled over from the distance. Xiao Yun looked up and saw that Yuan Xiao was standing at a pavilion on a small hill, waving at him.

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