What About The Beautiful Lady?

A dreamless sleep. Early the next morning, Lu Ao got up and very carefully, placed Shao Qian down on one side and softly wore his clothes. Just as he was about to leave, he looked at the soundly sleeping appearance of his beloved, and couldn’t help but lower his head to plant a kiss on his forehead.

Upon realising what he had just did, his face immediately exploded into red. With a somewhat with guilty conscience, he looked at Shao Qian, whose eyes were still closed, before covertly leaving the room like a thief.

He hadn’t left for long before Shao Qian woke up drowsily. With his eyes still closed, he reached out and leaned his body towards that person. In the end however, he only felt the slightly warm bed.

After much struggling, Shao Qian managed to open one eye, before he heard some slight sounds from outside. It should probably be Lu Ao outside the room. The sun had barely even risen, why did he get up so early for?

Though, since he was already awake, he wouldn’t be able to return back to sleep. Lifting up the brocade, he got down from the bed, before searching for Lu Ao’s clean clothes and changing into them. After that, he opened the room door and went out.

Upon opening the door, Shao Qian saw Lu Ao wearing neat and orderly Chinese-style jacket as he wielded a meter long Qingfeng sword as he practiced. Since it was barely even dawn, he couldn’t see too clearly, but it was because of this haziness, that Shao Qian felt the firmness cloaked beneath his gentleness. His sword-play was swift and fierce, yet graceful at the same time. The scene was really pleasing to his eyes.

Seeing Lu Ao practicing the sword, Shao Qian felt an itch in his heart. He tied the bottom half of his unlined long gown around his waist and picked a sword from the weapon rack beside him. After drawing a sword, he pointed it, a foil, towards Lu Ao.

Although he wasn’t able to use his soul power against this person, but originally in that small cultivation world, even if the sword he had learnt couldn’t be said to be one of the best, but it was well above average. Although he couldn’t bring out his inner force without restraint, but he was able to spar with Lu Ao using his skill.

Furthermore, would Lu Ao use his inner force against him during the spar? That’s why, Shao Qian was completely unafraid.

It was very hard to conceal even the slightest bit of movement from Lu Ao’s ears as he practiced martial arts. The moment Shao Qian opened the door, he immediately changed his movements of slashing, chopping and waving, instead practicing his family’s profound teaching.

His intention was merely to flaunt his skills in front of his beloved person, but never did he expect that said person would pick up a sword and point it towards him.

Afraid of hurting his beloved, Lu Ao became over-cautious, not daring to make any movement. “Qing Xuan?”


“Don’t use your inner force. You cannot hurt me.” Shao Qian smiled softly. “I haven’t practiced the sword for a long time and may a bit rusty. Spar with me.”


Once Lu Ao heard those words, he naturally would not be able to oppose it. However, at the beginning, he didn’t dare make large move, afraid that his sword was without eyes, and would hurt by even a hairbreadth.

Looking at his meticulous and careful behaviour, Shao Qian felt that it was somewhat funny. However, his own movements became even more swift and fierce instead. Since you don’t dare to act freely, then I will make you unable to be cautious.

At first, Lu Ao had originally wanted accompany Qing Xuan in sparring and allow said person to enjoy himself to his heart’s content. Who would’ve known that he would actually be gradually pressured by his beloved, only able to retreat step after step. Slowly, Lu Ao also became serious. Previously, he had underestimated Qing Xuan. His sword-play was exquisite, if the two of them were to fight with their lives on the line right now, it was likely that he would find it hard to endure.

When Shao Qian saw Lu Ao beginning to counterattack, his movements became even more unrestrained. At first, he thought that he had already forgotten a large part of this sword-play. Who knew that as his hand wielded the blade, the sword-play was spontaneously put into good use. It was as if his mind had already forgotten the movements, but his body had firmly remembered.

The two of them really fought without any restraints. Although there wasn’t any usage of inner force, but every one of their movements were with the intention to harm the other. And when they were about to hurt the other party, they would stop.

Even if it was like that, the two of them were still sweating all over. Seeing that the sky was already bright, Shao Qian move back and stopped his hand. “Call someone to send some water to bathe. After we finish breakfast, we can continue.”


“‘Kay.” Lu Ao wiped his forehead filled with perspiration, grinning as he laughed. “Qing Xuan is good at sword-play. If you had inner force, it’s likely that you could rise up to very top.” Listening to his tone, it was really filled with a lot of pride.


“However, your sword-play is really exquisite. The only pity is that your inner force is Yang (???) , and is unable to practice such swordplay. If that wasn’t the case, then there would be no harm in teaching you.” If the cultivation world could obtain the methods of the martial arts world, wouldn’t everybody fight for it? However, in the end the system in this world was not the same. Even if the methods of cultivation had been circulated unto here, it was likely that not even one tenth of the power could be shown. (???????)


“I study the Lu family’s ancient swordplay. This swordplay is mainly Yang, completely swift and fierce. Upon cultivating it to the seventh stage, one is also able to use sword energy to harm another. However, in the end there is still some harm to the body.” That year, a few people from the Lu family had finally practiced it to perfection, but in the end, due to not being able to control the external sword energy, they had harmed themselves.


At the moment, Shao Qian did not know exactly how to release this sword energy on the outside. However, if he had the chance to study that swordplay, maybe he could help find the deficiency.

“The swordplay I train in emphasizes more on agility, if there is a female in the Lu family, she could probably study it.” What Shao Qian didn’t say was that this method was created by a woman. Although the swordplay looked light and graceful, it was also a hidden killing machine. If one does not expect it, then they would lose their life.


