Little Shao Qian who was carried off

“I’ll give Gongzi some advice. Each and every one of the bandits here, have stained their hands with the lives of humans. If Gongzi shows mercy to them, then in the future, innocent people will suffer by their hands.” The masked man seemed to deftly wave his sleeve, and the two bandits charging at him with their swords out, fell weakly onto the ground. Immediately after that, their faces paled as blood streamed out of the seven apertures in their heads [1] , and they died.


“You……” Upon seeing the man poison those bandits to death simply by waving his sleeve, Shao Qian’s face couldn’t help but change. Who exactly was this man? Had he been introduced in the plot?


“Gongzi, do you want to travel with me across this wide world?” The masked man took a few steps towards Shao Qian.


“Don’t come over.” Shao Qian hastily retreated. “We don’t know each other, thus we’ll part ways here.”


When the man heard the person, who he had taken a fancy to, say he wanted to leave, he was immediately displeased. His body flashed a few times, before he appeared in the middle of Shao Qian’s path. “Gongzi, those words really hurt my heart.”


“……” This person was so skilled in his martial art, how did the plot not introduce him? But, the original plot also didn’t have a masked person.


The masked man was also at a loss. He had thought his poison making skill was unparalled in this world. However, towards this pretty and charming Gongzi in front on him, his posion actually didn’t have any effect. He had already used about a dozen incapacitating agent, yet he still couldn’t knock him unconscious. If his master were to know about this, he would definitely say that he brought dishonour onto his master’s name.

However, this was the important part. He kept becoming more and more interested in this Gongzi, how about bringing him back and testing his poison on this person? The more the masked man thought of it, the more he believed that this idea was plausible.

Shao Qian had the impulse to facepalm. Where exactly did you come from? Can’t you go back yourself?

But, it was obvious that this masked man had no such intention of going back himself. In this manner, the two of them stood on the pile dead bodies, both refusing to budge.

“You’re killing so obviously under the Heavens once again.” In the midst of them refusing to budge and staying still, another person appeared again.


Shao Qian was about to go crazy. What was it with today? Why did they start to, unfortunately, come out one by one? He still hadn’t settled this masked man, yet another one already came.

“Tsk, it’s actually this nuisance again.” As the masked man was standing in front of Shao Qian, he would naturally be able to see the appearance of the person who just arrived. He let out a cold snort, before turning around and leaving.


Shao Qian was speechless as he watched that person leave nimbly. What did you see to be scared to that extent?

Turning around, he saw a young man staring angrily at him. However, when he saw Shao Qian’s face, he actually went into a daze. After that, his face rapidly blushed red, and his right hand couldn’t help but place the sword he was holding onto his back.

Looking at that foolish appearance, Shao Qian had nothing to say. Other than that thing, he couldn’t he anyone else right?

However, he wasn’t even able to speak, before he saw the person before him, disappear in a flash. And after that, he felt a painful sensation on his neck, before he lost conscious. The moment before he lost conscious, he only had one thought in his mind: Wait for this Lord!

Placing the unconcious man into his embrace, he surrept.i.tiously scanned his surroundings. After seeing there wasn’t anyone alive, he carried him away.

His mother had told him, if he saw anyone he liked, then knock him unconscious and bring him home. Otherwise, that person will be s.n.a.t.c.hed away by others.

The people hiding in the horse shed witnessed the entire thing. However, who had the ability to stop that man who took away their benefactor? Thinking of how at that time, there had still been one bandit who left to ambush people for more money, these people didn’t dare to stay in this place filled with the dead for any longer. They hastily left the mountain village.

Let’s not talk about how the people in the Lu family’s fortress felt, when they saw their young master carrying a person back. Upon waking up, Shao Qian saw a person, who was lying next to him on the bed, laughing foolishly, and felt like hitting someone out of anger.

“You’re awake!” Lu Ao scratched his head and laughed foolishly. “My name is Lu Ao, and from this day onwards, I am your husband.”


Those words spun around Shao Qian’s mind for a few moments, before he lifted up his claw and struck that thing’s head. “Scram.”


Seriously, three days without a beating, and a child will scale the roof to rip the tiles. Even if he didn’t remember this lord, there was nothing that could be done about it. However, right now, he immediately acted and captured him, his skill really grew.

“Don’t be angry.” With a pitiable appearance, Lu Ao grabbed Shao Qian’s hand. “I… I didn’t mean to take advantage of you. When… When my parents return, we’ll perform the marriage ceremony.”


But, did you ask whether the person you captured would be willing? Once again, Shao Qian felt a pounding pain in his temples. Ever since he met this thing, he feels that the frequency of him frowning has increased.

“You found me pleasing to your eyes, and captured me back.” Shao Qian felt that it was his job to treat this illness of his.


