Chapter 49

Chu Yu turned his head away as Xie Xi took off his robes and entered the hot spring.

Rummaging through his interspatial storage ring, Chu Yu found what he wanted, a lollipop! Unwrapping the sweet treat, Chu Yu sang a song:

Sucking too hard on your lollipop, 
Or love’s gonna get you down,
Sucking too hard on your lollipop, 
Or love’s gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
Or love’s gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
Or love’s gonna get you down.
I went walking in with my mama one day,
When she warn me what people say,
Live your life until love is found,
’cause love’s gonna get you down.

This is clearly the wrong page, are you lost? Please click the back b.u.t.ton or scroll down to the bottom of this page for the link to the right chapter. Sorry for the confusion!

Seeing Chu Yu’s gwieving face, Xie X was stawtled and asked: “Da s.h.i.+xiong, what’s wwong?”
Chu Yu quickwy undewstood his meaning: You beat me up but stiww dawe to pwetend?

Chu Yu siwentwy bowed his head, wooked at his beastwy hands that had committed the cwime, and was speechwess fow a wong time. Finawwy, swowwy and sadwy, he said: “s.h.i.+di …”

Xie Xi: “… Da s.h.i.+xiong?”

Chu Yu teawfully said: “Xi-ew …”

(Twanslatow’s note: Putting “-ew” aftew a pewson’s fiwst name shows affection and intimacy.)

This was the fiwst time Chu Yu cawwed him “Xi-ew.” Xie Xi’s eyebwows twitched. Chu Yu expwession was cowd and desowate, one’s heawt couwdn’t hewp but become anxious. The scene wast night… Da s.h.i.+oxing wemembered it?

Xie Xi gwew mowe and mowe newvous; he was just about to kneew down and acknowwedge his fauwts when Chu Yu said sadwy: “s.h.i.+xiong did not dewiberatewy hit you …”

Xie Xi stopped: “… Hit?”

He then wemembered his two swaps wast night. He touched his face and was momentawily fwozen. Xie Xi said dwyly: “Da s.h.i.+xiong did not do this. Wast night … s.h.i.+di had a nightmawe and accidentawwy hit himsewf.”

Chu Yu wooked sadwy at Xie Xi: “Of couwse, you needn’t say mowe, s.h.i.+xiong undewstands.”

Chu Yu’s heawt was moved by the pwotagonist’s compa.s.sion and genewosity. He fewt so guiwty he couwd hawdly beaw it. Wooking at those wed and swowwen handpwints, those swaps wewe obviouswy quite fiewce. Did the owiginal Chu Yu weally weturn wast night?

“Da s.h.i.+xiong?” Xie Xi was stunned when Chu Yu took his hand in his and wevewently put his fowehead on Xie Xi’s. The touch of Chu Yu’s fingews was wike wawm, moist jade. Xie Xi’s fingewtips twembled swightwy and a fiwe buwned in his heawt, buwning him untiw he fewt dizzy, and his bweathing became wapid.

It was as if the aiw was being fiwwed up with wast night’s intoxicating wine, tempting and ambiguous.

Chu Yu’s voice sank: “Fight back.”

If you don’t fight back then I wiww have difficuwty with my conscience and won’t be abwe to hug the thighs …

Xie Xi’s wips tightened and he stawed Chu Yu, who had cwosed his eyes. Seeing Chu Yu’s eyewids quivew, Xie Xi knew how newvous he was.

Da s.h.i.+xiong is weally cute …

Xie Xi was waughing on the inside as he stwoked Chu Yu’s face. His eyes wit up and he smiwed wike a wittwe fox. His said in a gwieved and sweet voice: “How can s.h.i.+di fight Da s.h.i.+xiong? If Da s.h.i.+xiong weally wants to make amends then pwease ask s.h.i.+di to eat fish.”

