Every World Seems Not Quite Right – 14February 16, 2018Sleepy

This ghost of yours is too cute

“Why are you looking for that ghost?” Song Dao’s face became black, could it be that was the ghost that made the porcelain doll? Furthermore, their relationship with each other was quite good? This couldn’t be, Doll was his, how could he not clarify that with the ghost? When he looked closer, he saw that it was a female ghost that looked hideous and demonic.

From now on, he couldn’t let Doll see her, she will hurt his eyes. This time, he’ll let her off the hook, however if she dared to appear before him again, he won’t hesitate to send her to Samsara. [1]

“She scared me to death.” In the porcelain doll, Shao Qian was hopping about anxiously, this chance of his would slip away soon, the female lead was definitely heavily injured at the moment, if he gave her the opportunity to slip away once again, then he would definitely be exterminated by the female lead in the future.

The moment Song Dao heard that, he flew into a rage. He had still thought that he had to find the person that had harmed Doll and take revenge, yet he didn’t expect that this ghost had sent herself to his front door. He clutched the porcelain doll before hurriedly giving chase towards the direction the female ghost fled in. Just that, at that time, he had already spared that ghost, so right now, who could find her?

So, it was already dark when Song Dao returned home, hugging the porcelain doll dejectedly. He determined that the next time he saw that thing, he would definitely make her soul fly away and scatter.

Shao Qian hadn’t hoped for a single moment that they would be able to kill the female lead, but when he saw Song Dao’s dejected appearance, he felt particular happy. He had never expected that the personality of the male lead of this world would be of such kind, he also didn’t know whether in the original plot, would he also secretly interact with the female lead in this way? He didn’t know why, but when he thought of Song Dao treating the female lead in the same way as him, even being intimate with her, his heart felt unwell.

“Don’t be mad, next time I see that female ghost, I will definitely catch her.” Bringing Shao Qian back to his home, Song Dao placed the porcelain doll on his table, “Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you something?

“Not hungry.” Shao Qian replied in a low, m.u.f.fled tone, “Release me, it’s too small here, I’m uncomfortable.”

Song Dao hesitated for a bit, before he took a small model of a house made from bamboo, and after chanting, he used a talisman to burn it. The bamboo model of a house was burned to nothing just like that, after a while, little by little it started to emerge, and finally, it solidifies to form a structure that looked exactly as it did before it had burned.

“I’ll take you out, you need to be good.” Song Dao moved closer, pointing his index finger and chanting a spell as he poked the porcelain doll’s forehead. After that, a ball of bright light came out from the doll and went into the bamboo house. Looking at the small person standing in the bamboo house, he laughed foolishly, “Do you like it?”

Shao Qian who stood in the bamboo house was only able to see Song Dao’s face, “You’re giving me this house?”

“Mm. Do you like it?” Song Dao’s tone carried anxiousness as he waited for the reply, “If you don’t like, then I’ll find another one for you.”

“No need. I like it a lot.” Without knowing why, looking at this kind of Song Dao, Shao Qian felt as if he resembled Zhang ZiXuan a lot. But when he thought of Zhang ZiXuan, his mood turned somewhat gloomy, after all, they had been together from morning to night, for every day of the ten years, and if he said he didn’t have even a bit of feelings towards him, it would be a lie.

“If you like, then that’s good.” Song Dao immediately revealed a smile. Looking at the porcelain doll on the table, he began to think. After that, he took out a delicate ornate box from underneath the table, chanting, he opened the box and carefully placing the porcelain doll in. After he closed the box, he also didn’t forget to place another piece of paper talisman onto it.

“……” Witnessing the entire scene of the porcelain doll being sealed, Shao Qian was at a loss. Right now, should he oppose the male lead’s action of sealing the porcelain doll? But after thinking for a moment, he decided to forget about it. So long as the male lead didn’t threaten him with it, then he’ll gift that porcelain doll to him.

It was like this that Shao Qian along with Song Dao spent a few days peacefully, of course, other than Song Dao burning a table for whatever reason he doesn’t know, as well as every night when he goes out, he always wants to bring Shao Qian along, he was all good…… [2]

However, those kind of days did not last long, the two people’s seemingly calm lifestyle was disrupted by a piece of information. Perhaps it was due to the porcelain doll being sealed, but Song Dao wasn’t afraid that Shao Qian would slip away, so he was fine with Shao Qian a television in the living room to relieve his boredom. Just that, every time Shao Qian came out, he would always cover the Zhongkui [3] picture in the house first and foremost.

