Ex-Girlfriend Blackens Every Day

Chapter 5 Ex-Girlfriend Blackens Every Day: Chapter 5

EBED Chapter 5 Ex-Girlfriend Blackens Every Day: Chapter 5



Friday arrived, but the person did not return.

When Linlang called, he often didn"t reply or neglectfully dropped the sentence: I"m busy right now, we"ll talk when I have time.

The big villa lacked a lively young man, and the bright day lost its splendor.

The butler hadn"t seen the young miss" lonely expression since her early years. If she wasn"t looking at her phone, then she was staring a photo of the siblings in a daze.

When the young master was a child, he followed her around like a shadow; eating and sleeping were all done next to his sister.

He still remembers when the young master was let out early from elementary school. He would move a tiny bench to the hallway and sit there on guard as he anxiously waited for the eldest miss to come back home.

He was stern about the young master still needing the young miss to coax him to sleep at 18. However, once the siblings were really alienated, and the young master no longer returned home, he felt as if a mult.i.tude of ants were climbing his old heart; it was difficult to bear.

The butler thought to himself, this couldn"t go on any longer. He secretly hired a private investigator to follow the young master"s activities and the spicy photos he received nearly frightened him into a heart attack. The young master was actually hooked by an older woman? And it was a female doctor from an ordinary family?


The faithful old butler immediately reported the situation to Father Jiang. Linglang ‘happened to" overhear, and promptly expressed her willingness to urge her little brother to ‘turn back to the sh.o.r.eline".

"Qiyun, you"re still young. You shouldn"t be in a hurry to fall in love… ”


The teenager carelessly pulled the ring of a can of soda and it spluttered open.

The popping sound caused the girl to step back.

As we all know, the eldest miss of the Jiang family had extremely beautiful eyes. When she was happy, they bent into crescent moons, and when she was frightened, they were rounded, revealing a gullible expression.

When you can only see yourself in her eyes, the heart would soften beyond recognition.

If this was before—

"Are you done? Leave when you"re finished."

Jiang Qiyun was especially unfeeling as he turned away. It was really ironic. When he was obedient, she never cared about his affairs, but now that he"s rebelling, she showed up at his door nearly every day all anxious and sorrowful with an imploring att.i.tude.

He heard these words so many times that his ears were forming calluses.

"Yunyun, listen to your sister. I"m not against you falling in love. It"s just that concentrating on your studies right now is more important. You"re going to take the exam in one month. You also know that Dad and Mom have high expectations for you! You"ve always been a good child, you know what to do, right?”

Aggravation was a very simple matter. As long as you speak under the guise of ‘for your own good" and use an appearance of ‘hating iron for not becoming steel"1, the rebellious child is guaranteed to fly into a rage.

Linlang"s techniques worked smoothly.

Sure enough, the teenager broke free from her hand with a disdainful expression, "They"re your parents, not mine! I don"t know, and I don"t want to know. If you want to find an obedient pet, then pardon me. Go out, take a left and pick something from the pet store!”

"Ha ha..."

At this moment, the students pa.s.sing by let out a chuckle.

The girl looked a little embarra.s.sed and she pleaded, "Yunyun, don"t be like this... "

Come on, the more humiliating and ruthless you are, the more cautious and wary you will be in the future. You won"t be able to climb back up!

“Like what?" Jiang Qiyun had already spotted Cheng Xin pretending to walk by without a care. He hooked her neck and gave her a French kiss right in front of everyone.

"Wow!" The onlookers cried out in surprise. This was breeaking news!

"Student Jiang... Qiyun..." The hands on the teenager"s chest changed from resisting to grasping. Under the onslaught of the other party"s skill, Cheng Xin had no strength to retaliate and was like a pool of spring water against his body.

"Ms. Cheng, how about being my girlfriend?" Jiang Qiyun smiled wickedly.

This youth possessed a fit and slender body, and had an adorable face that was gradually becoming a little angular. The deadly charm of that period between a teenager and a man was enough to intoxicate anyone.

Amidst the crowd"s rowdy cheers, Cheng Xin blushed and answered "Okay" with an evasive voice.

