Chapter 33

This place is the questionabley vast garden of the Ractos household . . .
On the top of a growing tree . . . there"s a creature that is runnning over in panic toward the other one whom is elegantly enjoying the breeze .

[ Sis ! ! Big sis ! ! ]

Well, rather than running towards her, it is more correct to call that the other thing is slithering it"s way towards her .
Red eyes, black scales . . . It is the black snake named Neko, whom is the pet of the eldest son of the ractos household, Jake Ractos .

[ What ? You"re noisy, you know . . . Neko, this spider is just waking up from her sleep . Can you not raise your voice like that?]

The one who said so while facing the black snake Neko also has red eyes and a black body . But the other party has five pairs of eyes, it"s length several times of Neko, and it"s feet numbered eight .  
It"s the . . . friend, of the mistress of the Ractos household, Liliana Ractos, named Mary-chan .

  . . . To note, these two creatures didn"t speak in human language so don"t get me wrong .

[ Uuh, I"m sorry . . . But

I"m worried about something Big sis Mary . . . Because of that, I can"t keep myself calm no matter what ] - snake

[ Worry ? What are you worried about ? ] - spider

[ As you know, my master . . . Jake-kun will be having a marriage interview, right? I think that if their marriage interview went smoothly, and they ended up married, won"t I just become the third wheel of their relations.h.i.+p? ]

[ Hmm . . Well, it"s not like I don"t understand your worries . Even though we have such rare show time in this story, and we almost never directly have any relation to the story  . . . or rather, we have none . . . ]

[ That"s true ! Even I just came out twice and only a little bit, you know ! ? If this goes on, I"m worried that my very existence will get erased into nothing ! ]

Let"s just ignore these two whom are speaking about a very cliche topic . Mary-chan then elegantly says a word of comfort toward Neko who seemed to be really worried about that topic .

[ Well, such a thing is impossible I presume . I"ve never done a magical contract before so this so this is not really related to me . But you already have a magical contract

contract with Jake as his familiar, no? That"s why, even if Jake is married, he will surely not throw you away just like that . ]

[ Uuh . . . . that is, perhaps, true . But Jake is a human and I am a snake . As the one who were by his side since he was just a little boy, I have this sadness welling in my heart . I also don"t know how long this life of mine will last, after all . . . ]

That"s right, Neko is already by Jake"s side since he was just a little kid . Thus, her age almost reached 15 years old .   (TL:  Yes, the snake is female . )
Depending on the species, for a snake"s age, she already reached the end of her life . Neko looked like she"s worried about this fact .
It"s not like she"s afraid of death . But right now that she thought that her time is almost up, and that Jake will surely be occupied with his new wife and future child, she is worreid whether jake will be taking care of her at her deathbed .

[ Oh my ? Don"t you know ? A living being that is tied in a contract are in one soul and body with their master . They will not die because of their

of their own life span before their master"s . And they will die no matter what the circ.u.mstance is when the master died, you don"t know? ]

Don"t know where she got that information from . But Mary-chan"s information about familiars informed Neko that her fears are just needless worries . Neko has a suprised look on her face . It seems that she doesn"t really understand the details of a familiar"s contract .

[ Eh ! ? Seriously ! ? Then, I will keep living for many more years, is that right? ]

[ Well, it should be . Jake is still around 20, right? Then, as long nothing bad happened, I  guess you will live for 30  or 40 more years, no ? And since Jake-kun"s magical apt.i.tude is high, perhaps you will outlive me, you know ? ]

[ Heeh , heeeeh . . . Fourty years . . . Rather than a senior, it"s more like an ancient . Ancient Granny Snake . . . . ]

[ Furthermore, if a familiar performs an inheritance ceremony, their life span will change together with the change of their master . If you transfer your status as familiar to jake"s son, or perhaps even grandson, won"t your age go past 100 ? ]

[ I never know that it can go that far  . . . familiar .familiar . . . Super cool~ ]

[ In other words, you don"t have to worry about life span . Understood ? ]

Is it perhaps because of the shock from what Mary-chan said about Neko"s life span possibly becoming into something unfathomable like 100 years dependent on what happens to jake and his lineage, Neko didn"t feel all any worry again about it anymore .
Neko suddenly felt hungry as soon as she realized that .
It seems that because of the excessive worry, she didn"t properly take her food .

[ Aah, somehow after my worries are gone . I suddenly feel hungry . Big sister, won"t you go to the backyard to eat something? Some time ago, I found some birds creating their nest there . It should be the time they"re laying their eggs . ]
[ Oh, that seems good . But don"t eat too much, okay? Last time, you ate too much eggs that your body became something like skewered meat, after all . ]

[ I , I understand ! ]

Neko answered Mary-chan"s words bashfully .
Just like that, the two slowly made their way toward the backyard .

