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Dare to be confused by other women, I"ll prepare a small, golden scissors for you

Shao Qian returned to the XingHai s.p.a.ce, and after the system did a slight upgrade, he left hurriedly. He couldn"t forget Vincent"s desperate face when he left. So, he couldn"t let him wait long, he had to quickly find him.

The next time Shao Qian opened his eyes, he saw a shiny, golden bedspread above his head that was covering him, along with hearing a gentle and soft high-pitched voice, "Your Majesty, you should get up."

"……" Shao Qian was surprised by the voice, he flipped his body over and said in an impatient tone, "Today, I don"t feel well, I"m not going."

That eunuch seemed to have smoothly accepted this answer, "Understood, this slave will pa.s.s the word."

Shao Qian laid on the bed and allowed the system to start showing the plot of this world for him to read. After roughly reading through it once, he couldn"t help placing a hand on his forehead. Mn, this was a very simple story. The puppet Emperor was reluctant to restrain the people"s intended rebellion, and after that, the Emperor"s uncle – the regent – effortlessly suppressed it, furthermore robbing the future wife and seizing the Emperor"s throne, and then without much extra effort, killed the puppet Emperor in the southeast wing.

Correct, it was such a simple matter.

Simple, your sister! This Emperor was right now only twelve years old, he had just ascended the throne three months ago. And whenever he saw his Imperial Uncle, who always had a serious face, it felt the same as if a mouse seeing a cat.

That reagent was also eight years older than the little Emperor. It was said that even though many officials were in favour of him ascending the throne, he refused for an unknown reason, instead claiming the position of regent when the little Emperor came into power. If you want to be regent, then do it properly and honestly!

But he couldn"t. He simply had to be different.

The regent fell in love with the female lead, but didn"t tell anyone about his feelings. And on the eve of the female lead entering the palace, he seized the throne. Afterwards, the female lead that had just reached adulthood married him, becoming his Empress. However……

The crux of the matter was here. After that person married the Empress, he never touched her, simply leaving her in the palace, cased closed. He didn"t even leave a succession t.i.tle for her after his death.

In fact, Shao Qian wanted to know what the author was thinking when they wrote this story. The story was appointed a male and female lead, and after the female lead appeared for a few chapters, and bought a bottle of soy sauce [1], she was thrown into the Cold Palace. The male lead ascended the throne, and recaptured the surrounding small countries, and then, from the prime of his life, he aged to an old man in an instant… And immediately following that, he died?

Did you not think it through, as the male lead didn"t have a successor, what would happen after he died? Nevermind, you didn"t need to say anything. It seemed the author probably didn"t think about this issue.

After all, this was a cultivation novel camouflaged as a romance novel. As long as there was enough Mary Sue [2] elements, everyone would be happy. As for the female protagonist, one could be found along the way.

But Shao Qian wasn"t happy! He didn"t know whether or not this male lead was his lover. If by any chance, it was really him, then even if he had to castrate him, he wouldn"t let him marry anyone else. Even if the one married was to be concubine, it still won"t be allowed.

However, right now he wasn"t worried, after all, didn"t the plot just start? Right now, he was only twelve years old, that female lead who only appeared a few times was also twelve years old, the age of betrothal. This kind of woman with status would always marry late, after all, they must first let the Emperor had a look at them, and if the Emperor didn"t pick them, only then could they be married off.

However, at the moment, he should first go check if the male lead was Vincent or not. If it wasn"t Vincent, then he would be frank. At that time, the system made him unable to revolt against the male lead, he could only dejectedly, and pa.s.sively accept it. But now, it wasn"t the same. If this person wasn’t Vincent, then he would definitely teach him a lesson, and let him understand why flowers are so red. [3]

If it was Vincent……

Then if he dared to be confused by other women, he would definitely prepare a little pair of scissors for him, and furthermore a gold one.

The regent, who was standing at the royal court, sneezed with a wooden expression. This made all the palace officials turn to look at the regent"s direction with strange expressions.

They didn"t expect that, in their remaining years, they would actually be able to see the poker-face demon sneeze? Once they thought about that demon expressionlessly sneezing, furthermore, the unquestionable saliva that spurted out…

There were already a lot of ministers whose faces revealed a strange colour. They were definitely suppressing their laughter. Was it necessary for them to speak up, for them to imagine that their actions were bad? Especially the jokes of some narrow-minded men that were even more unsightly, did they not see that demon"s face was already black? Furthermore, that he had swept his eyes across all the ministers present?

"Wishing good health to the Regent." The eunuch pa.s.sed on the message respectfully, standing in front of the regent, Helian Jing Qi, and saluting, "Today, His Majesty"s body is unwell, everybody is requested to leave."

Helian Jing Qi, because of what had just happened, was already unhappy, and now when he heard the eunuch"s words, he was even more annoyed. He immediately flung his sleeves and turned around to leave.

Only when the ministers in the royal court saw the regent leave, did they very cautiously look up. And when they confirmed that he had really left, and was quite a distant away, they revealed smiles, going in pairs of threes and twos as they left. Only, there were a few ministers that were deathly loyal to the previous Emperor had troubled hearts as they inquired about the Emperor"s health from the eunuch that had pa.s.sed on the message.

That eunuch naturally understood that the Emperor was simply unwilling to go to the morning court. Although he couldn"t bear to say that, but he also didn"t dare to throw his face around in front of these few ministers. At the few ministers inquiry, he respectfully repeated his words, time after time, "Everyone, please rest a.s.sured, yesterday His Majesty merely suffered from a cold. At this moment, His head is slightly warm, and He has already received the doctor"s diagnosis, He was merely prescribed some cold medicine."

