A+A-Chapter 25
Chapter 25 – Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me

Chapter t.i.tle:  Into the bridal chamber

Chu Yu almost laughed out loud from the innermost depths of his heart.

The General a.s.sembly started, presided over by the Yu Hua sect master who gave a few polite greetings then announced the beginning of Immortal Sword Congress. The rules of the contest were fairly simple and crude: there were bamboo sticks containing the names of the disciples who are partic.i.p.ating. Respected elders from the eight great sects will draw sticks to randomly match disciples. The winner of a match will get to keep his name tag and the loser can challenge any of the other winners. Two people will fight on one stage and there are five stages set up at the event for matches to be held simultaneously.

The elders on the podium slowly drew two names.

Chu Yu blinked and prayed ten million times that he wouldn’t have to fight Xie Xi.

“The first match, Tian Yuan Sect’s Xie Xi vs Tian Yuan Sect’s Song Jingyi.”

Xie Xi’s eyelashes quivered. Underneath, his pitch-black eyes flashed with an ice-cold glimmer.

Chu Yu was stupefied. This is extremely fortunate! Last night they had talked over and over about teaching Song Jingyi a lesson by beating him up. Now Xie Xi’s first match was with him.

Today It looks like Song Jingyi is truly s**t out of luck.

Xie Xi leaned closer to Chu Yu ears, so close that his lips were almost touching his earlobe. He spoke in a low voice: “s.h.i.+xiong, is Song Jingyi the type who cares about his image a lot?”

The hot breath in his ear made Chu Yu vexed and weak in the knees so he pinched Xie Xi’s face and nodded: “Be careful.”

The elders of the eight great sects were all ent.i.tled to seats at a high platform. Below them was a huge s.p.a.ce where the matches were held. Five pairs of names were read and the disciples immediately fly over on their swords.

Song Jingyi showed a lukewarm smile and walked over, looking strangely at Xie Xi: “I didn’t expect to begin with a match with a fellow disciple from my own sect. Xie s.h.i.+di, let us begin.”

Xie Xi glanced at him coolly then flew down to the middle of the event area. Song Jingyi, who had been disregarded, did not take offence and maintained a curiously fitting smiling expression. He flew down, landing some distance from Xie Xi. They faced each other.

Chu Yu, who felt nervous and excited, walked to the edge of the stage and was unable to take his eyes off Xie Xi. This is the first time the protagonist will fight with a cannon fodder character! Surely he will beat up that guy so badly that his own master won’t be able to recognize him! Ah! How exciting!

Before Chu Yu could get too excited, Xie Xi smiled brightly, drew Duan Xue an inch out of its scabbard, then slammed it back in. In the next moment, everyone saw the shadow of a figure flash by. Suddenly, Song Jingyi sprayed out blood from his mouth with a “Pu” and his body was kicked several feet away until he hit a wall, then slid down.

The audience was silent.

Xie Xi slowly retracted

his leg. His clothes were not even the slightest bit disheveled. His long hair along with his headband was flying in the wind and the corners of his lips were turned up in a derisive sneer: “Thank you, s.h.i.+xiong for taking it easy on me.”

Chu Yu was stunned.

F*** that was amazingly cool! No wonder Xie Xi asked him whether or not Song Jingyi was concerned about his reputation. With just this one kick, he absolutely crushed his opponent. It’s destructive power was far more devastating than losing long fight. Wow!

Xie Xi looked back at Chu Yu with a pure, cheerful smile. Chu Yu immediately recovered from the shock. Taking advantage of when Xie Xi was flying back on his sword, Chu Yu glanced quickly at Song Yuanzhou’s deathly pale facial expression, and then he turned to Lu Qingan, saying in a soft voice: “s.h.i.+zun. s.h.i.+di, he …”

Lu Qingan raised a hand to indicate that Chu Yu need not speak more: “I will take responsibility.”

_(:з)∠)_ s.h.i.+zun, you’re so cool!

The expression on Song Yuanzhuo’s face was a bit ugly but he was obviously doing his utmost to restrain his reaction. He continued to sit calmly on the high platform talking and laughing cheerfully with the other elders. He just heaved a sigh and shook his head over his disciple’s bad luck at losing his first battle. He didn’t look at Lu Qingan.

Lu Qingan was also impa.s.sive and simply kept serenely drinking his tea. When Xie Xi came back, he nodded slightly: “Pretty good.”

Xie X’s face went a little red: “Many thanks, s.h.i.+zun.”

Third s.h.i.+di’s expression looked as though his body had been hollowed out. When Xie Xi arrived and brushed past him, Third s.h.i.+di s.h.i.+vered. Chu Yu had pity on him and patted his head. This child had followed the lead of the original Chu Yu in bullying Xie Xi. Now that he had seen how powerful Xie Xi had become, he was so scared that he almost cried. He looked really pathetic.

