Everybody Is Kung Fu Fighting, While I Started A Farm

Chapter 168: Do You All Have Something Against Me?

Chapter 168: Do You All Have Something Against Me?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

w.a.n.g Hou had read Jiang He’s file more than once—how could he not know what Jiang He looked like?

Still, he was beside himself in shock when he identified the figure that the pangolin drew with his spirit powers.

What the h.e.l.l?

Jiang He?

When Zhou Yu returned, he had reported on Jiang He in detail: rank-seven, advanced, and extremely powerful in combat. But how could a rank-seven advanced slay the Black King Drake, a newly ascended Feral King?

Was that not just nonsense?

And in that instant of distraction, the Feral Kings started bellowing again.

“Give us the killer!” The Blue King Drake raged.

The other Ferals that were in hiding also unleashed a burst of their aura, all of them bellowing, “Give us the killer or it’s war!”

The Ferals’ roars echoed throughout the sky.

w.a.n.g Hou snorted then. His body’s aura abruptly overflowed as his Void-tier cultivation exploded. A wild tempest billowed in a circle of a thousand meters around him—but upon a closer look, it was not a tempest but streaks of thin sword radiance, cutting waves out of thin air.

“A bunch of trash would dare to push me around?

“You dare frame a human prodigy with garbage as your evidence?”

“Want a war? I’ll kill every last one of you today!”

w.a.n.g Hou reached out and slammed a palm at the direction of the pangolin, which shrieked shrilly even as it begged for the Blue King Drake to save it with spirit voice...

Even so, the Blue King Drake did not lift a finger.

That palm aimed at the pangolin was as powerful as it was brutal.

It would get hurt intercepting it.

Of course, while getting injured was not a big deal, w.a.n.g Hou could seize the chance to kill itself.

Hence, the pangolin was reduced to a pile of flesh. At the same time, the Feral Kings that had been hiding could no longer conceal their presence, all of them hence revealed—even though the fearsome aura emanating from their body was repressed considerably.


The Blue King Drake’s gigantic eyes tightened as it growled, “w.a.n.g Hou, there is yet to be a Void-tier amongst our brethren! Don’t try to twist the truth!”


w.a.n.g Hou had slapped it down to the ground just as it spoke.

There was loud boom and the mountain forests beneath quaked.

w.a.n.g Hou sneered. “Bark at me again and you’re dead, Blue King Drake.”


Blue King Drake lay p.r.o.ne on the ground and did not move, whereas the other Feral Kings retreated backward by several hundred meters.

Withdrawing his aura, w.a.n.g Hou flatly said, “The person that the pangolin projected with its spirit is merely a rank-seven. How could a rank-seven slay a Feral King? Or are you trying to use this as an excuse to start a war?”

His tone had become even cooler and his att.i.tude even more overbearing than before.

At the same time, all the Feral Kings could clearly sense a vague killing intent encircling them, and they felt as if they could die at any moment if they were being careless.

“I don’t believe you!”

The Blue Drake King that was playing dead bellowed furiously at first, but it lowered its voice after it sensed the killing intent and spoke meekly, “w.a.n.g Hou, the rules is agreed upon between the elites of your race and the champions of our brethren. Do you think I would believe that your claims that a mere rank-nine would so subtly slay the newly ascended Black King Drake?”

Still, w.a.n.g Hou did not answer, merely whipping out his phone and dialed a number.

He was calling on Long Mountain Lin.

w.a.n.g Hou had immediately received word of Long Mountain Lin’s recovery, since the old man was a top rank-nine elite who contributed to the nation. He even had a ten-minute long call with the man himself.

Naturally, he was aware that Jiang He had revived Long Mountain Lin.

“Minister w.a.n.g...”

Long Mountain Lin’s voice could be heard from the other end of the call, while w.a.n.g Hou went straight to the point, asking, “Where is Jiang He? Please ask him to step out of the city.”

“Minister w.a.n.g, Jiang He is with me...” Long Mountain Lin replied.

