Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me

Chapter 32 - Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me

Chapter 32 - Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me

Chapter 32:  Chu Shuanghe

Please read the novel at bcnovels ?❁? ?♡?

In the original works does not have such a character ……Hides the plot? The link to the real chapter is at the bottom. Sorry for the inconvenience.

That “Chu Shuanghe” resounds, several elders and non-native official invited to serve at court of Chu slightly changed the complexion. Chu Sheng is pressing the frontal eminence, pupil bottom scarlet, forces to be calmed down by oneself: “Several please for the time being exit, I must speak several words with the little brother.”

A non-native official invited to serve at court is asking the notifying person of that suffocation, hesitant: “Big son, Chu ……” he moves a taboo likely, has not said that name, said in a low voice, “……He awoke, whether must send a letter to inform the old head of household ……”

Chu Sheng Leng Sheng breaks: “Anybody does not permit this matter newspaper to the grandfather the grandmother, the grandfather grandmother to shut the life and death pa.s.s, cannot go out at this time.”

Other person of silence, the vision as if brought pitying, has arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest to Chu Sheng, leading the injured person to leave.

In the room only remained them, Chu Sheng looked to Chu Yu. His complexion is really much paler, in the pupil is also the terrorist scarlet, Chu Yu worried: “Brother, you read this at an illegal pirate site…… It’s better to support the translator by reading at their website. It’s free.”


Chu Sheng is silent is putting out a hand to grasp Chu Yu, lowers the head to bury to his neck nest.

Half of the day, he said in a soft voice: “Little brother, Chu Shuanghe, is our brothers-in-law.”

Chu Sheng compared with Chu Yu big one round, are much more than Chu Yu that knows.

Chu Shuanghe is the Chu Shuangtian twin blood brother, many years ago, he was removed the name by native place marriage go-between in the genealogy.

Now knows that Chu once had the Chu Shuanghe person not to be many. Once this to the twin was the pride of Chu, the elder brother intelligence, although did not calculate extremely, but the manner was warm, treated people temperately, advanced or retreated. Younger brother intelligence excellent, although slightly rash, but polishes, can be a name moves cultivates true virtue cultivator.

According to the tradition of Chu, is the eldest son inherits the position of head of household, but little brother Chu Shuanghe is extremely outstanding, then old head of household kept on vacillating, being in doubt idea. Position anything interest of Chu Shuangtian to the head of household, Chu Shuanghe has not had a frantic affection to the authority, is terribly suspicious and fearful, will think the old head of household the position to Chu Shuangtian, thought that Chu Shuangtian will be staring at him in the back, the mind will be impetuous, some day night, suddenly on Qi Deviation.

The Chu Shuangtian prompt discovery, spells to try to help Chu Shuanghe suppress the manic smart strength, does not want not to save successfully, the Chu Shuanghe smart arteries are completely waste.

After that Chu Shuanghe changed.

