With the intention to had a meeting on the name of a.s.sembly, the four sorcery king were a.s.sembled on the Magic Kingdom Rizetta.

> Volga=Karuga

< sorcery="" king="" of="" alchemy="">> Terret=Seeker

> Christina=Teaser

> Diebold=Ractos

And now, what would the content of the meeting that were filled with those distinguished people.

[ Well, alright, let’s have a match right now! Today I’ll win for sure!]- Volga

[Haha, what a war craze you are. While it’s a mere child play, even if this thing were just a child play, doing one’s best to the limit, those thirst of victory, precisely what I wish for. Let’s face each other on those little battle field]- Diebold

[ Diebold-sama said, [Ooh, that’s nice, let’s do it] ]- Rinna

[ Haah, you just come in and now this. I am amazed on how you guys could do that board game without getting tired of it for several hours straight. I couldn’t understood how]-Terret

[Diebold. Did you bring that thing with you today? The green tea from another country! If you have, give me lot. I don’t accept rejection] – Christina

They didn’t particularly talked about some high end topic about magic, at all.

One asked the other to had match on table game. One accept those challenge. One sip on their tea with cold tone. One asked the other for things rudely.

If one heard this conversation, they wouldn’t thought of it as the conversation between those who already reached the peak of sorcery.

This matter, wasn’t like they were taking things lightly, or something like that, at all.

They... the sorcery kings, were those who stand at the peak of sorcerer.

Since they were those who already hit a success, those who already reached perfection, they could only had such random conversation.

If, this was a meeting that  were attended by the Magic Guild’s leader of various country, then surely they will had conversation that focused on magic alone.

It was because those leaders job were to contribute, searching, developing field of magic.

But, sorcery king were people who already finished those matter.

Because they were the people who already gave enough contribution to the field of magic, they wouldn’t do something as doing a meeting to steal their successor"s job.

That was why, you musn’t thought this as the gathering of bored old people.

Even if, they were actually bored old people.

[ Diebold, hear me! You musn’t changed your schedule as your please!

Thought I’m not as busy as you, I still have a packed schedule in my hand, you know!]- Christina

While each of them had nice conversation with each other, Christina suddenly started to throw a complaint toward Diebold.

It was a complaint due to the matter that happened some time ago, the time when Diebold suddenly returned back to his homeland, Azolias, and it seems that act had made Christina’s schedule goes out of order.

[ Umu, there is nothing other than apologize I should give, this one’s grandson and the one who succeed the way of sorcery are about to form a pledge to each other to create another generation, thus there no other way could be take and I wish to have your consent]- Diebold

[ Deibold sama said [ Aah, sorry sorry, but, my grandson had a marriage meeting, so it couldn’t be helped, you also understand it, right?]- Rinna

Diebold started to state his apology and the reason with an expression that didn’t show any feeling of remorse at all...

Just like what Diebold had said... well, precisely, Rinna was the one who said it, the reason for Diebold return was because of the engagement and marriage talk of his grandson, Jack=Ractos.

Heard that, Volga who grimace his face looked at the checkerboard, raised his head, and spoke with happy tone.

[ Oh, what did you just said, Dusk?! So finally your grandson will be married, too, huh? So that means that you will get a great-grandchild, right!? It’s amazing you know, great grandchild! They have a cuteness that different from a grandchild, you know! If they have a sorcery trait, it’s gonna be better!]- Volga

Volga talk on an on to Diebold.

He bend himself forward, looked like about to brag about his great-grandchild.

Taking advantage of the thing, he cheated and moved the piece in secret.

[ Heeh, for me who only have a young grandchild, it’s still some unimaginable story for me, heh]- Terett

Terret who silently sipped on his tea, also started to get pulled in into the conversation.

Among these peers, he, who still relatively young, only several years ago before he got his first grandson, thus he still couldn’t really understood the topic of the conversation, but just by imagining the great-grandchild that someday will be born into his family for sure, somehow he could felt some unspokable happiness.

[Fufufu, you’re still premature. Thought the time will come someday, it still haven’t. However, none would know the way to suppress the swelling hope that bloom inside one heart.  That is the nature of human]- Diebold

While still didn’t seems to realized the cunning act that Volga had done, Diebold proceed to move his piece as he continue the flow of the conversation.