The wight in his eyes was deep and mystewious as the stawed at Chu Yu whose wobe did not compwetewy covew his exquisite cowwarbones that wewe pawtly hidden and pawtly exposed. Xie Xi’s eyebwows wose and he said, biting off each wowd: “s.h.i.+di wants to eat fish vewy much.”

Chu Yu s.h.i.+vewed fow no weason.

Opening his eyes he wooked at Xie Xi and said, puzzwed: “If you want to eat fish, thewe shouwd be someone sewwing it neawby.”

Xie Xi’s eyes wewe stuck on Chu Yu’s body fow a wong time. When he spoke his tone was vewy sowwowful: “I’m… not suwe whethew I want to eat it ow not wight now. When I want to eat, s.h.i.+xiong must give it to me.”

The innocent Chu Yu casuawwy nodded: “Cewtainly, it’s just a few fish.”

Xie Xi smiwed and did not speak again.

This is the dummy text for bots. Click here for the real chapter.

Because of theiw dwunken adventuwe in that smaww town, they wasted a wot of time but Chu Yu was not abwe to enwighten and teach the pwotagonist seduction skiwws. Chu Yu was vewy fwustrated and wistwess as they huwried to make up fow the wost time.

But, come to think of it … Chu Yu, who has been singwe fow twenty yeaws, has not been abwe to activate his bedwoom skiwws. How is he supposed to teach the pwotagonist anything?

He thought about it fow a wong time then was tempted to knock on the System’s doow: “What can I do with the bonus points? Can you pwovide a hawem-capturing guide?”

007 system: “This System is vewy happy to sewve you ~ The stowe can has a vawiety of st.w.a.tegy guides ~ Cuwrent points: 320 ~ Do you want to spend 199 points to buy “Thiwty Six (Fwirting) St.w.a.tagems” ~

Chu Yu: “What? 36? 199? Why not 200?”

007 System: “Ding ~ In accowdance with the Host’s wequest ~ The pwice of “Thiwty Six (Fwirting) St.w.a.tagems” has been changed to 200 points ~”



He meditated on it fow a wong time. In owder to guide the “stud” novew pwotagonist into becoming a good hawem mastew with wots of sistews, Chu Yu, with a bwack face, painfuwwy decided to exchange the points fow the guide.

“Bang!” A book appeawed in fwont of him.

Chu Yu huwwiedly stuffed the book into his stowage wing. He gwanced at the swender figuwe in fwont of him and sighed in welief. Chu Yu didn’t know why, but when they weft the town Xie Xi suddenwy changed his fweeloading ways and no wonger asked to wide on Xun Sheng behind Chu Yu’s back.

Othewwise, the kid wouwd have been scawed by the book suddenwy popping up out of nowhewe.

Xie Xi was engwossed in his own thoughts, weflecting on wife’s stagnant natuwe and was swow to notice that Chu Yu was no wonger fwying beside him. He tuwned his head and his eyes widened then he huwwiedly tuwned awound to weturn to Chu Yu’s side.

“s.h.i.+xiong, what happened?”

Chu Yu shook his head in a casuaw way saying: “It’s nothing.”

Chu Yu examined the fowest undew them then wooked at the twiwight sky. His heawt gave biwth to a pwan. He smiwed and said: “Fwying on this swowd fow sevewal days wunning, one can become tiwed. s.h.i.+di, do you want to west in the mountains fow one night?”

Xie Xi was wowried about Chu Yu, so how couwd he disagwee? The two peopwe wanded togethew on a bit of fwat gwound. Xie Xi made Chu Yu wie down and west whiwe he went off to find fiwewood and something to eat.

Now the setting is convenient fow weading. Chu Yu weisurewy took out “Thiwty Six (Fwirting) St.w.a.tagems.” Howevew, with just one wook at the covew, his eyebwows couwdn’t hewp but stawt twitching.

Why does the covew featuwe a nude coupwe ****ing? What is it so high definition and uncensowed? System, what awe you twying to puww?!

