In the world where magic and monster were exist.

The biggest continent that existed among the continent at that world, >.

The biggest country in that continent,

Since that country was a country that built by strength, the emperor gather the respect of his nation through strength.

In that kingdom, there was governor that shrouded with black rumour.

No, not only that governor. All the member of his family, were shrouded in dark, fearsome rumour.

People fear, afraid, scared of them... no, they was.

That"s right, nowadays, there were not even one person in Azolias Kingdom who believed such rumour.

The reason for that was the the emperor had said it personally to his citizens that the governor"s dark rumour was just a baseless, wrong rumour that born from misunderstood.

In fact, those people who shrouded in dark rumour didn"t have the heinous personality like what the citizen had imagined, but it was the opposite of that. They were people of good nature.

Therefore, while the citizens were perplexed for the first time, but since that it was the word of their emperor whom they respect so they believed that it had no lie in it, the rumour dispatched as the truth were confirmed.

--- That was the story from 12 years ago.

The king were replaced, new face of the head of the house, the lost of the old life.

While the flow of time is cruel, by no means that the lost of something will be worth nothing.

New life were born.

So that they wouldn"t forget the one who went before them, there was something they left as the prove of their existence.

The main stage would be the world 12 years years from the previous event. The inst.i.tute that was built as the memoirs of the great, < continent="" school-="" deibold="" composite="" academy="">>.

That inst.i.tute, that was built by the kings of the Vulniska Continent, were built to bloom the talent of the youngs who will bear the future of the continent.

... Of course, among those youngs, there were those who had the blood of that Governor, Grid=Ractos.

The kids of Ractos, in that special academy with the name of continent"s school , would interact with the other students from another country.

Shouldering something, feared something, wis.h.i.+ng for friends.

If this was the Azolias kingdom, if they were the citizens of Azolias, surely no one would believe in those dark rumour.

But, what if it was the people from another country.

What would happen in that academy that belong to every country, but at the same time it didn"t belong to any of the country?

Even if their parents didn"t had any ill will on their heart, will the same could be applied to their children?

---- This was the story of such children.

What kind of intention that those child had.What will the effect it had to their surrounding?

This is such kind of story.

I--- no, my, name is Jake=Ractos. The current head of Ractos household.

The flow of time really felt fast, but at the same time, it felt slow. Before I realized it, I already reached the age pa.s.sing thirties mark.

It was ten plus years ago that my father, Grid=Ractos, recede from his position from the head of the house and pa.s.sed it to me.

Thought, father still one of the important people of the kingdom, as he still worked as the economy governor, thought not as hard as in the past.

“But, I really did become old, heh”

RIght now, in the morning. I was in the middle of preparing myself before went to my workplace.

My appearance that was reflected on the mirror, while still retain some trait of my younger days, could be clearly seen that changed from how I was when I was young.

The suspicious eye... rather, the appearance that easily evoked other people misunderstand still didn’t changed from the younger days, but if seen clearly, I could see wrinkle on my face. And my hair surely were the things that changed the most.

Perhaps because of my long absent on the sorcery related things, or perhaps because my age, my hair that was dyed black because of my sorcery trait could be seen losing their colour, as the tip of the hair now were dyed in red.

Only recently I knew that I had the same red head just like my father and sister.

Also, for a bit... really, for a little bit, I felt that my hairline started to recede.

No, probably it was just my imagination after all. In the end, when I raised up my bangs, I felt that the hair line was still on the same position as before.

Even my wife, Anessa, said that I didn"t need to be worried about it.

... Alright, Let"s just accept it. I realized it around the time when my grandfather, Diebold=Ractos, pa.s.sed away from this world.

The fact that father"s hairline started to retreated.

I then wondered, why in the family where my father and grandfather had a bald hair, only I spared from that fate.

I never thought that losing my hair was something as heartbreaking as this. To see the thing that was supposed to be there disappeared really did made you depressed.

.... Ops, not good. Let"s move such negative thought into the corner of my head.

That"s right, let"s just thinking about my children that weren’t here right now.

Our, Anessa and myself, childrens. The eldest daughter, Daria, eldest son, Grisis, and then the youngest, Sera.

All of them right now were staying at a dorm of certain academy.

"Continental school-Diebold composite academy"

That was the name of the school where my children"s went to.

Just like I had said before, my grandfather, Diebold=Ractos, already pa.s.sed away since ten years ago.

He pa.s.sed away at the old age of seventy eight. it seems that the cause of the death was of an old age, it"s also said that his aging was faster than normal person due to the usage of sorcery at his old age.

But since he spent the last time he had in our home, looked out by everyone in the family including my children, he pa.s.sed away peacefully and so it wasn"t really that hard for us, furthermore since he got his nationality as Azolias back to him and able to buried at his hometown, I could said that he had a pretty good end of this life

The topic stranded for a bit there, but just like everyone knew, my grandfather,Diebold=Reactos, who was well known as the "sorcery kings of the dusk" and earned the respect that near a wors.h.i.+p, he also a person who was praised as the " war hero" in the Azolias kingdom.

Because of that, to respect him for all of his achievement, Diebold composite academy was built to create another astounding person like him.

Just like it"s name that had the label of the continent, this academy were built by the four great country, said to be four of the biggest country in the Vulaniska continent, it was built right in the border between Azolias and Rizzetta kingdom.

