Little Shao Qian was injured

Shao Qian, regardless of his human appearance, is nevertheless still a cub. Therefore, his howl, although mixed with the pressure of a magic beast, was unable to conceal the fact that he was a cub. His voice had just sounded when the surrounding people"s faces changed.

Previously, they had thought blindly that this Alchemy apprentice, the lucky b.a.s.t.a.r.d, had somehow got on good terms with the Little HanTian beast. They didn"t expect that he was actually a magic beast.

A magic beast that could change into human form……

This……This child"s magic beast appearance, could it be a holy-rank magic beast? A holy-rank beast that could transform into human appearance! This temptation was far greater than that little HanTian beast. What was the concept of a natural holy-rank magic beast? [1] One only needed to obtain this magic beast, and they would be able to leap to become the top family of the Yue Lan continent.

Capture him. Definitely must capture him before those magic beasts arrive.

Shao Qian was constantly on guard. So, when he saw the great magician and the martial artist move, one person holding up a scepter, whilst the other held a n epee, his magic beast"s characteristics began to gradually appear on his face. His teeth became sharp, his fingernails changed to sharp claws, his ears becoming furry animal ears.

"Capture him." Saying that, that martial artist charged forward and attacked. However, the little HanTian beast"s mutual understanding with Shao Qian didn"t form in one or two days. When that martial artist charged and attacked, he used his two fists to beat against his chest and roared loudly, his right leg stomping onto the ground, intending on constructing a wall in front of Shao Qian to help him block the attack.

However, that shield the great magician set up wasn"t just for show, the strong shield that the little HanTian beast could construct on ordinary days, was now only able to go to half a metre tall before it was incapable of going any further. Shao Qian pulled the little HanTian beast and hurriedly retreated, but they weren"t able to retreat very far before they saw the great magician throw a scroll in his hands over at them. Shao Qian unconsciously retrieved an incomplete scroll in his s.p.a.ce ring and threw it over.

The two scrolls met in mid-air, and after that, with a "bang!", they exploded. Shao Qian was shocked by the power of it and retreated back a few steps, falling onto the ground. On the other hand, the great magician only retreated a few steps back.

"We underestimated him." According to the previously shown power of the scroll, pehaps it wasn"t so simple that he was only an Alchemist apprentice, could it be that the holy-rank cub"s parents is an Alchemist?

Thinking to here, the great magician"s face immediately became frosty, this cub, no matter what, they had to capture him, if not then his parents chasing them would only bring about endless trouble. Moreover, just now that cub"s howl was probably to inform the other magic beasts that he had encountered danger, he must wrap the situation up quickly.

Shao Qian fell onto the ground dizzy and his vision blurry. He just wanted to get up when he saw Dou Qi [2] advancing towards the little HanTian beast. Shao Qian practically wasn"t thinking as he immediately used a leg and kicked the little HanTian beast away. After that he then felt a pain in his back, some warm liquid flowing down.

"He"s injured." The martial artist grinned sinisterly as he walked towards Shao Qian, one step at a time, "Looks like this cub only has the status of a holy-rank but doesn"t actually have the ability of a holy-rank."

In this way, they really made a profit. Although since they were in a hurry to catch them, they had to wait until they were outside, before they could carefully allocate the affiliation of the two cubs.

The little HanTian beast saw that Shao Qian was injured and let out a furious howl, wanting to protect him, only the great magician at the side didn"t let him. He had just moved before he was stopped by a scroll that turned into a vine and restrained him.

When Shao Qian saw that the little HanTian beast had been trapped, his face changed. He channeled the maximum of his soul power, intending on first beheading that martial artist.

When the martial artist saw Shao Qian looking anxiously as the little HanTian beast, he laughed nastily, "I suggest that you don"t move, if not than your little friend will be hanged."

Shao Qian watched as the martial artist that held the epee in his hand as he approached, pretending to be afraid as he headed towards the little HanTian beast with small movements. He still fell short by a bit, so long as he could kill this person, he would definitely be able to take Little Tian out of this d.a.m.ned sphere.

Upon seeing his retreating actions, the martial felt that he really was scared, and so placed his epee behind his back properly before he spoke in an enticing tone, "Good child, come with me and I promise I won"t harm that HanTian beast."

When he said it this way, the great magician wasn"t happy. What follow him? His status was higher than that of the martial artist, this little holy beast was surely to be his, "Hmph! Let"s go out and discuss the issue of the ownership of this little holy beast.

The martial artist was immediately enraged at the great magician, just now he just wanted to trick the little holy beast, where would he still think of the awaiting ownership issues?

But, he couldn"t have a falling out with Austin, after all, he still needed that arrogant fellow to settle that little HanTian beast.

