Getting lazy. _(:з」∠)_

The author mentioned in the summary that many readers didn’t like the first story and said that it’s fine to skip it. The author also said that the first story is to set a mood, and all the stories later on will be sweet stories.

Without permission, don"t enter my room as you please

When Zhang ZiXuan drove back to the residence, it was already eleven forty. He just entered the living room when he smelled the fragrant smell of the food. Following the fragrant smell, he walked into the kitchen to see Shao Qian, whose cheeks were bulging as he chewed diligently on his rice.

"Eh? Why are you back at this time?" When Zhang GuoQiang saw Zhang ZiXuan, he was surprised. Didn"t the housekeeper say that Zhang ZiXuan wouldn"y return in the afternoon?

"The food outside isn"t clean." This words weren"t true. The food other people ate isn"t clean, but when he himself eats, it isn"t clean too? Even if you ask for delivery or take out, it was all cooked in kitchens outside, but if it wasn"t clean, would they still dare to send it to you?

Shao Qian glanced at Zhang ZiXuan before proceeding to pick up a vegetable, shoving in into his own mouth. Mhm, no matter how many worlds he experienced, the sky would still remain the same, the food that suits his taste the most would always be the fragrant stir-fried meals.

When the housekeeper saw that Zhang ZiXuan returned, he got up and pa.s.sed him a set of tableware, "First Young Master, next time you come back, please tell me. I will prepare in advance."

"Alright, uncle. From now onwards, preparing my tableware for lunch should be fine." His grandfather had adopted the housekeeper as a child and so he grew up alongside the three brothers. That year, the old man had also given the housekeeper three percent of the company shares. It was only that, the housekeeper, from the beginning to the end, didn"t sign the agreement to transfer the ownership. According to his words, if he hadn"t been taken in by the Zhang family, he would have already been cooked and eaten by famine victims. How could he still want his benefector"s family property?

"Okay." The housekeeper thought to himself, since from now on the First Young Master would come back to eat, then would the First Master and Third Master also come back to eat together? The whole family having a meal together, it would be lively.

"Housekeeper uncle, eat this." Shao Qian picked up a piece of meat from his bowl, that he still hasn"t eaten, with his chopsticks, "I tried it already, it"s good."

"Since it"s good, then I"ll make it tomorrow too." The food in the house were all made by the housekeeper. Hearing Shao Qian"s words, he immediately revealed a happy smile. During his whole lifetime, he didn"t have a wife, and so he naturally didn"t have any children. He whole-heartedly treats the Zhang family"s children as his own, loving them dearly.

Yesterday, he was even thinking of ways to communicate with the children who had just arrived. Today, this child gave him part of his food to eat, he really is a good-mannered child.

"Don"t give other people the food in your bowl." When Zhang ZiXuan saw Shao Qian"s actions, his whole face turned black. If you don"t eat, you can give me, why did you place it into another man"s bowl?

"Oh." Shao Qian finished the food in his bowl after a few mouthfuls, "Daddy, housekeeper uncle, I"m full. I"ll go back to my room first."

Zhang ZiXuan watched as Shao Qian went upstairs, his brows creasing together tightly. Could it be, just now he had made an improper remark?

"First Young Master, from now onwards, talk lesser when eating." The housekeep ate the piece of meat Shao Qian gave to him, "Silence is golden, it"s a virtue."

So, don"t disturb his opportunity to get closer to the adorable Second Young Master.

"……" It had only been a day, yet Zhang ZiXuan felt like he had lost favour. Even though he was at an age where he didn"t need to be doted on, but from beginning to end, having so many people paying close attention to Little Hui made him unhappy.

Obviously, obviously he should be the one doting on Little Hui, right? Before, it was always him, from when did it start to change?

Thinking this, Zhang ZiXuan"s movements as he ate paused abruptly. At most, he had only known Little Hui for two days, so where did the "before" come from?

Once Shao Qian returned to his room, he powered on the computer. He couldn"t help but say that Mr Housekeeper really prepared things thoroughly. If it were something that a teenager wouldnlike, then it would be in his room. And it wasn"t little either, to the extent where miniature models of planes, cars and tanks were all placed into a cabinet for him. He didn"t know what kind of skill was needed to prepare all these things in just a single day.

In fact, his room along with Zhang"s Qing"s room were in fact prepared at a much earlier date. It was when Zhang GuoQiang had brought his wife and his unborn child, leaving the Zhang family, the housekeeper had already prepared those two rooms. That year, he didn"t know whether the child would be a boy or girl, but when he remembered that the residence had a lot of rooms, he simply prepared two rooms.

Every year, the housekeeper who prepared those rooms, would then add toys that were popular during that year into those rooms. In fact, most of the models in Shao Qian"s cabinet were limited and exhausted edition, and if he took any of them out, there would definitely be people who would be willing to buy it at a high price.

The computer which the housekeeper had prepared is also the best. When Shao Qian switched on the computer, he immediately established a few programmes, and reinforced the firewall. Furthermore, his connected his computed to all cameras in the residence.

After doing these things, Shao Qian put his headphone on and started programming a small game. Right now, he was lucky that the system had brought his across all those worlds. Every world in which he had lived in was different, causing him to engage in all kinds of different occupations. His hacking and programming skills were all learned in one of those small worlds. Furthermore, thanks to him being part system now, all those things he learnt were engraved into his mind.