Third s.h.i.+di trembled even more: Da s.h.i.+xiong … I beg you please don’t touch me … there’s a look in Second s.h.i.+xiong’s eyes that makes it seem as if he wants to kill someone …

Chu Yu turned and caught sight of Xie Xi’s scary expression. He pinched Xie Xi’s face, smiling as he asked: “What is it?”

The words. .h.i.t the mark and the ice in Xie Xi’s eyes suddenly melted until only spring water remained.

“Nothing,” said Xie Xi. He happily hugged Chu Yu’s arm and was all smiles as he rubbed against him with his body.

Chu Yu was used to this behavior and patted his head, continuing to watch the fights. He failed to notice Third s.h.i.+di’s warped expression.

After a long wait, it was finally Chu Yu’s turn. Chu Yu was ready for combat, having acc.u.mulated spiritual energy. His opponent was Surong Yujian.1 Unexpectedly, after just a few blows, the other party admitted defeat.

The expression on Chu Yu’s face was complex. “…”

He was prepared to fight but he hadn’t even used half of his actual strength when his opponent gave up. This gave him the sense that it was really boring …

The contest began early in the morning and when it was finished it was already almost sunset. As

As the twilight bell sounded, Chu Yu and Xie Xi were finally matched to each other.

Seeing that in no time at all there were only ten people left over, Chu Yu had already psychologically prepared for this moment. He went up on stage, turned to look face to face at Xie Xi for a moment, then smiled faintly and said: “I concede.”

He’s already in the top ten. Now that he can enter the Mausoleum Ruins, why would he care about rank he was anymore?

Chu Yu nodded his head at Xie Xi, and flew down the stage on his sword. The last few matches were held; Xie Xi really was number one.

Chu Yu couldn’t help but shed a few tears in his heart: ****, it’s been so long but at last there a plot development that conforms to the book’s plot …

The only fly in the ointment was that Song Jingyi vomited blood but later chose to challenge a winner and was able to get into the top ten. Therefore, it will be impossible to avoid his company since he is also ent.i.tled to enter the Mausoleum Ruins.

In the darkness, the sect masters of the eight great sects summoned the top ten finalists of the Immortal Sword Congress to the stage. One of the elders handed over some immortal weapons and elixirs then, with a solemn air, warned them of the dangers of the Mausoleum Ruins.

The most dangerous thing in the Mausoleum Ruins are the interspatial rifts. Once a person falls into one of the interspatial rifts, no matter how strong his mind or body, that person will disappear from this world. The second most dangerous thing was the ancient illusion spell that confuses one’s mind. If a person isn’t careful, he will get disoriented and won’t even be aware of the danger until he dies.

After entering the Mausoleum Ruins, the disciples must go through an ancient spell matrix. Otherwise, they will be randomly sent to unknown places. If that happens, it’s likely that they might fall into one of the interspatial rifts.

For many years people from the eight great sects have explored the Mausoleum Ruins and they pa.s.sed down the correct way to navigate the ancient spell matrix. The elders informed the disciples of the correct procedures and told them to be careful. Once the Mausoleum Ruins opens, it will remain open for half a month.

After half a month, whether a disciple has found any treasures or not, he must leave immediately, otherwise they will be stuck inside the Mausoleum Ruins until it opens again in ten years.

Chu Yu read about this from the original novel. He looked around at some people who seemed uninterested. In the novel these people simply picked up a few things then left. On the other hand, the protagonist was accidentally trapped inside the Mausoleum Ruins for ten years. When he exited, he was in the Core Formation stage. Henceforth his sword swept away all of his opponents that were of the same level and even leapfrogged over the higher level ones. Because he looked like an immortal and decisively cut down his enemies, he was called the “Sword Immortal.”

The thighs are finally going to grow up ~

The only problem is, after ten

after ten years of separation, when the protagonist comes out again, perhaps he will have forgotten him …?

Chu Yu decided to increase his favorability rating while they were in the Mausoleum Ruins.

Because of the demonic cultivator’s sudden offensive, the Immortal Sword Congress was held to pick those who would partic.i.p.ate. They were not allowed to delay. After one night of rest, Chu Yu and the others were taken to the entrance of the Mausoleum Ruins.

The entrance to the Mausoleum Ruins was in the middle of the mountains, surrounded by tall trees that provided shade and springs flowing with sweet water. The portal rippled like water, flas.h.i.+ng with light.

Chu Yu’s eyes were filled with curiosity as he looked at it. Looking back, he saw that Xie Xi was calm and collected. The child has been like this since yesterday. Chu Yu can’t guess what’s wrong with him and he feels like he can’t ask. Chu Yu’s heart was uneasy.

Right now they had a bit of free time to chat. Therefore Chu Yu wanted to clear the air with some inspiring words.2 He patted Xie Xi’s shoulder, whispering: “s.h.i.+di, we are about to walk down a dangerous path where life and death are not certain. The expression on your face has been so ugly but you haven’t said anything to s.h.i.+xiong. Do you not fear that in the future you won’t see s.h.i.+xiong for a long time?”

