Chapter 121: Cliff

After being led by the elder for around ten minutes, they finally came to the top of a cliff.

There was a faint purple mist under the cliff and the mist became thicker at the bottom of the cliff, giving off a slight pungent smell. A sharp eyed person could tell the fog was poisonous with a single glance and even if a mercenary group came here, they wouldn"t risk their lives to see if there were treasures at the bottom of the cliff. This purple mist was an absolute protection.

The Purple Thunder Monkey elder called out a few times. Its voice was loud and echoed out.

After a while, there was an even louder call coming from below the cliff!

The Purple Thunder Monkey elder looked at Bai Jin Yi and Ye Yu Xi before it quickly climbed to the bottom of the cliff.

"It seems like we have to go through a few tests before we can get the Purple Source Berry." Bai Jin Yi looked at Ye Yu Xi beside him.

There was no hesitation on Ye Yu Xi"s face as she quickly followed the Purple Thunder Monkey elder down the cliff.

Bai Jin Yi shook his head with a bit of helplessness. This girl was always so decisive, there was never anything that could make her feel any hesitation.

Jumping out, Bai Jin Yi jumped off the cliff. That"s right, Bai Jin Yi had jumped off, but Bai Jin Yi"s body did not fall down, rather he slowly floated down with the power of his spiritual energy.

Although Ye Yu Xi and the others were fast, it still took them twenty minutes before they reached the bottom of the cliff.

Letting out a soft breath, Ye Yu Xi looked around herself. She already could no longer see the Purple Thunder Monkey elder. There was no longer the pungent smell in the purple smoke, rather there was a medicinal smell to it. It also wasn"t as rich as the top of the cliff, but she could only see several meters in front of her, not being able to see far.

Zhi, zhi!

The strong voice from before rang out.

A large and small form slowly appeared from the purple mist.

Bai Jin Yi walked beside Ye Yu Xi and revealed an evil smile, "It seems like we"ve met another fierce battle."

Ye Yu Xi rolled her eyes at Bai Jin Yi, completely ignoring him. She didn"t feel any danger, so how could it be a fierce battle for him?

Zhi, zhi!

The figures from the purple mist finally appeared in front of Ye Yu Xi. It was a large and small monkey, with the small one being the Purple Thunder Monkey elder.

The other one being compared to the Purple Thunder Monkey elder was surprisingly big.

Bai Jin Yi"s brows jumped up and he softly spat out four words, "Purple Thunder Monkey King."

The Purple Thunder Monkey elder was considered quite tall and strong among the other monkeys. After all, strength was supreme among spirit beasts, but this Purple Thunder Monkey King was half a meter taller than the Purple Thunder Monkey elder!

The fur on its body was not the normal purple colour of the Purple Thunder Monkeys, but rather a mix of purple and silver. The fur on its body was covered in a layer of thunder and it had the potential of a king, a prestige that could not be angered!

Zhi, zhi!

The Purple Thunder Monkey King angrily roared out. Those thick arms used strength similar to a gorilla"s to slam it"s chest, "If you want to take our Purple Thunder Monkey tribe"s treasure, first pa.s.s through me!"

"It isn"t easy for a small Purple Thunder Monkey to grow to your level of strength." Bai Jin Yi spoke these strange words, as he wanted to go forward to fight this Purple Thunder Monkey King.

The Seven Star Blue Dragon Ginseng hiding in Ye Yu Xi"s chaotic s.p.a.ce the entire time heard Bai Jin Yi"s words and revealed a disdainful grin, "Che, if it wasn"t for this dragon master being in this mountain range, could they rely on this small Purple Source Berry to evolve?"

Ye Yu Xi raised a hand to stop Bai Jin Yi who wanted to go forward. Her voice was cold, but there was a trace of concern in it, "You"re still injured."

Bai Jin Yi shook his head and revealed a smile. He didn"t retort to Ye Yu Xi and took a step back to his original place.

Ye Yu Xi slowly came forward with bare hands, she didn"t take out her Soul Devourer Blade. She looked at the Purple Thunder Monkey King, "If I beat you, can I take as much Purple Source Berries as I want?"

