One more chapter… till story one is done…

Why do you always want to go out?

"You guys, watch the Young Lady so she doesn"t escape." Zhang Qing tried to use strength to try and break free of the bodyguard"s restraint, but she didn"t think about something. How could a professional bodyguard let a weak woman like her, break free?

The bodyguard that was restraining her started to get annoyed. Although it was true that they were getting their salaries to protect the boss, however, the boss had never treated them impolitely before, and wasn"t anything like this woman who seemed like a mad dog.

When Zhang Qing saw the housekeeper walking over, she revealed a pleased smile, "Since you don"t want to release me, then I"ll let the housekeeper fire all of you.

When the old housekeeper was near enough to hear what Zhang Qing had just said, the old housekeeper, who was still burning with anger, immediately stepped forward and slapped her face, "Poisonous woman!"

"What are you doing?" Zhang Qing was slapped on the side of her face by the old housekeeper. Slowly turning her head, she didn"t dare to believe she was seeing the housekeeper"s angry face, "You dare hit me? What are you? Aren"t you my Zhang family"s…… "

"Dog that they raised?" The old housekeeper interrupted Zhang Qing"s words with a cold laugh, "What qualifications do you have to use that surname? You actually did this sort of thing, and afterwards still dare to call yourself a Zhang?"

"I am Zhang GuoQiang"s daughter! The one that everyone in the residence dotes on is me! It"s me!" Zhang Qing looked insane as she screeched, "You were all blinded by that b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

"Knock her out and bring her back. We"ll let Second Master handle her." The old housekeeper glared angrily at Zhang Qing, as if she were a piece of trash.

The bodyguard had already had enough of Zhang Qing"s screeching from early on, so when he heard the housekeeper"s words, he raised his hand and knocked Zhang Qing out before throwing her into the car trunk.

The old housekeeper walked over to the shivering Brother Hairy, crouching behind the car whilst being watched by the bodyguards, "Lock this man up, after Second Young Master is found, dispose of him."

"Yes." The bodyguard, as usual, knocked the person out. However, towards this Brother Hairy, he was given a different treatment. After knocking him out, the bodyguard even dislocated his four limbs, don"t mention running, he wouldn"t even be able to crawl.

The search didn"t yield any results for the whole day. Even after they widened their search radius from three miles to ten miles, there wasn"t any sign of Shao Qian.

Eventually, a diver comes back with a coat. This coat was the one Shao Qian was wearing when he went out.

The three Zhang brothers, who had went out to worship their ancestors, came back and heard that Zhang ZiHui had been pushed into the ocean by Zhang Qing. Upon hearing this, Zhang GuoQiang immediately fainted.

The residence was in a state of panic. After Zhang GuoQiang was awoken with great difficulty, the first thing he did was not to join the anxious search for Shao Qian, but to go the room where Zhang Qing was held in. Looking at his crazy daughter, he slapped her face, "How dare you?"

"Daddy, you"re being blinded by that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, the one you like the most should have been me!" Zhang Qing clutched her face, and although she was laughing, tears were slowly leaking from her eyes.

"You"re crazy." Zhang GuoQiang was furious till his face turned black, he raised his hand, wanting to hit Zhang Qing again, but when he saw her shying away unconsciously, he put his hand down, "First Brother, help me find her a nursing home, I don"t want to see her ever again."

"Second brother, after all, she is still your daughter……" When Zhang GuoFu heard Zhang GuoQiang statement, he felt that it was too much, after all, wasn"t she still flesh and blood?

"She isn"t mine and Ah Yun"s child." Zhang GuoQiang looked at the gloomy Zhang Qing in disgust, "That year, Ah Yun wanted to give Little Hui an elder sister, so she adopted Zhang Qing who was two years old. Why would I adopt this kind of evil thing, if there wasn"t her, then nothing would have happened to my Little Hui."

"Dad…. Daddy, I was wrong, daddy." Zhang Qing finally responded, she crawled in front of Zhang GuoQiang, clinging to him, her face full of tears, "I was wrong, daddy, don"t do this to me, I will change from now on, I will change!"

"My Little Hui is gone, what use do I have for you." Zhang GuoQiang ruthlessly kicked her, watching expressionlessly as she slammed into the wall, before turning to leave, "I will trouble First Brother."

As for that Brother Hairy, Zhang GuoQiang"s treatment towards him was even more ruthless, wasn"t he the one that threw his son into the ocean? Then let him experience the feeling of staying in the sea.

Zhang GuoQiang got people to inflict wounds onto Brother Hairy"s body, although they weren"t fatal, they were painful. When those wounds touched the sea water, the resultant feeling could make people experience severe pain until they asphyxiate. Furthermore, Zhang GuoQiang also got people to catch two piranhas, watching as the piranhas in the tank cheerfully gnawed on Brother Hairy"s flesh, a distorted smile on his face. My son is gone, then I"ll let you regret being born. Watching as you got eaten bit by bit, that kind of feeling must definitely be good.

After half a month or so, the search for Shao Qian gradually stopped, even the desolate Zhang ZiXuan who had been actively searching for Zhang ZiHui was ordered to stop. Later, he handed over the company to Zhang GuoJian"s son, Zhang ZiXun, and left. The few people in the family also found a note on his table after he left.

The family thought that Zhang ZiXuan was like his Second Uncle, finding a place to heal, so they didn"t think much of it. However, that was not the case.