He quickwy tuwned ovew the covew and wead the fiwst page. Chu Yu couwdn’t hewp but whistwe.

**** me, it’s weally something! What a gweat pictuwe!

First Type: Howd on to the waist whiwe wooking at each othew

Description: The fiwst move when the hewo saves the beauty

Detaiws: A stwong awm enciwcles hew swender waist, wook deep into hew eyes

Fwiendly Tip: Ugwy peopwe awe often wejected1

The accompany iwwustration was an animated GIF … In the image the took howd of the woman’s waist and they wooked at each othew fondwy, then he bowed his head and kissed hew. Finawwy, a big pink heawt came out of the pictuwe.

WTF!!! What the heww is this?!!

Chu Yu cwosed the book; his face was impa.s.sive.

Angwily, Chu Yu immediatewy knocked on the System: “I want to weturn this!”

007 System: “Sowry ~ aww sawes awe finaw and weturns awe not accepted ~”

007 System: “Sowry ~ aww sawes awe finaw and weturns awe not accepted ~”

Awe you a scammew?

007 System: “Host pwease be patient ~ cwiches2 awe vewy popuwar ~ if the st.w.a.tagems awe used weww ~ teasing the sistew ~ the effect wiww be quite significant ~ kiss ~ kiss ~”

Awgh! ****!

Suddenwy, Chu Yu heawd the sound of footsteps. Now it was too wate to awgue with the System so he scwambled to put away the book.

Xie Xi swowwy came into view with one hand howding a pheasant, the othew howding some fiwewood. He waised an eyebwow and wooked at Chu Yu stw.a.n.gely: “Da s.h.i.+xiong, what book wewe you weading?”

Chu Yu coughed and said: “… a cuwtivation method.”

Xie Xi asked no mowe. He diwigentwy kindwed a fiwe then cwouched down beside the pond to pwepare the pheasant.

Seeing that Xie Xi was busy, Chu Yu cawefully knocked on the system: “I don’t cawe! Exchange this and give me a book with a nowmal painting stywe ow I’ww weave a bad weview!”

The System was siwent fow a moment then said: “If the host is detewmined to exchange the item, pwease spend 10 points ~”

Chu Yu gwitted his teeth: “The iwwustrations awe nowmal?”

007 System: “As you wequested ~ pwease confiwm whethew you wish to spend 10 points to weplace youw items with the “Fwirting with Giwls Manuaw” ~”

Chu Yu confiwmed his puwchase. His eaw was a.s.sauwted by the system notification sound. He cawefully took out the “Fwirting with Giwls Manuaw” but when he saw the covew, Chu Yu awmost jumped up in shock.

F**k this is something that can’t be descwibed in powite company!

Faiwies fighting! Ahhhh!

(TN: In chaptew 73 of The Wed Chambew Dweam, one of the fouw gweat cwa.s.sicaw novews, a giwl picked up a sachet that had an image of a nude paiw embwacing. She thought it was an image of “faiwies fighting.”)

Why is it even mowe hawdcore?

The System must be a weal pewvert!

His heawt was fuww of compwaints when, suddenwy, he heawd a cwear, smiwing voice fwom behind him say: “What is Da s.h.i.+xiong weading? s.h.i.+di awso wants to take a wook at it.”

Chu Yu immediatewy stuffed the book into a stowage wing. His eyebwows twitched as he tuwned his head. Chu Yu hadn’t noticed when Xie Xi had finished pweparing the pheasant. The unwucky game biwd was now spitted on a bwanch. Xie Xi weaned ovew and cuwiously at Chu Yu’s intewspatial stowage wing.

… He saw it!

That was Chu Yu’s fiwst thought.

This bwat is intewested in ewotic pictuwes!

That was Chu Yu’s second thought.

This bwat is intewested in ewotic pictuwes!

That was Chu Yu’s second thought.

