Who else are you going to be with if not me?

After reading the letter, the Master and Madame of the Lu family went wild with joy. Their peculiar son finally wanted someone! When they return, they’ll definitely thank their ancestors. Fortunately, that disappointing thing was finally sent away.

So… how unpopular was Young Master Lu with his parents?

“Father, mother. What are you laughing about?” Lu Ning Er, who had followed her parents out, looked uncomprehendingly at her smiling parents. What great thing happened, for her parents to laugh to such an extent… that they didn’t care about their image?


Lu Ning Er still felt that she should give her parents some face. After all, they were her parents, and as their child, she ought to be more tolerant towards them.

“Your elder brother’s wedding is just around the corner.” Lu Xing Tian pa.s.sed her the letter from home. “We’ll set out tomorrow first thing in the morning.”


Ling Ning Er read through the letter, and upon seeing the sentence, ‘The wife is beautiful, and has captured the young master’s heart’, her expression became dazed. “Father, elder brother really found a wife?”


Don’t blame this three people from the Lu family for not believing their son/elder brother. Originally, there were many ladies who went to see her elder brother, desiring to marry him and climb up the ladder. In the end? All of them had been angered away by her elder brother. From then, whenever she hears anything about her elder brother getting marriage, if she could hide, then without any exceptions, she would.

Lu Xing Tian’s hand, that was holding a teacup, paused, before he stroked his goat beard that he specially left untouched. Turning his sight onto his daughter, he rubbed her head with affable smile. “How can you say that about your elder brother? Your elder brother is like a eucalyptus in the wind [1], and his appearance rivals Pan Yue [2], which family’s daughter wouldn’t fight to marry him? It’s only because your elder brother holds others in contempt.”


“Father… do you not feel guilty saying these words?” Were those words really describing her respected elder brother? She didn’t have anything against the words praising his appearance, but the part about daughters from all families fighting to marry him……


She feels embarra.s.sed hearing her father say those words without any guilt.

“Girl! Which part of your elder brother isn’t good?” The Madame of the Lu family stood behind her daughter with a ‘stepmother’ expression.


“Mother, you’ve misunderstood. Your daughter is praising elder brother.” The Lu family’s young lady smiled an obviously fake smile. “Mother and father has such good looks, and as their child, elder brother’s is exceedingly beautiful.”


“Of course, my son would naturally be good-looking. But you! You make your mother worry! Who do you think you take after if not your father?” The Madame of the Lu family denounced the father and daughter pair uncaringly. “A nose that sticks out, small eyes and a mouth, and also large ears. At that time when you first opened your eyes, did you see your father? Daughter, how could you be so brainless?” (Sleepy: Really not sure about this paragraph.)


The face of the Lu family’s eldest daughter—with a straight nose, small eyes, a small mouth and large ears—collasped. Her looks could be counted as one of the very best beautiful lady. Although her eyes weren’t as big as her mother, but they were completely pretty as a pheonix eye. Her nose stuck out prettily, and she had a delicate ruby-lipped mouth, even if her ears were large…… fortune tellers would always say that large ears brought good fortune.


Moreover, the face of Lu family’s eldest daughter was a standard oval face. Combined with her features, although she wasn’t a unrivalled beauty, she was definitely still pleasing to the eyes and mind. However, this face was said to be not at all beautiful by her mother……


It was also fortunate that the Lu family’s eldest daughter was accustomed to this strike that happened throughout the year. If she was some other female, it was likely that she would have already been mortally ashamed and would hide in her house, not daring to go out.

“Why are you speaking this way to my daughter?” Lu Xing Tian refused to accept it. Originally, he had relied on his appearance to win the favour of the Yun family’s eldest daughter. However, after they were together for a long time, his wife started to dislike and avoid him.


“If you don’t like it, then fight me!” The Lu family’s Madame almond-shaped eyes glared at him. “See whether this old mother won’t beat the c.r.a.p out of you!”


Lu Xing Tian didn’t dare? He really didn’t dare. As a man, his martial arts ability wasn’t as good as his wife, his ability to manage the household also wasn’t as good as his wife, to the extent that negotiating with outsiders was all left to his wife too……


The Lu family’s Master felt somewhat worried. He felt as if he was the one that was brought into the Lu family to get ‘married’ instead.


“Let’s talk about proper things. Let’s go back tomorrow and see what that woman’s actual appearance. When the time comes, the two of you go and check her out for this old mother. If she’s a money-grubber…… then beat her up properly. If she’s the daughter of a respectable family, and you dare to threaten her household, then don’t blame this old mother for turning against you.” The Madame of the Lu family slammed her palm onto the table, and in an instant, the Lu daughter and father pair were bundled up and hugging each other.


Father, where exactly is my mother who you originally took a fancy to? Lu Ning Er eyes seemed to be asking her father who was bundled together with her.

As if he had heard a joke, the Master of the Lu family laughed at his daughter. Originally, the Yun family’s eldest daughter had been known throughout Jianghu for being gentle, thoughtful and good at understanding others, her martial arts was also extremely good, and her appearance was first-cla.s.s. At that time, there were a countless amount of youths with outstaning ability that took a fancy to her. He had depended on his looks to press down his rivals and in the end, got married to her.

On the wedding day of the Yun family’s eldest daughter, everyone in the residence sat down on the floor and wailed. Everyone had thought that the Yun family didn’t want to marry off their young lady. Later on, then did they realise. What ‘didn’t want to marry off their young lady’? This was obviously tears of happiness from marrying off their young lady.

