Yes, The Imperial Court Story Has Been Concluded

Shao Qian saw that even after he yelled for a long time, a person who was being a coward still didn’t come out, and was immediately worried. He got his men to bring the steward over, holding him up by the collar as he angrily rebuked, “Speak, where is that b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

He was worried to the extent that he didn’t call for his Imperial uncle anymore, and had instead instantly exploded into swears and curses. At the side, Xi Fu had a long face as he apologised to the previous Emperor in his heart. His master was only rather worried, he didn’t have any other intentions.

“This, this…… w.a.n.gye doesn’t allow me to say.” The steward also wore a long face. When the two masters had a falling out with each other, the one that would have bad luck would always be them, these humble servants.

Furthermore w.a.n.gye, is it really necessary…… for you to hide from His Majesty to such an extent? What if you anger His Majesty away, wouldn’t you regret it for a lifetime then?

“Not saying. Fine, not saying then.” Shao Qian was angered to his limit, however, instead of exploding, he calmed down. He released the steward’s collar, patting down his imperial robes that were in a mess and speaking in a calm tone, “Since he’s not coming, then that’s good. In the past two years, Zhen had taken a fancy to the two families’ daughters. He left just in time to make way for a position.”

Still within the hidden chamber, the sorrowful regent that was going through a distressing time was still holding the Emperor’s portrait as he went into a daze. His treasure…… took a fancy to other girls……

Shao Qian knew that coward would be able to hear him talking. He waited for a while, but there was still only silence. He laughed coldly, “Xi Fu, let’s return to the palace. Tomorrow, let the two girl enter the palace. This few years, Zhen had never before courted a beautiful women. Moreover, find out which daren’s family has any Di [1] daughters and send their portraits to the palace as well.”

“Your humble servant will obey Your Majesty’s command.” Xi Fu followed his master, answering in a clear and loud voice.

The man within the hidden chamber was stunned, and the steward waiting outside was also dumbfounded. He watched helplessly as the Emperor, along with the eunuch that constantly accompanied him, went out and waved to the guards outside to leave……

The steward became worried, hastily opening the hidden chamber and charging inside, “w.a.n.gye…… if you delay any longer, this head will turn green.”

At that time, you don’t need to be a coward anymore. You’ll become a complete b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

The regent begun panicking when the steward finished his words. How could his treasure be violated by others? At that time, his want to conquer the continent had eventually still been his own selfishness. He wanted to completely unite the lands beneath the Heavens, so that even if his treasure wanted to leave, he would have nowhere to go to, and could only stay by his side.

Now, how could he not dare step forward, simply because he feared his treasure would detest him due to his damaged looks? If…… If he didn’t like his face, worst comes to worst, he would wear a mask.

After straightening out his thoughts, the regent threw the portrait in his hands aside, getting up in a hurry and giving chase. In the midst of it, even when he b.u.mped against the table edge, he didn’t even cry out in pain, only fearing that the little Emperor would let those girls into the palace in the evening.

Over on this side, Shao Qian hadn’t even left the regent’s residence before he heard a shout from the back. Xi Fu, who was behind him quietly glanced back, before surpressing his smile. “Master, your method is really effective.”

“Of course.” Shao Qian wouldn’t believe that this thing would be able to allow him leave the regent’s residence.

“Helian Jing Qi pays respect to Your Majesty. Long live the Emperor.” The regent lowered his head and knelt before Shao Qian. If they were within the building, he would definitely encase this person in his embrace immediately and relieve his lovesickness. But, they were in the residence’s courtyard right now, there were so many people watching, in the end, he couldn’t behave too unscrupulously.

“Wasn’t the regent not in the Prince’s residence?” Shao Qian looked at the regent who didn’t dare look up and laughed coldly, “Lift your head up, let Zhen take a good look.”

Naturally, the regent didn’t dare to look up. Not only did he not raise his head up, on the contrary, he lowered his head even more. His posture was quickly becoming him protrasting onto the ground.

Although he did come out from the building, but his head was still the same, withdrawn in the tortoise sh.e.l.l?

“If you don’t lift your head up, then from today onwards, don’t look up.” Shao Qian was furious. On ordinary days, the thickness of this person’s face was without rival, yet why was he scared to such an extent today? Could it be he lost an eye? Thinking like this, Shao Qian’s heart became even more worried, he angrily rebuked, “Look up.”