Just as Song Dao was wondering how he should kill this live fish in his hand, he heard the person sitting in the living room and watching the television shout for him, so he threw the fish into the water before gladly running over in a hurry, “What’s wrong?”

“Look at the news.” Shao Qian nodded towards the television with his lower jaw, “Just now, the news said the way two people died were similarly strange. Their eyes were black, their faces revealing terrified faces, and their bladders had burst, as if they had been scared to death by something.”

After saying that, he took the phone he had placed at one side and gave it to Song Dao to see, “I just took a photo, look at it.”

Song Dao took the phone, and once he saw it, his eyes and face immediately became icy, “First, they were scared to death. And afterwards, their Yang Energy was absorbed.”

“If it were only absorbing their Yang Energy, they still wouldn’t have died in this sort of manner, right?” After being with Song Dao for these few days, and gathering some universal knowledge from him, Shao Qian also understood, this world’s ghosts wouldn’t be so aggressive to completely absorb a person Yang Energy immediately in one go. Relying on the practice of absorbing Yin Energy could help strengthen them back to when they were in their prime, but merely a small amount before their strength would vanish. [4]

This kind of situation where the person’s energy had completely been absorbed in one go, resulting in death, had not been seen for many years. If it wasn’t that the ghost didn’t understand the rules, then it was because it couldn’t control itself due to outside influence. For example……

Shao Qian and Song Dao shared a glance. For example, the female lead that had been injured at that time.

“Do you want to lend a hand?” Song Dao is a Taoist Exorcist, this kind of ghosts that harmed people’s life, he shouldn’t let them go, right?

“If it really is that injured female ghost, then it concerns me.” The Taoism School paid close attention to preordained fate, if the cause of this person’s death was really that injured female ghost, then it would partially his fault, so he could only go and bring the consequence of his actions to an end.

“Okay. I’ll come with you.” Shao Qian turned his head to look at Song Dao who was standing at one side, “If it really is her, then it concerns me too.”

“Of course.” He wasn’t at ease with Doll staying at home alone, just one ghost and no one else. So, having him by his side, wouldn’t it set his mind at rest?

So, the two people set off to the place where the incident took place, and at the exact same time, another person was killed. The female lead’s face looked gorgeous as she narrowed her eyes drunkenly, the kind of feeling where they were wrapped up in Yang Energy made people feel drunk the most, and after absorbing Yang Energy, their behaviour would change by not a little, the person would also become extremely muddled. Wouldn’t finding for some Taoist Exorcist be fine? Why should she be like before, simple-mindedly absorbing moon essence?

So, the female set off once again without being aware of two people, just wanting to go absorb more people’s Yang Energy, so that she could return back to the period of her prime. At at that moment, she would then definitely absorb and devour the person that harmed her, making him unable to reincarnate or be a wandering ghost. Furthermore, the little ghost that had also injured her, she wouldn’t let off either.

Song Dao brought Shao Qian directly to the morgue, knocking twice before pushing the door open and entering, however, but when he saw that there were people inside, he frowned, “What did you come here for?”

“What? You’re allowed to come, but we’re not? Senior apprentice.” Before Shao Qian along with Song Dao entered, the morgue already had three people within it. The one that called Song Dao Senior apprentice, upon seeing Shao Qian, a gleam flashed in his eyes, “Senior apprentice, this ghost of yours is too cute, how about this junior apprentice exchange it for you?”

The person that said these words looked to be refined and paid close attention to his appearance, only his eyes, Shao Qian saw would flash in depravedly from time to time – this kind of evil l.u.s.tre really made him feel sick, the kind of as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, seriously made him feel unwell. Shao Qian watched as the male lead’s face immediately became cold, this person was really a beast in human clothing, this time, he deduced it clearly.

Shao Qian had simply wanted to secretly teach a lesson to that person, but Song Dao, who was standing by his side, found it unbearable to see the way this sc.u.m was looking at his Doll. He didn’t even look at what kind of lowly thing he is, and yet he still dared to stare at his treasured person?

“What kind of thing are you? You dare to address me as Senior apprentice?” Song Dao’s face revealed disdain as he berated, “I’ve said this early on, but if you ever let me hear you call me Senior apprentice again, I will definitely pull out your tongue, and cripple you body’s Gang Energy. [5]

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