Even as he spoke, he turned to glance at Jiang He.

In response, Jiang He kept waving him off, exclaiming determinedly without even thinking, “I’m not going!”

‘Have me come out of the city?

‘Dream on!’

He could clearly feel the Ferals’s aura at the wildlands outside the city, even thought he was a hundred meters away... what if he couldn’t return?

Moreover, he had heard what w.a.n.g Hou said.


w.a.n.g Hou was silent at that. He obviously heard Jiang He, but he had to maintain his ‘character’ what with the Feral Kings encircling and staring at him. “It’s fine,” he said calmly, “Just come out. With me guarding you, not even the G.o.ds could touch a single strand of your hair.”

Jiang He considered it, but decided that he was still too worried.


You, a rank-seven who actually dared to slay a Feral King?! Calling you daring is an understatement, and yet you are cowed now?”

Cursing inwardly, w.a.n.g Hou maintained his impa.s.sive look as he said, “Come out, I’ll have someone escort you.”

Hanging up, w.a.n.g Hou then turned to give Pei Donglai a look.

The chief commander was confused.

As a matter of fact, he did not really take notice of newer elites after he was stationed at the Jiangnan military zone.

Jiang He?

So, the person that the pangolin projected was called Jiang he?

Turning around, he flew toward Jiangnan City, where Jiang He was scowling and at a loss for words as he stood in front of Hotel Caesar.

“Was that Minister w.a.n.g, the one known as the First Man in our country on the phone? Wasn’t he supposed to be overbearing? He could just kill off those Feral Kings, but he would still have a newbie martial artist like me risk myself...”

Beside him, Long Mountain Lin was actually speechless too.

He could hardly imagine it... how could a rank-eight be a newbie?

Nonetheless, Jiang He headed outside the city wobblily with a look of utter discontent, even stopping at the next streetlights and waiting for it to go green.

Outside the city, Pei Donglai was frowning....

He had waited more than ten minutes.

Reasonably speaking, Jiangnan was only that vast. Any martial arts elite who used a bit of their strength could cross it in ten minutes.

There was no helping it.

Rising up to the horizon, he released his powerful spirit to scan all of Jiangnan.

He had just ‘seen’ the image that the rank-eight pangolin projected and therefore knows what Jiang He looks like, and soon found him.

Right now, the kid was hugging a four-year old girl.

The girl was crying endlessly for her mother.

The chaos before had separated them.

His mouth twitching, Pei Donglai descended upon them and cut to the point, “Jiang He, I’m Pei Donglai of the Jiangnan military zone.”

“General Pei!”

Delighted, Jiang He exclaimed, “You are a divine-tier champion, yes? Your spiritual strength must be powerful—quick, help find this kiddo’s mother.”

Unleashing his spirit, Pei Donglai soon located the mother, whereas Jiang He had a look of envy as he said, “You’re awesome, General Pei. My spirit could extend up to eight hundred meters at best, and it would take a long time for me to reach your level.”


Despite being a man of few words, Pei Donglai could not resist asking just then, “How many meters?”

His eyes were bulging at Jiang He in disbelief.

Up to eight hundred meters?

After all, even rank-nine individuals who almost gain perfect grasp over the Boundary of Wills could only extend their spirit up to five hundred meters. A rank-seven martial artist like you whose spirit could radiate up to eight hundred, and you would still call yourself weak?

Hold one...

Rank seven?

Pei Donglai’s eyes twitched.

How was the kid a rank-seven? What was w.a.n.g Hou playing at?

He was clearly rank-eight, and his physique was strong and his True Qi abundant, far surpa.s.sing any of his peer at the same tier.

An idea that even he did not dare to believe came to mind then—

“This kid really did kill the Black King Drake, didn’t he?”

Hence, grabbing Jiang He and taking to the air, they soon landed at the wildlands outside the city.

“So powerful...”