He puts the blame on the smart arteries completely waste responsibility to Chu Shuangtian on all, thinks that is Chu Shuangtian is afraid him to win the position of head of household, therefore under the underhanded tricks have abandoned his smart arteries. Chu Shuangtian to the matter of Chu Shuanghe smart arteries completely abandoning guilty, knows after little brother’s thoughts, to the old head of household expressed directly one do not want the position of head of household.
The heads of household can the little brother work as, even if he is a disabled person, but also has the brother not to support in behind.
Chu Shuanghe actually at the scene acts crazy, painful incantation Chu Shuangtian is hypocritical, the 2nd day then left fell the maple tree valley, this went is ten years.
Ten years later, Chu Shuanghe came back. He likely changed individual, the whole person cloudy and cold sinks Yu, no longer in the past.
Those who most made people stunned was, his smart arteries restored unexpectedly, moreover repaired for not compared with the Chu Shuangtian difference.
Chu Shuanghe is takes revenge.
200 years ago, the evil spirit two wars, the casualty are innumerable, but Chu Shuanghe, was the past years invades one of the correct path demonic cultivator.
Does not know that his ten years have any spell of good or bad fortune, run into any person, have come across any matter, why will turn into demonic cultivator. Chu Shuangtian has cherished to this younger brother guilty, could not get down the cruel methods, when they battled, Chu Shuangtian was plotted against by Chu Shuanghe, was nearly killed. Was good rushes because of Chu the head of household promptly, rescues Chu Shuangtian.
But, how to handle this Chu rebel is actually an issue.
How long Chu the head of household does not hesitate, then the Chu Shuanghe seal in an orphaned grave in Jinhe, has set up the tombstone of youngest son frost river, when he died, returned to Yuan Chen Peak then to erase in the genealogy the Chu Shuanghe name.
The grandfather does things so is unexpectedly neat, Chu Yu hears dumbfoundedly: “That ……Brother?”
The Chu Sheng vision is complex: “Brother’s death ……Depends on me.”
Chu two sub-compared with Chu Sheng small five years old, Chu Sheng tenth that time, leading the cadet to play in the mountain valley. In the bleak mountain valley, he gains ground, saw has 78 similar person with the father feature, in the heart has the heart of being intimate with.
That person asked that the matter of Chu Sheng Chu, nothing but the goose b.u.mps, he actually hears with gusto, looks like gentle harmless, amiable.
He probes is holding Chu two, smiles brightly to Chu Sheng: “Is this your younger brother?”
Chu Sheng however nods ignorant, next one flickers, is covered at present then by the scarlet.
Does not know when Chu Shuanghe that crawls from the grave, in front of Chu Sheng, a sword sword holds one after another in cadet’s body, smiles is wild and pleased.
When Chu Sheng recalls here, the complexion misses horrible to look at: “Therefore ……Little brother, you cannot have matter.”
Although Chu Shuangtian caught up to save him, this matter actually has become his shadow evil spirit barrier. What by rightful owner disposition since childhood with Chu two similar, somewhat is desolate eccentrically, this subtle similar makes Chu Jia ren worry anxiously, particularly Chu Sheng. Treats Chu Yu, he has the mood that rather I die.
Chu Yu is silent.
Is understands why finally Chu is the princess controls, why Chu Sheng that was worried that his Qi Deviation, the younger brother controlled the crazy Chinese.
This child, annoys human to love dearly strangely.
Chu Yu has caressed the back of Chu Sheng, said in a low voice: “Brother, then what to do?”
“This matter cannot other to know.”
Once the Yuan Chen Peak Chu head of household and head of household madame were seized the matter that kills to pa.s.s on, throws the Chu face matter to be small, affects the entire correct path alliance cultivator morale matter to be big.
In the ordinary day the high position invites criticism, the Chu foe are also many, although must share a common hatred in this time correct path, who knows to be able some people to hit a person when he is down, steps on a foot ruthlessly. The trustworthy person here, the untrustworthy person everywhere is not.
In the past Chu Shuanghe by seal, forced deep sleep in Jinhe, since now has not publicized noisily this matter, wants to look for Chu’s trouble probably.
Chu Sheng sound heavy, “in the past he by seal, is the Nascent Soul intermediate stage repairs is, since nowadays can compel in that share the father mother ……” he, the astringent sound track, “should be Nascent Soul late repairing.”
Chu altogether five Nascent Soulcultivator come, two are Chu Shuangtian and Madame Chu of Nascent Soul intermediate stage, remaining several are initial period Nascent Soul, to Chu Shuanghe, is really the future drearily does not have up.
Chu Sheng deeply inspires, lets loose Chu Yu, the complexion is serious: “Little brother, the brother asked your matter.”
Chu Yu is helpless: “Brother has the matter to speak frankly.”
Since he has occupied the sh.e.l.l of rightful owner, receives the Chu many attendances, had the abnormal foe to seek, naturally cannot sit by and do nothing.
Chu Sheng said: “Helps me ask the land senior to get rid.”
The Lu Qingan, Tian Yuan Sect two elders, Nascent Soul the crest repair later are, repairs the kendoist, is in seven big schools the tripod tripod famous first sword repairs. Heard that momentarily can move the G.o.d boundary, does not hope the step is because after entering the G.o.d time, results in into the Tian Yuan Sect rear to a.s.sume personal command, thinks troublesome, does not want to enter the step.
Therefore, the Lu Qingan nickname, named “in the Nascent Soul time did not have rival”.
Chu Yu first time thought that this cheap s.h.i.+zun is not cheap.
Is important, cannot again with pa.s.sing on the note. Chu Sheng took the bull by the horns, asking the seniors of two Nascent Soul times to go to outside the city to wait first temporarily, immediately went to the Tian Yuan Sect station.
The priests and disciples three people that sits in the inst.i.tute saw that the Chu two brothers walk, the facial expression response is respectively different.
