Extending his hand by a bit to trace the youth"s facial features

"My son is cute, right." With a sense of pride, Zhang GuoQiang mentioned his son. This kind of thinking that under the entire heavens, only his son was the best, really made people hands itch.[1]

"Cute." Zhang ZiXuan looked at Shao Qian"s red face and answered, laughing.

"Really grew up to look a lot like Song Yun." Zhang GuoJian looked at Shao Qian and sighed emotionally, "At that time, if the old man wasn"t insistent…"

"Ah Jian." Zhang GuoFu opened his mouth and spoke in a heavy tone, "Don"t remind us about things that already pa.s.sed."

"Yes, elder brother," Zhang GuoJian laughed, "I won"t mention it, I already let the housekeeper prepare the meal, let us talk whilst we eat."

When Zhang Qing saw the few people revolving around Shao Qian, anger burst out in her heart. She was obviously standing here, why didn"t anyone look at her? She was also father"s daughter, why did they only look at Zhang ZiHui who was undoubtedly inferior than her? Could it be because she was the daughter whilst Zhang ZiHui was the son?

"This is?" Zhang GuoJian had actually noticed the girl that was always standing at the side form long ago. Ever since that girl entered, she had began continuously looking around, sizing up her surroundings. This kind of impolite conduct really let him feel unpleasant.

"This is my elder sister, Zhang Qing," Shao Qian grinned, laughing as he opened his mouth, "Elder sister came together with us."

Zhang Qing originally wanted to introduce herself, but in the end her opportunity had been s.n.a.t.c.hed away by Shao Qian. This made the still a bit furious Zhang Qing immediately glare at him for a split second, before speaking softly in a lukewarm voice and introducing herself, "Greetings to Third Uncle, I am father"s daughter, Zhang Qing."

Elder sister? Zhang GuoJian glanced at Zhang GuoQiang. They obviously remembered that originally when Second Brother had brought Song Yun away, she was only pregnant with Little Hui. Could it be that they didn"t realise it was twins?

"These things we"ll talk about later, first let"s eat." How could Zhang GuoQiang not see his brothers" suspicions? Only that, he couldn"t say it in front of the children, that"s all.

The Zhang brothers were well coordinated, this kind of matter they wouldn"t gain any benefit from snooping into. After they waved at Zhang Qing, they went to the dining table together.

Zhang ZiXuan, from start to end, had stood by Shao Qian"s side. When Zhang Qing had glared at Shao Qian, he had actually observed it all. The wee bit of favorable impression he had of Zhang Qing, in a split second dropped down to a negative number. Although he knew that there may be some discord between the siblings, however using that kind of expression to look at Little Hui, he really disliked. If she was not Second Uncle"s daughter, he would have already have people chase her out.

Although the Zhang family didn"t have much rules when eating, but the elder and younger generation sitting positions didn"t have much difference. So, when Zhang Qing placed her b.u.t.tock down onto the seat next to Zhang GuoQiang, it made the faces of the ones at the scene change. But as it was quite difficult to have a family dinner together, it wasn"t necessary to make it so stiff.

Shao Qian sat at Zhang ZiXuan"s side, sweeping his eyes across the table before finally deciding on the plate of chicken wings in front of Zhang GuoQiang, "Daddy, pa.s.s me a chicken wing."

"Alright, son." Zhang GuoQiang immediately stood up and placed a chicken wing into Shao Qian"s bowl. As Zhang GuoQiang looked at his son gnawing on the chicken wing which he had pa.s.sed over, his face revealed a smile.

"Little Hui, how can you be so thoughtless, if you"re not able to reach then just eat the vegetables in front of you." Zhang Qing watched the father and son"s "embarra.s.sing" display and couldn"t help chiding him. The moment she said those words, it immediately made Zhang GuoFu put down the plate of chicken wings he had just picked up, not handing it over or taking from it. [2]

The Zhang brothers had all along thought that, since it was a dinner between their immediate family, there wasn"t a need for any rules. The rules were all made for outsiders to see. It was just eating food with their own family, to care about this, care about that, wouldn"t it be very tiring? Right now, when Zhang Qing chided Shao Qian, on the contrary, it made the Zhang brothers feel as this behaviour was done to let outsiders see.

"Father, give it to me." Zhang ZiXuan took the plate in Zhang GuoFu"s hands and directly placed it in front of Shao Qian, "Eat."