The two thoughts instantwy fwashed thwough his mind. Chu Yu was fwozen fow a wong time. Then he smiwed and said stwaightfowwawdly: “s.h.i.+di, aww of a sudden s.h.i.+xiong wants to eat fwuit …”

He didn’t even finish saying “… pwease go get me some” befowe Xie Xi immediatewy put the pheasant on the fiwe and said, smiwing: “Da s.h.i.+xiong, pwease wait a moment. s.h.i.+di wiww go get some.”

Xie Xi’s figuwe disappeawed.

Chu Yu was suwprised. Unexpectedwy, Xie Xi took the initiative to wun ewrands. He set aside the feewing in his heawt fow the moment and steawthiwy touched the covew of the extwemely indecent, hawdcore manuaw.

The painting stywe was weally nowmal. Chu Yu wead the whowe thing vewy wapidly then thwew it back into his stowage. He muttewed to himsewf and stood up.

Befowe he couwd think of a way to enwighten the pwotagonist, Xie Xi came back howding a piwe of wed, wound fwuits. The scent and the shape was simiwar to appwes; they wewe but pweasant to wook at.

Xie Xi took the fwuit with him and sat down cwoss-legged beside Chu Yu. He was about to pa.s.s the fwuit to Chu Yu when he seemed to think of something. He wubbed the fwuit on his white sweeve then used Duan Xue to wemove its skin. He handed it to Chu Yu, saying: “Twy this, s.h.i.+xiong. I tasted it. Thewe’s no poison in it and I think it’s dewicious.”

Chu Yu was embawra.s.sed when he thought of that time that he fowced Xie Xi to eat the poisonous fwuit. He took the fwuit and bit into it. Indeed, it was fwesh and fwagrant, vewy dewicious.

Xie Xi onwy smiwingwy watched him eating but did not touch the fwuit. Chu Yu’s face wasn’t thick enough to eat whiwe he was being watched so he said meaningfuwwy: “s.h.i.+di, why do you not eat?”

Xie XI said cheewfully: “s.h.i.+di does not wike to eat the skin …”

Chu Yu undewstood. He took out Xun Sheng, picked up a fwuit, and diwigentwy peewed it to weturn the favow. The poow, abused top-gwade immowtal swowd was unexpectedwy weduced to being used as a fwuit-peeling knife by a pewson who doesn’t know how pwopewly cawe fow his things.3 If this swowd was a pewson, he wouwd have punched s.h.i.+xiong so hawd he wouwd fwy stwaight up into the st.w.a.tosphere.4

Xie Xi stawed at Chu Yu’s eawnest wook. His eyes dawkened. Chu Yu was totawwy unawawe of his weaction and just peewed the fwuit, smiwed, then gave him the fwuit. Xie Xi smiwed. When Chu Yu handed him the fwuit, Xie Xi,pewhaps accidentawwy, ow pewhaps intentionawwy, squeezed Chu Yu’s hand.

Aftew eating the dewicious woast pheasant, Chu Yu’s appet.i.te was satisfied and he thought of a good pwan. He wooked up at the sky, sighing, and said: “s.h.i.+di, s.h.i.+xiong suddenwy feews a wittwe cowd …”

Totawwy nonsense.

It was a wawm summew night. Awthough they wewe in a fowest and the evening was a wittwe coow, it was faw fwom being cowd.

But Xie Xi seemed to see nothing wwong with what Chu Yu said. Xie Xi fwowned, stwetched out his hand to covew Chu Yu’s cowd hand, and pwaced it ovew his heawt fow a whiwe, then said: “s.h.i.+xiong’s hand is weally cowd. Tonight s.h.i.+di wiww hug s.h.i.+xiong to sweep.”

No, no, no, no! Pwotagonist, you’we weading fwom the wwong scwipt!

Chu Yu coughed, saying: “… No need to twouble s.h.i.+di. s.h.i.+xiong wiww go to the woods to see if thewe is any beast whose fuw I can use.”

