Evil Emperor's Poisonous Consort: Divine Doctor Young Miss

Chapter 621: Released? Demon Wing? (Part 1)

Chapter 621: Released? Demon Wing? (Part 1)

The mask slowly came off.


Hei Feng Tian Zong saw the face under the mask and his tense nerves instantly relaxed.

"We"ll talk after heading back." Ye Yu Xi didn"t take off her cloak and headed back towards the tents.

Hei Feng Tian Zong and Hei Sha followed behind her. Seeing the Blood Enchantress symbol on Ye Yu Xi"s back swaying back and forth, there was a complicated feeling in their hearts.

"Did you know those people?" Ye Yu Xi"s group returned back to the bonfire.

Hei Feng Tian Zong nodded, "My Black Wind Technique was no use against them, they should have been people sent by the other two branches."

"It seemed like that wolf pack from before didn"t appear by coincidence." Ye Yu Xi revealed a faint smile.

"When I head back, I will settle this with them!" Hei Feng Tian Zong cracked the branch in his hand with a "kacha" sound.


A month later, somewhere in the Black Stone Mountain Range.

"Master, I"m starting." Hei Feng Tian Zong had a happy look on his face.

Ye Yu Xi nodded.


Hei Feng Tian Zong"s hands slapped onto the ground and instantly spiritual energy enveloped with Ye Yu Xi was standing.

Ye Yu Xi raised her hand and felt the gravity around her. She said with a frown, "Still not enough!"


Hei Feng Tian Zong gritted his teeth and wildly released spiritual energy from his hands.

Ye Yu Xi felt the gravity around her body double and a determined look appeared in her eyes.

Sou, sou, sou!

Three silver needles flew out of her fingers and being controlled by her spiritual energy, they quickly flew around Ye Yu Xi.

Ye Yu Xi raised her hands with difficulty. Her palms had spiritual energy gathered as she began to form a seal.

Peng, peng, peng.

Spiritual energy kept being compressed in her palm and it let out deep sounds.

"Xiao Bai, this little girl is working this hard. It seems like it won"t be long before your cultivation can be unsealed." Long Xiao Pang said.

"Releasing the seal….." A look of longing appeared in Bai Jin Yi"s eyes. Strength in the ninth spiritual level was still too weak.

In this month, there were many good encounters and they found quite a few good herbs. However, there were strong spirit beasts guarding them, so they could only give up on them.

"Almost there." Long Xiao Pang"s eyes lit up and he stretched his neck out to look at Ye Yu Xi.

Sou, sou, sou.

The three silver needles were no longer just flying around Ye Yu Xi. Each silver needle had a turquoise flame around it, forming rings of fire.

Ye Yu Xi released all her mental energy and controlled the three silver needles.


She shouted in her heart as the three silver needles entered three of her acupuncture points at the same time.


A circle of spiritual energy burst out of Ye Yu Xi"s body, just like a storm of spiritual energy.


Long Xiao Pang, who had been sitting on a tree branch was directly blown off by the gust of spiritual energy wind. If it wasn"t for Bai Jin Yi beside him grabbing his foot in time, Long Xiao Pang would have been sent flying.


Hei Feng Tian Zong who was the closest to Ye Yu Xi felt the strongest impact. His little body was sent flying and he hit a branch not far away.

Hong, hong, hong.

The spiritual energy in Ye Yu Xi"s body swelled, it even vaguely felt like it would break out of her body.

Long Xiao Pang was tightly holding onto Bai Jin Yi"s arm as he shouted to Ye Yu Xi, "Little girl, condense your energy wings!"

Ye Yu Xi used her mental energy to gather the large amount of spiritual energy on her back.

Gradually, dots of black and red light gathered on Ye Yu Xi"s back.


The wings formed and softly flapped, bringing Ye Yu Xi"s body off the ground.

"Such strange wings!" Bai Jin Yi looked up at Ye Yu Xi"s back. Those wings were not of a single colour, they were completely black, but there were red lines running through them!

