I am Liliana Ractos, the wife of the administrator of this country, Grid Ractos.

When I was 16 years old, I married into the Ractos House.

It was a marriage based on love; something rare for n.o.bles, you know.

It seemed that both of us had fallen in love at first sight.

Of course, even now, I still love my husband you know?


He is an honest and serious person; I always felt that the face he made while praising my cooking was very charming, you know?

My husband was a great, kind, person. However, all the citizens hate him. I was told that it was because his face was like an evil person’s face. I wonder what they mean? After all, his face is very handsome……


And when I said that, it seemed like people begun to fear me too.

[Forming a contract with a demon to get her beauty] or [Everyone who p.i.s.ses her off will become the feed for her big spider] or so they said.

I wasn’t really offended when they said that about my beauty, but I was a bit offended when they said that about my spider.

Mary-chan has never eaten humans!


Ah, Mary-chan has been my friend since I was young.

It was a big, cute spider with bushy hair and bright red eyes.

Mary-chan was around 60 cm and had the same lifespan as humans. Her species were known as [Crimson Eyes]. (EN: CRIMSON!!!!!!)

It doesn’t have any poison and also eats the pests. She is very useful, no?

We~ll, since she seems to be omnivorous, she also seems to like my cooking.


[Nee~, Mary-chan♪]


[Kisyaah — ]


Although she cannot speak, she can understand our conversation to some extent you know? She is a smart kid.

But, is the fact that she is a spider a bad thing?

Especially since I was a girl………

Was it a long time ago?

Uhm, it was at some kind of party, wasn’t it?

I don’t remember what happened very clearly, but just as we were talking very happily, my conversation partner fainted because she saw Mary-chan who had come up to me because she was hungry. I recall correctly, the party ended very quickly from there.


Well, I guess anyone who has never seen her before would be surprised when they suddenly see a big spider appear in front of them.

At that time, I did something a bit evil, hehe~

If i’m not mistaken, …… yes yes. Olivia-san, that lovely person with her red dress.


Even when we meet coincidentally after that, she would seem to be slightly afraid of me…..

Which reminds me, every time I meet her, she is always wearing a red dress.

Every time I see her, it makes me want to cook tomato-based cuisine……

I wonder why? Is it because it was red?


…. Oh my? Just now, Prime Minister-sama dashed down the road in front of our house with amazing speed.

Even though he is already that old, he is always full of energy hmm~.

…. Maybe today I shall cook fish meunière. (EN: A thick, flour-based sauce. Or so google sensei says.)

When I see Prime Minister-sama it makes me want to cook fish-based cuisine. I wonder why?

Is it because he looks similar to  ? (TL : tired eyes – > dead fish eyes -> looked like fish, also maybe it’s because he’s so skinny from stress)


Since I’ve decided that, I guess I should begin to look for ingredients?

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