Evil Emperor's Poisonous Consort: Divine Doctor Young Miss

Chapter 641: Blood Enchantress" rules (Part 3)

Chapter 641: Blood Enchantress" rules (Part 3)

Exiting the borders of the Ice Mist Country, Ye Yu Xi"s group abandoned their horses and changed to walking.

With their cultivation, if they ran with all their might, they were much faster than riding horses.

But with Ye Yu Xi"s lead, everyone only spent at most half their spiritual energy before resting up.

Running at full speed could double their speed, but in the event of an unexpected situation, they would be exhausted. That kind of situation was very dangerous.

"Brothers, we said that we would give you a welcoming ceremony before leaving. Now we have some free time." The fatty laughed as he spoke.

Hei Feng Tian Zong looked at Ye Yu Xi.

"Hei Sha, you and Tian Zong will be together. Fatty, you and s.h.i.+ Qing will be together. You will exchange blows, but be careful." Ye Yu Xi said.

She would use this chance to see what kind of advancements the fatty and s.h.i.+ Qing had made.

"Boss, fighting a girl…..This, this….." The fatty was a bit unwilling.

"What"s wrong with being a girl." Ye Yu Xi"s voice was a bit cold.

"No, boss, I didn"t mean anything against you. The main thing is that it is inconvenient to make a move, you already know about my bit of skills." The fatty explained.

Ye Wen on the side heard what the fatty said and revealed a smile.

The fatty"s move, who knew who taught him that. It was a sinister move, attacking the chest and blocking the eyes, the fatty accounted for everything.

"Talk after you beat Hei Sha." Ye Yu Xi softly said.

"Begin." s.h.i.+ Qing"s face was serious. If he wasn"t wrong, s.h.i.+ Qing felt that Hei Sha was much more dangerous than Hei Feng Tian Zong!

Although……he couldn"t see through Hei Sha"s cultivation.

The four stood on open ground, splitting into two groups.

Hei Feng Tian Zong and Hei Sha looked at each other. There was no need to say anything, their minds were connected.

"s.h.i.+ Qing, you take care of the girl, I"ll take care of that boy. When I count to three, we"ll attack together." The fatty whispered in s.h.i.+ Qing"s ear.

"One, two, three!"

The fatty and s.h.i.+ Qing suddenly charged out.

Hei Feng Tian Zong was already prepared. Bending down, he slapped his hand onto the ground.


Without any doubt, the fatty and s.h.i.+ Qing charged into Hei Feng Tian Zong"s spiritual energy.

"Brother, it is a bit strange." The fatty shouted. He felt his body become heavier and he quickly stopped.

s.h.i.+ Qing had no expression. He raised his hand and it moved slower than normal.

Hei Sha stood there without moving.

There was a smile on her lip as she looked at the fatty and s.h.i.+ Qing.

Exchanging notes with their own people, Hei Sha gave the fatty and s.h.i.+ Qing some time to react.

"I"m making my move."


Hei Sha"s aura was suddenly released and a wild wind spread in all directions.

"So strong!" s.h.i.+ Qing"s face became serious.

The fatty"s face was filled with shock! Seventh spiritual level……No! Eighth spiritual level!

Feeling Hei Sha"s cultivation, the fatty was shocked. Boss was already abnormal enough and now there was another freak. This girl was only twenty years old?


Hei Sha began moving. In Hei Feng Tian Zong"s spiritual energy, Hei Sha"s speed was not affected at all.


s.h.i.+ Qing didn"t move as he sent an elbow out that clashed with Hei Sha"s fist.

"You have some skills." Hei Sha"s lips curled into a smile as she disappeared from s.h.i.+ Qing"s sights.

Ye Yu Xi watched the battle in front of her and gave a slight nod at Hei Sha"s cultivation. Hei Sha"s strength was considered in the intermediate eighth spiritual level, which could be considered quite good.

For a person with this kind of talent, they would have large amounts of resources spent on them since they were young. One could see Hei Sha"s background from this.

"Hei Sha"s family, in the past few years on the Purple Cloud Continent can be considered to have a bit of fame." Bai Jin Yi sat down beside Ye Yu Xi.