Long Xiao Pang on the side had already let go of Bai Jin Yi"s arm. When he looked at Ye Yu Xi"s wings, he muttered, "Demon Wings, it"s the legendary Demon Wings….."

Chapter 622: Released? Demon Wings? (Part 2)

"Xiao Bai, quickly test the little girl"s current power." Long Xiao Pang excitedly looked at Bai Jin Yi.

"Un." Bai Jin Yi"s eyes focused and golden wings appeared on his back. With a strong lap, his body flew into the air.

Without any hesitation, Bai Jin Yi surged into the air and sent a fist out at Ye Yu Xi.

Ye Yu Xi slightly looked up. A red glow flashed in her eyes and the spiritual energy in her body gathered in her hand. Going down, she sent a fist out.

The two fists clashed.

Comparing Ye Yu Xi"s fist to Bai Jin Yi"s fist, it was quite small, but it blocked Bai Jin Yi"s attack.

The two of them stood still in that moment.

Ye Yu Xi"s eyes focused and the wings on her back suddenly flapped. Instantly, the aura from Ye Yu Xi was increased by several times.


With the sudden flap of her spiritual energy wings, a gust of wild wind was raised. Bai Jin Yi"s body flew out like a cannonball and slammed into the ground.


Large amounts of dirt flew up.

Long Xiao Pang saw this and he revealed a look of joy. This kind of attack power, it could compare to a normal ninth spiritual level expert!

The ecstatic Long Xiao Pang did notice that on Ye Yu Xi"s cheeks, there were faint black and red lines that were slowly gathering at the wings on Ye Yu Xi"s back, disappearing without a trace.

"d.a.m.n, what kind of power is this!" Hei Feng Tian Zong watched the scene in front of him in shock, even forgetting the pain in his back.

"So strong." Hei Sha"s response was very simple. Hei Sha had experienced Bai Jin Yi"s strength before, but Ye Yu Xi after releasing her seal could actually suppress Bai Jin Yi.

"Ke, ke!"

Bai Jin Yi crawled out of the earth and gave two clothes while patting the dirt off his body.

A surprised look appeared in Ye Yu Xi"s eyes as she looked down at her hand. This kind of power, this explosive feeling, she had never felt it before.

"Little girl, becoming proud over this little bit. Quickly come down, if you make any more noise, you"ll draw other spirit beasts over." Long Xiao Pang quickly waved his hand at Ye Yu Xi in the air.


Ye Yu Xi slowly landed and took back the wings on her back. She stood there and made a hand seal, causing the three silver needles in her body to slowly fly out.

"Hu——Hu——" When the silver needles left her body, Ye Yu Xi fell to one knee. Waves of weakness came from within her body and her head was. .h.i.t with dizziness.

"Little girl, how does it feel after releasing the seal?" Long Xiao Pang looked at Ye Yu Xi with a smile.

One month, after training for an entire month, Ye Yu Xi finally mastered the hand seal of the unsealing technique.

"Very strong." Ye Yu Xi coldly spat out these two words. She was still thinking of the scene when their fists clashed.

"Let me remind you, you can use this unsealing technique once per day at most. After the unsealing, you will gain large amounts of spiritual energy and raise your cultivation, but it is a burden on your body. Moreover, after each unsealing, the spiritual energy is enough for you to use for an hour, but I advise you not to do this." Long Xiao Pang seriously said to Ye Yu Xi.

"Why?" Ye Yu Xi could guess most of the reasons, but she still wanted to confirm it.

"If you use it for more than half an hour, after it is over, your entire body will be filled with pain and you"ll enter a paralyzed state. If you force yourself to use for an hour, it will cause hard to reverse effects on your body and will affect your breakthroughs in the future."

"It"s this serious……" Ye Yu Xi silently remembered this. After adjusting her breath, she stood up.

"This time, I win." Ye Yu Xi looked at Bai Jin Yi with a smile.

She was as happy as a little girl who had made a bet and won a lot of candy.

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