At that day, me, Zen=Helix, find a truest of a knight in front of my eyes.

It"s something that happened in the house of Duke Grid=Ractos that"s br.i.m.m.i.n.g with 

guest that day, the day when I attend the engagement party for Jake=Ractos-sama .

That"s right, I attend.

I as a knight, not a guard, officially got invited in this party and joined the party.

It"s still fresh in my mind, that several days ago, I"ve done something really 

unforgivably rude to that Grid-sama and Jake-sama because some 

misunderstanding, and they still forgive me for my mistake with a great 


Not only limited to that, the two even introduce me to some delicious foreign 

country"s food and alcohol and thus that make me felt really indebted for those two 

person .

An invitation for the party that"s come from the two .

Remembering from the rudeness that I"ve done to them, I thinking that I should"ve 

back down from attending this party, but in the end I can"t defeat the temptation of 

attending the charm of attending the celebration ceremony .

I was so excited for it, I even didn"t able to get a wink of sleep a day before.

--- The engagement party that"s started from the arrival of his majesty, is really 


His majesty saying the vow of engagement between Jake-sama and Miss Anessa ... 

No , perhaps it"s better to call her, Anesssama, right ? Jake-sama and Aness


The two of them, look a bit nervous, but I can see a happiness in their expression .

From what I heard, they first time meet at the marriage interview between them , and 

then it become mutual love .

For a Duke household and Count household ... that are not strange for both to have a 

marriage based on politic aspect, having a marriage where the couple are loving each 

other like this, how wonderful is that .

Surely, this is happen also because of how n.o.ble is daily activities are.

It is really a happy thing.

--- The two engagement are successfully ended by the congratulatory word by his 

majesty .

Applause erupt in the hall. With this, the engagement between Jake-sama and 

Anesssama , is already recognized by the kingdom .

After this is the dining party . I walked toward Grid-sama, and Jake-sama to gave 

him the word of congratulatory.

The moment when I thought so .

[ ... Well then , this mark the end of the engagement announcement between my son , 

Jake and Miss Anessa, but I wish for everyone to accompany us for a little bit more ] 

- Grid.

It seems that there"re still another event, the host of this party, Grid-sama, once 

again declared so to the guest.

[ And so, because of many circ.u.mstance, and the introduction become late, my 

daughter ... Erza=Scarlet will have her social debut today] - Grid

Hearing those word, the people in the hall starts to murmur.

Erza=Ractos-sama ... It"s the name of the daughter of Grid-sama .

I am also a person that"s affiliated with Chivalric order.

Even we are in a different unit, I still know her name.

Heavy armored female knight that"s famous with her second name, < jet="" black ="">

knight from the h.e.l.l >>

For a person in Chivalric order, I"m sure the peole who didn"t know her will be less 

than the one who know her.

Though I never have something to do with her, I still see her appearance several 


Though I did surprised knowing that she still haven"t do her social debut, and holding 

a question about it, I thought perhaps she have a special reason or the condition is 

just not right, something like that.

She have the position of a Vice Commander after all, surely she"s busy .

Erzsama who"s entering the hall after called by Grid-sama wearing a clothing 

that"s different from her usual attire, she wore a very n.o.ble lady-like elegant dress.

At that time,the only thing that crossed my mind is , as expected of the daughter of 

Grid-sama and Liliane-sama, she is really beautiful. I only thought such thing.

--- Then , it"s happen .

The time that I saw the true face of knight , is after this.

[ It"s been a long time, his majesty . In this occasion I offer my grat.i.tude for his 

majesty for coming to my big brother and sister in law"s engagement party. I am 

sorry for my late greeting, though his majesty already know me, but let me introduce 

myself , My name is Erza=Scarlet . In respect for His Majesty ... ] - Erza

Beautiful, looking at Erzsama"s appearance who doing the knight salute with a 

smooth movement like flowing, involuntarily I was captivated by it.

She"s emphasizing that while she is also a n.o.ble lady .

She is also a knight.

No matter what her appearance said, even if she didn"t held her sword in her hand, 

and her armor is not sticking in her body ... but even so, she still one knight.

To all the people in the hall, to his majesty, the guest that"s attending the party, the 

escort knight, she powerfully emphasizing those fact.

I already experiencing it first hand, on how splendid Grid-sama and Jake-sama are, 

but not in my wildest dream that the daughter of their house is also someone who"s 

this amazing...

I, can"t be helped to brace a feeling of respect toward her.

... Not, it"s not that.

Not only the feeling of respect.

Not only fascinated.

She also stolen my heart.

I felt that she, who is a n.o.ble lady , but in the same time also a knight that swing her 

sword for her country, is very lovely.

Aah, If I can be together with her, together with Erzsama, how happy I will be ...

Even I know that I am not match for someone like her, but I still thought so in my 


... When I thought something that"s beyond my position , I suddenly felt a gaze 

toward me.

When I turned my face toward that face, my eyes meet with Grid-sama"s

[ ... ]

Looking at Grid-sama who"s curving his mouth up in mischief, it seems that he have 

seen troughs my thought, he make an expression that saying [ What a helpless man] 


Unconsciously, I averted my eyes as if running away from it, but the feeling that I have 

in my heart toward Erzsama, have not disappeared. 

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