I am... the king of the Azolias Kingdom, Leon=Azolias. I am currently going to attending the engagement party for Jake=Ractos and Anessa=Nizzet. Together with the two princes and the Prime minister, we rode a royal carriage from the castle and, just a moment ago, we arrived at Duke Ractos" mansion.

The Duke Ractos" mansion that usually looks like it"s been deserted, is bustling with people today.

This bustle... feels good.

If I have to state my desire, I feel that it"ll be even better if it could be more bustling than this...

I really love this kind of parties or festivals.

Together with my people... Well, this time it is just the n.o.bles and knights. But I really love seeing the same things as those who lives in the lower cla.s.ses, eating the same things, and enjoying things together.

I even thought that it"s probably better if we make some kind of festival everyday... but I can"t said it out loud though.

After all, if I said it out loud by mistake, the prime minister will scold me.

In the past, he scolded me after all.

As I was thinking, the governor and his family came out from the mansion to guide me through the party.

... Hmm? Erzchan is not here?

Eh? Perhaps they planned to do something and so they hid her?

Aah... Probably, she is resolute herself, huh.

Being guided by Governor and his family to a seat for a special guest, we waited for a moment until the center of today"s party, Jake-kun and Miss Anessa, arrived before the party officially started.

Hmm, now that seeing them standing side by side like that, they"re really a perfect match for each other, aren’t they?

They look really innocent. They look really charming together.

... Miss Anessa, she didn"t have any highlight on her eyes. Is that how she normally looks?

Ey~ Prime minister, is that how she usually looks? Hee~y?


Th, this man! He kicked my ankle when no one is looking!

Don"t look away, properly look at them you say?

... Well, I indeed felt that I was wrong. But do you really have to kick my ankle?

I think that way you act is kind of rude, against a king.

[ Then, at this occasion, it would be a happy thing for us to have His majesty, Leon=Azolias, to give a speech for us. ] - Grid

Ooh, finally it"s my turn to give my congratulatory wishes.

Fufu~  I already prepared for this you know~.

I also completely remembered the content~

Yesterday, I practiced without sleeping after all... Sorry, I lied about that one.

Actually, I still get a proper eight hours of sleep.

As my congratulatory words finished, rounds of applause resounded on the room.

I bit my tongue a bit at the end, though. But I dodged it by making a wide smile.

This is the art of conversation to push through trouble that"s been handed down for generations in the royal family.

This is absolutely convenient.

As the applause ceased, the governor once again started to speak towards the guest in the room .

[ ... Well then, this mark the end of the engagement announcement between my son, Jake and Miss Anessa. But I wish for everyone to accompany us for a little bit more. ] - Grid.

Eh? Is there"s still another thing?

Prime minister, is it alright for me to stay on the platform like this?

Eh? Don"t go looking around restlessly, you say?

I understand. I understand. So don"t be angry like that.

[ And so, because of many circ.u.mstances, the introduction became so late. My daughter... Erza=Scarlet will have her social debut today. ] - Grid


Now that he mentioned it, that"s certainly true.

I totally forgot that this party is also the debut party for Erzchan.

Also that "many circ.u.mstances", Governor, you just forgot about it, right?

Right, Prime minister... Okay, okay~ I"ll look forward.

I won"t look around again.

As the governor called Erza to come to the banquet hall, one could hear the slightly raised voices from among the guests, sounding like a cheer.

That"s of course, the girl that came out of the door that"s been opened by the servant, is not the girl that always wore a heavy black armor but in a beautiful dress in red and black colours, symbolizing the Ractos Household.

Furthermore, her face that"s usually covered with a helmet is now open to the public, with her fiery scarlet hair flowing down.

Now that I see it like this, isn’t Erza chan actually quite a beauty as expected of Lilliane"s daughter? 

The inside is like that though...

As I am being dumbfounded after seeing Erzchan’s face after long time, the governor prompted her to come in front of me, bowed in front of me, and start her greeting.

[ It"s been a long time, His majesty. In this occasion, I offer my grat.i.tude to His majesty for coming to my big brother and sister-in-law"s engagement party. I am sorry for my late greeting. Though His majesty may have already known me, let me introduce myself again. My name is Erza=Scarlet, with respect to His Majesty... ] - Erza

...Ooh, Erzchan is using proper formal words.

Was Madam Liliane able to reform her?

Even though she didn"t need to force herself to do it... Well, it"s still a great greeting coming from her.

Yep, it"s really a splendid greeting. But you know~

The thing that you did since some time ago… is the bow for knights, right?

Well, it"s still splendid greeting you know ?

It"s really a splendid greeting. But it"s not a thing that a young n.o.blewoman would do.

Well, I don’t really mind this kind of thing. But this is probably quite troublesome, isn’t it?

Look. Madam Liliane is already looking somewhat angry at your back you know?

And I don"t need to look back, but I can feel that the Prime minister is emitting the same aura as when he is scolding me, right?

You can hear murmurs over here, you know?

It can"t be helped.

I have to give a follow up to her.

If the party ended in confusion, if I let this kind of thing continue, Erzchan will absolutely come and get angry at me after all.

I got scolded a lot after all. So I know.

Though I will be happy if someone gave a follow up every time the Prime minister is angry at me.

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