TL : Visu

Editor : J

Thanks for outhor-sensei who wrote this amazing work ~ (and please support him by opening the raw page and visit one or two of the chapter ~ )

=w=/ This chapter was edited by J from “fantasy-book” , thanks for editing this chapter *bow*

well then , let’s just go to the chapter ~ !  Here we go ~

Sometime Between Father and Son 4
Pulling myself together, father and I  satisfied ourselves with the meat skewers, tasting an exotic dish.  We stood  in front of the Crescent Moon Pavilion. The signboard was made from a wood from a foreign country. The name was both written in our continent’s language as well as from another continent.

[ Well then, we should hurry and enter ] = grid

Father, who was looking forward to the sas.h.i.+mi and ginjo, even though, only a moment ago, he just ate a few meat skewers. My stomach was quite bloated, you know?

Opening the sliding door, , Father pa.s.sed under  a piece of cloth. This cloth is called  a Noren.
By the way, I wonder if there’s some kind of meaning to this cloth.

Inside of the store, despite it being lunchtime,the amount of customers were  scarce.Those few customers that were there looked at father’s face, and for a moment they seemed a little surprised, only to then quickly s.h.i.+ft their gaze away.They didn’t look like scared of it.
Since father frequented the store quite often,  and giving that he"s often seen to enjoy being serverd here,  he didn’t appear  to be misunderstood from any of the regular customers.
We~ll , even so, the fact remains that he still has a scary face, so they got surprised like that from time to time.

"Boss, that thing that just entered today, we"ve come to get that" – Jake

“…Ou, just sit and wait. I’ll prepare it," – Boss

After I spoke to the boss, I sat on a chair in front of Father’s.
Crescent Moon’s boss. It might be said that he is the same type as my father, but no matter how you see it, it will never be a face in which you"ll meet in honest-kind of work. That trained body and countless scars that could be seen on it, are not something you"d find on a cook.

Holding a kitchen knife, he looked like a murderer.

Of course, the truth is, he was just a skilled cook.
hose scars, are something that he got during his training, or so I heard. Since it seems that both of them have similarities, they both could understand each other. Father and him were on quite good terms with each other.
…Though they have been opening their hearts to each other, since both of them rarely speak, seeing from a third person point view, it will looked like some dangerous situation.

"Boss, I , want a usual first before the other. Can I ? ” -Grid
"…Alright." -Boss

Father"s lips raised into a smirk as he had asked the boss.
Boss as well, with his own way, raised a smile that showed up his sharp teeth.
Uwaah, scary !
As I wasn"t familiar with it, it perhaps looked scarier that father’s.

"Nfu …. Nfufu" Father f laughed in happiness.
Correction, as expected father’s face is indeed scarier.
…. I understand, this is one of those things that you mustn’t put into words.I perfectly understand it.

"…. thanks, for, waiting"

A waiter carried the ginjo to Father.
I wonder how they call for a waiter in the another country ?
Anyway, he, who carried the ginjo,is the son of boss, is actually one of my friends.
Having the same darkish skin particular to that of a foreign country like his father; he had long slits with that sharp eyes, and his body also had a lot of scars on it. In addition, from nose downward, there was a cloth that covered his mouth.

"You’re just like always, eh ~ Yuuga-kun?  Though I think it’s better if you just remove that cloth while you"re serving a customer, you know" -Jake
"No. This important." -yuuga

He, was someone who is extremely shy.Even with me, he still didn’t want to remove that cloth on his face. Actually, he wanted to cover even the area around his eyes, but the last time he tried that his sight became so obscured that he  fell down a fight of stairs.
Yep, contrary to his look, he"s actually clumsy.The scars on his body are the result of some another and similar accident.

Ks.h.i.+s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ ….  – J

"Muu, Jake, thinking something rude , laughing."

Remembering his clumsy act, I had snickered, his scowl referencing his anger to that.  Though, he too, was scary, it was not to the extent of Father and Boss.

Ah, right, yuuga-kun still wasn’t able to speak in our language fluently, so the way he spoke was still bit stiff.
Coupled together with his fierce look, he was feared among the neighborhood.Because of such events, there was also the connection between Boss and Father, thus since we are what is called ‘ of the same race’ we got along well.That being said, there weren"t many occasions where we went out together.
… since we would absolutely get arrested.

" …. done " With no more than a single word, Boss served out the sas.h.i.+mi, lining it up in place at our table .

"OOh … ! This, this is it ! Nfufu … as long I have this, I will be able to fight no matter where it is …!"

Father, who already sipping the ginjo, was in quite a good mood. He stretched his hand over the sas.h.i.+mi that was just brought in, and was bringing it to his mouth when….

"Stop right there ! !"

Suddenly, a man with knight-like attire and light armour, entered the store.
Eh ? what ? Did something happen?

" I got information that there was an illegal deal undergoing here. n.o.body move from their seat !"

Illegal dealing ! ?
… Well, certainly for such thing, a shop being placed in alleyway like this one was a perfect place for it.
Aah, I’m beaten. It seems we got entwined in a troublesome event.

As the knight spoke as he walked, his voice sounded like pieces of metal grazing against each. other…. Eh ? Isn"t he coming to our table?

"I have already take control of the  place, you cannot dodge me anymore,GRID=RACTOS ! JAKE = RACTOS !  "

He! ? Us ! ?
Since when was eating raw fish illegal! ?

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