“Let them withdraw.” The regent was afraid that his little Emperor would leave in a fit of fury, his right hand that was pressed onto the ground shifted forward by a bit, and shifted forward again, and finally he firmly grasped the little Emperor’s ankle.

Shao Qian was simply angered to the point that he wanted to kick him. However, his concern prevailed against his anger eventually. He waved his hand and got everyone on the scene to withdraw, even sending away Xi Fu, who was always by his side. “Right now, it’s only the two of us, you and me. You…….”

Shao Qian hadn’t even finished his sentence before the regent lifted his face up. Staring at the scar that scratched through the corner his left eye and extended until his chin, Shao Qian lost his voice. If…… If that wound had continued half a finger further, it was likely that he would have never seen this person again.

In an instant, distress, anger and fury flooded his hurt. Distressed that he almost lost his life in a place that he didn’t even know. Angered as he didn’t appear in front of him due to his ruined appearance. And furious towards the person who nearly took his life.

The regent practically didn’t dare to look at his little Emperor. He only knew that after he saw his face, his treasure didn’t continue speaking. The hand holding onto the little Emperor’s ankle tightened. If he dared to give him the cold-shoulder…… if he dared to give him the cold-shoulder, then he’ll definitely imprison him within the palace. Day or night, he’ll only be able to look at him.

However, although his heart thought this way, the regent still unconsciously turned his head, showing the right side of his face, that was undamaged, towards the little Emperor. In the end, the scar on the left side of his face still made it hard for him to face the little Emperor.

Seeing this action, how could Shao Qian not know what this thing was thinking about? He crouched down slowly, his right hand was trembling slightly as he gently touched the left side of the regent’s face, the side that carried the scar. “Does it hurt?”

The regent felt a sensation on the left side of his face, before he heard the little Emperor saying these words. He turned around abruptly, looking at the little Emperor in shock, “You…… aren’t scared?”

“Your face having an additional scar, does that mean that you aren’t you?” Shao Qian really wanted cut open his head and see what exactly is being stored inside. He actually felt that he despised his appearance, and would be scared of his marred features?

“No…… Not that……” The regent stammered, “My, the scar on my face is too long, I was scared it would frighten you. So…… so……”

When Shao Qian heard these words, he really hit him. Because his scar was too long, so he didn’t dare to appear in front of him?

“In this world, scars that are longer than yours can be found anywhere. Before your face was marred by a scar, you wore a wooden face everyday, yet Zhen didn’t despise and avoid you. Now, there’s simply an additional scar on top of your basic expressionless face. Before, Zhen never despised you, and I still won’t.” Shao Qian half-knelt on the ground, gently hugging the regent’s shoulder, “As long as you survive, it would be better than anything else.”

More than his face being scarred, he was frightened that he would die in a place he didn’t know about. He even didn’t know if he would be able to find him in the next world, whether he would be able to meet him.

Comparing all these together, what as an additional scar on his face?

When the regent heard his little Emperor saying these words, his heart was at ease. Both of his hands hugged the little Emperor tightly, the right side of his face rubbing against the other’s nape as he spoke in a m.u.f.fled voice, “I wasn’t ugly before. Previously, the steward would always say that many ladies had sharpened their brains and wanted to enter the Prince’s residence.”

Very good, steward. Shao Qian silently recorded down a stroke for the steward in his heart. Just now, it was also him that didn’t tell him where this thing was. Since you didn’t want to speak, then you’re prohibited from speaking for a month!

The pitiful steward. He did it for the sake of mending his w.a.n.gye and the Emperor’s relationship, yet in the end, not only did he not get any reward, he was also prohibited from speaking for a month by the Emperor. In the following month, no matter who the steward looked at, his eyes always contained a hidden bitterness.

“Just now, I saw a bloodstained cloth in the room. It’s likely that this wound haven’t been handled properly. I’ll help you apply the medicine.” Shao Qian remembered that he still had many effective medicine to treat a wound on hand. Although, it couldn’t immediately remove the scar, but it would be able to do good work in making it less obvious.

“Okay.” The regent carried his little Emperor up. And at this moment, he realised that during the two years that he had left, his little Emperor had once again grown somewhat taller, his body was also more st.u.r.dy than before.