Zhang ZiXuan stood in front of Shao Qian"s door and knocked but didn"t get an answer. After thinking for a bit, he directly pushed the door open and entered the room. Once he entered, he saw Shao Qian wearing headphones as he sat next to the computer. Thinking that he was playing games, Zhang ZiXuan frowned. Playing games right after eating wasn"t a good habit.

Only when he stepped forward to Shao Qian"s side did his eyes widen in surprise. On the computer screen, it wasn"t a game that teenagers like to play like he had thought, but strings after strings of cuc.u.mbersome and complicated code. Zhang ZiXuan looked at the youth staring attentively at the screen with complex feelings. Little Hui was so outstanding, what should he do now that he feels less confident?

"When did you arrive? Why didn"t you knock? Shao Qian saw a man standing behind him in reflection of the computer screen. He turned around and saw Zhang ZiXuan with a lost expression on his face. Immediately feeling unhappy, he took off his headphones, "This is my room, directly coming in isn"t polite at all."

"Mm, big brother is sorry." Zhang ZiXuan patted Shao Qian"s head, "Little Hui, you know how to programme?"

"Why are you asking me this?" Shao Qian watched as the starting programme of his mini game was saved, "Next time, if you don"t have my permission, don"t enter my room as you please."

"Okay." Towards this sort of rebellious teenager, Zhang ZiXuan felt that leaving them be would be fine, however whether he would follow that wishes, was another matter entirely on its own.

"You still haven"t answered big brother, you know how to programme?" Zhang ZiXuan"s company is a software company, and as the boss of such a company, how could he not understand this kind of things. When he saw on the computer the youth had just finished the beginning of a mini game, Zhang ZiXuan began to consider the idea of bringing him to the company.

"So what?" Shao Qian glanced coldly at Zhang ZiXuan before shutting down the computer, "With you beside me, I have no inspiration."

"Just nice, big brother will bring you to the company." Zhang ZiXuan pulled Shao Qian, "Big brother"s company deals with software, you can go to big brother"s company to play. Afterwards, you can go learn some things from the uncles and aunties in the programming section in pa.s.sing."

First, convince the person to go to the company. As for whether he would actually let him go to the programming section, he would say again later.

Shao Qian"s brain turned two times in his head before he replied. On the contrary, he didn"t pay any attention to whether he could learn anything, rather he just wanted to make his existence known in front of the female lead. You"re annoyed with me, right? You don"t want to see me, right? Then I precisely want to hover in front of you, and provoke you to be annoyed.

On one side, Zhang ZiXuan was filled with joy as he brought Shao Qian to the company. On the other side, when Shao Qian entered Zhang ZiXuan"s office, he concetrated his gaze on the female lead who was looking his way, and with a harmful intention, waved at the female lead as he greeted her, "Yo!"

When Zhang Qing saw Zhang ZiXuan pulling along Zhang ZiHui, her face became unsightly. Why did everyone like Zhang ZiHui? Why was he so good? He was merely an ignorant and incompetent good-for-nothing, that"s all.

"Goodness! Whose child is that? He looks so adorable!" The a.s.sitants" office and the chairman"s office was separated by a transparent gla.s.s, and because it still wasn"t their breaks, an a.s.sitant within the many that were gossiping together, excitedly watched the chairman"s office entrance, "BOSS actually brought a child to the company, could it be……" [1]

"Could it be……" Strange smiling expressions hung on a few females" faces. As for the two male a.s.sistants in the office, they glanced at each other before spontaneously scooting backwards to sit. This group of insane females was imagining obscene things once again.

"What "could it be… could it be…" That"s my little brother." When Zhang Qing saw the group of females" appearance, her face became even more unsightly. She followed them daily to work everyday, how could she not understand what those ladies were thinking about?

The females who were interrupted in this way by Zhang Qing felt a little annoyed, but none of them let it show on their faces, only laughing as they stopped talking. Fortunately, it was working hours and the few females returned back to their seats to work.

"Is big brother"s office nice?" When Zhang ZiXuan saw Shao Qian keep looking at his office, he a.s.sumed that he was curious about it, "Little Hui, from now on follow big brother to work, big brother will place a desk for you in the office, okay?"

From now on, follow him to work. This way, he could see Little Hui daily, and won"t be scared that he"ll just suddenly disappear. Zhang ZiXuan couldn"t explain this feeling, his heart always felt uneasy, just like his subconscious always felt that Little Hui would suddenly disappear, would leave him.

Everytime he thought about it, he would feel very irritated. People wouldn"t have an impulse to shackle someone to a confidential place, wanting to hide him, not letting him be seen by anyone but him.

Shao Qian didn"t answer Zhang ZiXuan. He looked around Zhang ZiXuan"s office before walking towards the door, turning his head around and laughing, "Big brother, I"ll go see what elder sister is doing."

He also didn"t wait for Zhang ZiXuan"s reply, Shao Qian directly opened the door and walked out, and in the end, showing consideration for others, shut the office door behind him.

[1] I have no idea why employees are gossiping during work hours.

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