An eagle based sub-person who appeared abruptly.

It seems that Twinks are scared of demons or something.

Asking for a bicubic, asking while confirming 360 degrees.

“Well, where’s your parents?”

Parents? I usually live on the earth, but maybe I can not answer.

“I do not have any parents”

“How do you like that, then how did you get born?”

“Oh, that … … when you noticed there was a world there?”

“Poet called saka!” And anyway, I want my parents to match my parents, my parents must be silver dragons in a splendid form.I am talking with my parents in Chibi, so please guide me Hey! “

 I keep head down with a steady appearance, Ike (it stands out for so-so).

Serious is transmitted, but I really do not know my parents so I can not help it.

Even chibi dragons are supposed to be original dragons now.

If you are thinking about it, something falls from above as rattling sounds.

It was a small rock lacking from rocky mountains.

“Do you want hi?

Even though I did not hit another, Ike gave a loud voice and held my head.

If I saw cancer, I noticed my gaze and made my cheek red.

“It did not mean that they all started playing bibi! I just practiced spoken a little”

“So, what are you talking about?”

“If I do not have a bibi! …… Huh, I was upset”

I think it’s quite a funny guy. It is a type that does not fake yourself.

Many of these types do not cheat people.

“What kind of dragon you are looking for, specifically?”

“Well, it’s a small pattern for a dragon, but it looks like a dignified and violent figure, it seems to have a shining silver body.”

That, is not it about me before the transformation?

For the time being, I asked what kind of use is available.

“My hometown island has become tough now, so I want to ask for help from the silver dragon who lives in the gorge of this death”

I can not see the line of talk for a while.

I am not acquainted, it may be too berserking. Why are you asking for help on a dragon?

When I tilt my head, Ike complements it properly.

I think it’s quite a funny guy. It is a type that does not fake yourself.

Many of these types do not cheat people.

“What kind of dragon you are looking for, specifically?”

“Well, it’s a small pattern for a dragon, but it looks like a dignified and violent figure, it seems to have a shining silver body.”

“There is a child in my village who can see a dream of prospects, because that child saves the village is a silver dragon living here, so I came here.”

“Wow, that’s tough,”

“Really quite another person”

“Is it another story?”

“Surely it is … but … Chibori is a silver color, perhaps I thought my parents were that dragon, but it is a shame.”

Falling down, and falling down Looking at IKE, I do not feel like wanting to help a little.

It looks like a bad guy.

But I also do not like myself.

I do not plan to cheer because I give top priority to flying in the sky of Target List 1.


Suddenly it makes a noise as if Ike is not extraordinary.

“Dangerous dangerous yabayabayabaki yabayai”

“What what?”

“Hey, Chiba daughter, you come quickly!”

“Huh? Why?”

“So good so soon!”

Kyoto, holding you holding me Ike will go into the narrow gap of the nearby rocky mountain.

It is dangerous in a cowpea. More than anything, man’s chest, it’s hot.

“I do not have a hobby to hug with men,”

“s.h.i.t, do not talk. Please disapprove, there is a devil demon”

I talk about with a face that seems to cry, I guess it is a considerably dangerous creature.

Close your mouth and observe around as you say.

What appeared majestically … Is not it just a black demon?

Those come across this path, the ones that apparently knock down pa.s.s through the road as much as three.

It seems I went somewhere without noticing us.

As it disappears, IKE breathes heavily in Zeehner’s and there.

“Have you been upset to that?”

In “Black auger Hey!? Risk S cla.s.s, I because Hey monsters there is a small town if the devastating crisis Once integrated appear. It is three-body as well …. I canyon of this death, you do funny true As dangerous as a dangerous dangerous thing …… “

“Hmm, that guy is weak,”

There Ike pounds Tsunzun and my cheeks.

Apparently he seemed to have believed.

Well, this figure is not convincing.

It seems that Ike hugged me and decided to look for the intended dragon.

Killing footsteps and moving to avoid the eye of demons.

“Are you free in the sky?”

“Is not it conspicuous? Also here are flight-based demons, walking except when in an emergency situation”

The dragon is also commonly inhabited.

Ike seems not to be fighting battle, is it useless?

“Wow, you dangerous, next time it’s serious and the danger of death …”

“What is next … …. Oh, there are those”

“Awake, your eyes met well … There is no choice but to escape to the sky anymore …”

What is in front is a group of goblins with a nasty golden flesh. Already, we noticed ourselves and are in the process of running all the way here.