"You know her ident.i.ty?" Ye Yu Xi"s eyes filled with surprise.

Chapter 642: Buying water

"Un, you can tell just by looking at the faint Death Energy around her. A few years ago, a sect was washed in blood by someone in the middle of the night, creating quite a bit stir on the continent. It"s said that only a little girl survived this disaster."

"Hei Sha was the child from back then?" Ye Yu Xi looked at Bai Jin Yi.

Bai Jin Yi nodded as he said in a voice with a trace of regret, "Having treasures invites troubles. Without having enough strength, just having a treasure means one will invite disaster. Do you know what these people offered as a reward for Hei Sha?"

"A million gold coins?" Ye Yu Xi guessed.

Bai Jin Yi shook his head, "Ten million gold coins and a high profound grade cultivation technique. As long as you can provide detailed information on Hei Sha, all of that will be yours."

Ye Yu Xi"s beautiful eyes opened wide.

That was just for information! They actually used such a high price.

These things, it was enough to revitalize a large family!

"Who are Hei Sha"s enemies? Such a large amount." Ye Yu Xi asked.

"There"s a similarity between you two. Hei Sha"s enemies are the same as yours."

"The King of h.e.l.l"s Palace!"

Bai Jin Yi hesitated a bit before slowly nodded. The King of h.e.l.l"s Palace could be considered so. The power behind the King of h.e.l.l"s Palace, it was still too early for Ye Yu Xi to know about them.

Just with the cultivations of Ye Yu Xi and her group of people, there was a large difference with the King of h.e.l.l"s Palace. As for the people behind the King of h.e.l.l"s Palace, there was no chance of winning.

Ye Yu Xi"s beautiful eyes looked at Hei Sha who kept attacking.

Under Hei Sha"s seemingly weak appearance, there was an injured heart hiding beneath. No matter who it was, bearing this kind of grudge would fill them with discomfort.

The situation of the fight was gradually becoming one sided.

The fatty moved slowly, he couldn"t use his sinister attacks at all. With the Green Wood Blade Art, at best he could match Hei Feng Tian Zong.

The fatty had used the Purple Source Berry and had been personally taught by Long Xiao Pang.

It could be seen that Hei Feng Tian Zong"s strength wasn"t normal.

On the other side, although s.h.i.+ Qing couldn"t keep up with Hei Sha in speed since he was affected by Hei Feng Tian Zong"s cultivation technique.

s.h.i.+ Qing"s battle senses was far above more normal people, always blocking at the most critical moment.

Hei Sha kept attacking, becoming more surprised the more she attacked. Hei Sha had personally witnessed how strong Ye Yu Xi was, but she never thought the people under her would also be this strong!

With a flash of light, Long Xiao Pang appeared by Ye Yu Xi"s side.

"Little girl, isn"t it time to eat?" Long Xiao Pang shouted in a dissatisfied voice.

"Hey! Stop fighting, what"s the point of fighting our own people!" Long Xiao Pang shouted at the four fighting on open ground.

When the dragon master was hungry, the consequences were serious!

The four stopped fighting and they looked at each other with gazes of admiration.

With just this short fight, they recognized the strength of the other side.

"Big brother Long, long time no see." The fatty raised a hand to called out to Long Xiao Pang.

"Dragon master, I"ll prepare the food for you." Hei Feng Tian Zong said.

Long Xiao Pang waved his hand, "Un~No need. Tian Zong, go and be with your wife. As for the roasted meat, leave it to the fatty."

The smile on the fatty"s face suddenly froze……

After traveling for a few days, they finally came to the edge of the Sand Tower Desert. In front of them was the rumoured place of death.

They bought some dry rations and some water in the nearby town, buying a large amount of water and food.

It had to be said, water was even more valuable than meat in this place!

A barrel of water actually cost one silver coin.

Ye Yu Xi was quite overbearing. She bought five thousand gold coins worth of water, emptying an entire store.

Bai Jin Yi asked her why she needed this much and Ye Yu Xi gave a crisp answer.

"To bathe with."

After they paid their money.

"Boss, give me fifty barrels of water."

A voice came from behind Ye Yu Xi"s group.

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