TL : Visu

ED : Lebin

Sup, another day another update ~ =w=/

thanks for Lebin editing this, and again let’s pray for Crimson’s finals (xD)

*Dans.h.i.+ Koukousei no nichijou drama CD is hilarious af XD *

then, the continuation of previous father and son’s missadventure

Sometimes between father and son 3

My father, Grid Ractos, and I, Jake Ractos, are together walking down the main street"s.. alley.
You understand the situation, right? If both of us were to walk together in public, let alone the main street.. No, I don"t want to say it.

Thought what happened wasn"t to the extent of Father"s incident, it still surprised me as to what happened.

That is to say, as long as my father is governor, while it"s only for the sake of formality, we still have to disguise ourselves.
Surely no one will realize that it was father, if he was seen only from a distance.

..However, if one was to see him from up close, he would definitely be exposed.

Not to mention, screaming or perhaps even some fainting would occur while all this happens.

However, even if this was an alley, there were still several pedestrians, and some food stalls. Because of the fact that this place has bad public order, there wouldn’t be anyone that scream upon seeing our face.
I saw several people with seemingly ill-intent, but they didn’t approach us.
..Though I felt bad for Father, it was during time like this, I felt the usefulness of his bad reputation

During my mental monologue, a big man with quite build appeared to be standing in our way..
Ah, he allowed us to go first while having a cold sweat.
As I thought, I have mixed feeling about all of this.

After walking for quite a bit, finally we can see the [Crescent Moon Pavilion], the shop that is our destination
It was at that moment, Father stopped walking.

[ … ]

[ Hmm? Is there something wrong? ] -Jake

Looking at the direction Father was looking at, it seems that he was interested in a certain stall.
That is, a normal stall selling meat skewers..

[ … Jake, did you.. have you ever eaten that meat skewer… I have always wondered about it. ]

[ Hmm? That’s.. of course I did. I love adding ketchup for flavour, you know~  Ehh, it can"t be. Father have you never eaten that before? ]

[ …. umu ] (Editor Note: This would be a grunt of affirmation)

Seriously? Well, that"s no good!
Though it was not exceptionally good, it can become a habit. How should I say this..
Anyways, he has to eat one!

[ Then I will buy one for you. After all, we’re gonna eat something after this, so just one is okay, right?] -Jake

[ …Two , if you can. ] -Grid

..I understand.
Really, even though we were about to have meal after this.. I, too, felt like eating some now.
Three pieces … No, let"s just buy four instead.
Having decided how many to buy, I approached the vendor.

[ Ah, can I have a moment? ] -Jake

[ Oh, wha-…. Ehh!?  ..Is there anything I can help you with? ]

Ah, he changed his tone of speech midway .
Ah, I feel quite dejected by this .
Also it’s just me saying thing, but your face is scarier than mine or even Father"s, you know?

[ Skewers. Can I have four of them?]

[ O-okay. The price for four pieces is twenty-four coins..  ]

[ Hm, it seems to be quite cheap, eh~ ] -Jake

Meat skewers are normally sold at ten coins per piece.
But these skewers are six copper coins…
Perhaps, this is the price because he feared me, and so he lowered the price. I wonder..?
If that"s true then I feel quite guilty, eh..
Thus I decided to pay him more than enough, but when I was about to take out thirty copper coins..
Hm?  There’s no copper..
Can’t be helped, let’s just pay with silver instead. Converted to copper will just be 100 pieces of copper coins..
Actually I also always wanted to say [ Keep the change ] sort of thing.
This is a nice chance to do so.

[ Then, this will be enough. Ah, I don’t need the change ]

[ Okay, okay… Huh!? M-mister, this is g-gold!? ]

Eh? Uwah! Uwawaaah! I gave him gold by mistake!
Jake, what are you doing!? Converted to copper will be 5000 copper coin..!
If I said [ it’s my mistake ] right now, it will be somewhat uncool..

[ …. Kis.h.i.+s.h.i.+. It’s okay. It’s not a mistake. ]

[ B-but this.. Ah!!? ]

For some reason the shopkeeper got surprised and then looking behind me.
His expression changed from being fl.u.s.tered a look of seriousness. To someone that was determined in something.

[ ..Okay, I understand. Today, I didn’t see anything here ]

Hah? What is this person saying..
When I turned back to look at what he spotted, I saw Father gazing at this place.
This is.. The shopkeeper noticed Father..

Ah, this situation.. It seems that he made some kind of misunderstanding!

Yo, you’re wrong! It’s not like I was paying you for silence, you know!!
It’s not like we were about to do something that other people shouldn"t see, you know!?
That gold coin is just something that I gave by mistake and I can’t take it back again!

[ I understand..  I ain’t gonna say anything when asked. I already accept the thing after all. Don"t worry, when someone asks me about anything, my lips will be sealed. ]

Ahh! This is all just a huge misunderstanding!
No matter what I say after this, this person will persistently say [ I"ve got nothing to say ]!
…. Haah, this is already..

[ ..Good. ]  -Jake

I just bought two meat skewers with the price about 1250 copper coins per piece to Father.
I felt a huge burden on my shoulder just now from this unexpected expense.

[ ..Wow~ This is indeed delicious. ]

[ ..That’s good. ]

My meat skewer tasted a little salty in my mouth.

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