The talented youths that had looked at him with envy for marrying the beauty at that time, would now glance sideways at him with sympathy in their eyes.

But after all, every house with a wife with have sweetness along with sourness. Even if his wife was valiant, so what? In his heart, she was still the Yun family’s eldest daughter that left him seemingly intoxicated and stupefied. Furthermore, he didn’t need to manage the Lu family. This simply could not be better.

So, the last sentence was the main point?

Far away, in the Lu family compound, said family’s young master was personally preparing some food to eat. Placing the food into a wooden meal box, he carried it back to his bedroom. Seeing the person on the bed already sleeping soundly, his eyes warmed. Really, no matter where he looks, he would always be this beautiful.

Shao Qian had woken up when he entered, and upon feeling someone staring at him, he opened his eyes. Seeing that person sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at him unblinkingly, he laughed. He waved a hand in fromt of Lu Ao. “Is it done?”


“Done. Done.” Lu Ao hurriedly got up and let the person down from the bed. However, after a while he realised something wasn’t right. He had obviously struck his acupoints……


“I-I-I obviously struck you acupoints.” Lu Ao’s entire being became flurried. Could it be be broke free by himself? No, that couldn’t be. Previously, he had examined his beloved, but there wasn’t any signs that he practiced internal force.


“Mn. I broke free.” Shao Qian pushed the man blocking him away. “Still not quickly setting it down?”


Hearing the instructions, Lu Ao hastily attended to him. After setting out all of the dishes, he placed the meal box aside, before standing by the side with a long face. “You obviously don’t have any internal force……”


“You struck too weakly.” Although Shao Qian enjoyed seeing his partner’s embarrased appearance, he also wouldn’t attack him any more.


The Lu family’s young master naturally listened to Shao Qian’s words. If he said it was weak, then it was weak. But as he didn’t leave after undoing his acupoint…… could he take it that he was willing to be his partner in a specific relationship?


“I-I still don’t know what your name is.” The Lu family’s young master was somewhat embarrased as he said those words. After all, he had brought this person back to the Lu family compound, yet he still didn’t know this person’s name. Would his partner feel he didn’t attach much importance to him?


Thinking about this possibility, the Lu family’s young master was on the verge of crying. At that time, he was afraid that he would escape, and didn’t even make it in time to ask for his name before knocking him out……


“Bai Qing Xuan.” The original owner was called Bai Qing Xuan, of the Shi generation [3] and di son of the Bu family. Other than him, he still had three other younger brothers, Bai Shi Yong, Bai Shi Xing, Bai Shi Zhong.


At that time, his grandfather, the old Master of the Bai family, had we went against the family’s elders to name him such. According to him, no one could rebute whatever the apple of his eye said. Whatever name he chose, then his grandchild would be called that.

The family elders were helpless, and could only add the name ‘Bai Qing Xuan’ into the family history. The names of his few brothers that followed after him, were all chosen by the family elders. This was also the reason why the family’s three younger brothers found him offensive to their eyes.

“Bai. Qing. Xuan.” Lu Ao held the name of his beloved person in his mouth and tried it out a few times, before he spoke happily, “As expected, a really nice.”


Shao Qian leisurely ate the meal on the table. This cook’s ability was actually not bad. It was really similar to the regent’s cooking at that time. This…… could it be……


“You made this.” Shao Qian didn’t ask, but stated it instead. This kind of flavour, it’s likely that only this person could create it.


“How did you know?” Is it possible that Qing Xuan went to the kitchen just now? No, that couldn’t be. Qing Xuan didn’t know where the kitchen was, he shouldn’t be able to go there.


“I guessed.” As expected, it was made by this person. Shao Qian felt some sweetness in his heart. No matter what world he goes to, this person would always be able to subconciously remember what he likes. For example, these dishes in front of him. All of them were dishes that the regent made the most frequent, and they were also what he likes the most.


“Qing Xuan, look. Our two hearts really beat in unision.” Lu Ao leaned partially onto the table, resting his chin in his palm as he smiled foolishly at Shao Qian. “Qing Xuan, I will definitely treat you well in the days to come.”


I won’t let you suffer grievances, or let others bully you. Of course, I won’t bully you either. I will give the very best to you and won’t let you experience even a little bit of hardship.

“Who agreed to marry you?” This utterly shameless person. This world was particular about the old and proper way of contracting a marriage, yet you’re making a pledge to get married? Did your parents agree? Did my parents agree? Furthermore, why was it him who was being married off [4]?


“Who else are you going to be with if not me?” Lu Ao felt anxious. Lu Ao felt wrong. Lu Ao felt the tears start to form in his eyes. His beloved person didn’t want to be with him. What should he do? Why wasn’t his mother back yet? If she comes back, she’ll definitely help him get Qing Xuan to stay.


[1] Graceful, elegant

[2] famous handsome and elegant writer from the Western Jin dynasty

[3] In some Chinese families, a name is given to a generation. For example: My made-up Bai family.

Grandparents’ generation is [Guo].

— Bai [Guo] Qiang, Bai [Guo] Fu.

Parents’ generation is [Ming].

— Bai [Ming] Lian, Bai [Ming] Rui.

Children’s generation is [Shi]

— Bai [Shi] Yao, Bai [Shi] Xing.

[4] Married [嫁] – (嫁) is used here. It’s usually used when a woman is marrying or being married off. (娶) is used for men.

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