Right now, Zhang Qing along with Brother Hairy wasn"t the only one feeling regret, the moment Shao Qian opened his eyes, he instantly felt regret. Originally, when he had threw himself down, he had a.s.sumed that he would undoubtedly die. And after he died, Zhang Qing would certainly be killed, this way, he could use fill the system with energy and at the same time, return to the XingHai s.p.a.ce.

However, a thousand a.s.sumptions, or even ten thousand a.s.sumptions does not mean that it would happen. he didn"t think that when he fell into the ocean, his head had knocked against a coral reef……

Although the knock couldn"t be counted as strong, however, it was enough to knock him out. The unconscious Shao Qian definitely had no way to remove his conscious and return back to the XingHai s.p.a.ce. So, in the end, when he woke up, he saw a person that he shouldn"t see.

"Baby, you"re awake?" Zhang ZiXuan, who had left the company and went abroad, hurried to press the bedside bell.

Not long after, a few doctors rushed in, and after they examined Shao Qian"s body, let out a sigh of relief. Slightly relaxing, they spoke to Zhang ZiXuan softly, "Now that he"s awake, there isn"t any problem, only, his throat needs some time to recover, and his arm cannot carry heavy objects in the future."

"As long as he is alive, then it"s good." Zhang ZiXuan laughed as he said, "Recently, I made you guys be so busy for so long, so I"ll offer double the amount we agreed on as compensation."

"Mr. Zhang is generous." The doctors nodded and left, presumably, at this time, the employer would wish to be alone with the patient.

"Very good. You"re awake." Just thinking how he had found Little Hui would make him fearful. When he had followed a fisherman who led him to the local health clinic, and had seen the pale youth lying on the bed, he didn"t even dare to stretch out his hand to check if the youth was breathing. He was really afraid that what he would touch would be a cold body.

Fortunately, the heavens had mercy. Although Little Hui"s condition at that time wasn"t optimistic, he struggled to save him and finally, rescued his life.

Shao Qian"s brows crinkled, the system energy still wasn"t completely full. It looked like the female lead hadn"t died yet, furthermore, his situation right now wasn"t looking too good.

"Baby, you have to tell me if you"re uncomfortable." Zhang ZiXuan reached out, wanting to smoothen out Shao Qian"s creased forehead. However, when he saw Shao Qian slight action of dodging away from him, his hand paused slightly, although it was still pressing against the center of his forehead. Now that he doesn"t want him to touch him, what should he do? No one knew that he was alive, at this moment, he was his, all his.

Shao Qian felt that there was something wrong with Zhang ZiXuan, his eyes seemed like they could burn someone just by looking at them, making Shao Qian feel a bit overwhelmed, but he also felt familiar with those pair of eyes?

"Baby, go back to sleep for a while." Zhang ZiXuan pulled the thin blanket draping over Shao Qian"s body up higher, "Big brother will stay with you, don"t be scared."

When Shao Qian saw Zhang ZiXuan"s smile, he felt that something wasn"t right. Moreover, he had already been awake for quite long, yet he didn"t see any of the other Zhang family members. Everything felt a little unusual. However, right now, he didn"t have any energy to think about these matters, this body was physically weak, and he also didn"t want to waste energy to think about those matters.

Shao Qian stayed in this place for a month, just two days earlier, the doctor, as if being relieved from a huge burden, had told Zhang ZiXuan that his body"s vocal cords had recovered, and he only needed recuperate quietly as well as going through rehabilitation, before he could be transferred out.

Well, it was just being transferred from one villa to another villa. When Shao Qian was being transferred, he was "asleep". He didn"t know what Zhang ZiXuan"s purpose what, when Shao Qian had been "discharged", he secretly used a tranquilizer on him.

Shao Qian had also cooperated, slowly "falling asleep", it seemed that right now, Zhang ZiXuan had shed all pretense of cordiality, but he still didn"t understand what Zhang ZiXuan"s purpose was in doing this kind of thing.

Changing to a new environment, under Zhang ZiXuan"s arrangements, Shao Qian went for rehabilitation. As Shao Qian"s body was relatively young, the results of the rehabilitation were significant. However, although his legs could walk a bit, but they couldn"t do any other strenuous activities, like running or jumping, this things, he absolutely couldn’t do.

Shao Qian secretly used a bit of his soul power ro cover both his legs, when he reached the place where the muscles were located at, he unexpectedly discover that the muscles of both legs were in a badly damaged state. This kind of state won"t let one lose the ability to walk, however, one wouldn"t be able to do any strenuous activities.

The doctors Zhang ZiXuan had invited over were all the world"s top experts, it couldn"t be that they didn"t see this obvious injury, so he could only guess that Zhang ZiXuan doesn"t want his legs to recover. But, why was it so?

"Big brother, I can"t seem to put much strength onto my legs." Shao Qian laid on the bed, complaining to Zhang ZiXuan who was helping him knead his legs. "I obviously want to go faster, but my legs seem to be unable to keep up with my brain."

"Baby, you just haven"t recovered, that"s all." Zhang ZiXuan could feel the temperature through the pajamas, he kneaded downwards bit by bit, and when he reached the trousers, his pinky finger touched the smooth skin. Zhang ZiXuan, as if getting shocked by electricity, quickly withdrew his hand.

"Oh." Shao Qian added on, "I miss daddy, can I……"

"No." Shao Qian wasn"t able to finish before he was interrupted by the annoyed Zhang ZiXuan, "Why do you always want to go out?"

It was exactly like that moment, why does he always want to go out? In the first place, if it were not for him not watching him, could he have even escaped? Zhang ZiXuan felt as if he were being split into two, one half was crying out for him to possess him, whilst the other half was telling him not to hurt him.

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