Around the time Jake, at Crescent moon pavilion, indulging himself in sake as he felt the guilty over the thing that he had done.
On the boundary between n.o.ble district where the n.o.ble mansion stand in row, and the military district where the people with perigee of knight, or a high ranked soldier take their residence... a house that look quite elegant for house that"s built on the n.o.ble district... while it looked splendor, it’s still on the smaller side to be called as a mansion. There was a shadow of a person running toward that house.
That’s right, it was none other than Zen=Helix, who just got leaded by Jake=Ractos’s word, and now become a.s.sertive with the matter about his engagement with Erza.
The house where he vigorously rushed in, was his own house. The house of the commander of Azolias kingdom third battalion army, and the head of Helix household, Viscount Helix’.
Zen with the same vigour as when he got lead by nose by Jake, in big hurry come back to his house for telling his father, Viscount Helix, about his engagement, marriage plan with Erza as fast as possible.

[ Father! Father, are you here!?]- Zen

Looking hurried, Zen even forgotten to knock the door, as he throw open one of the door open to enter the house.His father who was off duty, were indulging himself in one of  his hobby, which was admiring magic stone... looked all surprised while raised his voice with magic stone on his hand.

[ What!? You’ve surprised me, Zen! Why did you look all fl.u.s.tered like that?... Also, you forgot to knock, you know]-Viscount Helix

He had a blonde hair and red eyes similar to Zen... However,he, who had big body with muscle on his body was on the whole different level than Zen’. Viscount Helix who sweat a cold sweat because he almost dropped the magic stone in his hand when he tried to polish it with the polis.h.i.+ng liquid, said that in return.

[Ah, I’m, I’m sorry, honoured father. Right now, I’m really in hurry, umm, there’s something that I have to tell to you quickly]- Zen

Zen become slightly panicked because his father reprimand him of his act forgetting to knock the door.
With a slight stutter, Zen still able to told his father that there was something urgent that he had to tell him.
Viscount Helix thought, the [urgent] information that his son... who was member of the chivalric order-light armour unit, probably urgent campaign, or something really urgent happen that made the army had to be moved no matter what happened, and so he put his velvet magic stone that was trimmed in square to it’s box. His expression become serious.

[ Are there, any problem related to army?]- Viscount Helix

With a sharp gaze, Viscount Helix glared at Zen with eyes that seems about to kill him.
However, looking at his father reaction, Zen waved his hand in panic and told him that this was not something like what Viscount had thought.

[ No, you’re wrong, father. It’s not trouble related with army or knight... umm, it’s something about, me]- Zen

Hearing that answer, the fighting aura that seems wrapped around Viscount Helix’s body suddenly dissipated.
Then, looking confused, he stroked his beard that have the same colour as his hair, and groan while thinking.

[ About you... what? I can’t seems to find the answer. What in the world are you trying to tell to me?]- Viscount Helix
[Yes, that’s... umm. Some time ago, I’ve a meal with Duke Grid=Ractos-sama’s son, Jake=Ractos-sama. We’ve meet at a certain restaurant, but, in that occasion, umm... Jake-sama said that they’ve choose the partner for his little sister, the young mistress of Duke household, Erza=Ractos’s fiance, will be me, and Jake-sama directly said that to me. Because of that, I now in hurry tried to inform father about this information] – Zen

In one breath, Zen told the thing that had happen several hours ago in simple explanation, and the next moment, Viscount Helix opened his eyes in surprise; his body froze in surprise. Silence fill the room.
Become worried after looking at his father that suddenly froze, Zen tried to call Viscount Helix’s name, and so Viscount returned back to his sense.

[Wha... wait, wait a minute. That’s... right, there are several thing that I want to confirm with you... confirm? Ye, yeah. Confirming thing. That’s it.]- Helix

Viscount Helix who returned from pertification, still looked confused, and so he started to reconfirm the word that Zen had said one by one.

[ First, umm. It’s not wrong to say that the duke household that you said, is the duke household who had the < hero="" of="" the="" war="">> , Diebold=Ractos as the previous head. And the current head, Grid=Ractos, is the one who become Fiancee Governor of the kingdom, right?]- Helix
[Yes]- Zen

Viscount Helix asked for the basic thing first.
There was only one Ractos household in the entire Azolias kingdom, but still he asked just to be sure.
Since it was something that so unbelievable, he wanted to confirm if it was the same Ractos household that he knew.

[Then, umm, I just heard that you just accompanying the eldest son, Jake=Ractos for a meal, now, by some chance, are you actually have some kind of exchange with people from Ractos’s?]- Helix
[ Yes. Umm... There’s some accident that happened, and since that time, it seems that Grid-sama, and Jake-sama also remembered myself. And so, I think, I become quite close with the two... especially with Jake-sama, I guess]- Zen

The next thing that he asked was the truth that he, Viscount Helix didn’t know.
Viscount, never heard such kind of information from his son’s mouth even once.
Viscount’s hand, were trembled from agitation, or perhaps another emotion.

[ Last one, the one who said to be your fiance candidate, Erza=Ractos-sama, is she the vice-commander of Azolias kingdom’s chivalric order heavy armour unit, >, Erza=Ractos-sama, is it correct?]- Helix

[... Yes, it is correct. Also, I’ve told that this engagement plan is something that come out from Ractos Duke household’s consensus]- Zen

After Viscount Helix finished all three question, silence once again fell into the room.
Viscount Helix knitted his eyebrows, thinking as he looked upward, and then sighed.

[Why, why didn’t you tell me sooner...]- Helix

Now hanging his head, looked toward the floor, Viscount Helix mutter so listlessly.