Jiang Qiyun kissed his new girlfriend again, and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that face without a drop of blood.

The girl stood isolated from the crowd, as if pushed away by their aura. She was like a puppet as she watched the beautiful pair. Gradually, large pearl-like tears welled up and tumbled down her pallid cheeks.

At that moment, Jiang Qiyun felt a sharp pain coming from his heart.

When the surrounding students saw this scene, they suddenly found that they couldn"t laugh.

One side was clearly a sweet kiss, yet the other side were heartrending tears.

Linlang was crying, but she was also smiling.

Careful brother mine. Satan"s claws have already climbed up to your most vulnerable neck.

The restless crowd was now strangely quiet.

In front of everyone, a cold-faced boy stepped forward and gently wiped away her tears with a soft handkerchief. It was like he was handling a treasure.

"Let"s go."

He took the girl"s hand, and the move was gentle but resolute.

The drowning girl seemed to grab a life-saving straw and held the knight that bravely came to her aid.

There was a deep fondness in her copmliant expression.

The teenager was suddenly taken aback.

He lived so intimately with her for seven years, yet he had never seen such an expression.

It"s discomfiting.

A heavy boulder was pressed down on his chest, and breathing was extremely difficult.

It felt as though abominable thief had entered the room while the owner was away from home and s.n.a.t.c.hed his most beloved thing, only for him to discover that he doesn"t even dare to chase after it.

As we all know, the eldest miss of the Jiang family had extremely beautiful eyes. When she was happy, they bent into crescent moons, and when she was frightened, they were rounded, revealing a gullible expression.

But no one told Jiang Qiyun that as soon as she started crying, the world subsequently crumbled.

In romance, there"s a kind of love that is late to arrive called "doomed for an eternity".

At night, Jiang Qiyun tossed and turned like dumplings on a pan as he repeatedly saw that shocked and disappointed expression in his mind.

For the first time ever, the teenager who slept the moment his head fell on the pillow was suffering from insomnia.

Jiang Qiyun finally couldn"t help but return to the Jiang family.

He merely didn"t step foot in this house for a month, yet he was like an uninvited outsider.

The air was filled with unfamiliar scents, repelling his approach.

The energetic old butler was pruning flowers in the garden was and surprisingly pleased to see the young master return.

He showed great tolerance for the boy"s rebellious period. He attentively greeted him with diligence and spoke in high spirits, “This matter is really fortuitous. The young miss had just talked about a new friend and came over to ask for my opinion. Aiyo, she even planned to have a meal together. How good it is good that young master is back. The eldest miss will be overyjoyed. This is what you call a double blessing! It"s no wonder this old man heard magpies chirping when out grocery shopping."

The wrinkled old man laughed, "Young Master is the most distressed for the eldest miss. You should be her eyes and take a good look at this future son-in-law. But this old man did, and has some things to say in private; he"s a handsome and intelligent young man with a promising future. Just a year after graduation and he started his own company. The ability is a given, the key point is that he"s very very gentle and considerate towards the young miss... "

Jiang Qiyun"s heart dropped into an icehouse. His hands and feet were frigid, and a blood vessel in his brain was suddenly pulsating.

He walked stiffly into the living room.

Two people were sitting there, and the occasional servant that pa.s.sed by threw glances at them in admiration, as if to say: No pair of lovers were more suitable than them.

The soft Persian rug that cushioned the off-white sofa had been selected by the siblings together, but it was now occupied by another person.

She had a relaxed bun on her head was hugging her knees, resembling the innocence and charm of a 16-year old girl. Her cherry-colored lips were plump and moist, and her dimpled cheeks seemed to have a rose-tinted shade. She tilted her head and smiled as she quietly listened to her lover"s recital.

"If I should meet thee
     After long years,
How should I greet thee?--
     With silence and tears."

Hate iron for not becoming steel (恨铁不成钢—hèn tiě bùchéng gāng): idiom that means to show regret for someone you care about not living up to expectations. ↩︎

mtlwaifu says:  The lines at the end are from Lord Byron"s "When We Two Parted". Ironically, the poem suits the ML"s current mood to a tee.

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