Three s.h.i.+di have tears streaming down the face: “Da s.h.i.+xiong I also think that you do not come back, you are quite not fearful when two s.h.i.+xiong ……”
A Xie Xi foot pedal opens him, is pleasantly surprised the approach, asks to hold the waist of Chu Yu: “s.h.i.+xiong, do you want to come back to stay? The room are not many, rests with s.h.i.+di, the bedding has spread ……”
Pressed Chu Sheng still to remember that at this time fire protection security against s.h.i.+di, was black the face to protect Chu Yu after death, looked to Lu Qingan.
The response of Lu Qingan is: “Xi, you do not need to slip out tonight secretly.”
Chu Yu: “……”
Originally, has an affair this matter, from the beginning was exposed ……
Although somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, Chu Yu remembers the proper business, has bowed with hands clasped a ritual to Lu Qingan seriously, said: “Invited the s.h.i.+zun helping one another disciple.”
Chu Yu never requested anything to Lu Qingan. Lu Qingan wipes movement of sword, Yan Hue turns over to the sheath, stands up decisively, holds Chu Yu: “Walks while said.”
Chu Yu has compelled ignorant: “?”
The Lu Qingan facial features sink austere, vision is tranquil: “Is rare you to need help from me, must be the urgent matter important matter, walks while said that time-saving reduces effort.”
Chu Yu is a little ignorant compels.
Knows that was the important matter, asked that did not ask what matter was directly complies?
Lu Qingan told three s.h.i.+di two, making him quite defend in the yard, turns the head to look to Chu Yu: “Disciple has met troublesome, makes deciding of s.h.i.+zun however to a.s.sist two.”
Chu Yu is moved to tears.
This s.h.i.+zun is not really cheap, was gains completely!
Chu Sheng wants to say anything obviously, vision complex, has not broken the Chu Yu thread of conversation. Chu Yu knows that he wants to be remained by himself, decisive does not pay attention, slowed down the language intentionally fast, when the matter narrated probably, four people had the Yuan Chen Peak battalion.
Chu Yu this Caiga had detected is not right.
How the leads accompanied to brush transcription!
Lu Qingan has swept mood quite complex Brother Chu Jia, transfers the vision lightly: “First goes to your father mother’s missing place to have a look.”
Since Chu Shuanghe releases people to pa.s.s on news, will decide however will keep anything there, perhaps will be the clue, perhaps will be the trap. No matter anything, must find out first.
Has the Lu Qingan this Nascent Soul first person to bring, several people of speeds quick several times. Xie Xi in diligently rubs all the way toward Chu Yu on, in the Chu Sheng closer place brain is more chaotic, lets Xie actually Xi under his eyes hid have held the hand of Chu Yu.
Chu Yu turns the head to look to Xie Xi, sees in his pupil completely is the meaning of gentle comfort. The sorrow that rightful owner’s residual consciousness brings pa.s.sed, although Chu Yu somewhat sobbed uncomfortably, was actually insufficient to look like Chu Sheng like that to be deeply grieved, sees the lead to comfort itself, gawked.
This looks in the Xie Xi eyes, without doubt after is sorrowful being at a loss, under the heart pities excessively immediately and soft, said in a low voice: “s.h.i.+xiong, relax.”
He will drop never out Chu Yu.
Chu Yu was comforted bewilderedly, has tapped the Xie Xi heads conveniently.
The place when directs to the astrolabe is close, Lu Qingan has swept eye that place at will stiffly, the complexion suddenly one.
Front, is a stretch of open land. On the ground stone has sword mark vertically and horizontally, everywhere the ji powder, several corpses of blood coagulations, peaceful silent bend down on the ground.
In several corpses, is inserting a sword alone.
Then the sword edge of sword pan-the light of quiet cold green, the sword hilt decorative carving fine pattern, the slightly thin sword blade was shaking shaking in the cold wind gently, revealed faintly has carved character on sword – did not weigh.
Lu Qingan is staring at that sword, cannot help but has gotten hold in the hand Yan Hue, look happy as is surprised, even leucorrhea three points of startled anger. <>
Chu Yu was frightened by the facial paralysis faces of s.h.i.+zun these two degrees cures: “s.h.i.+zun ……How?”
Lu Qingan just likes has not heard, slowly to leading the way two steps, must go to draw out the sword likely. Is brought by him, the people cannot help but look to that handle sword, the complexion that has to know the person who reveals to be suddenly enlighted, the person who does not know such as the Chu Yu common face compels ignorant.
Chu Yu is having doubts, under foot suddenly white light greatly Sheng. Lu Qingan turns round fiercely: “Is transmission, immediately escapes!”
Chu Yu was only ignorant has flickered, the present boundary twinkling changes. When to is clear at present, a darkness.
The Chu Yu innermost feelings full are complex: ……It looks like Mausoleum Ruins that time, was transmitted the strange place?
He is probing putting out a hand, has not traced, the hand then steadily held on.
Chu Yu has gawked gawking: “Brother?”
In the darkness has not resounded the reply.
The authors had the words to say: _(: з) ∠) _was sorry that today r.e.t.a.r.ds ……Was mad by the noisy roommate, later late attended cla.s.s my going downstairs symbol ╭ (╯^╰) ╮
The words said that r.e.t.a.r.ds anything’s qwq to have many people unable to see in the micro blog notice probably, must consider to make group anything’s =-=
_(: з) ∠) _, does not return to the subject ……Collects 3000 broken spicy, scatters flower to scatter spends (≧▽≦)/to open woods ~
ps: The next chapter is the security chapter, the next chapter is the security chapter, the next chapter is the security chapter ……The important matter said three! Unnecessary, tomorrow security chapter of the content when the renewal will replace the main text and throws in does not wait for number of words ~
ps1: Finally s.h.i.+xiongs.h.i.+di lu to same place ……Is this time comes out to board! I must write the field operation! Field operation! Field operation!

Translator’s Notes:

Sorry, I put in this text for bots to copy. .

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