[Well, it’s just, Jake-sama just told me about this matter today, so...]- Zen
[Not that!!]- Helix

His voice become rough, Viscount Helix raised his face.

[I asked why didn’t you tell me the moment you have some kind of connection with Ractos household!!]- Helix

Viscount Helix looks enraged, as he glared Zen with furious expression, then he pointed his finger toward Zen and shouted.

[ I, I am sorry. It’s my mistake...]- Zen

Zen’s family, the Helix Household, had been family with lineage that always become the part of Azolias kingdom’s military whether it was big or even small... it"s always like that even before they get their peerage.
And so, just like it should be, Zen always educated with harsh, harsh training that was fitting for a military service, those training that could be called as spartan.
Of course, there were lot of time when Viscount Helix rebuked him. As long as his memories tell him, there were even time when Viscount also gave him education along with pain.
... However, looking at how Viscount Helix enraged right now, was somewhat different from his usual education, it was more pure, a rage that came from pure irritation.

[ I ask you, did you really understand what kind of parentage Ractos Household is!?]-Helix

Viscount Helix raised his voice as vein popped out on his head, looking at that, in panic Zen straighten his back like when he faced his superior, then he said what his thought.

[Y, yes! Being the family who is the direct descendant of >, they’re indeed the family that become the core of the Azolias kingdom, all of their family are righteous people... they’re the people that’s fitting to be called as saints, the present head, Grid=Ractos is someone who’s talent become the main pivot of Azolias kingdom’s economy, and so they’re a family that’s must exist]- Zen

[ Indeed!!]- Helix

Hearing Zen answer, Viscount Helix slammed the table strongly.

[ I only ever met Grid-sama once when we drink sake together at the National Foundation day buffet party! However, even so! I was overwhelmed by Grid-sama’s feeling to this country, and he showed how tolerant he is, befitting of someone who have pure heart. I held a great respect to that person!!]- Helix

Viscount Helix rattle on and on.
Zen, while being overwhelmed, still lending his ears  hearing his father opinion regarding Ractos Household... Grid=Ractos.
That was right, just like his son Zen=Helix, Viscount Helix regard Ractos Household as sacred, and he had a feeling that was close to faith… a feeling of wors.h.i.+p.

[ Now you said that you have a connection with Grid=Ractos-sama, the person who position is number two after his majesty, furthermore with his son, Jake=Ractos, too!? You should’ve tell me sooner!! I should greet, or meet them as your parent... anyway, something like that! Something like that exist, right!? I’m Jealous!!]- Helix

While he ended up saying his true feeling at the end, Viscount Helix still explained to Zen the reason why he enraged like that.
Being rebuked in the different way than he used to, Zen felt bewildered, but somehow as he understood what his father’s felt, so he tried to not mention the part when his father said his true motive and switched over the conversation to the original topic.

[ I... I am deeply sorry, I didn’t realized that. Then, about engagement with Erzsama]- Zen
[That’s right! We have to accept that offer!! We have to prepare thing so that there will be no mistake!!]

Hearing Zen’s word, Viscount Helix decided that he will splunder on the engagement matter with Erza=Ractos.
He putting his hand on his chin, while walking around restlessly aimlessly in the room, Viscount Helix mutter in low voice though on what he had to prepare.
Zen, looking at such spectacle, unconsciously asked his father who accepted his engagement plan easily with Erza=Ractos.

[ U... umm, will you not reject it?]

Hearing that word, Viscount stopped his movement and turned his head looking at Zen, once again, he raised his voice.

[ Why, did I have to reject this! Furthermore this is a talk that brought up by Jake-sama, and the result of Ractos household consensus, right!? And so, without doubt, that you, Zen=Helix  is someone that Ractos household need to be the partner for Erza=Ractos! Well, it’s quite vexing that I still couldn"t entirely understand what they need from someone like you who born from low people like me... but it doesn’t change the fact that this is a choice made by Ractos household, and so the best choice existed! There’re no reason for reject this offer! Why did you even asked that!?]
[Well,it’s just... until several hours ago, I thought that someone like me is not fitting to be Erzsama’s pair, I wonder whether father is also thought the same...]-

The reason why Zen almost rejected the offer several hours ago in < crescent="" moon="" pavilion="">>.
The thought that he was not worth for Erza=Ractos.
Zen thought that Viscount Helix will had the same thought as him.
That thought become stronger after hearing Viscount Helix’s opinion regarding Ractos household several minutes ago.
However, what comes next was not a shout like before.

[... Zen. Zen, my son, you have a habit to become too humble. In some case, that’s a virtue, but too much of that will become a harm for you. Zen, you’re a someone that’s fitting for Erzsama, Ractos Household judge, that you’re worth enough to be with her... It’s alright to have a bit more confidence, you know]

On zen both shoulder, Viscount Helix’s... his father’s palm gripped hard.
On his word, the feeling of acceptance over this matter had a strong hue of [What Ractos Household choose is always right], but even so it still a pleasant word for Zen.
The feeling of [ As I thought, I am not worthy for her] that still lingered somewhere in his heart, even after getting the determination after hearing Jake’s word... being blown away by his father’s word.

[Yes... Yes! Father! I will not hesitate anymore!!]- Zen

Answered energetically, Zen=Helix made a salute.
From his expression, could be seen an expression that was slightly more confidence than before.
Looking at his son, Viscount Helix nodded, and then, as if just remember it, he said this to Zen.

[Aah, let me add... next time, when you have a chance to have a meal together with the people from Ractos household, make sure to invite me, too, understood?]

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