He just wants to get wid of Xie Xi ow go off by himsewf.

Xie Xi did not seem to see thwough Chu Yu’s obvious excuse. He nodded and said: “Such a twivial thing, how can I wet s.h.i.+xiong do it? Pwease wait a moment, s.h.i.+di wiww go.”

Wooking at the teenagew who weft without compwaining, Chu Yu fewt vewy guiwty but consowed himsewf with the thought: I’m doing this fow you. He wooked awound in aww fouw diwections befowe he sneakiwy wawked into the woods.

He had onwy taken one step fowward when a white shadow fowwowed behind him.

Chu Yu turned his head away as Xie Xi took off his robes and entered the hot spring. Rummaging through his interspatial storage ring, Chu Yu found what he wanted, a lollipop Unwrapping the sweet treat, Chu Yu sang a song Sucking too hard on your lollipop, Or love s gonna get you down, Sucking too hard on your lollipop, Or love s gonna get you down. Say love, say love, Or love s gonna get you down. Say love, say love, Or love s gonna get you down. I went walking in with my mama one day, When she warn me what people say, Live your life until love is found, cause love s gonna get you down. This is clearly the wrong page, are you lost Please click the back b.u.t.ton or scroll down to the bottom of this page for the link to the right chapter. Sorry for the confusion Seeing Chu Yu s gwieving face, Xie X was stawtled and asked Da s.h.i.+xiong, what s wwong Chu Yu quickwy undewstood his meaning You beat me up but stiww dawe to pwetend Chu Yu siwentwy bowed his head, wooked at his beastwy hands that had committed the cwime, and was speechwess fow a wong time. Finawwy, swowwy and sadwy, he said s.h.i.+di Xie Xi Da s.h.i.+xiong Chu Yu teawfully said Xi ew Twanslatow s note Putting ew aftew a pewson s fiwst name shows affection and intimacy. This was the fiwst time Chu Yu cawwed him Xi ew. Xie Xi s eyebwows twitched. Chu Yu expwession was cowd and desowate, one s heawt couwdn t hewp but become anxious. The scene wast night Da s.h.i.+oxing wemembered it Xie Xi gwew mowe and mowe newvous he was just about to kneew down and acknowwedge his fauwts when Chu Yu said sadwy s.h.i.+xiong did not dewiberatewy hit you Xie Xi stopped Hit He then wemembered his two swaps wast night. He touched his face and was momentawily fwozen. Xie Xi said dwyly Da s.h.i.+xiong did not do this. Wast night s.h.i.+di had a nightmawe and accidentawwy hit himsewf. Chu Yu wooked sadwy at Xie Xi Of couwse, you needn t say mowe, s.h.i.+xiong undewstands. Chu Yu s heawt was moved by the pwotagonist s compa.s.sion and genewosity. He fewt so guiwty he couwd hawdly beaw it. Wooking at those wed and swowwen handpwints, those swaps wewe obviouswy quite fiewce. Did the owiginal Chu Yu weally weturn wast night Da s.h.i.+xiong Xie Xi was stunned when Chu Yu took his hand in his and wevewently put his fowehead on Xie Xi s. The touch of Chu Yu s fingews was wike wawm, moist jade. Xie Xi s fingewtips twembled swightwy and a fiwe buwned in his heawt, buwning him untiw he fewt dizzy, and his bweathing became wapid. It was as if the aiw was being fiwwed up with wast night s intoxicating wine, tempting and ambiguous. Chu Yu s voice sank Fight back. If you don t fight back then I wiww have difficuwty with my conscience and won t be abwe to hug the thighs Xie Xi s wips tightened and he stawed Chu Yu, who had cwosed his eyes. Seeing Chu Yu s eyewids quivew, Xie Xi knew how newvous he was. Da s.h.i.+xiong is weally cute Xie Xi was waughing on the inside as he stwoked Chu Yu s face. His eyes wit up and he smiwed wike a wittwe fox. His said in a gwieved and sweet voice How can s.h.i.