Xie Xu’s long eyelashes trembled: “Nonsense!”

At last, he lifted his eyes and looked at Chu Yu. His eyes were full of grievance: “I won’t let s.h.i.+xiong disappear. s.h.i.+xiong promised me that he would never leave me.”

Chu Yu hurriedly touched the child’s head: “Then why haven’t you said a word to me since yesterday?”

Xie Xi paused for a moment then whispered, “I didn’t want s.h.i.+xiong to let me win. This first time, I was going to leave it to s.h.i.+xiong.”

… Kid, we’re not on the same channel, are we? Chu Yu was surprised for a moment. It took him a long time to react then his heart melted. He pinched Xie Xi’s face, thinking that the protagonist is very cute: “This sort of empty reputation, who would care about it?”

After these comforting words, the upset child cheered right up. Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xie Xi, who showed a brilliant smile. After all, this was the child he raised. Soon, they will part ways for ten years. Just thinking about this made him feel dreadfully depressed.

They waited for half an hour then the portal to the Mausoleum Ruins slowly opened. A dark hole appeared and Song Yuanzhuo’s eyes brightened as he said: “Right now, get in!”

The ten disciples who had been waiting for a long time dove in. The layer of light rippled like water then immediately enclosed them, caging them inside.

When he entered, the place inside was dark. It took some time before his eyes adapted and he could barely see the path in front of him. According to what the elders said, three feet in front of them is a spell matrix that will allow them to safely enter the Mausoleum Ruins. One wrong step and he will be teleported to a random, unknown place.

Chu Yu swallowed. His hands wereHis hands were sweaty but the next moment his right hand was held by someone.

A familiar voice sounded in his ear: “s.h.i.+xiong, don’t be afraid, I will protect you.”

Listening to these words was really rea.s.suring. If he remembers this sentiment ten years later after emerging from the Mausoleum Ruins, that would be great …

Chu Yu held Xie Xi’s hand firmly behind his back and smiled. Apart from the three people from Tian Yuan Sect, there were seven people from different sects whom they had never spoken to. They were all silent.

They waited for a moment then they all walked towards the ancient spell matrix.

In the darkness it was hard to see. Perhaps because it was too dark, Song Jingyi’s footsteps became crooked and he suddenly stepped backwards.

Xie Xi, who was closest to him, stretched out his hand without thinking.

Song Jingyi’s face showed a refres.h.i.+ng smile like a spring breeze. He pulled Xie Xi forcefully and his voice was low and ruthless: “Xie s.h.i.+di, farewell.”

Xie Xi was caught off guard and made a wrong step. At his foot was the ancient spell array, s.h.i.+mmering. Chu Yu’s pupils contracted. He shouted “s.h.i.+di” then clung to Xie Xi.

An intense light, bright as the sun, flashed. The ground under them seemed to collapse and they felt a sense of weightlessness.

Dizzy, Chu Yu opened his eyes but his eyes were still dazzled and he couldn’t see what was in front of him.

It was very noisy. There was the sound of gongs and drums, people shouting, laughter, and even firecrackers exploding all around him. It sounded like a celebration. Chu Yu tried to see what was happening but all he saw was red.

The noise a.s.saulted his ears. He paused then suddenly realized something and tore at the thing in front of him. It was … a red veil?

Suddenly, a man’s low magnetic soft voice sounded in his ear: “Yu-er, what happened?”

Chu Yu froze, stunned, and looked up. Standing in front of him was a person dressed in festive red clothing. His figure was slender and graceful. That gorgeous face, sword-like eyebrows, eyes bright as stars, stunning smile, and peerlessly beautiful face…

Seeing that Chu Yu did not respond, that person frowned slightly. Taking Chu Yu’s hands in his, he asked worriedly: “Yu-er?”
Chu Yu got gooseb.u.mps.

Even though this face has changed, he still recognized it! WTF! Why would there be an older version of the protagonist wearing festive clothing? Why was he looking at Chu Yu tenderly and calling him “Yu-er”?

Wait a minute!

All of a sudden, Chu Yu realized a fatal fact.

His mouth twitched as he looked down at the red veil in his hands.

This is his. He just pulled it off his head.

Not far away, a deliberately loud voice came: “The bride and groom, please enter the bridal chamber.”

肃容- – Su Rong, this looks like the name. 驭剑 – Yu Jian, either a name or a t.i.tle. Doesn’t seem important for now.Actually, the raws said “闲扯淡熬鸡汤” – lit. idle chit-chat lightly boil chicken soup. “Chicken soup” is a reference to the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book, meaning inspirational, self-help content. I had to change it because I think most of my readers don’t know what Chicken Soup for the Soul is.

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