The curriculum divided into three kinds. n.o.bility, Sorcery and Knight.

To he honest, their quality couldn’t be said to be the greatest.

It would be simpler to just hire a private teach for a n.o.ble, Rizetta academy would be the best in case one wanted to learn sorcery, and Azolias would be the perfect choice for one who aspiring to become a knight.

However, the reason that it never cease of a new student, was because the label of the name of Diebold.

Of course, due to that label, it also meant that our children"s didn"t had any other choice than to go to that place.

"Jake-sama, it"s about time... let"s go"

As I worrying about my children, I could heard the voice of my beloved wife, Annesa, calling for me.

When I looked at the wall clock, it about the time where I had to go now or else it would become bad for me.

As I answered to my wife, I quickly walked away from the mirror.

"Around this time, the kid should already in their cla.s.s, huh"

It"s kinda sad for me to said it... no, it"s because me, I could said it, but our lineage got misunderstood easily.

It wouldn"t really pose any problem when we were inside the country, It was the case with me and my father,but it seems that our childs weren"t exception either.

Well, at least they had someone who understand their problem by their side, so I suppose it wouldn"t be any problem.

"As expected, even so I still worried, huh, I wonder is this what parents always felt"

As I thought that while quicken my steps, I unconsciously tried to comb up my front hairs.

"... I suppose I shouldn"t touch it too much "

Lowering my arms that already raised halfway, I walked quickly toward the front door.

This is a world where magic and monster exist.

On the biggest continent on the world, the Arbarisus continent.

Nne of the strongest country out there, azolias kingdom.

That country that was famous with its long history of military power, the king respected tue its power in war.

In that country, there was one household, that never ceased with a bad rumour around them.

No, not just one part of the family, but the whole family, were entangled with bad rumour that it surely would written in legend.

- Duke household.of Ractos-

The rumoured figures were consist of four people

As the administrator of the Azolias kingdom, the head of lactose household.


High stature with fat body.

The eyes that look like scorning, provocative mouth.

Each and every of his action and conduct are oppressive, giving the appearance of someone who stand at the top.

His deep crimson head flowed to behind, his eyes is jet black like a darkness.

The voice he speak was low like it was resounded from the deepest part of the earth, it"s heavy.

A man that just like a demon that will make a contract in exchange with your soul.

Mainly the rumour said that he was the corrupt administrator who"s secretly moving in the dark part of the kingdom.

His wife, Liliane=Ractos

The one posses the beauty that made one never thought that she was near 40 years old.

As if clinging into her good style and that body that have liveliness, her jet black hair that grew long until her waist.

Always wear a jet black dress that seems like absorb those hair, her drooping eyes is bewitching red crimson.

The sweet tone that she slowly spoke, is just like an succubus that tried to seduce a human.

A big "earth spider" always follow her.

The second name that she had is [arachne d.u.c.h.ess]

The one who displeased her, will become the prey for that big spider or so rumour said.

Eldest son, Jake=Ractos.

A young man with thin and tall body.

The thing that peeked from his slightly opened slant eyes, the dark red pupil that look like a blood.

The raised mouth that seems like scoff over something.

Trom his expression, it"s give an impression whether he always planned some conspiracy.

Furthermore, the black hair that seems like a crow, grow long as if covered one of his eyes, is the same red eyes as the black snake that always accompanied him, that isn"t an reptile eyes right? or so rumour said.

In just mere 20 years old, he already mastered magic, furthermore his trait is the rare [shadow magic]

Materialized from his own shadow, the form that clad his surrounding, is like a a jet black serpent that obey him.

From that appearance, he feared as [incarnation of devil snake]

Eldest daughter, Erza=Ractos.

Her blazing-like red long hair made a curl like it was a flame.

The thing that peeked from his widely opened is is a reddish black pupil.

That"s, giving a radiance just like an obsidian that"s been polished.

Even when she just a young girl, she already graduate from the knight school as the top student when she was just 16 years old.

She is, didn"t like other young girl who dress up herselves with dress or jewel.

The thing that she wear over her body, is a ma.s.sive jet black full plate.

On her waist, reddish black metal double handed sword that seems hold a heat.

That is, the holder of the name of [ the jet black dark knight from h.e.l.l]

It seems that the enemy she facing will be cut along with their soul by that sword of her.

Just like this, they"re, the bad rumour of the lactose household, the scary rumour never died out.

The bad rumour couldn’t be erased, and the scary rumour never end.

But, that was the story of the past. The rumour after all was just a fantasy caused by their scary appearance.

It said that the duke, with scary face, was the financial governor with a delicate mind and love to find unique food.

It said that the madam, who love her spider very much, just looked young and loved to cook.

It said, that the eldest son, had a suspicious face, was just shy around people.

It said that the youngest daughter, wears armour all the time, just because she loves it. She just a weird girl.

The bad rumour about them... probably there wouldn’t be any rumour as bad as them.

... but they were just easily misunderstood. Due to their word, and how they act, people around tiem would misunderstood them without even they know about it.

They were never by any mean evil.

They were just Evil-like, duke household.

And this was their story.

Sorry this take too long to end orz

The mains story of Grid Family is over, the next volume will about Jake family, and the other’s kid

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