When the few ministers heard that, they began to talk even more. It was to the extent that two of them suggested for them to see the Emperor, and once they confirmed that His Majesty was alright, could they rest a.s.sured.

How could the eunuch let them go? He hurriedly rea.s.sured and recounted in great detail, and when he finally coaxed the few ministers to leave, his whole body was sweating abnormally. This few ministers were really unreasonable and hard to deal with, from this day, he absolutely couldn"t say that His Majesty had caught a cold again, he had to change his explanation.

After Shao Qian clarified the plot clearly, he spat out a deep sigh. He decided to meet this regent first before making up his mind, only after making contact with this person, could he try to slightly make out what he was thinking. Moreover, he could confirm whether or not he was actually Vincent.

"Your Majesty, your humble slave is here." This little eunuch had grown up together with the original owner, it could be said that there was a lot of affection. In the original plot, this little eunuch didn"t surrender to Helian Jing Qi after the little Emperor"s death, rather, he had died due to hanging himself on the suspending beam of his room.

In this world, not only did he want the name, Helian Yi Xuan, to go down in history; but he also wanted to protect this loyal and devoted little eunuch. He definitely wouldn"t allow him to be arbitrarily buried on a hill when he died.

"Change Zhen"s [3] clothes." The little Emperor was only twelve years old, his voice was very clear, and if he took the pains to speak softly, there would be a debate on whether it was female"s or a male"s.

"Master, didn"t you not want to attend morning court?" Although the little eunuch asked this, but his hand wasn"t idle as he brought the imperial robe to the bedside, "Come down, I"ll help you change."

"Not wearing this." Shao Qian languidly got up, throwing the imperial robe onto the Emperor"s bed, grinning as he spoke, "Get for me a random pair of clothes that"s comfortable, we"re going to the Imperial Garden."

"But, the steward that serves you said that you caught a cold." The little eunuch looked at Shao Qian, confused, "Today, the weather is cold, you still want to go to the Imperial Garden, Master?"

"Cold is good." Shao Qian sat on the side of the Emperor"s bed and poked the little eunuch"s forehead, "Little DaiGua[4], quickly help your Master find some clothes."

"Oh." Little DaiGua was the pet name that was given to the little eunuch, Xi Fu, by the little Emperor. On ordinary days, the little eunuch was slow-witted, whatever you said, he would believe it. Over the course of time, the little Emperor started to call him Little DaiGua. Moreover, this form of address never changed, even until the moment the two died.

The little Emperor"s living room and cloakroom was separated by a wall, Xi Fu picked a set of thick clothes and brought it over, "Master, wear this set."

Shao Qian looked at the large sun outside of the window, before looking at the clothes, that appeared to be worn during the early Autumn at first glance, in Xi Fu"s hands and wanted to roll his eyes. But, this was also the little eunuch worrying, so he still wore the clothes. He wasn"t scared of heat anyways, worst came to worst, he would just lower the temperature of his body.

Shao Qian, along with Xi Fu, walked wobbly to the Imperial Garden to roam about. The previous eunuch that had went to pa.s.s on the message, came back and found that there wasn"t anyone on the Emperor"s bed. At this moment, he really became anxious, he had just let out a lie about the Emperor catching a cold, and that his head was warm, did you just go out for a walk like that? If he b.u.mped into those few ministers, then wouldn"t the words that he had just said, all be exposed?

Thinking about it, the eunuch that had pa.s.sed on the message couldn"t stay calm, he hurriedly asked about His Majesty"s whereabouts, and hastily gave chase. He absolutely couldn"t let him come across those ministers!

Shao Qian who made the other people keep watch at entrance of the Imperial Garden, merely brought a single person, Xi Fu, to sit in the wayside pavillion. Shao Qian"s eyes stared at the fishes within the lotus pond in a daze, in his heart, he was planning what would be his next step.

It was at this moment, that the eunuch who had pa.s.sed on the message hurriedly came over. When he saw Xi Fu, who was standing in the wayside pavillion, he became furious. This little beast was taking his job.

"Xi Fu, His Majesty"s body is unwell, how could you allow His Majesty to go out for a walk?" The messenger eunuch immediately lectured Xi Fu with a ferocious face.

Xi Fu stood at the side, at a loss, "I… I…"

"You are a humble slave, how could you call yourself "I"?" The messenger eunuch looked to be lecturing Xi Fu, but in fact, amongst his words, there was delight as he took pleasure in the others misfortune, no matter what, it simply couldn"t be covered up. There were many rules in the palace, merely the evidence of this little eunuch daring to call himself with "I" would be enough to take his life.

"Zhen"s eunuch, since when did it become your turn to lecture him?" Shao Qian, was annoyed by this feminine and tender voice that p.r.i.c.ked his ears. He kept a straight face as he turned his head to stare at the messenger eunuch, "Who gave you the courage to lecture Zhen"s people, in front of Zhen?"

[1]Buying a bottle of soy sauce [打了一个酱油] – Minding her own business.

[2]Mary Sue – A seemingly perfect person.

[3] Why flowers are so red [花为什么这么红] – The general idea behind it is that the person would spill so much blood the flowers would soak it up and they would turn red.

[4]Zhen [朕]– I, we, our, etc. Used by royalty to refer to themselves.

[5] Little DaiGua [小呆瓜] – Little Fool (Gentle way of saying idiot; pet name)

Sleepy: A senior showed me how to be a ninja~!! (*´ω`*)

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