Jiang He was stunned inwardly. Pei Donglai gave him the impression that he was more than ten times more dangerous than the Black King Drake, and could cut him down with a few blows in a fight.

Still, he was rejoicing a little.

Luckily, the Black King Drake yesterday was a newly ascended Feral King.

He had reached the beast at the right time. Otherwise, once the Black King Drake became familiar with its own power and could control the power of Feral Kings freely, Jiang He would be the one dying.

Once they landed, Jiang He looked toward w.a.n.g Hou.

The minister looked to be around thirties, and appeared quite tough in his Chinese tunic suit and inch-long hair.

w.a.n.g Hou looked toward Jiang He too.

Then, he blinked.

What the h.e.l.l?!

What was going on?

Rank-eight pinnacle?

Didn’t Old Zhou report that the kid was rank-seven advanced just two days ago? How long has pa.s.sed since then that he’s now rank-eight pinnacle???

And isn’t that physique and True Qi too powerful? It felt like he was even stronger than the top rank-nines.

Most importantly...

“That faint, mystical energy... could the kid have grasped the Boundary of Wills?”

w.a.n.g Hou was twitching inwardly, but did not show it in his outward appearance. Pointing at Jiang He, he said flatly, “I’ve brought your killer here. See for yourself if he’s one of our elites disguising himself.”

All at once, streaks of brutal spiritual energies interweaved and swept toward Jiang He.

Jiang He put his hands over a certain spot by reflex...

What the heck?

With his body being scanned like this, how was it different from being stripped naked?

He frowned and said angrily, “Everyone, one look is enough.”

Beside him, w.a.n.g Hou’s spirit stirred.


The spiritual energies that shrouded Jiang He promptly crumbled and faded. Nearby, the Feral Kings all grunted, their ma.s.sive bodies shuddering once.

“Rank eight?”

The Blue King Drake fumed. “Do you take us for fools, w.a.n.g Hou? A mere rank-eight, slaying the Black King Drake?”


w.a.n.g Hou had moved even before it finished.

Striding forward with a single step, it arrived before the Blue Drake King’s and slammed a fist into its body.

Standing at one-point-eight meters tall, w.a.n.g Hou was no different from an ant compared to the Blue King Drake’s thousand-meter long body.

And yet, Jiang He felt something completely different from what his eyes was seeing in that very moment.

The aura from w.a.n.g Hou’s body was as majestic as G.o.dly mountain of immeasurable heights.

And in a single punch—


A hole was promptly punched into the Blue King Drake’s body, the violent energy instantly crushing the life out of it.

The beast dropped into the dirt with a rumble as w.a.n.g Hou withdrew his fist.

“I told you to stop barking in my face.” He said coldly. “But you never stop—did you take me for a clay doll?”

The other Feral Kings withdrew their aura even further.

Still one of them put on a strong front and said as peacefully as possible, “You’ve gone too far, w.a.n.g Hou. Are you not afraid that our brethren would wage war against your kind for slaying the Black King Drake?”

What the h.e.l.l!

Jiang He jumped.

If a war really ignited because of him killing the Black King Drake, how many would die?”

Hence, he meekly asked, “About that... everyone, could you hear me out?”

Jiang He flinched from the many stares thrown at him, but clenched his teeth to speak regardless. “Actually, I did slay the Black King Drake... but I didn’t do that on purpose, because I really did not know that it had ascended at the time...

“Moreover, I had heard of the rule you agreed upon.

“A rank-eight like me slaying a Feral King does not count as breaking the rules, doesn’t it?”

At that, Jiang He mustered his spirit, puffing his chest as he spoke, “I didn’t break the rules, and yet you Feral Kings would swarm us... do you all have something against me?”


I didn’t break the rules, and at worst, the loophole in the agreement was simply exploited.

The agreement did not mention that rank-eights and rank-nines were forbidden from slaying Feral Kings. If push comes to shove, you guys could send some rank-eight or rank-nine Feral to do in us humans’ divine-tier elites.

We would be equal if you beasts could kill a human elite.

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