[After the time of the war that should be forgotten, it was so the time when this one still didn’t had any successor of this blood. Though not I had the emotion of wis.h.i.+ng for the future like today, the excitement that I have this day, none other this one accomplis.h.i.+ng great thing pa.s.sing one’s body the enlargement of the feeling from the past.]

Matching the time of when his turn end, he finished his word. Diebold made a face that scream [ I’ve said something nice].

Putting his hand together under his jaw, then put the weight of his head on those.

Simply said, a triumphant look.

[Aahaha, is that so. I couldn’t understood the s.h.i.+t you’ve talking about!] - Volga

But of course, without translation, no one could understood what he had said.

Even Volga who had become his acquaintance since the time of the great war couldn’t understood it.

And so, Diebold made an eye contact with Rinna who was his a.s.sistant and translator to do her job.

However, Rinna just fell into silence and didn’t show any sign to open her mouth at all.

[Oi, the freeze come on. Won’t you translate it for us... why are you silent?] – Volge

Volga asked with puzzled expression.

Rinna still kept her silence.

[Hmm, why did your magic power leaked? Please stop, it’s cold. Please treat old people more nicely]-Terret

Terret reacted to the sudden surge of cold and quickly find out the source.

Magic power that was filled with Rinna’s sorcery trait were leaked from her body.

[Terret, you only treated yourself as an old man when the situation tell you so, heh... but seriously, what happened, Rinna? You make such grim expression, if you have such expression, no man will have wits to come near you, you know?] – Christina

While still able to throw some curse to Terret, Christina, with a little joke asked Rinna over the abnormal occurrence that was happened on her body.

That joke, wasn’t wise choice for her.

Rinna who had been silence for quite time finally opened her mouth.

[ d.a.m.n, noisy]- Rinna

Rinna=Veil, she was the a.s.sistant of the > Diebold=Ractos.

Adding the information, she also the biological sister of daughter in law.

To add more, she also the one who called as < the="" freezing="" witch="">>; the candidate for the next sorcery king.

Of course, looking from how they talked with each other over the course of conversation that had happened, the present sorcery king were well acquaintance with her.

They even had time when they exchange joke.

But, never once she utter something like [d.a.m.n, noisy] to any of them .

[Ri... Rinna, such is, this one couldn’t judge what the feeling deep inside your heart. However, nevertheless to the one who reach the old age, such act toward the king of those who tread the way of sorcery is rude...] – Diebold

[ The dusk’s tongue, shall it not stop, only abyss could arrive]- Rinna

[ Silence is my friend]- Diebold

Diebold who tried to reprimand Rinna, while looked a bit afraid, with his honest opinion. Just like always, she stopped her with the usual (Shut up, I’ll kill you).

Rank wise, Diebold indeed ranked higher than her, but this and that was different matter.

Not excluding the hero of the war, something scary ( Angry Rinna) was still scary.

In fact, due to the fear that too much, he ended up had a flashback of the time when he had to enter the nest of dragon because of the scheme of another country.

While glance at Diebold who now in the middle of reminiscing his trauma, Rinna started to spoke to the other sorcery king with bulge of vein appeared on her head.

[ Everyone, Sorcery kings, it seems you guys having fun with that lack of consideration topic, it’s so hateful that you guys happily talked about grandchild or grand-grandchild whatsoever,  no?]- Rinna

Rinna’s face muscle looked so stiff that it seems like it was about to release some “clack clack” sound.

Diebold straighten himself as he fell into silence.

Adding more, everyone including; Volga, Terret, Christina, and their respective attendant, felt like a frog that being stared by a snake because of Rinna’s unspokable aura.

[Right, though, the air did really become cold.  I don’t know why the frozen one suddenly snapped off like that? It’s to sudden, I don’t know]

It"s already well known that Rinna had way lower boiling point compared to normal person, but to thought that her boiling point reached the peak this fast, the sorcery kings could only whispered to each other wondered what should they do, while looked at her who leaked cold air from her body.

[Oh, perhaps, she have menopausal disorder like Christinsan?] –Terret

[ Who the h.e.l.l have menopausal disorder!? Don’t spout some weird thing like that!]- Christina

As the word of abuse flowed so naturally from Terret’s mouth that one would thought of him as a natural airhead, Christina raised her voice in objection; reacted to those exchange Rinna added.