“Xuan-er has already grown up.” The regent was somewhat sentimental as he spoke. However, immediately after that, he continued with a despicable sentence, “Should be able to endure all of it now.”

“……” Whatever tenderness he had was all fake, right now, he still wanted to hit this thing.

However, he might as well forgive him at the moment. He’ll wait until the scar on his face is fine, before teaching this person a lesson. To speak frankly, maybe he was still soft-hearted, he was unwilling to teach this thing that just crawled out of the tortoise sh.e.l.l a lesson.

The medicine that Shao Qian used on the regent was first-rate. Merely a few days pa.s.sed and the wound had already scarred. However, the tender skin that appeared was a soft and fair colour, and whenever Shao Qian sees that streak of pink on the regent’s face, he couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

From the beginning, the regent found it to be embarra.s.sing, and later, when he caught the Emperor laughing at him, he dragged the person and threw him onto the dragon bed. If you dare laugh at me again, I’ll make you cry!

Shao Qian stayed in this world for over sixty years. The regent was eight years older than him. When he was eighty years old, the regent was already eight-eight years old. In this world, eighty-eight years old was definitely an elderly that lived a long life.

On his deathbed, the regent leaned against Shao Qian’s chest, grabbing his hand as he intermittently spoke about his experiences during his youth. Talking about the time when his face was scarred, he wasn’t despised or avoided him, and on the contrary, caused the affections towards him to grow even stronger.

Shao Qian didn’t interrupt him. Partially laid down on the bed the entire time, he cradled the other’s head and listend to him speaking. Once in a while, when the regent would ask him something, he reply with one to two words.

In the end, the regent’s voice became more and more softer, until the end, he was completely silent.

Shao Qian slowly laid the regent down, his eyes calmly staring at the roof of the bed. Previously, he had tried wrapping his soul power around Helian Jing Qi’s soul, wanting to bring it out. However, he wasn’t able to find where exactly this person’s soul was. It was as if a dimly discernible object. He could obviously his existence, but he couldn’t locate the specific location. It was that kind of feeling.

He didn’t dare to venture too deep, afraid that he would harm his soul if he did. It was impossible for an incomplete soul to come along with him and cross through worlds.

In the end, he could only withdraw his soul power back. However, when his soul power was leaving Helian Jing Qi’s body, it seemed like something was left behind in this person’s body?

After his soul power returned, he thoroughly examined his soul body, but found that there wasn’t any damage. He could only a.s.sume that his state of mind had been unstable, and he had perceived it wrongly.

“Hong Ze.” Shao Qian embraced the regent’s gradually cooling body and called out to the Emperor who had been continuously keeping watch outside. This child was the eldest son from a patriarchal clan that they chose. He was taught completely by both the regent and Shao Qian together. And when he was able to handle the court affairs by himself, the seat was pa.s.sed onto him. It could be said that from forty years old, these two men had played around until they were eighty.

“Imperial Fathr.” Helian Hong Ze who had already inherited the throne for nearly twenty years now, still respected Shao Qian along with the regent. After all, without these two people, then there wouldn’t be the him now.

“In the royal tomb, I have already instructed the men to construct a large coffin. Arrange a funeral three days later, and bury me along with the Prince regent together in that coffin.” Shao Qian waved his hand at Helian Hong Ze, “Get the servants to bring over mine and the Prince regent’s clothes later.”

Helian Hong Ze restrained his tears with great difficulty and agreed one after the other. After he stepped out of the room, he personally handled the arrangement of Shao Qian’s matters.

On the morn of the second day, when he went to pay his respects, he saw his Imperial Father along with the Prince regent dressed tidily, the two men calmly lying on the bed. Imperial father’s right hand hand and the Prince regent’s left hand were interlocked with each other……

“Imperial Father has Pa.s.sed.” In the end, Helian Hong Ze couldn’t endure it. His tears fell.

On the 579th year of the Helian dynasty, the whole country mourns for the long living Emperor and Prince regent.

[1] Di [嫡] – Child from direct descent; from the formal wife. To distinguish the formal wife’s descent from any descendants of the concubine(s).

‘……the scar on my face is too long, I was scared it would frighten you……’

Sleepy: *starts questioning if I’m translating this right*

*realisation* Oh wait, nvm, it’s the foo– ML.

Edit: *cough* I placed the wrong link on the previous chapter [Next>>]… Sorry~

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