Fasa, and the wings of Ike spread out –

“Hey you!”

I was the one who leaked a funny voice.

Because, the view changed at a stretch.

I am not self-sufficient, but I am floating in the sky now.

The feeling that the blue sky and the sun were close were for the first time in my life.

Excellent impression. I did not care about the golden goblin downwards, but Ike is not so.

“Anyway, you have to run far away”

“You can not fly like that, do not you think you can go out?”

“No, that’s the case …”

“Gow o’er de Aestaen!”

While giving up a stupid cry, golden goblins show off jumps.

Even though I said it was jumping, I just threw a stick of that gold.

“h.e.l.l yeah!”

Ike flies to the side to the full force and manage it in desperate fashion.

“Baby get sort of like that, because I’m stiff, you can play with me as a shield”

“I can not do that! That gold stick comes from a super heinous weapon club that brings poison, paralysis and corruption all at once except the golden goblin!”

Well, there were not any ways of being beaten tens of shots.

The serpent ‘s previous poison did not work either, and the silver dragon is quite strong for state abnormal attacks.

Since golden goblins throw sticks one after another, it seems tough to avoid Ike too. 

“It’s tolerant, so you can use me.”

“Even so, you can not do that! Do not shoot a friend and let the man hit you!”

I was impressed that it is a guy who has Han Chi in the middle.

But there is one question.

“When did we become friends?”

“Well, I guess I just felt the fear of the same death a while, I’m already friends with you together.”

It will be the story of the black demon. It seems like you have a strange feeling, this messenger.

Although it is not good at battle, it is a fact that flight ability is shiny, and Ike managed to survive the trouble somehow.

He got the golden goblins that he had tracked down from the bottom properly.

I landed on a steep rocky mountain, Ike was tired and sat down on the spot.

‘Good work ~ Nice flight’

“Because it is a monster of rank S, I will desperately get it”

 Is that S rank too?

Hurdle low S rank.

Even so … … I thought of one sort of idea.

Ike is a specialist on flying the sky.

Even though the race is different from me, it is common in terms of flying with both wings.

Does it matter? Perhaps it is possible to be a good teacher.

What you do not know is quick progress when you learn from master.

Open your mouth to ask a bit.

As I heard footsteps, I turned around and there was a knight like a strong black horse.

Based on black, she wears armor with golden work and possesses a spear. Unfortunately facial expression is unknown because it is full of hem.

Is this a demon? It’s a type I’ve never seen before.

“Ha, ha, farewell ah ……”

“To be surprised, after all it is S rank”

“This is different, this guy is a dark knight of death … … Guyen … Eh, S ranked, SS ranked Oh Oo”

Is it a bad partner enough to explain with a runny nose.

“But it’s only an increase in S. You can do whatever it is.”

“You will not be married, because even the SS rank is said to be one hundred times stronger than S ranking”

What is its appropriate ranking. You decided on the guy who ranked first, absolutely.

Anyway, it seems like you are a man man who will dispose of us with the dark knight.

Even if I do not say it either, it seems me who is being targeted.

So, if you just let me run away and run away, Ike standing out with my hands in front of me.

“ち ち, ち び 竜, I will escape to the gaps where I am distracted”

“It’s my line though,”

“No, it’s too bad to be born yet I am saddened because I am still born, so here is here for me.A little bit has bought my time to earn a little while I’ve been attacking that I have not done it yet Ah ah! “

Before saying the lines, the dark knight who had been numb is rushing.

While I remember the fear of the climax, Ike will not move on the spot. It seems that he is trying to protect it at first.

Tentatively, there are two things I understood.

One thing, Ike is that it is a nice guy that can not be seen at first in contemporary j.a.pan.

Two, the Dark Knight Guyenne is a KY demon that can not read the air.

Protect one and crush two.

That policy has no hesitancy at all.

Mr. Guyen is 100 times stronger than S rank?

Well, after all it is not a big deal. Before saying the lines, the dark knight who had been numb is rushing.

While I remember the fear of the climax, Ike will not move on the spot. It seems that he is trying to protect it at first.

Tentatively, there are two things I understood.

One thing, Ike is that it is a nice guy that can not be seen at first in contemporary j.a.pan.

Two, the Dark Knight Guyenne is a KY demon that can not read the air.

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