Chapter 93: Escaping the blockade


When the old eagle swooped down, there were already several Purple Thunder Monkeys locked onto it.


An adult Purple Thunder Monkey suddenly kicked off the ground and jumped high up. In the blink of an eye, it flew up over ten meters and grabbed at the old eagle"s neck. The old eagle could not react in time and its body was torn in half by the Purple Thunder Monkey.

Everyone present, other than Bai Jin Yi, could barely see the Purple Thunder Monkey"s movement, including Ye Yu Xi. The Purple Thunder Monkey was only a third spiritual level beast and the records said that they were incredibly strong, but how could these Purple Thunder Monkeys in front of them reach this speed?

Zhi, zhi~~Zhi zhi!

The little monkey brought back by the fatty jumped down onto the floor and gestured something. With the little monkey"s gestures, those agitated looking monkeys actually calmed down.

"Huo Ling, what is the little monkey saying." Ye Yu Xi saw the monkey pack"s reaction and her slightly tense heart relaxed a bit.

Huo Ling had just escaped death and was calming himself down on Ye Yu Xi"s shoulder. When he heard his master"s words, he blinked his watery eyes in a very cute manner, "Master, what you said, un…..It just said that this treasure saved it, so it brought its family to thank this treasure. Also it said….Un…..It also said that it didn"t finish speaking."

Ye Yu Xi looked at Huo Ling speaking in scattered words and she didn"t know whether to laugh or cry. She was thinking in her heart, when did this fellow learn how to steal credit…..

"Tell me the truth!" Ye Yu Xi raised her hand to gently rap Huo Ling"s little head.

Huo Ling shrinked his neck and still couldn"t escape his master"s punishment. He immediately revealed a very pitiful look, "Wu, wu…..Master wants to hit me, I said~~That little monkey really did say that I saved it."

Ye Yu Xi then asked, "And then!"

Huo Ling blinked its little eyes, "Then it said that the fatty"s roasted meat is very good and all the people that wanted to hurt it have already been chased off. It said that we would treat it to rabbit meat and that we weren"t bad people."

When Ye Yu Xi heard Huo Ling"s explanation, she looked at the expressions the little monkey and the monkey pack revealed. It"s said that precious treasures had spirit beasts around them protecting it and these spirit beasts seemed to have evolved because of this heaven and earth treasure. Their strength were the same as the others, but their speed was much faster than what was recorded in the book. Since it was like this, if she developed a relation with the monkeys through Huo Ling, perhaps they could obtain the heaven and earth treasure!

The little monkey was still dancing as it explained something to the monkey pack. It even picked up a piece of rabbit meat to let some monkeys taste it.

Ye Yu Xi saw this and came up with an idea. She said to Huo Lin, "Huo Ling, help me tell that little monkey that I want to make a trade with them."

She found secluded place to discuss the terms of the deal with the monkey group"s elders.

With Huo Ling"s translation, the large army of monkeys quickly retreated and only the small monkey and the few elders of the group remained to discuss with Ye Yu Xi.

The negotiations lasted for over an entire hour before the monkey elders finally made up their mind and agreed to Ye Yu Xi"s conditions.

When the finished discussing, the monkey elders led the several hundred monkeys away first, leaving behind the little monkey to lead the way for Ye Yu Xi"s group.

"Boss, what conditions did you discuss with them? Why did the group of monkeys obediently leave?" The fatty moved beside Ye Yu Xi and asked about what just happened.

Chapter 94: Huo Ling is finally useful

Ye Yu Xi actually revealed a rare smile, "Secret."

Huo Ling stood on Ye Yu Xi"s shoulder looking at the fatty and also chirping at the fatty, but it was unknown what he was saying.

When the fatty heard Huo Ling"s chirps, his body s.h.i.+vered. He suddenly thought of how the boss had him treat Huo Ling to a meal and Huo Ling had made these same chirps. He wouldn"t have to treat Huo Ling to another meal, right!

In his mind, there was the glorious memory of bringing Huo Ling to the pharmacies of Ningyuan City. The fatty immediately caught up to Ye Yu Xi, "Boss, boss, don"t walk so fast, speak with me. I"m very panicked when hearing Huo Ling"s chirping. Tell me clearly, I can"t afford it if you want me to treat him to another meal!"

Ye Yu Xi looked at the fatty"s pained expression, "Relax, you"re not treating Huo Ling to a meal."

"Oh, then that"s fine." The fatty calmed down, but he immediately reacted to this. That"s wrong, there were meanings behind the boss" words. It wasn"t treating Huo Ling to a meal, but I still have to treat someone! He quickly asked, "Boss, if I"m not treating Huo Ling, then who am I treating!"

Zhi, zhi, zhi, zhi.

When the little monkey in leading the way in front heard the fatty"s words and turned around. It used its paw to point to itself and made an eating action. The meaning of that was clearly saying you"re treating me to a meal.

The fatty was stunned, but he reacted and understood the little monkey"s meaning. His heart finally relaxed, thinking in his heart, how much could a single monkey eat?

Ye Yu Xi looked at the little monkey and a question suddenly entered her mind. This little monkey, can it understand the human language?

"Huo Ling, come over." Ye Yu Xi waved at Huo Ling flying in the air and let it fall down on her shoulder.

Huo Ling used his beak to clean his feathers, "Master, I"m not hungry, I don"t need to eat."

Ye Yu Xi: "……"

"Master, did I say something wrong….." Huo Ling saw the speechless Ye Yu Xi and his small eyes blinked at her.

"No. Go and ask the monkey if it can understand the human language. Don"t normal spirit beasts not understand the human language?"

Huo Ling flew in front of the little monkey and chirped as he conversed with the little monkey.

When the fatty and the others saw Huo Ling chirping in front of them and the little monkey responding to Huo Ling with squeaks, the fatty said to Qing"er on the side with a strange expression, "Qing"er, don"t you think Huo Ling and the little monkey"s words are different? Are they saying the same language?"

Qing"er rolled her eyes at the fatty, "Why do you care so much."


After a while, Huo Ling flew back with an excited expression.

Before he even flew in front of Ye Yu Xi, he happily reported, "Master, master, good news!"

Un? Ye Yu Xi"s heart skipped a beat. To have Huo Ling deem it as good news, there weren"t many things like that!

"Master, the little monkey just said that they gradually evolved after eating a kind of fruit. At first they couldn"t understand the human language, but because their strength kept increasing, they could slowly understand the human language."


Ye Yu Xi"s eyes lit up. Although there were pharmacies in Ningyuan City that could sell herbs, they were all ordinary items. At most they could be used to make a grade one pill and most of them were used by doctors to cure illnesses. To buy some higher grade herbs, one had to go to the main city sector.

As for herbs of the heaven and earth treasure grade, one could only hope to buy them from auction halls. But even like this, over the last decade, the three auction halls of Ningyuan City had not sold a single heaven and earth treasure, at least not one that could allow a spirit beast evolve.

Thinking of this, Ye Yu Xi"s mood was much better. She never thought this cultivation trip into the mountains would allow her to meet this kind of treasure. Huo Ling"s performance also made Ye Yu Xi very satisfied. This little fellow who only knew how to cry and eat finally had a use, he could at least be a translator!

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