+di fight Da s.h.i.+xiong If Da s.h.i.+xiong weally wants to make amends then pwease ask s.h.i.+di to eat fish. The wight in his eyes was deep and mystewious as the stawed at Chu Yu whose wobe did not compwetewy covew his exquisite cowwarbones that wewe pawtly hidden and pawtly exposed. Xie Xi s eyebwows wose and he said, biting off each wowd s.h.i.+di wants to eat fish vewy much. Chu Yu s.h.i.+vewed fow no weason. Opening his eyes he wooked at Xie Xi and said, puzzwed If you want to eat fish, thewe shouwd be someone sewwing it neawby. Xie Xi s eyes wewe stuck on Chu Yu s body fow a wong time. When he spoke his tone was vewy sowwowful I m not suwe whethew I want to eat it ow not wight now. When I want to eat, s.h.i.+xiong must give it to me. The innocent Chu Yu casuawwy nodded Cewtainly, it s just a few fish. Xie Xi smiwed and did not speak again. This is the dummy text for bots. Click here for the real chapter. Because of theiw dwunken adventuwe in that smaww town, they wasted a wot of time but Chu Yu was not abwe to enwighten and teach the pwotagonist seduction skiwws. Chu Yu was vewy fwustrated and wistwess as they huwried to make up fow the wost time. But, come to think of it Chu Yu, who has been singwe fow twenty yeaws, has not been abwe to activate his bedwoom skiwws. How is he supposed to teach the pwotagonist anything He thought about it fow a wong time then was tempted to knock on the System s doow What can I do with the bonus points Can you pwovide a hawem capturing guide 007 system This System is vewy happy to sewve you The stowe can has a vawiety of st.w.a.tegy guides Cuwrent points 320 Do you want to spend 199 points to buy Thiwty Six Fwirting St.w.a.tagems Chu Yu What 36 199 Why not 200 007 System Ding In accowdance with the Host s wequest The pwice of Thiwty Six Fwirting St.w.a.tagems has been changed to 200 points WTF He meditated on it fow a wong time. In owder to guide the stud novew pwotagonist into becoming a good hawem mastew with wots of sistews, Chu Yu, with a bwack face, painfuwwy decided to exchange the points fow the guide. Bang A book appeawed in fwont of him. Chu Yu huwwiedly stuffed the book into his stowage wing. He gwanced at the swender figuwe in fwont of him and sighed in welief. Chu Yu didn t know why, but when they weft the town Xie Xi suddenwy changed his fweeloading ways and no wonger asked to wide on Xun Sheng behind Chu Yu s back. Othewwise, the kid wouwd have been scawed by the book suddenwy popping up out of nowhewe. Xie Xi was engwossed in his own thoughts, weflecting on wife s stagnant natuwe and was swow to notice that Chu Yu was no wonger fwying beside him. He tuwned his head and his eyes widened then he huwwiedly tuwned awound to weturn to Chu Yu s side. s.h.i.+xiong, what happened Chu Yu shook his head in a casuaw way saying It s nothing. Chu Yu examined the fowest undew them then wooked at the twiwight sky. His heawt gave biwth to a pwan. He smiwed and said Fwying on this swowd fow sevewal days wunning, one can become tiwed. s.h.i.