Chapter 122: Many thanks, young master

Zhi, zhi!

The Purple Thunder Monkey King angrily shouted out as it turned into silver light. It charged at Ye Yu Xi as fast as lightning.

"So fast!"

Ye Yu Xi was shocked in her heart as the Purple Thunder Monkey King disappeared from her line of sight! Her eyes actually couldn"t keep up with the Purple Thunder Monkey King"s speed!

The experience of her previous life helped Ye Yu Xi. Although she couldn"t see the Purple Thunder Monkey King, she still suddenly shot out in a direction based on her killer instincts.


The Purple Thunder Monkey appeared where Ye Yu Xi had been standing. The silver fur on its body were slightly trembling as it took in large gasps. It was clear that the Purple Thunder Monkey King had consumed a large amount of energy.

When Bai Jin Yi saw Ye Yu Xi"s reaction, he was a bit surprised. She had actually dodged it! Turning his head to look at the Purple Thunder Monkey King, he suddenly understood in his heart. So it was because of this!

The Purple Thunder Monkey King rested for a bit before it began to move again, but its movement was different from before.

"I see it!" Ye Yu Xi"s eyes narrowed as she caught the Purple Thunder Monkey King"s figure.

Dong, Ye Yu Xi"s fist collided with the Purple Thunder Monkey King"s large arm.


Ye Yu Xi suddenly sent a kick out and before the Purple Thunder Monkey King could dodge, she sent it flying.

The Purple Thunder Monkey King was revealing flaws, so how could Ye Yu Xi miss this chance to get in a free hit.

The tip of her toes stepped off and her thin body flew out like a fire arrow. She caught up to the flying Purple Thunder Monkey and sent a fist down.


A white palm easily blocked Ye Yu Xi"s attack.


Ye Yu Xi glared at Bai Jin Yi who blocked her attack. Ye Yu Xi was about to win, but he had stopped her at this moment, so no wonder she was glaring at him.

Bai Jin Yi had a calm expression as he held Ye Yu Xi"s little fist and softly said, "No need to fight anymore, it is already injured."

As soon as his voice fell, Bai Jin Yi sent out a kick as fast as lightning in front of Ye Yu Xi"s confused eyes. The Purple Thunder Monkey King was sent flying before it could even stand up and slammed into a tree, causing the branches and leaves to sway.


The Purple Thunder Monkey King spat out a mouthful of blood.

Zhi, zhi, zhi, zhi!

The Purple Thunder Monkey elder saw that its king spat out a mouthful of blood from Bai Jin Yi"s kick and it began to shout it. It didn"t care about the difference in strength and it wanted to go all out against Bai Jin Yi.

"Stop!" The Purple Thunder Monkey King"s deep voice rang out, it was much more calm compared to before.

The Purple Thunder Monkey King stopped the elder and slowly walked in front of Ye Yu Xi and Bai Jin Yi. With a putong sound, it kneeled on one knee and said, "Many thanks, young master."

After hearing Huo Ling"s translation, she raised her head to doubtfully look at Bai Jin Yi.

Bai Jin Yi knew the question in Ye Yu Xi"s heart, "The Purple Thunder Monkey King was injured, so it only used a single flash in its Purple Shadow Flash, otherwise you wouldn"t have survived a second attack. The kick I just sent out shocked the blood clot out of its body."

"Many thanks to the young master for curing my injury. You repay you, I can give you the Purple Source Berries." The Purple Thunder Monkey King no longer had the hostility from before. It had accepted Ye Yu Xi and Bai Jin Yi like the other monkeys and even graciously offered the Purple Source Berries.

The Purple Thunder Monkey King understood in its heart that the white robed sickly looking man had not just helped it cure its injury, he had also done so to display his strength. That kick did not use any spiritual energy and it could not resist at all. If this person was provoked, perhaps it would be like the elder said, their entire tribe would be exterminated.

The Purple Thunder Monkey King led Ye Yu Xi"s group to an ancient tree under the cliff. There were several large and small fruits on the tree. There were some that had just grown and some that were already the size of a palm. They were completely purple and releasing a bright light.

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