[What are you guys talking about whispering like that? ... Oh, did perhaps did you guys add a nephew to your conversation and laughing me from behind, no? To think that the thing that the sorcerer kings, the peak of all of sorcerers, when they a.s.sembled is gossing, what a refined hobby you guys have]- Rinna

[ No, it’s not like we’re talking about that...]

As Rina’s m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic persecution complex goes full blast, she started to blame the sorcery kings with some baseless reason.

And then with a loud voice.

[ If I can marry, even I, could have one!!]-Rinna

That was the shout from the depth of her heart.

A shout that will make the hearer’s soul trembled when heard.

But, it seems all of the people on that place, couldn’t have any sympathy to those feeling.

Even if you say so, right? They all thought that.

[In the first place, the reason that I couldn’t get married is...] – Rinna

As Rinna was about to continue her word of jealousy, envying over other people happiness in distress, ringing sound of a metal hitting each other, repeatedly echoed inside the room.

The source of that sound, was some square like thing that seems densely installed with magic part, with 15 cm length.

That thing called as >, it is a magic item that made long distance communication possible.

[Excuse me]- Rinna

Rinna excuse herself and move to answer the call.

As the cold air inside the room reduced for quite a bit, suddenly, someone leaked sigh of relief from their mouth.

[Yes.... Aah, Liliana? Is there something matter?]- Rinna

It seems the one who call her was her little sister.

The wife of Diebold=Ractos’s son, Liliana=Ractos.

[Yes... hah? Erza is? Hah?]- Rinna

Since the sound of the caller couldn’t be heard from the outside, they didn’t know what Liliana and Rinna was talking about, but for sure it was something that touch Rinna’s heartstring.

As for why, the cold air that had been filled room, were raised even stronger than before. One could see clearly that the window gla.s.s was condensed at the amazing speed because of the difference of the temperature.

[G.o.dDAMIT!!]- Rinna

Because of the sudden shout, everyone in the room got startled and started to trembled.

The communication magic item that ended up as Rinna’s place to vent her anger, crushed by her hand, she threw it to the ground, and smash it to pieces with her feet.

Just little information, but the one who could possess communication magic item was only limited to those who have high status, or public inst.i.tution.

The price was the same as the price of three years tuition at magic academy for one person.

[Not only Jake, even Erza... d.a.m.n! d.a.m.n it!! Uuhh, Uuwaaaahh..... !!]-Rinna

Rinna mutter the name of her niece and nephew with trembling voice, tears start to piled up on her eyelids, she kneeled and finally wailed.

Even leaving the fact that they were the grandson of their coworker, Diebold, Rinna’s niece and nephew were famous, in good way, and bad way.

And so, even if the Sorcerer Kings;Volga, Terret, Christine, never met them at all, they still heard about their name.

Thus, they realized. This pitiful sorcerer, not only by her nephew, she even got defeated by her niece in life.

Only Rinna’s heartbreaking wail resounded on the room.

Because of the sight that is too much... a sight that made people couldn’t bear to watch it anymore, finally Christina walked toward Rinna and spoke to her.

[Aah, Rinna, you got bit too conscious about it, you know. I didn’t have child or even grandchild, so I did felt a bit jealous, envied all of them. But, the thing that matter in life is not only that. In short, you have to change the way you thought. So, please don’t blame people, or world for this]- Christina.

Christina’s usual curt, slightly rude aura when she spoke tamed down, just like a affectionate mother, she spoke the word of persuasion to Rinna.

Hearing those word, Rinna calmed down a bit.

Even though she still sniffle while sobbing, the cold air that filled the room dispersed, and killing intent that will made normal person fainted if received were gone.

Excluding Diebold who still reminiscing his trauma, all of the people in the room leaked a sigh of relief.

[Uuh, Christinsama... The only one who said that to me is you alone.

Thank you very much, I calmed down a bit.... As I thought, the only one who could understand me is Christina sama who is also woman who live in a same condition as me, right?]- Rinna

Rinna moved her gaze of respect that also filled with a feeling of fellows.h.i.+p toward Christina.

------ If the matter end at this point, while it wouldn’t be happy ever after ending, the matter would ended in a peaceful condition.

However, Christina couldn’t be helped to reject the feeling of the fellows.h.i.+p who live in the same environment that Rinna had toward her.

[... No, I just put my faith to my husband who died long before me, it’s vexing to be placed on the same shoes as you, you know]


Once again, the window gla.s.s condensed.

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