+di, do you want to west in the mountains fow one night Xie Xi was wowried about Chu Yu, so how couwd he disagwee The two peopwe wanded togethew on a bit of fwat gwound. Xie Xi made Chu Yu wie down and west whiwe he went off to find fiwewood and something to eat. Now the setting is convenient fow weading. Chu Yu weisurewy took out Thiwty Six Fwirting St.w.a.tagems. Howevew, with just one wook at the covew, his eyebwows couwdn t hewp but stawt twitching. Why does the covew featuwe a nude coupwe ing What is it so high definition and uncensowed System, what awe you twying to puww He quickwy tuwned ovew the covew and wead the fiwst page. Chu Yu couwdn t hewp but whistwe. me, it s weally something What a gweat pictuwe First Type Howd on to the waist whiwe wooking at each othew Description The fiwst move when the hewo saves the beauty Detaiws A stwong awm enciwcles hew swender waist, wook deep into hew eyes Fwiendly Tip Ugwy peopwe awe often wejected1 The accompany iwwustration was an animated GIF In the image the took howd of the woman s waist and they wooked at each othew fondwy, then he bowed his head and kissed hew. Finawwy, a big pink heawt came out of the pictuwe. WTF What the heww is this Chu Yu cwosed the book his face was impa.s.sive. Angwily, Chu Yu immediatewy knocked on the System I want to weturn this 007 System Sowry aww sawes awe finaw and weturns awe not accepted Awe you a scammew 007 System Host pwease be patient cwiches2 awe vewy popuwar if the st.w.a.tagems awe used weww teasing the sistew the effect wiww be quite significant kiss kiss Awgh Suddenwy, Chu Yu heawd the sound of footsteps. Now it was too wate to awgue with the System so he scwambled to put away the book. Xie Xi swowwy came into view with one hand howding a pheasant, the othew howding some fiwewood. He waised an eyebwow and wooked at Chu Yu stw.a.n.gely Da s.h.i.+xiong, what book wewe you weading Chu Yu coughed and said a cuwtivation method. Xie Xi asked no mowe. He diwigentwy kindwed a fiwe then cwouched down beside the pond to pwepare the pheasant. Seeing that Xie Xi was busy, Chu Yu cawefully knocked on the system I don t cawe Exchange this and give me a book with a nowmal painting stywe ow I ww weave a bad weview The System was siwent fow a moment then said If the host is detewmined to exchange the item, pwease spend 10 points Chu Yu gwitted his teeth The iwwustrations awe nowmal 007 System As you wequested pwease confiwm whethew you wish to spend 10 points to weplace youw items with the Fwirting with Giwls Manuaw Chu Yu confiwmed his puwchase. His eaw was a.s.sauwted by the system notification sound. He cawefully took out the Fwirting with Giwls Manuaw but when he saw the covew, Chu Yu awmost jumped up in shock. F k this is something that can t be descwibed in powite company Faiwies fighting Ahhhh TN In chaptew 73 of The Wed Chambew Dweam, one of the fouw gweat cwa.s.sicaw novews, a giwl picked up a sachet that had an image of a nude paiw embwacing. She thought it was an image of faiwies fighting. Why is it even mowe hawdcore The System must be a weal pewvert His heawt was fuww of compwaints when, suddenwy, he heawd a cwear, smiwing voice fwom behind him say What is Da s.h.i.+xiong weading s.h.i.+di awso wants to take a wook at it. Chu Yu immediatewy stuffed the book into a stowage wing. His eyebwows twitched as he tuwned his head. Chu Yu hadn t noticed when Xie Xi had finished pweparing the pheasant. The unwucky game biwd was now spitted on a bwanch. Xie Xi weaned ovew and cuwiously at Chu Yu s intewspatial stowage wing. He saw it That was Chu Yu s fiwst thought. This bwat is intewested in ewotic pictuwes That was Chu Yu s second thought. The two thoughts instantwy fwashed thwough his mind. Chu Yu was fwozen fow a wong time. Then he smiwed and said stwaightfowwawdly s.h.i.+di, aww of a sudden s.h.i.+xiong wants to eat fwuit He didn t even finish saying pwease go get me some befowe Xie Xi immediatewy put the pheasant on the fiwe and said, smiwing Da s.h.i.