“Am I that kind of person?” Lu Ao felt wronged as he clutched Shao Qian’s hand. How could his beloved person misunderstand him?


His mother had told him: When he meets his fancied person, bring them back first. If not they’ll be s.n.a.t.c.hed away by others, and he would regret it.

Shao Qian held his forehead weakly. It seemed that in every world, his partner would unseal a new trait. This really made him hard to predict. However, in the last world, he was able to dream of him. Yet, in this world, did he not have any signs?

Shao Qian felt that he overlooked something important. But, as the system wasn’t complete, he isn’t able to immediately find out the whole story.

When Lu Ao saw him sitting on the bed, and not saying anything for a long time, he immediately became anxious. “You… You need to believe me. My mother had said that a man needs to be faithful to his spouse to the very end, and not split his heart between three wives and four concubines. And that if I ever do that, she would beat me to death.”


Shao Qian naturally wouldn’t believe this thing would have three wives and four concubines. If he ever had any thoughts about it, then he would would smash him in his cradle.

“Release my hand first.” The hand he was grabbing was already throbbing in pain, was it really necessary to use that much strength?


“Oh.” Lu Ao let go of his beloved person’s hand, sitting on the edge of the bed, and looking pathetically at him. “I really will treat you well. My mother will also do the same.”


Seeing his appearance, Shao Qian couldn’t help but want to tease him. “You don’t feel anything wrong with two man being together?”


“What’s not right?” Lu Ao was clueless. “My mother said that it’s fine so long as I fancy them.”


When Shao Qian heard those words, he burst out in laughter. The one in this world was somewhat foolish, but it was adorably foolish. This sort of slow-wit, could honestly be better than the regent’s.

Upon seeing Shao Qian laugh, Lu Ao’s entire being lit up. He also followed along, his mouth forming a grin as he laughed. “You look very nice when you’re laughing.”


Seeing Lu Ao’s appearance, Shao Qian was also quite happy. He swung his leg towards Lu Ao, makinghim move away. “Don’t get so close to me. Let me down.”


“Oh.” Lu Ao obediently stood up. Right now, he was somewhat embarra.s.sed as he fidgeted with the jade pendant hanging on his belt. From time to time, he would also look at Shao Qian from the corner of his eyes.


Seeing his behaviour, Shao Qian felt somewhat indisposed. After all, he had just parted with the shameless regent, before his partner changed his personality once again. Which was this wild beast.

“I’m hungry. Go make something to eat.” Shao Qian sat beside the table and pointed his chin at Lu Ao. “Something light will do.”


“Okay, I’ll prepare it immediately.” The moment Lu Ao heard he was hungry, he turned around and left. However, when it looked like he was about to go out, he stopped abruptly, before retracing his steps.


At first, he had thought that he forgot something. But, who would’ve known that this thing, would raise his hand and strike his acupuncture points. After that, he was carried up and placed onto the bed. “D-Don’t be angry. I’ll return quickly.”


Right now, Shao Qian really felt like he was a dog today. This thing was afraid he would escape, to such an extent?

Lu Ao was really afraid he would escape. Placing the other onto the bed and covering him with the blanket properly, he rubbed his nose as he laughed foolishly. “I’m off.”


“Hurry and scram.” Shao Qian was irritated to his limits. He really wanted to beat someone.


Lu Ao smiled apologetically and left. And after closing the bedroom door behind him, his expression totally changed. Where did that simple-minded behaviour in front of Shao Qian go?

“Young master, the Gongzi inside……” Ever since his young master carried back a person, the housekeeper had been standing by this door, waiting for his young master to come out before inquiring about the situation.


“Get someone to send a message to my parents. The Lu’s family is having a wedding.” Lu Ao clearly stated this simple words, before he turned and left. He still had to get……


Eh? So, he still doesn’t know the name of his partner?

He actually forgot to ask such an important thing, he really isn’t a qualified partner. Lu Ao staggered in his steps, and his back seemed to be slouching a lot.

Don’t talk about how Lu Ao became depressed due to not knowing his partner’s name. The housekeeper, who had been given a bomb by Lu Ao, was also stunned. His young master went out for a trip, and carried home a wife?

However, judging from his clothes, isn’t he a Gongzi? Could it be she was disguised as a man? Thinking of this possibility, the housekeeper’s face immediately lit up with pleasure. Perhaps next year, their Lu family may have an additional young master.

The steward, who was unaware about the truth, jumped for joy. When he walked, he also seemed to be floating. He was so excited, that when he pa.s.sed on the message to the Master and Madame, he specially added a sentence: The wife is beautiful, and has the young master’s intention.

[1] Seven apertures in their heads [七窍] – i.e. eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth

Sleepy: Who got tricked? I did.

Edit: I did it again. WRONG b.u.t.tON. Sorry.

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