My name is Teres.h.i.+Dou.

Of course, it wasn"t the name that I receive when I was born.

Teres.h.i.+a was the name for the head maid that work for Duke Ractos"s house for generation, and Dou meant the second.

It wasn"t my family  name. Therefore, I use the (-) to connect my name and not (=) instead.

Now, I said that I was the head maid of Ractos household, by my job wasn"t limited to that.

I also had the other t.i.tle as - Commander of Azolias Shadow Force Under the Direct Command of Prime minister,  Elites Bodyguard Unit

In the future, surely I would have to do both of my task altogether, but right now, my job were more focused on the later one.

As the attendant for the youngest daughter of Ractos household of Azolias Kingdom, Sera=Ractos.

At the present time, Sera=Ractos-sama was the most important escort object in Azolias kingdom.

If you wondered how important she was, she has the same status as `Azolias first prince, a person who would inherit the throne in the future.

Now, if you wondered again whether she need to be valued as much even if she was a daughter of a duke, the answer would be yes.

In Azolias Kingdom, she was regarded as someone who was more important than any treasure existed in the kingdom.

All was due to the talent that she had with her.

... Sorcery trait? Well, indeed Sersama had the sorcery trait of shadow that she inherited from her grandfather, Diebold-sama, just like her big brother, the son of sorcery, Grisis. But that was trivial matter.

In the first place, not even mention sorcery, she didn’t even capable to use a magic that everyone should be able to use.Thus, it had no meaning even if she had any Sorcery trait.

It was just like her father, the previous head, the governor, Grid=Ractos.

After all of this, you should knew how important she is, right?

That"s right, she, Sera=Ractos-sama was someone who had the same level of arithmetic power as Grid=Ractos-sama.

We weren’t talking about her potential that will bloom in the future, but a talent that already on the same level as Grid-sama when she was only thirteen years old.

It"s already twenty years since the accident with the Ractos Household, or the so called Ractos Riot, and now the economy of the Azolias already improved much compared to the past, but still, two were much better than just one.

Furthermore she wasn"t someone of old age, didn"t have any complex on the appearance, furthermore she didn"t have like frail heart like his father, Grid=Ractos.

Its kinda rude to said it like this, but she was like the version up of Grid-sama. That"s how you describe Sera=Ractos-sama.

"Sera=Ractos,Financial Governor Special Director a.s.sistant"-sama.

That was the official position that she received from the kingdom, from the king himself.

However, she still had a fatal weakness.

Well, it wasn"t only limited to her, it was also the same for Grid-sama, too.

The resistance that she had for physical attack, as she wasn"t a soldier or even a knight, and just a little girl, were close to none.

Now, it"s probably made Sersama someone we had to protect more compared to the first prince.

After all, First prince was someone who capable to easily slay down any small ruffian in a flash.

Of course, it was impossible for Sersama to do that.

Thats why, we were here, the shadow unit.

I said  before that I was guarding Sersame as the commander of the Elites Bodyguard Unit in the Shadow Force, but in fact, it wasn"t me alone.

There were another eighteen of my underlings hiding on the roof, and another nine from another division hiding so we wouldn"t became a burden for Sersama and protecting her from any possible danger.

Perhaps we didn"t need this much people if this was inside the Azolias kingdom, but the same couldn"t be applied in this place.

Continental School- Diebold Composite academy.

Just like its name said, it was the school that was built to praise the achievement of the heroes of the war, DIebold=Ractos-sama.

No matter how important Sersama"s position inside the kingdom, and to add more there was the will that left by Diebold-sama, there was no way for Sersama to not enroll into the academy.

Also, just like it name "continental" said, many student from various country enroll into this academy as well.

A swarm of people who didn"t know the other member of Ractos household except Deibold-sama, and of course, the importance of Sersama for her kingdom.

We, always stay in high alert, for protecting Sersama to the utmost.

--- Actually, yesterday, there was this accident that one student from Rose"s Duke household, tried to interact with Sersama with a look of animosity toward her.

Since we that the opponent didn"t bring any dangerous thing with her, and we were on the distance where we could intercept any time if something was to happen, furthermore the opponent was a young lady from another country;s duke household, we decided to observe how things goes while still remain vigilant. Thought hearing their conversation, made me almost grasped the hilt my hidden knife several times.

That girl, if she pointed her animosity toward Sersama once again, I"ll seriously thrust my knife into her stomach.

"I don"t care if she is the daughter of duke from another country"

"Wait, wait, commander of Bodyguard Unit. Isn"t that too much of rash decision?"

It seems that I unconsciously said that out loud.

The one who reprimand me was man who wore butler clothes that appeared behind my back silently.

"As far as my investigation goes. It seems that lady was someone from some quite respectable family, I think she could became Sersama"s friend, you know?"

The name of that man who said things with a slight frivolous intonation was, Welt- Sovy.

The second generation of Ractos household"s Head Butler, and just like me, he was member of the shadow force, the commander of intelligence gathering unit.

He was the leader of the other nine people that I mentioned before who weren’t under my command.

"Welt-Sovy, call me as TeressDou... Also, I couldn"t agree with you. That girl was part of dangerous one"

Without looking at him, I spoke my opinion to Welt-Svy.

"Alright, Teres.h.i.+Dou. But, that"s kinda wild, eh. Just to remind you, such decision were left to our unit, you know?"

I just snorted at him.

I know without even need to looked at him, surely that Welt-Svy now made a gave up gesture.

"Actually, I already investigated about that lady a bit, you know? In the end, she just a Tsundere. It wasn"t a animosity that she pointed toward Sersama... so she is not our target”

"...? Hmm, what do you mean with that "Tsundere"?"

Hearing the "tsundere" a.s.sessment that Welt-Svy gave to that girl, I unconsciously turned my back asked and returned the question.

What entered my sight was a young man with and all of his black hair combed to the back.

"Oh, you don"t know? Don"t you ever see someone who act like that? Like, someone who act mean to someone but actually is just worried about that person, or someone who tried to being kind but ended up acting coldly toward the said person.... Well, it"s actually bit different from the reality, but, roughly someone who act like that is what we called as "tsundere" "

Welt-Svy explanation couldn’t really explained anything.

He had a habit to report everything, down to the thing that wasn"t really important. I was sure that "tsundere" fell into the same category.

"Well, let"s set aside about that girl for now, considering your personal ability. However, if there is something happened, I"ll deal with it immediately, I hope you act accordingly"

"understood. Teres.h.i.+Dou"

The moment I s.h.i.+fted my gaze away from Welt-Svy, his presence dissapeared.

Suddenly, I felt a slight weight added into the pocket of my maid uniform, as I put my hand to search what it was, I found the doc.u.ment about the n.o.ble lady that became the topic of our conversation from moment ago inside.

"Lady Miria=Ursa, Duke daughter from Rozz kingdom..."

Said that much, I silently read the rest of the doc.u.ment.

I was the part of the Shadow Force. Furthermore, right now I was in the middle of a mission where a failure couldn"t be forgiven.

"I hope I don"t need to do anything to you... when there"s also possibility that will make Sersama sad, too"

I mustn"t relax my guard even a moment.

TL: tbh, I kinda interested about the first meeting of this woman and Sera, the reason why she became so much loyal to her.

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