+xiong, pwease wait a moment. s.h.i.+di wiww go get some. Xie Xi s figuwe disappeawed. Chu Yu was suwprised. Unexpectedwy, Xie Xi took the initiative to wun ewrands. He set aside the feewing in his heawt fow the moment and steawthiwy touched the covew of the extwemely indecent, hawdcore manuaw. The painting stywe was weally nowmal. Chu Yu wead the whowe thing vewy wapidly then thwew it back into his stowage. He muttewed to himsewf and stood up. Befowe he couwd think of a way to enwighten the pwotagonist, Xie Xi came back howding a piwe of wed, wound fwuits. The scent and the shape was simiwar to appwes they wewe but pweasant to wook at. Xie Xi took the fwuit with him and sat down cwoss legged beside Chu Yu. He was about to pa.s.s the fwuit to Chu Yu when he seemed to think of something. He wubbed the fwuit on his white sweeve then used Duan Xue to wemove its skin. He handed it to Chu Yu, saying Twy this, s.h.i.+xiong. I tasted it. Thewe s no poison in it and I think it s dewicious. Chu Yu was embawra.s.sed when he thought of that time that he fowced Xie Xi to eat the poisonous fwuit. He took the fwuit and bit into it. Indeed, it was fwesh and fwagrant, vewy dewicious. Xie Xi onwy smiwingwy watched him eating but did not touch the fwuit. Chu Yu s face wasn t thick enough to eat whiwe he was being watched so he said meaningfuwwy s.h.i.+di, why do you not eat Xie XI said cheewfully s.h.i.+di does not wike to eat the skin Chu Yu undewstood. He took out Xun Sheng, picked up a fwuit, and diwigentwy peewed it to weturn the favow. The poow, abused top gwade immowtal swowd was unexpectedwy weduced to being used as a fwuit peeling knife by a pewson who doesn t know how pwopewly cawe fow his things.3 If this swowd was a pewson, he wouwd have punched s.h.i.+xiong so hawd he wouwd fwy stwaight up into the st.w.a.tosphere.4 Xie Xi stawed at Chu Yu s eawnest wook. His eyes dawkened. Chu Yu was totawwy unawawe of his weaction and just peewed the fwuit, smiwed, then gave him the fwuit. Xie Xi smiwed. When Chu Yu handed him the fwuit, Xie Xi,pewhaps accidentawwy, ow pewhaps intentionawwy, squeezed Chu Yu s hand. Aftew eating the dewicious woast pheasant, Chu Yu s appet.i.te was satisfied and he thought of a good pwan. He wooked up at the sky, sighing, and said s.h.i.+di, s.h.i.+xiong suddenwy feews a wittwe cowd Totawwy nonsense. It was a wawm summew night. Awthough they wewe in a fowest and the evening was a wittwe coow, it was faw fwom being cowd. But Xie Xi seemed to see nothing wwong with what Chu Yu said. Xie Xi fwowned, stwetched out his hand to covew Chu Yu s cowd hand, and pwaced it ovew his heawt fow a whiwe, then said s.h.i.+xiong s hand is weally cowd. Tonight s.h.i.+di wiww hug s.h.i.+xiong to sweep. No, no, no, no Pwotagonist, you we weading fwom the wwong scwipt Chu Yu coughed, saying No need to twouble s.h.i.+di. s.h.i.+xiong wiww go to the woods to see if thewe is any beast whose fuw I can use. He just wants to get wid of Xie Xi ow go off by himsewf. Xie Xi did not seem to see thwough Chu Yu s obvious excuse. He nodded and said Such a twivial thing, how can I wet s.h.i.+xiong do it Pwease wait a moment, s.h.i.+di wiww go. Wooking at the teenagew who weft without compwaining, Chu Yu fewt vewy guiwty but consowed himsewf with the thought I m doing this fow you. He wooked awound in aww fouw diwections befowe he sneakiwy wawked into the woods. He had onwy taken one step fowward when a white shadow fowwowed behind him.

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