Evil-like Duke Household – Chapter 2

TL : Visunoriva

ED  :Crimsonwolf

PR : Lebin


Grid-san who love to work


My name is Grid – Ractos

Spoiler t.i.tle

I am the head of the duke household in the Azolias Kingdom.
I am also the administrator for the kingdom.
Well, although I am called the administrator of the kingdom, I actually have very little involvement in politics.
My actual job is to manage the resources of this kingdom.
So why am I called an administrator when I am in charge of resource management?


The reason is that except for me..no one else is able to handle the resources of this kingdom.
Actually, there are people who can, more or less, able to handle the work. However, the number of incompetents far outnumber those who aren’t. If I weren’t worked hard to handle it, the economy would have collapsed and the country in ruins.
..It is that dangerous.
Because of that, I was awarded the high rank of administrator to prevent me from leaving.
At least, that’s what prime minister said. His majesty also said that, too.

Truthfully, even if I didn’t have such a position, I would have done the work anyway..
After all, I love doing financial paperwork.
I couldn’t use magic like my son.
I also couldn’t learn swordsmans.h.i.+p like my daughter.
War, and conflict in general, frightens me.
I lose my breath even after a short jog, you know..

But..I, who works so hard, is hated by the citizens..
As expected it’s because of ‘that’ right? Because I have a scary face, right?
Well, to be honest, once when I went to the toilet at night and upon looking into the mirror, even myself is frightened.
Ah, I felt rather down.

when I felt like this, it is ‘that’ right.
I have a favourite restaurant to go to; it is a place that serves foreign cuisine.
There’s nothing better than to eat something at that place, you know.
Today’s job is already finished too, so now is the perfect time to snack, right before dinner.
And thus, prime-minister-dono, this one will go to the castle town for a minute.

I am currently traveling incognito to the castle city.
I am both a duke and an administrator therefore I have to disguise myself.
However, it’s quite prosperous, eh. This castle town, that is.
There were quite a lot of stores, with the aroma of various foods permeating through the air.
But I have never eaten anything from the street vendors before.
The salesperson-san will get scared, you know.
Being feared is sad, right? This one is sad.
That’s why, that unknown meat that is pierced by the skewer will be consumed by me.
I never ate that dish before, you know. Even though it gave off such a nice fragrance.

These were my thoughts as I walked towards the shop, when I suddenly discovered a little girl crying.
Ah, what should I do. After all, my face is scary, right..?
If I carelessly try to approach that girl, perhaps she will cry even more..
But, I cannot leave someone like this alone you know..Yosh.

[Ojou-chan, are there any problems?] – 

Spoiler t.i.tle

Our gazes met, and then silence filled the air.
Ah, this is not going to end well.


[ Hie~~~Nn!! ]

Arara, she really cried even harder.
Even though I understand why that is so, this is still quite heartbreaking.
I can hear the clanking sound of armor from the distance, slowly getting louder.

[This is the kingdom’s garrison! You over there! What are you trying to do!!]

Uwawa~ . The guard has come.
Furthermore when he shouted like this, it gives off the bad impression that I was about to do something to this girl.
I really wanted to cry at this point.

[Wha- You are Administrator Grid-Ractos!?]

Oh? The guard actually realized my true ident.i.ty?

[Why is Administrator-dono in this castle town..So the rumour of you being in touch with the crime syndicate is…?]

Eh? Somehow the situation suddenly became weird, you know?
Or rather, what do you mean by crime syndicate? I didn’t know that we had a crime syndicate.
I only came to this place for a snack, you know?

[..Since it seems that I need to hear the detail of the circ.u.mstances, I need to have you follow me, Administrator-dono]

Wait, what? Somehow I am being dragged away because of some groundless suspicion?
Rather than that, ask about what happened to the girl that was crying over there, you.
Eh, that girl hid herself behind the guard.
This is..Doesn’t it look like I am the bad guy here? I seems as if I am in trouble now~

[W-Wait!… Wait for a moment, the guard over there!!]

And then, prime minister-dono who was breathing rather heavily after running toward me who was currently in a tight spot, came to the rescue.
For some reason, he started to have a conversation with the guard.
..Am I being ignored like an outsider, right now?
Ah, prime minister-dono finished his conversation and is coming over here.

[Administrator-dono. I cleared up the situation, everything is going to be all right.]

Oh, thank G.o.d..As expected from prime minister-dono, he seems to have responded quickly as soon as he heard the information from his spy that lurks around town.
I was about to get arrested from false charge, you know~
..Not to mention, the guard just leaves without even giving me an apology.
You do realize that I am the administrator, right? On top of that, I am also a duke..
…I am starting to feel melancholic.

[Prime minister-dono. I think I’m going to take a day off tomorrow..]

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