. . . At this time, Neko didn"t know .
At the place where Jake"s marriage interview happened, she got the partner of her life other than Jake . . . her spouse .

This place is the questionabley vast garden of the Ractos household . . . On the top of a growing tree . . . there 39 s a creature that is runnning over in panic toward the other one whom is elegantly enjoying the breeze . Sis Big sis Well, rather than running towards her, it is more correct to call that the other thing is slithering it 39 s way towards her . Red eyes, black scales . . . It is the black snake named Neko, whom is the pet of the eldest son of the ractos household, Jake Ractos . What You 39 re noisy, you know . . . Neko, this spider is just waking up from her sleep . Can you not raise your voice like that The one who said so while facing the black snake Neko also has red eyes and a black body . But the other party has five pairs of eyes, it 39 s length several times of Neko, and it 39 s feet numbered eight . It 39 s the . . . friend, of the mistress of the Ractos household, Liliana Ractos, named Mary chan . . . . To note, these two creatures didn 39 t speak in human language so don 39 t get me wrong . Uuh, I 39 m sorry . . . But I 39 m worried about something Big sis Mary . . . Because of that, I can 39 t keep myself calm no matter what snake Worry What are you worried about spider As you know, my master . . . Jake kun will be having a marriage interview, right I think that if their marriage interview went smoothly, and they ended up married, won 39 t I just become the third wheel of their relations.h.i.+p Hmm . . Well, it 39 s not like I don 39 t understand your worries . Even though we have such rare show time in this story, and we almost never directly have any relation to the story . . . or rather, we have none . . . That 39 s true Even I just came out twice and only a little bit, you know If this goes on, I 39 m worried that my very existence will get erased into nothing Let 39 s just ignore these two whom are speaking about a very cliche topic . Mary chan then elegantly says a word of comfort toward Neko who seemed to be really worried about that topic . Well, such a thing is impossible I presume . I 39 ve never done a magical contract before so this so this is not really related to me . But you already have a magical contract with Jake as his familiar, no That 39 s why, even if Jake is married, he will surely not throw you away just like that . Uuh . . . . that is, perhaps, true . But Jake is a human and I am a snake . As the one who were by his side since he was just a little boy, I have this sadness welling in my heart . I also don 39 t know how long this life of mine will last, after all . . . That 39 s right, Neko is already by Jake 39 s side since he was just a little kid . Thus, her age almost reached 15 years old . TL Yes, the snake is female . Depending on the species, for a snake 39 s age, she already reached the end of her life . Neko looked like she 39 s worried about this fact . It 39 s not like she 39 s afraid of death . But right now that she thought that her time is almost up, and that Jake will surely be occupied with his new wife and future child, she is worreid whether jake will be taking care of her at her deathbed . Oh my Don 39 t you know A living being that is tied in a contract are in one soul and body with their master . They will not die because of their own life span before their master 39 s . And they will die no matter what the circ.u.mstance is when the master died, you don 39 t know Don 39 t know where she got that information from . But Mary chan 39 s information about familiars informed Neko that her fears are just needless worries . Neko has a suprised look on her face . It seems that she doesn 39 t really understand the details of a familiar 39 s contract . Eh Seriously Then, I will keep living for many more years, is that right Well, it should be . Jake is still around 20, right Then, as long nothing bad happened, I guess you will live for 30 or 40 more years, no And since Jake kun 39 s magical apt.i.tude is high, perhaps you will outlive me, you know Heeh , heeeeh . . . Fourty years . . . Rather than a senior, it 39 s more like an ancient . Ancient Granny Snake . . . . Furthermore, if a familiar performs an inheritance ceremony, their life span will change together with the change of their master . If you transfer your status as familiar to jake 39 s son, or perhaps even grandson, won 39 t your age go past 100 I never know that it can go that far . . . familiar . . . Super cool In other words, you don 39 t have to worry about life span . Understood Is it perhaps because of the shock from what Mary chan said about Neko 39 s life span possibly becoming into something unfathomable like 100 years dependent on what happens to jake and his lineage, Neko didn 39 t feel all any worry again about it anymore . Neko suddenly felt hungry as soon as she realized that . It seems that because of the excessive worry, she didn 39 t properly take her food . Aah, somehow after my worries are gone . I suddenly feel hungry . Big sister, won 39 t you go to the backyard to eat something Some time ago, I found some birds creating their nest there . It should be the time they 39 re laying their eggs . Oh, that seems good . But don 39 t eat too much, okay Last time, you ate too much eggs that your body became something like skewered meat, after all . I , I understand Neko answered Mary chan 39 s words bashfully . Just like that, the two slowly made their way toward the backyard . . . . At this time, Neko didn 39 t know . At the place where Jake 39 s marriage interview happened, she got the partner of her life other than Jake . . . her spouse .

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