The martial artist looked at Shao Qian and walked over to him, stretching out his hand to grab Shao Qian"s neck. But, the moment when his hand could be seen touching Shao Qian, the contact was suddenly broken by a piece of paper.

After that, the vines that were restraining the little HanTian beast was ripped off by a formidable black HanTian beast. As for the great magician"s sphere, the moment the high rank magic beasts entered, it faded away.

"Grandpa Pein.[3]" Shao Qian turned his head and looked at the Treant walking over slowly, his face revealing a smile, "Thank you, Grandpa Pein."

"Disobedient little fellow." The Treant Pein stretched out a "arm" and carefully "carried" Shao Qian up, placing him on his main branch. When he saw Shao Qian"s injured back, his eyes immediately flared up furiously, "Who harmed you, I"ll kill them."

"Grandpa Pein, I"m in a bit of pain." Shao Qian acted like a spoiled child as he hugged the Treant Pein"s branch that still hasn"t left, whining, "Just now, two bad people wanted to capture me and Little Tian."

Even without him saying these things, the little HanTian beast at that side had already told the whole story in a disorderly manner to his own father. The black HanTian beast, upon hearing his son telling him what had happened, released a furious howl.

After that he picked up his son by his neck, throwing him to Shao Qian"s side before facing the two men and roaring. Using both hands to hammer the ground, enormous earth spikes rushed towards the sky as they formed, even if the great magician and martial artist had dodged at great speed, they still got injured. Those people that had followed them, how could they escape the magic of a ninth-grade magic beast? They couldn"t even dodge before they were pierced by the earth spikes.

The facial complexion of the great magician and the martial artist changed in an instant. The two men, uncaring about the dead children of n.o.bility that followed them here, exerted all their strength to escape.

But, would the high ranked magic beasts allow them to escape so easily? Of course not, when Shao Qian summoned the Illusionary Mist Forest"s magic beasts, every magic beast had set off, completely surrounding this area, that great magician and martial artist didn"t have a chance in escaping.

"Kill them. They aren"t allowed to leave this place." Shao Qian"s eyes gleamed in fierce light, if they let those two men escape outside and spread the word about how there was a holy-ranked magic beast cub in the deeper parts of the Illusionary Mist Forest, then it was likely that those old fellows that had went into seclusion would come out. At that time, it was unlikely that the Illusionary Mist Forest could continue existing.

Even if he didn"t say that, those high rank magic beasts also wouldn"t let them leave, it was to the extent that there wasn"t any time between when he sent out the instruction before a Purple-Lightning Marten that was small but fast, flashed to in front of the martial artist. He didn"t even have time to resist before he was skewered by the sharp poisonous claw.

The great magician, upon seeing the martial artist, that he never saw eye to eye with, killed so suddenly, legs went soft. Right now he didn"t have any regrets that he tried to capture those two cubs. On contrary, he felt that he should have employed a harsher method to capture them, even if he accidentally killed them, that holy ranked magic beast"s body also had many uses. He regretted.

The great magician also couldn"t persist and was killed in a few moments. The high rank magic beasts collected the spoils before allowing a fire-element magic beast to burn the corpse.

But, the magic beasts also cherished their paradise. After burning the corpse, they didn"t forget to use water to extinguish the burning plants. Don"t judge how they were magic beasts, they could also cherish the environment.

Now that those few people had been killed, it was time for the magic beasts to settle their cubs. Shao Qian is a sly person, when he saw the nimbly jumping onto the Treant"s body, his large height allowing him to directly glare fiercely at him and Little Tian from below……

Therefore, the sly Shao Qian immediately laid against the tree trunk, his head tilting to the side as he made it seem like he had fainted. If you have something to say, find Little Tian.

The little HanTian beast that still didn"t know that he had been thrown into a pit by the little fellow. Upon seeing the little fellow suddenly closing his eyes, became anxious and encircled him, "Squeak! Squeak!", as he cried out. He cried until the Treant Pein became severely irritated, using his branch to directly sweep the little HanTian beast away, "Go back and properly discipline this undisciplined and out of control little b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

"Squeak." The black HanTian beast was already half a foot in to becoming holy ranked, but towards his only child, he really pampered him to no end. On ordinary days, don"t even mention saying a harsh word towards him, he wouldn"t even be willing to roar at him. But today, it wasn"t the same, if it wasn"t for Jesse"s quick wittedly alerting them, it was likely that this two cubs would have been captured by others without any of them being aware. Really should discipline him.

[1] Natural holy-rank magic beast means that he was born as a holy-rank if it wasn"t clear. orz

[2] Dou Qi – Fighting Spirit

[3] So… I just remembered that this is a Western Fantasy World.

Pei En → Pein


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