“As luck would have had it, let Lu Ning Er learn it when she returns.” Lu Ao threw the Qingfeng sword back into the weapon rack. “Looks like it isn’t early anymore. Go back into the room first, I’ll get someone to boil some hot water and bring it over.”


“Okay.” Shao Qian placed aside the sword in his hand, before entering the room.


After Lu Ao saw Shao Qian enter the room, he turned around and left the courtyard. Who knew that the moment he exited the courtyard, he would see the housekeeper holding some clothes as he stood by the door in a daze. He stepped forward and waved a hand before the housekeeper’s face. “Fourth Uncle, what is this on you?”


“Young…… Young Master.” The housekeeper let go of the clothes he was holding, and instead, grabbed Lu Ao’s hand. “You…… the one you carried back was a man?”


“When did I ever say Qing Xuan was a woman?” Lu Ao didn’t understand. “Furthermore, if there was a woman that was as tall as me…… then that would really be somewhat terrifying.”


Lu Ao’s was eight chi tall (about 1.8m or so), this kind of height really wasn’t small, Shao Qian was also only shorter than him by the width of a finger. No matter what, he wouldn’t be mistaken as a female right?

Moreover, his Qing Xuan had always been wearing men clothing. That’s why, how exactly did fourth uncle mistake his Qing Xuan for a woman?

“Young Master, it was my mistake.” The Fourth Uncle seriously desired to cry without tears. Yesterday, in the letter, there seemed to be the words, ‘the lady is beautiful’? This was simply demanding for his old life.


No, he has to hurry and send a letter to the compound master. It he doesn’t, then he might have sinned greatly.

Lu Ao had a indescribable face as he watched the housekeeper fourth uncle stagger away. Could it be that just now, fourth uncle was sending Qing Xuan some clothes?

He picked up the clothes on the floor and shook them open to look at it. This…… Is this not a woman’s dress?


Luckily, the clothes weren’t sent into Qing Xuan’s hands. If not, then he really didn’t know how he would explain it.

At this moment, the housekeeper had just finished writing the letter and was about to get someone to send it to the master and madame. In the end, when he had called for someone, there was a servant that came forward to report to him. The compound master has already arrived at the palace gate, and it was estimated he would arrive after the time needed to burn an incense stick.

The housekeeper hurriedly instructed them to wait outside and received them. He also shoved the letter into the hidden pocket in his sleeve.

Shao Qian along with Lu Ao had just finished bathing before they heard the report of the compound master’s return. Hearing that, Lu Ao’s eyes brightened, pulling Shao Qian along as he walked. “Qing Xuan, I’ll bring you to go see my parents.”


Shao Qian followed behind Lu Ao, but in his heart, he was imagining the reaction that the Lu husband and wife would have later. However, they probably won’t accept their child going astray with a man. (?)

The moment the Lu husband and wife set foot into the compound, they headed over to where Lu Ao was. On their way there, the housekeeper had wanted to speak countless of times, but he was always interrupted by Lu Ning Er’s continuous questions.

Even until they met up with Shao Qian and Lu Ao, the housekeep still hadn’t been able to clearly state that the ‘lady’ was in fact a man.


“Father. Mother. Little sister.” Lu Ao grinned, revealing his pearly white teeth.


“Son, ah, that lady……” In this moment, Madame Lu’s original image of arrogance and spitefulness changed, and her words were very soft and amiable.


“Mother, you’re sick?” Unfortunately, the one opposite her was insensitive. “If you’re sick, then go and see the doctor. I don’t know why, but when I heard you say those words, your son felt the hair on his body stand up.”


The smile on Madame Lu’s face stiffened, the blue vein on her forehead throbbing. However, upon remembering that she wanted to leave a good impression on her future daughter-in-law, she suppressed the hot anger in her heart. “Mother hadn’t seen my son for so long. I really missed you.”


“Mother, we just saw each other three days ago.” Lu Ao‘s face revealed a helpless expression. “You really aren’t sick?”


If Madame Lu had kept enduring, then she would not be the overlord of the Lu family. Her foot flashed and she arrived beside Lu Ao. Extending her hand out, she swept it towards that brainless person’s head.

However, Lu Ao wouldn’t stand still and wait to get hit. He scuttles away from Madame Lu’s palm. “Mother, you should vent your anger on my father when you’re irritated.”


So, on ordinary days, the master of the Lu family had this kind of usage?

“Madame.” For the housekeeper, it could be seen as an opportunity to speak. “Have you not notice the Gongzi following behind the young master?”


Hearing the housekeeper say these words, the trio from the Lu family noticed that a good-looking Gongzi standing behind the brainless blockhead.

“This is?” The master of the Lu family observed the Gongzi. How could he not recognise that this person was wearing the clothes of his stupid son?


However, regarding the talented people from various families that his son had befriended, he knew all of them. Yet, this person looked really unfamiliar. Could it be that he was the young child of a hidden family?

“Father, this is the person I set my mind on.” Even as Lu Ao was being chased and beaten by Madame Lu, he still didn’t forget to find some time to answer with a single sentence.


However, the destructive power contained within those words was too much. At that time, in the letter that the housekeeper had sent, it had clearly stated that ‘the lady is beautiful’. Yet, in the end when they return, she changed into a Gongzi? This…… what exactly happened?


I totally did not forget to update the Next>> b.u.t.ton on 48-2. Yup.

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