Zhang ZiXuan"s action didn"t give Zhang Qing any face, making her feel a bit awkward. She secretly glanced at Shao Qian before lowering her head to eat. However, her actions compared to just now was only a little bit softer, the "ding! ding! dang! dang!" sounds at the dining table all came from her.

When Zhang GuoQiang saw this spectacle, his face immediately became icy. He opened his mouth, about to say something, when a piece of meat was shoved inside his mouth, "Daddy, this red braised pork is really good!"

Although Shao Qian would be happy to watch Zhang GuoQiang reprimand the female lead, however today the female lead had already been embarra.s.sed enough. If by any chance, she was pressured too much and let out her true colours, wouldn"t that take away some of the fun he could watch?

So, when he saw Zhang GuoQiang"s face colour change, intending on reprimanding Zhang Qing, he immediately took a piece of red braised pork and walked to Zhang GuoQiang"s side, shoving it in when his father opened his mouth.

Zhang GuoQiang"s face revealed a suffering expression as he swallowed the piece of fatty meat. Even if this red braised pork was made to be delicious and even melted in his mouth, it still couldn"t change the fact that this was a piece of fatty meat. From young, he couldn"t bear this kind of fatty and greasy food, but… since it was his son, who resembled his wife so greatly, that fed it to him, he reluctantly ate it.

"You seriously ate it!" Zhang GuoJian"s had an exaggerated look of shock on his face, "Little Hui, your father really likes those kind of meat. Hurry up and give him two more pieces."

Shao Qian looked at his third uncle who was clearly ridiculing his father and grinned, before placing an even bigger piece of fatty meat into his third uncle"s bowl, "Third uncle, if daddy likes, then you will like too."

When Zhang GuoJian saw the big piece of fatty meat in his bowl, his smiling expression stiffened. Was this called lifting a rock only to drop it on one’s own feet? If this piece of fatty meat was what his second brother precisely didn"t like, then would he like it? He didn"t like it too. Rather, it should be said that all three Zhang brothers didn"t like this kind of food. The Zhang"s family Third Senior who had been made a fool of, began to considerate reducing the food expenses.

It was like this that the family dinner ended. Looking at the sky, it couldn’t be considered early. So, the housekeep took Shao Qian along with Zhang Qing to the rooms, that had been prepared earlier, to rest. Zhang GuoQiang definitely had his own room in the residence, even if he didn"t return for over ten years, that room had, from start till the end, been cleaned by people.

The housekeeper brought Zhang Qing to the second floor first before bring Shao Qian to the third floor. Zhang Qing watched as the housekeep guided Shao Qian up before closing and locking her room"s door. Her entire face was filled with excitement as she stroked everything in the room. When she saw the princess bed that was large enough to accommodate a few people sleeping side by side each other, she immediately threw herself onto it. After rolling on the bed for a while, she pasted her cheeks onto the exquisite, soft and high-quality silk bedsheets. It was as if placing herself in the clouds, towards that kind of feeling, the corners of her lips couldn"t help but rise.

As expected, from the day she was born, she had the destiny of a princess. From now onwards, would there be anyone that would look down on her? Those students with some money definitely didn"t expect that she became the Zhang family"s little princess with a single leap. Perhaps she should go to the next cla.s.s reunion? In the midst of indulging her fantasies, Zhang Qing fell asleep whilst laying on the bed.

After Shao Qian thanked the housekeeper, he closed the door. Taking a quick bath, he changed into his pajamas and immediately went to sleep. After being tormented for most of the night, he was very tired, so it wasn"t even a few minutes before Shao Qian let out a soft snore.

However, it hadn"t been long since Shao Qian fell asleep when his room door was opened by someone. A man with a tall structure closed the door softly behind him before approaching the bed. Using the weak light from a lamp, he looked at the youth lying on the bed. Stretching out his right hand by a bit, he felt the youth"s facial features, directly poking the location of the youth"s dimples.

Maybe the strength behind his actions had been too strong as the youth lying on the bed let out a soft sound. The man hastily patted the youth"s back gently, allowing him to sleep a bit more comfortably.

Sure enough, after gently patting him for a while, the youth"s breathing gradually became deeper. The man stroked the youth"s hair before slowly lowering his head, placing his lips on the youth"s forehead.

[1] made people hands itch – Aka, wanna hit him

[2] [不是递过去也不是。] – "Not handing it over or…" It cuts off here. I a.s.sumed.

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